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UFO/alien evidence



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 270 ✭✭GarlicBread

    The problem with this logic is that it would only make those with money even more rich, as they could be the first to take advantage of any new technology. It would be like giving them total ownership of the next internet-like* breakthrough - the internet has meant that the quality of life of everyone with access has improved, and has made society wealthier and more efficient. If the elite had the choice, do you think that

    a) they would allow the 'new internet' technology 'out of the box'? (well they did before)
    b) would they like to take ownership of such technology if it existed? (I presume they would)

    *I don't mean improved network technology, I mean the next big thing that changes the way the world works

    I think there may be alot of that stuff going on behind the scenes. Greer and others have said that theres a split within the elites going at about 50 / 50.

    It could well be that the pro disclosure faction are in a position to capitalize, while the pro secrecy faction are the ones who own the oil, gas and electrical grids.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭EarlERizer

    nullzero wrote: »
    That's an interesting point it must be said.
    There is always the possibilty that changing social factors etc really did precipitated our huge leap forward technologically.
    Perhaps saying that we were given a helping hand from who or whatever is undermining our own inate creativity and guile.

    The point is still fascinating and obviously merits some measure of consideration even from the most sceptical amongst us.

    Certainly,I wouldnt dismiss man's own creativity & guile,I couldn't,indeed over the centuries we made progress in fields of science,technology & engineering alot to the betterment of mankind but it seems that progress accelerated rapidly in the last 100 years

    ......we advance from generation to generation,passing down knowledge as we go but the world around us today is a vastily unrecognisable place to that of 50 yrs ago,even 25yrs ago.It just seems to have happened in such a short time scale compared to all that came before it.And i'm of the mind that the technologies & sciences we're exposed to today are not the absolutes that we possess.

    We have come along way from Orville & Wilbur Wright (1899) to putting exploratory machines on Mars (2004) and the permanently manned international space station in this past century.

    However,it's still baffles the greatest minds of today as to how the Pyramids were built (both Egyptian & Astecs/Myans),Machu Pichu,Easter Island,Stone henge,feats that we're unable to replicate today unless we were to use modern day technologies,engineering,science which doesnt lend itself to understanding how ancient civilisations did it.

    We all know that the ancients relied upon,put great faith in and worshipped the stars and the celestial gods,it's well documented in their writings/drawings right.......we just dont know why or how they did what they did and knew what they knew.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,540 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    EarlERizer wrote: »
    Certainly,I wouldnt dismiss man's own creativity & guile,I couldn't,indeed over the centuries we made progress in fields of science,technology & engineering alot to the betterment of mankind but it seems that progress accelerated rapidly in the last 100 years

    ......we advance from generation to generation,passing down knowledge as we go but the world around us today is a vastily unrecognisable place to that of 50 yrs ago,even 25yrs ago.It just seems to have happened in such a short time scale compared to all that came before it.And i'm of the mind that the technologies & sciences we're exposed to today are not the absolutes that we possess.

    We have come along way from Orville & Wilbur Wright (1899) to putting exploratory machines on Mars (2004) and the permanently manned international space station in this past century.

    However,it's still baffles the greatest minds of today as to how the Pyramids were built (both Egyptian & Astecs/Myans),Machu Pichu,Easter Island,Stone henge,feats that we're unable to replicate today unless we were to use modern day technologies,engineering,science which doesnt lend itself to understanding how ancient civilisations did it.

    We all know that the ancients relied upon,put great faith in and worshipped the stars and the celestial gods,it's well documented in their writings/drawings right.......we just dont know why or how they did what they did and knew what they knew.

    I think you've got a very good point.
    From my experience here I felt it was best for me to temper my fascination with what you've outlined by stating that I can also comprehend the more widely held view on such topics.

    The progress we've made over the last century or so is astounding.
    There are compelling arguments to be made for humans not being the sole protaginists of this advance nor as you eluded to the astonishing feats of engineering we oh so humbly (sarcasm detector going mad now) describe as archaic structures built by primative people.

    Perhaps an advanced human society existed a long way back in pre history and humans were responsible for utilising the knowledge employed in building the pyramids etc... or maybe there was some outside intervention.

    Alas these ideas or theories cannot be proven, nor conclusively disproven so all we can do for now is wonder.

    Glazers Out!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,455 ✭✭✭✭Monty Burnz

    EarlERizer wrote: »
    However,it's still baffles the greatest minds of today as to how the Pyramids were built (both Egyptian & Astecs/Myans),Machu Pichu,Easter Island,Stone henge,feats that we're unable to replicate today unless we were to use modern day technologies,engineering,science which doesnt lend itself to understanding how ancient civilisations did it.
    But they are not baffled as in 'how the hell could they have done it?', they are baffled as to which of various techniques they used. They are very impressive pieces of work, but then humans are very ingenious (as demonstrated by trips to the moon, genetic engineering etc. etc.).

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    EarlERizer wrote: »

    However,it's still baffles the greatest minds of today as to how the Pyramids were built (both Egyptian & Astecs/Myans),Machu Pichu,Easter Island,Stone henge,feats that we're unable to replicate today unless we were to use modern day technologies,engineering,science which doesnt lend itself to understanding how ancient civilisations did it.
    Except that's not quite true.

    This fallacy comes up a lot here and it's instantly debunked with one video.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,068 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    King Mob wrote: »
    Except that's not quite true.

    This fallacy comes up a lot here and it's instantly debunked with one video.

    That video doesn't 'debunk' anything. All it does is provide a possible explanation, a good explanation it may be, but saying that the video 'instantly debunks' what EarlERizer says, is the fallacy.

    There is absolutely no archaeological evidence to show that the techniques employed in that video were used when building ancient structures.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    That video doesn't 'debunk' anything. All it does is provide a possible explanation, a good explanation it may be, but saying that the video 'instantly debunks' what EarlERizer says, is the fallacy.

    There is absolutely no archaeological evidence to show that the techniques employed in that video were used when building ancient structures.

    He said:
    ...Stone henge,feats that we're unable to replicate today unless we were to use modern day technologies,engineering,science
    And there's a guy replicating the feat using no modern day technologies,engineering,science.

    Hence debunked.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,068 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    King Mob wrote: »
    He said:

    And there's a guy replicating the feat using no modern day technologies,engineering,science.

    Hence debunked.

    How do you know for sure that he didn't use any modern technology, engineering or science? Is there any physical evidence whatsoever that the tools or techniques he used in the video were used in different cultures all over the world to build massive structures?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!


    The FAA guy, John Callahan, presents the radar tapes and records on stage. Thats official hard FAA evidence of ufos going thousands of miles per hour. The CIA guys who briefed him afterward forgot to take the evidence away ;).

    I see him waving stuff around, has it been released?

    He doesn't mention anything about thousands of miles an hour anyway :confused: He describes a UFO incident which the CIA allegedly covered up. Sounds to me like some sort of military research that they don't want getting out. I'd take the description of "huge ball with lights running around it" with a pinch of salt. How close was it? He probably gave the best description he could without being able to discern every detail.
    EarlERizer wrote: »
    I'm of the same (or simular) mindset as you Dave but I do always wonder ,why would they do it? risk ridicule,social exclusion by their peers,subjected to been labelled 'cranks' & 'wierdo's' ,be laughed at by the majority & not taken seriously,why would anyone of good standing or elevated status put themselves through all that

    ......unless what they were saying was true or that they 100% beleived it to be.....I mean, would you take the 'risk' if you didnt whole heartedly believe you had seen/experienced something simular? I don't think I could.

    But,like you ,I always ask "why,if they have it,cant we see this supposed evidence,why do we have to always wait for the right time? and when will that be?"

    I'm sure that most are sincere, but they haven't presented any smoking gun evidence yet, so really all we have is people who witness anomalies or unexplained events, and believe they were aliens. In many cases I'd say the situation is that there is some sort of military research being conducted, or some sort of national security breach (like a foreign aircraft flying over the country), which the person isn't cleared to know about, and which the governments want to cover up. Once you see 'classified' or 'top secret', or have CIA agents trying to cover something up, then everyone's imagination runs wild if they're that way inclined. I don't think that an FAA official is immune to the conspiracy thinking that goes on in this forum, just as I don't think that a policeman or a pilot ('reliable witnesses') is immune to being mistaken in what they observe. They're human too.

    Another possibility that came to mind is that some of these people simply believe in aliens, believe there's a cover-up, etc., and so in their mind fabricating a story, if it helps put pressure on governments to come clean, is in the grand scheme of things perfectly legitimate. Just an idea.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,455 ✭✭✭✭Monty Burnz

    How do you know for sure that he didn't use any modern technology, engineering or science? Is there any physical evidence whatsoever that the tools or techniques he used in the video were used in different cultures all over the world to build massive structures?
    He's using levers and pivots, the lever being perhaps the simplest tool known to man after the poking stick. He's showing how it's possible to move heavy stones with the most basic of tools (pebbles and pieces of wood).

    Videos of these things are needed to debunk the type of simply incorrect 'received wisdom' that has somehow come to dominate the public's knowledge of ancient monuments - that nobody knows how it could have been done, with the implication that something supernatural happened. We know very well how all these things could have been done - it's the exact methods used that are the mystery.

    This type of received wisdom is in the same category as the meme about us using only 10% of our brains.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 270 ✭✭GarlicBread

    Dave! wrote: »
    I see him waving stuff around, has it been released?

    He doesn't mention anything about thousands of miles an hour anyway :confused: He describes a UFO incident which the CIA allegedly covered up. Sounds to me like some sort of military research that they don't want getting out. I'd take the description of "huge ball with lights running around it" with a pinch of salt. How close was it? He probably gave the best description he could without being able to discern every detail.

    I'm sure that most are sincere, but they haven't presented any smoking gun evidence yet, so really all we have is people who witness anomalies or unexplained events, and believe they were aliens. In many cases I'd say the situation is that there is some sort of military research being conducted, or some sort of national security breach (like a foreign aircraft flying over the country), which the person isn't cleared to know about, and which the governments want to cover up. Once you see 'classified' or 'top secret', or have CIA agents trying to cover something up, then everyone's imagination runs wild if they're that way inclined. I don't think that an FAA official is immune to the conspiracy thinking that goes on in this forum, just as I don't think that a policeman or a pilot ('reliable witnesses') is immune to being mistaken in what they observe. They're human too.

    Another possibility that came to mind is that some of these people simply believe in aliens, believe there's a cover-up, etc., and so in their mind fabricating a story, if it helps put pressure on governments to come clean, is in the grand scheme of things perfectly legitimate. Just an idea.

    Heres the wiki page for the incident, a japanese cargo plane harassed by a giant flying wallnut, yes, a damn wallnut that was somthing like 4 times bigger than the plane.

    Heres John Callahan on camara again with the evidence in his hands close up. Towards the end of the clip they zoom in and you can see the files and stuff. Its real evidence, it really exists in his hands, full stop.

    The ufo was going thousands of miles per hour becuase it was appearing and disappearing from the left and right of the plane to many miles in front of it in the space of 4 - 5 seconds.

    The japanese pilot was tramatized and when he told the truth his mental health was brought into question. He had 29 years experience flying. He saw the ufo out the front of the window, and there were two smaller ones aswell. The radar showed it being there and it was cross coroborated with tho co-pilot and control room people working on the ground. Watch this clip from a documentary about it, its a reinactment, its gives a good account of the event.

    This case was picked by the disclosure project because its a proven case with multiple witnesses. It will not be explained away by saying that they were just imagining it. It deserves a critical eye yes, but it also deserves some deep thought about what or who was flying around in a giant wallnut. The idea that the US military were producing these kind of craft in 1986 is not a viable theory.

  • Registered Users Posts: 272 ✭✭MRPRO03

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,822 ✭✭✭iPlop

    Dr Carol Rosin ,Heavily involved with the disclosure project has been working on the "Space Treaty of 2011" with former Apollo astronaut, Edgar Mitchell.She talks of different species in space and how they don't abduct people anymore.

    She claims People in high places have information about all this.She also claims that she and others connected with the disclosure project had a 1 hour meeting with some ET's about this "peace treaty"

    Now given the involvement the ruling class have with the disclosure project ,I'm gonna bet some species of "aliens" will not agree to this treaty, if you know what I mean!!;).And what happens next? Well I have my own ideas, but I'm saying nothing at the moment.The annoying thing is, she is the very woman that warned everyone in 2001 about the "last card" that would be played by governments to fool the public about the threat the ET's will pose to us.

    The treaty is below
    Astronaut and Aerospace Experts Introduce New Space Treaty

    Proponents of the banning of space-based weaponry have drafted a Treaty which will ban space-based weapons and acknowledges the existence of extraterrestrial cultures.

    Dr. Carol Rosin released the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2011 during her presentation at the International UFO Congress held last weekend in Scottsdale, Arizona to a standing ovation. Dr. Rosin, an aerospace consultant, drafted the Treaty along with Dr. Scott Jones, a former senior aide to U.S. Senator Claiborne Pell, Apollo astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, former Boeing executive Abe Krieger, and retired naval Commander Will Miller.

    Just last week the Associated Press covered a story regarding Pentagon leaders calling for the U.S. to strengthen the military in space, emphasizing the importance of satellites in waging war. They reported that General Kevin Chilton, recently retired from leading the U.S. Strategic Command, said, “We need to be thinking about how we would go into future conflicts and make sure that we unlevel [that] battlefield in our favor.” He said space has “become a critical part of every other [battlefield] domain.”

    However, this new Treaty points out the huge costs, dangers, and threats to all on Earth and in Space from space-based weaponry, emphasizing that space-based weapons would block as Dr. Rosin says, “unlimited benefits and opportunities available to all humankind in areas of health, education, the economy, mutual security, energy, and the environment, from cooperative ventures in space.” This Treaty points out that peaceful, world cooperative civil, commercial, entrepreneurial and military ventures will help solve urgent and potential problems of human needs, our environment and energy, stimulate economies, jobs and profits, and build security systems based on collaboration rather than confrontation. Indigenous nations are parties to the treaty, which can be made a law with nine nation state signatories.
    Taking a lead from the recent press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. where military officers testified that they were present when UFOs deactivated nuclear missiles, the Treaty goes on to state that, “to neutralize any missile or nuclear capability is in itself not a threat message, but does serve notice of our limited understanding of physics and the clearly dangerous consequences of continuing to use destructive technologies.” This sentiment is shared by the gentlemen who held the press conference.

    Dr. Rosin stated, “This Treaty calls on nation state presidents to immediately become Signatories to this Treaty: to sign, ratify, and send it to the office of the UN Secretary General that is the Treaty Depositary. Participants in the International UFO Congress as well as all world citizens can send this Treaty to presidents as part of a grassroots Call to Action.”

    The treaty in it’s entirety can be downloaded here


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭EarlERizer

    But they are not baffled as in 'how the hell could they have done it?', they are baffled as to which of various techniques they used. They are very impressive pieces of work, but then humans are very ingenious (as demonstrated by trips to the moon, genetic engineering etc. etc.).

    Exactly,my point been that that's were we've gotten in the last 100 years since the Wright brothers first took flight.

    They are baffled by which techniques they used as each technique they suggested 'may have' been used is still a hugh task to undertake (in relation to the scale of what they built) even in todays world.

    I'm not saying my points or suggestions are absolute, all i'm saying is that it's an area for consideration and open minded thinking.The feats achieved way back then to what we are achieving in todays advanced technological world are is the fact that inbetween the tie scale of building of such structures as the pyramids and the last 100 years there seems to be centuries of very slow 'progress' in man's amazing talents.

    But as i said, just my opinion,not saying its fact.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,377 ✭✭✭zenno

    King Mob wrote: »
    Except that's not quite true.

    This fallacy comes up a lot here and it's instantly debunked with one video.

    that video is like comparing the size of an apple to the size of the moon. let him try and move these megaliths this website publisher's comments are rediculous as to using 37,000 men to lift a megalith as there is no possible way for that many people to be close together or behind eachother to lift such a thing in the first place. but this just show's you the size some of these blocks are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    How do you know for sure that he didn't use any modern technology, engineering or science?
    Because they show the entire process? And anything he did use modern technology for (like say sawing the wood, making the blocks) are all doable in the ancient world, just less efficiently.
    Is there any physical evidence whatsoever that the tools or techniques he used in the video were used in different cultures all over the world to build massive structures?
    You mean wood, rocks and levers? Yes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,455 ✭✭✭✭Monty Burnz

    EarlERizer wrote: »
    Exactly,my point been that that's were we've gotten in the last 100 years since the Wright brothers first took flight.

    They are baffled by which techniques they used as each technique they suggested 'may have' been used is still a hugh task to undertake (in relation to the scale of what they built) even in todays world.

    I'm not saying my points or suggestions are absolute, all i'm saying is that it's an area for consideration and open minded thinking.The feats achieved way back then to what we are achieving in todays advanced technological world are is the fact that inbetween the tie scale of building of such structures as the pyramids and the last 100 years there seems to be centuries of very slow 'progress' in man's amazing talents.

    But as i said, just my opinion,not saying its fact.
    The explanations are out there. The Egyptians wanted to build pyramids, and set their talents to it and achieved it. But in other respects their society was very backwards. There has been a gradual increase in the levels of knowledge and sophistication throughout human history. I would suggest that some sort of 'tipping point' was reached in the last couple of hundred years, and the scientific method (probably the greatest discovery/invention in history) has allowed an explosion in the speed of scientific development. The amazinly rapid development of science in the last 100-150 years isn't the slightest bit mysterious as you can follow its history pretty well. The fact that it is not a mystery does not make it any less surprising when you think about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    zenno wrote: »
    that video is like comparing the size of an apple to the size of the moon. let him try and move these megaliths
    I'm sure with enough ingenuity and a large enough work force he can do it without magic.
    zenno wrote: »
    this website publisher's comments are rediculous as to using 37,000 men to lift a megalith as there is no possible way for that many people to be close together or behind eachother to lift such a thing in the first place. but this just show's you the size some of these blocks are.
    And yet here's video of one old, out of shape looking dude moving multi-ton blocks with little effort. No alien technology needed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,455 ✭✭✭✭Monty Burnz

    zenno wrote: »
    that video is like comparing the size of an apple to the size of the moon. let him try and move these megaliths this website publisher's comments are rediculous as to using 37,000 men to lift a megalith as there is no possible way for that many people to be close together or behind eachother to lift such a thing in the first place. but this just show's you the size some of these blocks are.
    The biggest stone on the list is estimated at 1160 tonnes. The single guy in the video was moving a stone that weighed 40 tonnes. So the biggest in history was 30 times bigger. Not exactly apple/moon territory :)

    So if one guy can move 40 tonnes, it's not unreasonable to suggest that that 30 guys could have moved the biggest stone in history.

    Edit: I watched the video again, and I think I misheard the weight of the block the first time: I think it's actually closer to 10 tonnes. So adjust all the numbers accordingly...

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,068 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    King Mob wrote: »
    Because they show the entire process? And anything he did use modern technology for (like say sawing the wood, making the blocks) are all doable in the ancient world, just less efficiently.

    You mean wood, rocks and levers? Yes.

    Look at the size of the platform he used to shift a relatively small rock. How come, with so many monolithic sights throughout the world, no such platform has ever been unearthed? Are there even any depictions of such things?.. they depicted just about everything else.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,455 ✭✭✭✭Monty Burnz

    Look at the size of the platform he used to shift a relatively small rock. How come, with so many monolithic sights throughout the world, no such platform has ever been unearthed? Are there even any depictions of such things?.. they depicted just about everything else.
    Presumably the platform was wooden? And the wood would be a valuable resource to re-use as fuel or whatever. When you say 'they' depicted just about everything else, who are you referring to?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,540 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    Presumably the platform was wooden? And the wood would be a valuable resource to re-use as fuel or whatever. When you say 'they' depicted just about everything else, who are you referring to?

    To be fair he made a valid point. Surely some evidence of such a platform would exist somewhere.

    I'm accustomed to the sceptics refering to the burdon of proof etc most of the time, surely you should apply that logic evenly?

    Glazers Out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭EarlERizer

    King Mob wrote: »
    Except that's not quite true.

    This fallacy comes up a lot here and it's instantly debunked with one video.

    Thats a great vid and a very impressive peice of work indeed,It certainly gives some kind of technique to the building of the henges however I would like to see if he has a video for moving the same peices up an incline as with the building of the pyramids.

    I dont doubt that man (enough of them) could achieve these feats,after all its just a structure and as some have said ,it's doable,the thing about the pryamids that strikes me is their perfect alignment,not only with eachother but with the stars above , and again with those of the Inca's n Astecs.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,455 ✭✭✭✭Monty Burnz

    nullzero wrote: »
    To be fair he made a valid point. Surely some evidence of such a platform would exist somewhere.

    I'm accustomed to the sceptics refering to the burdon of proof etc most of the time, surely you should apply that logic evenly?
    I agree. But you can't expect to find pebbles and planks of wood lying around after 5000 years.

    By the same token, we know that people got to the Americas after the landbridge was broken and before Columbus arrived. If we can't find their wooden boats, I hope you would agree that it would be odd to assume that they got there in alien spaceships or by other supernatural means, and that it would be a lot more logical to assume that the wood was just lost to history.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,555 ✭✭✭DublinWriter

    Stonehenge was a pile of rubble up until the early 19th century.

    The configuration of the stones as you see them now was fairly recent endeavour carried out by well meaning Victorian amateur Gentleman anthropologists and crypto-archaeologists.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Look at the size of the platform he used to shift a relatively small rock. How come, with so many monolithic sights throughout the world, no such platform has ever been unearthed?
    But you see I never said that they used that exact particular method, just they they could have developed a similar one or a different, much more cleverer one.
    Remember the claim was:
    ...Stone henge,feats that we're unable to replicate today unless we were to use modern day technologies,engineering,science
    And there's the guy replicating the feat without the aid of any modern technology.
    Hence the claim is debunked.
    Are there even any depictions of such things?.. they depicted just about everything else.
    Except apparently the aliens levitating the rocks into place.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    EarlERizer wrote: »
    Thats a great vid and a very impressive peice of work indeed,It certainly gives some kind of technique to the building of the henges however I would like to see if he has a video for moving the same peices up an incline as with the building of the pyramids.
    If one guy can move 10 tonne blocks by himself in his spare time I'm sure that a team of dedicated workers can figure out a good way to do it up a hill without resorting to magic.
    EarlERizer wrote: »
    I dont doubt that man (enough of them) could achieve these feats,after all its just a structure and as some have said ,it's doable,the thing about the pryamids that strikes me is their perfect alignment,not only with eachother but with the stars above , and again with those of the Inca's n Astecs.
    No pyramids align with any stars. It's a popular myth spread by pseudo-historians and has no basis in reality.
    So in what way are they aligned with each other that makes them impossible without introducing ridiculous explanations like magic or aliens?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭EarlERizer

    King Mob wrote: »
    If one guy can move 10 tonne blocks by himself in his spare time I'm sure that a team of dedicated workers can figure out a good way to do it up a hill without resorting to magic.

    without introducing ridiculous explanations like magic or aliens?

    That's twice you've referred to 'magic' & 'aliens' , I dont recall claiming any such thing.

    I apologize if I've been influenced by pseudo-historians , and again for my thinking not been in line with your obvious vast knowledge of everything to the contrary.

    Atleast if anything,this thread has unearthed a source for all things we may need answers too.

    In regard to my claim re: stonehenge/pyramids & the vide to debunk said claim,thanks for the hard evidence.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,455 ✭✭✭✭Monty Burnz

    King Mob wrote: »
    So in what way are they aligned with each other that makes them impossible without introducing ridiculous explanations like magic or aliens?
    The pyramids at Giza are aligned North-South with remarkable accuracy, but I've seen how it can be done with string, some stones and the stars. I don't know if there are any claims of similarly accurate alignment regarding the Mayan pyramids, Angkor Wat or anywhere else.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 16,540 ✭✭✭✭nullzero

    I agree. But you can't expect to find pebbles and planks of wood lying around after 5000 years.

    By the same token, we know that people got to the Americas after the landbridge was broken and before Columbus arrived. If we can't find their wooden boats, I hope you would agree that it would be odd to assume that they got there in alien spaceships or by other supernatural means, and that it would be a lot more logical to assume that the wood was just lost to history.

    You're more or less agreeing with what i said then, I haven't said one hypothesis is more relibale than the other and I've entertained both.

    However using an assumption as proof is hardly conclusive is it?

    It's just interesting to think about all possibilities.

    Glazers Out!
