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Health Sciences

Evolution, genetics, neurology, anatomy, etc.
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Physics with biomedical science
11-02-14 15:53
7 1.5K
Cost of an X-Ray?
10-02-14 11:46
3 870
Procedure for changing GP... Medical records all over the place
27-01-14 17:17
6 1.5K
How long to be seen by an ENT specialist on the public health system
29-01-14 16:57
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What is causing the increase in cancer levels?
27-01-14 15:44
12 1.7K
06-02-14 15:05
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Homoginised milk and Atherosclerosis
01-02-14 23:55
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which form of contraception is best to use
05-02-14 5:56
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Biomedical Science job search information
03-02-14 21:23
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medical centre pharmacies
02-09-11 23:41
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"Going forward, looking back" - NB IMO Meeting February 6th - see 1st post 12...56
19-01-13 2:00
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Getting onto a GP scheme
01-02-14 16:01
0 669
Career advice Re: Biomedical science
31-01-14 16:24
4 725
Medical records
25-01-14 14:22
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Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Conference - Cork 7 March
29-01-14 0:18
0 654
Heart Attack Support Group
26-01-14 23:34
1 459
Can I complain about the price charged by a pharmacy?
16-01-14 11:55
26 3.1K
Is it a cold or a flu ???
25-01-14 15:57
1 610
Teaching biochemistry to med students in the new year
26-12-13 4:44
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Laser nail treatment
22-01-14 10:40
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The coldsore thread......
21-01-14 19:10
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Dermatologist Recommendations????
21-01-14 18:31
1 2.5K
Foreign national wanting to work as nurse in ireland
20-01-14 6:18
1 520
Nursing Written Assessment
31-01-13 19:25
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L Tyrosine Test
13-01-14 9:20
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Public patient referred to private hospital by HSE charges?
02-11-13 1:09
2 1.2K
Cost of Skin Biopsy
15-01-14 18:23
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GP on Medical card
10-01-14 19:27
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Dublin Health Screening
14-01-14 15:13
1 603
hierarchy, chain of command in irish hospital
10-01-14 3:43
5 1.1K