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Leaving Cert

Secondary school leaving certificate.

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Careers and Job Discussion

Careers discussion from people whom have completed their leaving cert with Q&A from potential career candidates.

Leaving Cert Study Logs

Track your studying, or procrastinating, until exam time.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
14-09-20 9:54
2 589
School closure
02-01-21 13:51
2 465
Grinds School Review
27-08-17 15:13
8 5K
Wealthy students keep grip on elite degrees
12-12-20 19:51
0 354
leaving cert history project
07-12-20 18:22
2 291
How do I study Physics???
22-11-20 12:07
6 469
LC 2020 - the written exams
16-11-20 19:34
1 448
Psychometric assessment for career choice
16-11-20 18:42
6 403
Subjects easier to get H1 in?
31-08-20 23:11
17 3.7K
A problem son
12-10-20 8:26
42 9.8K
LC Orals - When do they usually take place
24-10-20 17:34
1 289
Heavy School Bags - solutions
12-10-20 20:45
3 372
Secondary School Teaching Gaeilge
05-10-20 19:59
2 397
Leaving Certificate and Junior Certificate Maths Grinds Limerick
05-10-20 17:13
0 16
Leaving Cert Economics Project 2021
03-10-20 14:07
0 349
Online/Remote Learning Options for Leaving Cert
01-10-20 13:51
0 260
Daughter not happy with LC results - anyone else? 12...45
08-09-20 11:09
219 26.1K
Leaving Cert 2021.
18-06-20 16:54
26 3.2K
Registering as external student
22-09-20 17:34
2 210
Lc or PLc
16-09-20 11:46
2 312
Leaving Cert 2021
20-09-20 21:54
4 407
Right CAO number Wrong Exam Number
11-09-20 14:17
6 919
Possible to get less than 50% in music this year?
08-09-20 18:09
3 556
Why Is The Sinn Fein Education Spokesperson
12-09-20 9:27
13 613
My son wants to go the apprenticeship route
12-09-20 20:56
11 1.3K
Massive jump in points for Dentistry/Dental Science?
12-09-20 16:01
8 910
Leaving Cert Engineering
07-09-20 21:25
4 738
Studying LC subject outside of school
25-05-20 15:41
4 726
portal is open now
07-09-20 7:52
1 463
01-05-12 17:40
22 2.9K