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Health Sciences

Evolution, genetics, neurology, anatomy, etc.
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NCHD Salary question
19-03-14 20:17
7 1.9K
Risk of Lyme Disease.
10-07-13 0:00
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treating a scar on forehead
22-03-14 2:54
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Alergy Test - Dublin
21-03-14 2:56
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Cure for Monsters under the bed
12-03-14 23:35
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New Irish resident - healthcare?
17-03-14 14:17
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Radiation dose
19-03-14 13:00
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19-03-14 14:34
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can you buy Benadryl OTC in Ireland?
18-03-14 23:30
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Mater Public Consultancy Fee? is it FREE?
18-03-14 16:46
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Eczema and ulcerative colitis medication
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BST (Medical) Programmes in Dublin
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cost of staying in public hospital
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Clinical Perfusionist
16-03-14 0:30
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Do I need a referral for an MRI?
14-03-14 16:55
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Why Yawn - Cool your Brain
13-03-14 0:03
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Private consult but public treatment?
11-03-14 12:34
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Benzo Prescribing 12
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Medical Card
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cold sore creams
21-02-14 17:54
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St.Johns Wort
19-02-14 21:54
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Medical Certs and returning to work
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ENT waitings times (private) in Dublin
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Intern Jobs
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[Lymphoma Cancer] Profit before People?
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Dunmanway day unit cuh
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Occupational Therapy Jobs
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Irish Medical Council banning certain medicinal herbs/alternative remedies 12
19-02-14 21:38
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Pharmacists Prescription Costs 12
05-12-13 14:50
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Proteins associated with specific cancers
15-02-14 13:30
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