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Family of seven sleep in Garda station Mod note post one



  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭Skyrimaddict

    Big Brother on RTE1 every night?


    All joking though, any case I have seen of someone " getting a house" and I have seen both positive and negative, but unfortunately the negatives are the house is wrecked, neighbors tormented etc.

    I would love to see her get the forever home, but since she made herself a media circus I think it only fair we are allowed to follow the story for a while, non intrusive like

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,347 ✭✭✭✭NIMAN

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,660 ✭✭✭DebDynamite

    I never realised until this week how utterly dreadful the level of journalism is in Ireland. It seems no journalist has their finger on the pulse of what most of the working tax paying public feel about this.
    What are we sneering at? The fact that we have a welfare state where someone like Cash who contributes Jack **** to the country can still 'earn' nearly 20,000 over the average industrial wage. If that's sneering that I will sneer all that I want.

    It's the likes of Ms Cash and her ilk who are sneering at us. While the normal person gets up every morning, or works late into the night to try to pay the bills to make ends meet and put a roof over our heads, they're sitting on their holes doing SFA while they're coining it in and coming out better than someone who does an honest day's work and pays to keep these people in the life they've become accustomed to and believe it's their ENTITLEMENT

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,049 ✭✭✭Dannyriver

    Those westerners aren't receiving grants or support as a disadvantaged part of society. They're also fully employed within the ME, and are bound by rather strict laws regarding their behavior. Wonder if we could place the travellers in compounds with curfews and inspections regarding their behavior? (as they have in the ME for many teachers)

    Frankly, the comparison is ridiculous, and shows you have no idea what you're talking about.

    No it s not, if you live in the UAE for instance you can pretty much get on with your life as you did in Ireland ...go to mass on a Sunday practice your religion, get pissed wear what you like, it's you that needs to get out a bit more fella.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,553 ✭✭✭lmimmfn

    I don't think there's any point going around in circles in this thread or singling our Mrs cash, I know this is controversial but at the end of the day its the bloody welfare system that needs an overhaul, and I would specifically single out the fact that 18 year olds who have never worked a day in their life can sign on at 18, which is obviously entertaining a welfare for life system, the same for signing up for a forever home at this age ffs.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,001 ✭✭✭ayux4rj6zql2ph

    lmimmfn wrote: »
    I don't think there's any point going around in circles in this thread or singling our Mrs cash, I know this is controversial but at the end of the day its the bloody welfare system that needs an overhaul, and I would specifically single out the fact that 18 year olds who have never worked a day in their life can sign on at 18, which is obviously entertaining a welfare for life system, the same for signing up for a forever home at this age ffs.

    At 18 as a single person you get just over €100, the incentive is there to get them off it.

    If an 18 year old girl has a child it’s:

    €198 personal
    €31.50 child
    Plus all the other goodies on offer.

    They can work 20 hours and keep the full dole as well

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,553 ✭✭✭lmimmfn

    At 18 as s single person you get just over €100, the incentive is there to get them off it.

    If an 18 year old girl has a child it’s:

    €198 personal
    €31.50 child
    Plus all the other goodies on offer.

    They can work 20 hours and keep the full dole as well
    Exactly, that's the problem, point is this case has highlighted the issue but its the welfare system they needs to be fixed not those gaming it( too late for that tbh )

    All the BS private charities and their vested interests, how's about the ****ing politicians would get their finger out of their hole and address the problem instead of laws for ****ing 0 alcohol, jez

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Dannyriver wrote: »
    No it s not, if you live in the UAE for instance you can pretty much get on with your life as you did in Ireland ...go to mass on a Sunday practice your religion, get pissed wear what you like, it's you that needs to get out a bit more fella.

    I've got friends who have worked in the ME, and have visited them at their compounds, while I lived in Asia (8 years in China, and another year split between Japan/Korea)... so... is that getting out more?

    First, living as you did in Ireland, isn't going to happen outside of a compound since you're not native and everyone will be watching your behavior. You're still living under their laws, and within the boundaries of their culture... so want to go drinking and pick up some women as a single male? Nah. Quick way to get your head smashed in and arrested. But you could live in a foreign compound, where the security guards are part paid by the State, for your own protection, and the foreigners are allowed to live as they please... as long as they respect the local culture... bear in mind though that everyone else working in the compound will be locals/natives, and will report your behavior both to the authorities, and those you have your contract with.

    The point is that you clearly have no idea of what life is like over there. I've been to three ME countries visiting friends who were working there, and i've traveled there for holidays while I was living in China.

    In any case, your comparison is still pure bollocks. Travellers in Ireland have nothing similar to Foreigners working in the ME, except for the suspicion that you're up to no good by being there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,695 ✭✭✭✭One eyed Jack

    I haven't heard/read a single bit of media criticizing Cash. Instead, the media all cricitse the government, the councils, poor planning, underfunded organisations, etc. Everything except facing the actual circumstances of her behavior, not just today but over the period of having 7 children.

    Yep, that's really what I meant when I said that Ms. Cash is being used as a 'useful idiot' in a number of ways really. The mainstream media has never cared about impartial reporting of the current news of the day. They're a business, they care about generating as wide an audience as possible, because an audience generates revenue. They know well that there are people in this country who abhor the underclass, and they know there are people who adore the underclass. They use an example like Ms. Cash and her family and her circumstances, knowing full well that people are going to be seething, but there's pretty much SFA they can do only give out about it online. Mainstream media wrings as much out of the story as possible. Just look at the news sources that have been mentioned so far - the Mirror, the Sun, the Independent, Newstalk, RTE - each and every one of them vying for audience figures. Ms. Cash and her circumstances are literally a cash cow for them. They'll keep stoking this story for as long as people get worked up about it.

    Thanks. I mean that. TBH I have nothing against Travellers, nor do I have any horrible stories about them that are so common on boards. At least no experiences that I haven't had the same with "settled" people.

    I genuinely believe in equality. Race, gender, etc. And giving benefits to the Traveller community has not worked to move them towards a healthier and more productive lifestyle. Throwing money at them hasn't worked. It's the same with virtually all Aid programs for poverty groups both in the West and abroad... Simply supporting them does not encourage them to change their circumstances.

    No I know your form like and tbh I'd completely agree with you - throwing money at people who make a full-time job out of middle-man money management is only a waste. The last thing any traveller needs is money. They have pucks of it, simple as that. The money being distributed to NGOs, vast majority of it goes on administration and generating reports for more Government funding. Nobody in the NGOs wants to choke the golden goose that keeps them in a job. From my experience of travellers, I have no doubt that Ms. Cash wants her children to be educated, most traveller women do, but she's a member of a culture where big families are the norm, and the men want their boys to be the next Andy Lee or John Joe Nevin. Education and mainstream schooling just doesn't register as a priority for them. The women want their daughters to be princesses. Concepts like 'gender equality' and all the rest of it just aren't even on their radar.

    I firmly believe the best way to resolve the problems with Travellers is to remove all benefits that are not available to "settled" people, and treat them exactly the same. No more bleeding heart gestures, no more tolerance of a "culture" different to our own. Simply change, or gtfo.

    I'd say we both know that's just not going to happen. It's certainly not going to happen now that mainstream media promotes their culture and endows upon them a celebrity status, examples of which include Paddy Doherty, Hughie Maughan and shows like My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. They're by no means done with Ms. Cash yet either.

    Uncharted wrote: »
    I do have a say in the matter,so do you. It's a democracy,albeit a flawed one.

    Public unrest regarding sham 'homelessness' is gathering speed. People are just sick of freeloaders, hiding the reality of their scheming from the social welfare.

    The kids dad working on the black economy and the mum unable to keep their legs closed.

    Gimme gimme gimme....... etc etc.

    Everyone knows these types of scrotes.

    We really don't have a say in how the Government chooses to fritter away revenue generated by the State. We have no say in policy decisions either. That's why neither you, nor I, have a say in where the Government chooses to distribute revenue, and we certainly have no say in whether ror not any individual should either be entitled to claim State benefits or not. Public unrest regarding homelessness isn't gathering any speed at all. Sure even here in this thread there have been only a small number of rather vocal contributors. I'd safely say Ms. Cash has more support than the small handful of people here complaining about her. That's the power of social media. When klaz said earlier that it's time for people to speak up, the only people who are going to speak up in public are people who feel they have nothing to lose.

    I for one don't know any of these people you refer to as scrotes or 'can't keep their legs closed' tbh, because I think that's a horrible way to speak about anyone. I certainly wouldn't support anyone who spoke about anyone like that. I really don't think you'd have as much support of what you refer to as 'the silent majority' if you did speak like that in public tbh. The likelihood is that most people would simply be indifferent to your proclamations, and you'd probably be met with an equally small minority of hobby lobbyists who are far more experienced at this craic than you are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,049 ✭✭✭Dannyriver

    I've got friends who have worked in the ME, and have visited them at their compounds, while I lived in Asia (8 years in China, and another year split between Japan/Korea)... so... is that getting out more?

    First, living as you did in Ireland, isn't going to happen outside of a compound since you're not native and everyone will be watching your behavior. You're still living under their laws, and within the boundaries of their culture... so want to go drinking and pick up some women as a single male? Nah. Quick way to get your head smashed in and arrested. But you could live in a foreign compound, where the security guards are part paid by the State, for your own protection, and the foreigners are allowed to live as they please... as long as they respect the local culture... bear in mind though that everyone else working in the compound will be locals/natives, and will report your behavior both to the authorities, and those you have your contract with.

    The point is that you clearly have no idea of what life is like over there. I've been to three ME countries visiting friends who were working there, and i've travelling for holidays while I was living in China.

    In any case, your comparison is still pure bollocks. Travellers in Ireland have nothing similar to Foreigners working in the ME, except for the suspicion that you're up to no good by being there.

    So you haven t been to the UAE you re saying yeah?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,553 ✭✭✭lmimmfn

    Dannyriver wrote: »
    So you haven t been to the UAE you re saying yeah?
    Would you quit it with the random tangents, open another thread if you want to discuss your "issues" ffs

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,365 ✭✭✭Alrigghtythen

    KrustyUCC wrote: »
    Not the first one to do so

    Laundry apologists live among us

    "laundry apologists" another quote to add to the list of buzz words being used by certain people defending her actions (On fb) . It's almost like someone is feeding them what to say

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    lmimmfn wrote: »
    Exactly, that's the problem, point is this case has highlighted the issue but its the welfare system they needs to be fixed not those gaming it( too late for that tbh )

    Seriously? You don't think the people gaming the system need to be dealt with? Just welfare?

    Nah. The problem is with Irish society, and expecting there to be "special" cases like Cash here, who should be allowed to behave the way she does because it's rare. Laws need to be enforced to be effective. Here we have a clear example of someone gaming the system, and what? No punishment. No legal action against her. Instead, she's rewarded for her efforts with a House.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Dannyriver wrote: »
    So you haven t been to the UAE you re saying yeah?

    Really pathetic. Just sad. Is that really the best you could do? :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,049 ✭✭✭Dannyriver

    lmimmfn wrote: »
    Would you quit it with the random tangents, open another thread if you want to discuss your "issues" ffs

    Someone made the point that Travelers should forget about their own culture and join Irish mainstream culture and that you cant have it both ways...I made the point that in the UAE Irish people are allowed maintain their culture and have it both ways. I ve only responded to those that dispute that s not at all a case of random tangents.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,049 ✭✭✭Dannyriver

    Really pathetic. Just sad. Is that really the best you could do? :rolleyes:

    If you knew what you were talking about you d realise that was the only answer to your rant

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,553 ✭✭✭lmimmfn

    Seriously? You don't think the people gaming the system need to be dealt with? Just welfare?

    Nah. The problem is with Irish society, and expecting there to be "special" cases like Cash here, who should be allowed to behave the way she does because it's rare. Laws need to be enforced to be effective. Here we have a clear example of someone gaming the system, and what? No punishment. No legal action against her. Instead, she's rewarded for her efforts with a House.
    I disagree but I get your viewpoint. Laws in this country are brought in to tackle the lowest common denominator, alcohol limit, smoking in cars, why can't the same apply to these scenarios? There should be no special cases

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Dannyriver wrote: »
    If you knew what you were talking about you d realise that was the only answer to your rant

    8 years a teacher/lecturer in China, with time spent in Japan and Korea. You do realise that those who teach professionally in foreign countries travel around and talk to each other? Strike up friendships and compare the lifestyles/working standards of the places we've experienced? Also visit each other during our holiday periods, because it's nice to know someone in an unfamiliar country?

    I've known many foreign teachers who have lived in the ME. So, no, your comparison with Travellers is so far off base to be... well.. ridiculous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,922 ✭✭✭spookwoman

    NIMAN wrote: »

    Got through the first 4 lines and thought someones got a chip on their shoulder.

    Who is right, who has the right to take the moral high ground? I know one thing for sure people need to take responsibility for their own lives.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,049 ✭✭✭Dannyriver

    8 years a teacher/lecturer in China, with time spent in Japan and Korea. You do realise that those who teach professionally in foreign countries travel around and talk to each other? Strike up friendships and compare the lifestyles/working standards of the places we've experienced? Also visit each other during our holiday periods, because it's nice to know someone in an unfamiliar country?

    I've known many foreign teachers who have lived in the ME. So, no, your comparison with Travellers is so far off base to be... well.. ridiculous.

    No one compared teachers in the middle east to travelers that s just your emotional outrage to my original remark preventing your ability to decipher my point. I was speaking about cultures being allowed to exist side by side [ours and theirs] in a middle eastern country, namely the UAE.

    I take it you ve never been to the UAE or those teachers you ve spoken to didn t tell you of their experiences in the UAE yeah?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,660 ✭✭✭DebDynamite

    I'm 41 years old, and have been working since I was 18 (while I was in University). Out of all the apartments, and houses, I have lived in, I would say two were of a standard that I wanted to live in them (one being the house I have a mortgage on). Most were within my price range, or barely adequate although with a bit of work, became comfortable. And even then, none of them were in particularly exclusive or wonderful locations.

    The point is that most of us have to work up to the point where we can afford a place we want to live in. It takes time.

    This is more of this entitlement crap that has afflicted this country. That people are entitled to a wonderful lifestyle without the commitment to improve their lot. Well... they're not. At least, not off the back of the taxpayer. If they want those places to live, they can go out and work for them, like the rest of us.

    And based on the contributions to this thread, Cash is receiving as much as 56k euro... you really think she can't afford to rent an apartment in a less than desirable area?

    Yeah, and that's only what she's getting from the state. You'd be naïve in the extreme if you believe she's not benefitting from ill-gotten gains and the proceeds of crime, given her and her husband's history

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,397 ✭✭✭✭pjohnson

    Yeah, and that's only what she's getting from the state. You'd be naïve in the extreme if you believe she's not benefitting from ill-gotten gains and the proceeds of crime, given her and her husband's history

    Ah sure why not blame her for a few murders while your at it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,555 ✭✭✭Roger Hassenforder

    Dannyriver wrote: »

    ... your emotional outrage to my original remark preventing your ability to decipher my point.

    Dude, if someone needs to "decipher" your point, you may not be getting your message accross!

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,536 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    Mod: Enough about going to the UAE (or whatever that's all about)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,728 ✭✭✭✭padd b1975

    Imagine stigmatizing your children like that by having them dragged to a garda station and the. Releasing pics of it.

    Truly horrendous carry on from the one who is suppose to look after them.

    They had enough obstacles in life without that shi*e.
    She then went national radio and imitated her own son voicing his fears of being bullied when his classmates would learn of his night in a Garda station.

    Lowest of the low right there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,049 ✭✭✭Dannyriver

    Dude, if someone needs to "decipher" your point, you may not be getting your message accross!

    Would that it were that simple

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,192 ✭✭✭Samsgirl

    Travelers used to drive around the country and pulling in where ever they wanted. That's now illegal. We haven't embraced their culture.

    They also didn't beat up 90 year old ladies and ransack peoples homes.
    Which is also illegal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,049 ✭✭✭Dannyriver

    Samsgirl wrote: »
    They also didn't beat up 90 year old ladies and tansack peoples homes.
    Which is also illegal.

    I think you ll find that activity from the settled community also no?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Samsgirl wrote: »
    They also didn't beat up 90 year old ladies and ransack peoples homes.
    Which is also illegal.

    That is some comparison you have there

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,365 ✭✭✭Alrigghtythen

    But at the end of the day I’m entitled to a house, I still haven’t got my house yet.”

    Everyone keeps picking it up wrong. It’s only on a monthly basis, temporary, it is not my forever home, like.


This discussion has been closed.