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Jazz & Blues

For jazz and blues discussions.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
knick knack bobby mcferrin
23-03-07 21:25
0 566
Bass player looking for people to play
22-03-07 11:14
0 568
Galway Jazz Club:Marco Kegel Group. March 27th
15-03-07 1:58
1 681
16-03-07 0:51
4 511
Branford Marsalis
02-03-07 2:27
6 569
Melvin Taylor
08-03-07 20:45
0 325
Bands to look out for?
07-03-07 16:09
2 463
Best jazz drumming?
28-02-07 22:17
9 646
Recommend me a Pat Metheny album.
28-11-06 21:28
30 1.5K
Jazz drumming
20-02-07 10:13
3 476
Headhunters gig last night (Saturday)
25-02-07 11:19
1 493
Bella Fleck
09-01-07 20:03
14 709
Jeff Healey Band
01-02-07 23:15
1 615
05-02-07 17:32
5 665
The canal street band (madrid)
06-02-07 17:54
0 416
one of our tracks improivised live
30-01-07 20:40
8 502
Allan Holdsworth...
22-01-07 18:27
7 519
BB King farewell tour (w/ Gary Moore!!!!)
30-01-07 19:51
10 703
Baldori & Seeley Boogie Bobs
24-01-07 18:59
0 297
Favourite Jazz albums of all time?
07-10-06 17:57
27 1.6K
HotCakes -- Anyone know when these guys are playing?
21-01-07 20:01
0 292
Alice Coltrane R.I.P - Queen of Cosmic Music is Dead
17-01-07 1:05
3 431
Am I alone....... ?!!
13-01-07 16:34
8 462
Michael Brecker dies !!
14-01-07 20:50
0 331
Recommend me some Dave Brubeck
04-10-06 22:48
15 1K
Trouble Penetrator
21-12-06 12:27
5 508
Miles Davis : Acoustic vs Electric Period
01-01-07 14:47
10 748
recommend me some good blues
24-10-06 18:38
14 912
Jazz Jam session anyone?
28-11-06 17:48
4 574
Drum with us
01-12-06 22:48
1 389