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Prison Break



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,787 ✭✭✭tvnutz

    basquille wrote:
    Loved Abruzzi and Scofield double-crossing of Fibonacci and also the inclusion of yet another unwanted guest in PI along with T-Bag. They'll end up bringing half the prison out with them if these new additions to PI keep coming!

    Ye I thought that was great too,how many more will find out?? it only makes it more interesting and far more complicated for Michael.

    This conspiracy thing just gets weirder and deeper and it is so annoying! annoying in a good way though! at first you hate the secret service guys because you think they are beyond everything and everyone,they are working for the vice president. But now there are other players,bigger ones..."the company"?? wtf? lol Then that guy who looks like an awkward loser but is actually a deadly nutjob.

    Yes I do love this show now...and it will be replaced with 24? When was the last time 24 was any good?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,713 ✭✭✭✭jor el

    tvnutz wrote:
    I unspoiled this bit as it's not relating to PB. Yes I do love this show now...and it will be replaced with 24? When was the last time 24 was any good?
    Episode 23 of season 3. It wasn't great, but it was good.

    Anyway, I've now caught up with all the prison break drama and this is definitely my show of the moment. Like Lost last year, you never quite know what's coming next.
    Obviously they're getting out soon, I wonder will it be in the last few minutes of episode 13, and then a break for God knows how long :mad: With Abruzzi still looking for Fibonacci, and the unwanted guests joining them, it could get quite heated when they do finally make it.

    Loved the double-cross though. I was wondering what the hell Schofield was going to do now that he'd lost his control, then bam!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭digiman

    Nearly getting sick of saying that every episode is excellent but have to say it again I suppose. The show is getting a bit far fetched but to be honest I couldn't care less.
    Teabag has to go now, but can't see how it is going to work unless they kill someone, 4 days to go now until they break out, and 2 episodes left, i wonder how it is going to finish up??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25 Kodac

    I've seen the first 5 ep's, at least I think it was 5, you know how it is when you watch them all in a row- they tend to blend together. Anyhow, I was worried to start off it would just be another Oz-type thing- never liked that- but I got into it really quick. I just love Dominic Purcell, John Doe was a great show!
    Does anyone know what the lead guy, Wentworth Millar has been in? Cause he is SO familier looking- IMDB doesnt have him down in memorable roles that I can see, was he maybe a model? Its bugging me!
    Also- quirky fact- both Wentworth Millar and Dominic Purcell, the two lead charecters, were born in the UK!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,713 ✭✭✭✭jor el

    Must watch the new episode this evening, nearly read your spoiler there digiman but I stopped just as I read Teabag.

    Anyway, does Dominic Purcell remind anyone else of Mel Gibson? I think he keeps sounding like Mel (especially they way he talked in Payback) and he even looks like him sometimes, like in this pic on imdb

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭Smurfpiss

    jor el wrote:
    Anyway, does Dominic Purcell remind anyone else of Mel Gibson?
    Meh i suppose.
    he reminds me more of a lego man. if ever there is a lego movie surely he is first to be cast.
    yup the heat is on now, one of em has to go and it's gotta be either tea bag or c-note.
    now that the db cooper wants in...things are getting interesting.
    I really like the chemistry going on between michael and sarah.....god damn id give up my brother for a bit of action with her..
    why are there are only two episodes left, why??

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,355 ✭✭✭✭Supercell

    This has to be one the best of the current crop imho , alongside Boston Legal for originality and entertainment value.

    Hard to see how it could be extended beyond more than one season, unless they do finally escape and it turns into a chase show....which could be pretty good also if done right.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 55,474 ✭✭✭✭Mr E

    Hard to know..... 4 days to the escape, 2 episodes left before the break, something has to go seriously wrong.

    And I'm loving every minute of it.

    Another great one this week, apart from Holly Valances dodgy accent!

  • Registered Users Posts: 43,840 ✭✭✭✭Basq

    Brillant brillant stuff this week!

    Some incredibly nerve-racking stuff from
    Nick being shot in the back to the scenes with LJ being shot at and chased

    And aren't things getting mighty interesting inside the prison? Westmoreland and Tweener also wanting to get in on the escape... i knew the topic would come up at some point that the group is getting far too crowded for Michael's plans.

    Bound to be T-Bag or C-Note getting the cold shoulder alright - but how will they execute the little plan? Pitching Tweener to do something he'd probably take some sort of enjoyment out of and take out his little harassee, T-Bag but don't think Michael would allow that.

    Really looking forward to the next 2 week's episodes.... but then what?! :(

    PS - guaranteed to leave us on an absolute killer of a cliffhanger..!!

    PPS - never wanna see Holly Valance spoil an excellent show ever again! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭masterK

    Every week I keep thinking this show will flatten out, yet the opposite happens, it keeps getting better and better. There are so many twists that you don't see coming. I'm still sort of wondering what they can possibly fit into another 11 episodes which will basically encompass a 4 day period.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,713 ✭✭✭✭jor el

    basquille wrote:
    PPS - never wanna see Holly Valance spoil an excellent show ever again! :D
    Yeah, she is a bit pants isn't she :v: ........

    that was a great episode, T-bag is the obvious choice to leave behind, but how? He'll squeal like a pig if they decide to drop him from the team, so they'd have to silence him. I'm sure C-note or Abruzzi would have no problems doing this.

    Also, the two agents leaving your man down the well, can't say I didn't see that coming but still, I didn't really expect them to do it. The lead agent seems to be turning into quitethe badass!

    Then there's Bellick, he's on to Michael now so I can see him throwing a spanner in the works just before the escape too.

    For the final two episodes? I'd say the next one will concentrate on bumping off one of the crew and then the final will end either just before the breakout, or just after it. Then it's an umpteen week wait for Fox to get off their arses and finish the series.

  • Registered Users Posts: 139 ✭✭soiaf

    Smurfpiss wrote:
    I really like the chemistry going on between michael and sarah.....god damn id give up my brother for a bit of action with her..

    Well, he can always set up the prison break and then decide that he himself has to stay behind - for the good of the plan :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,787 ✭✭✭tvnutz

    Great Episode,still really tense and well written...the pace never seems to slow down,does it?
    who to go? hope its T Bag,they guy who plays him is a great actor,but his character needs to go. I really hope Bellick gets a bullet,or just dead,hate the guy.

    Was it just me or did LJ push that agent through the wooden cover of the well? yet the other agents just pulled it over from the side and put it back on :confused::p

    It will be interesting to see how it ends,and if they will leave us on a huge cliffhanger. I still don't see why they could'nt pair it with would give it a great ratings boost.

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 17,990 Mod ✭✭✭✭ixoy

    Oh for crying out loud - another great episode!!!!
    How much did I love Quinn? Sandpapering his face? HAH! And his love of casual violence. He's fun. I was kind of sad to see him get all Samara-ed by Kellerman but then I love Kellerman too. You could just tell exactly what he was going to do as soon as he appeared and he clearly relished it..

    LJ, far from being an annoying dumb kid, is really proving himself isn't he? He's smarter than Veronica because he didn't want to let Quinn in and he was nimble enough to knock Quinn into the well. He should dump that dumb bitch and strike out on his own... And I still don't really trust Nick...

    I know Michael's scheme is stupidly elaborate but I *so* digged his convoluted plan to get married to bring in a credit card to use as a swipe card to get a watch and tape recorder ONLY to record the sound of guards keys clinking. Utterly bonkers stuff but bloody wonderful too!

    So now bets on who gets left behind - is T-Bag just a bit too obvious?

    Oh and I won't even think about the fact there's only 2 episodes left when other shows have fully seasons without breaks and are less deserving (and given how good 'Prison Break' is that includes nearly every other single show!)

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 35,266 Mod ✭✭✭✭pickarooney

    Excellent episode except, as usual, the outside-world stuff left a bit to be desired. I mean,
    that kidnapping scene, seriously? Why does every kidnapping scene ever made (including about 4 per week in 24) have to be exactly the same? Woman gets trapped by bad guy, threatened, tied to a chair and left there for some reason. Woman scoots over to aknife, bandsaw, naked flame or other bleeding obvious method of cutting her bonds, frees herself and scoots back to where she was just in time for the bad guy to get back, surprises the baddie (who's obviously never seen TV before, let alone taken a course in how to tie someone up and not leave them alone to free themselves), and run away, leaving him groggy and FULLY ARMED. Oh noes! Bad guy wasn't that groggy and manages to catch our hapless heroine once again - teh suspense! - only to be outwitted by her partner who's shown up in the nick of time and sneaked up on Mr. Evilman.
    Don't know why I spoilered that, as there's nothing remotely unexpected in it :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,713 ✭✭✭✭jor el

    leaving him groggy and FULLY ARMED.
    The rest I'd forgive, but that was a little silly.
    I'd have picked up the gun and shot him with it, then there'd be no hurry escaping. But, in TV land even though Quinn was going to kill them, the good guys are never allowed to bring themselves down to the bad guy's level.

    Though I guess it was kind of essential for the plot, to have Kellerman turn up and then leave Quinn down the well. Gives a bit more insight into him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 139 ✭✭soiaf

    Great episode!
    Lots happening this week.
    Not sure I believe Abruzzi turning religious however. Plenty of plot development, and just as the escape seems right on target... another plot twist. Got to love this show :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,474 ✭✭✭✭Mr E


    Just when you think they can't twist it any more, they pull an episode like that!

    Holy sh1t, is all I can say. Holy sh1t.

    No matter what they do in 24, its going to me a letdown after prison break. 1 episode to go, then 5 months cold turkey. Crap.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭digiman

    Amazing stuff again, there more twists in that than I have ever seen in an episode before in my life. There are just so many talking points about it.
    I wonder now will Lincoln even need to get out, seeing as the other agent might give her all the info she needs. His phone is bound to have been tapped, so that will probably end that story.
    I know what you are saying about 24, it won't be able to live up to this at all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,205 ✭✭✭digiman

    Just seen this on another forum, one of the producers of prison break was found dead in an hotel room with overdose:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭Smurfpiss

    digiman wrote:
    Just seen this on another forum, one of the producers of prison break was found dead in an hotel room with overdose:

    Thats terrible. horrible way to go..

    I think this episode was great. tense as usual and full of crazy twists.
    however, i'd call this the moment of stupidity episode.
    TJ going to his mothers grave while he's wanted for her murder and it's one of the first place the SS men will look.
    Abruzzi going all jesus crazy. Look where that got him.
    The SS guy supposedly changing sides. he's gonna die.
    and of course lincoln punching the guard, thus landing himself in the SHU, defeating the purpose of the escape and smearing suspicion all over what they're up to in the break room.
    Now i'm not saying these aren't great twists, they are (though the jesus one is a bit mad) but my god talk about blonde moments...

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 35,266 Mod ✭✭✭✭pickarooney

    I have to say
    I'm glad T-bag survived, though Abruzzi, despite his weird-ass accent and dodgy god-bothering was a decent character.
    Not too much focus on outside this week, probably for the best, but the possible deal-breaking coat-turning is such an obvious 24-style red-herring it's hard to get excited about it. The advancement in Scofield's plan was probably the best bit of an all-round deadly episode.

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 17,990 Mod ✭✭✭✭ixoy

    Great as ever:
    I'm assuming GoodAgent is actually honest but that Kellerman doesn't actually trust him and will tail him for the meeting...

    Loved the whole filling the room up with water - it's straight out of classic RPGs :) The sheer insanity of the plan is always good for a laugh.

    Abruzzi's death was very Oz. I prefer T-Bag, if only because he's so utterly vile. I thought he'd be let live and we'd see him ratting to the warden by the episode's end - I like it when I'm wrong.

    Oh and I love Bellick.

    Just trying not to think of the 1 episode left and that '24' is going to be replacing it in January. It really shows just how crap '24' has become when you get a fresh show like this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 765 ✭✭✭Smurfpiss

    Ok in all likelyhood abruzzi is dead. A slashed throat tends not to just leave a nasty mark. But until i actual see his corpse i'm holding my breath. He's too good a character to die!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,713 ✭✭✭✭jor el

    Great episode, can't wait for next week, even though it'll be the last for some time. Anyway,
    what happens with their escape if Abruzzi isn't there? Is the plance organised and so on? Great to see the twists like T-bag slashing Abruzzi and Lincoln being carted off just as the plan comes together. Abruzzi going all Jesus was a bit daft, would killing a child be enough to push a hard man over the edge? I dunno, but it was super stuff all the same.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 35,266 Mod ✭✭✭✭pickarooney

    I didn't know what
    C-Note was bringing to the party, but in the last ep I think he said he was organising the plane, and that only he and Westmoreland were really indispensable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,787 ✭✭✭tvnutz

    Ye another great episode,despite the several moments of stupidity!
    LJ going to the funeral...ok it was his mother,but he should have known! Lincoln hitting the guard! Come on! The whole purpose of the break was because he was on death row!

    Abruzzi was a cool character...pity he had to go,T-Bag is so vile you want him to get it. Good twist though. Abruzzi going all religious was interesting...and not impossible,he has kids himself,even the hardest men have a soft spot when a 5 year old kid gets gunned down,especially if he was responsible for it.

    1 episode left??? how can they do this!? it will be a pain in the ass cliff hanger and we will have to wait months!!! :mad: :( I agree...screw 24,bring back this great show! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭Matthewthebig

    I liked the episode. getting very climactic.
    I've been thinking though, that Tbag cuts Fabbruzzti with a razor blade hidden in his mouth. Fair enough. But would he not have had a hard time keeping it there while being beaten to a pulp?

  • Registered Users Posts: 43,840 ✭✭✭✭Basq

    Bumping this up for discussion of tonight's episode and also..

    .. don't know if this has been mentioned already but am just watching some episodes from the 2nd season of Carnivale. And i knew i recognised T-Bag from somewhere... he played Tommy Dolan (the radio broadcaster) in Carnivale.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 55,474 ✭✭✭✭Mr E

    Just an FYI, are listing episode 14 as being on Monday March 6th....
