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Due January 2013!!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭petalgumdrops

    Congrats Sleeping Beauty. Lovely xmas present... And tigerton ya must be so excited.. Great that u know that either way they will start u off 2moro. Hope ur getting plenty of rest. Hows everyone else feeling?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Aww congrats sleeping absolutely delighted for ye. Its great that your little woman is feeding so well too. @tiger ton good luck tomorrow and don't be worrying about being induced. I was on my last and my labor lasted five hours two mins from the time they broke my waters (they didn't do anything else to induce me) till my daughter was born. They also said it would have been at least an hour to an hour and a half less if I hadn't of gotten the epidural and went to sleep lol. @tigress one week left to go woohoo. Make sure ya rest up while ya can. I'll be 32 weeks on Monday and we're fully expecting babs to arrive in the next two to four weeks. I've been getting contractions on and off the last few days with bits of my plug making random appearances but other than that nothing. Hope everyone's Xmas went well. Had a quite one here. My 8 yr old came home from his dads Xmas eve with the flu which he has now passed in to me. So its been duvet days for all if us over the hols lol (any excuse really).

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭SaucySue

    Good luck later Tigerton (if you havent already started!) and congrats Sleeping Beauty.

    Hows everyone else doing? Not much news here,still no sign of proper contractions or of baby dropping. Getting lot more movement today though than have had for while so maybe she is getting ready for something! Fingers crossed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Best of luck today Tigerton! Hope everything goes quickly and well :) x

    Aw Thumby sorry to hear ya all have the flu.. I had it for 3 weeks and only just over it! We had the vomiting bug here again :( thankfully we've all come back around! Do you think you'd be happy or fed up if baby decides to stay put till the 37 weeks? How's the SPD?
    Only 6 days left here and still so much to get done! All I wanna do is sleep.. If only my 1year old understood!
    My bags have now been put into the car as a just encase lol! Just have to do a big clean up before I go in on Fri and I'll be happy! Hope my OH keeps the house clean though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Ah tigress it wouldn't be xmas if at least one of my kids wasn't sick. They seem to take it in turns every year lol. there's no way babs is staying put till 37 weeks. I wouldn't mind if he/she did on the condition the spd eases up. I can't even sit today with tears coming to my eyes. What time are you booked in for on friday? What hospital are ya in? Baby brain has made me forget lol

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Thumby wrote: »
    Ah tigress it wouldn't be xmas if at least one of my kids wasn't sick. They seem to take it in turns every year lol. there's no way babs is staying put till 37 weeks. I wouldn't mind if he/she did on the condition the spd eases up. I can't even sit today with tears coming to my eyes. What time are you booked in for on friday? What hospital are ya in? Baby brain has made me forget lol

    I don't know lol! I'm back in Portlaoise on Wed and I gather she will tell me then! It's all booked as I was there when she made the phone call to the surgical place but that's all I know so far! Was meant to go in on Thurs but I was too ill so she may have told me then.. We'll know what time on Wed though :)
    That's awful about the SPD :( not too long left though hun! No more walking to the schools though :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Oh yeah you have bi*chface lol. Well whatever time they tell ya be prepared for a looooong wait. I was waiting 15 hours. And the first three of those were for a bed.
    I can't even walk from the car to the shop atm. I don't know if it's just the spd or something else in conjunction with it. I just feel "wrong" today if ya get me? Ah sure i'm back up on friday. I'm sure your oh will keep the house sorted while you're in. Failing that he ll nab a female and get them to give the place a once over before bringing you home lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Lol well I hope it's not 15 hours to wait for the section considering ya have to fast aswell! Hopefully I can get it all done in the morning, I'll let ya know what she says on Wed!
    Sounds like it could be more than the SPD! I thought I was bad but it's nothing in comparison to what you have :( have you gone to Physio at all for it? Tried the belt? Big hugs xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    I doubt you'll be waiting that lng. It was just my luck they had a gansy load of spontaneous labours the same day. Lol.
    I think myself i may have the beginnings of another kidney infection, i'll see how i am throughout the day and if i'm still the same or worse i'll be heading to the coombe. I'm not waiting till friday. I'm still waiting on my appointment with the physio to be sent out from the hospital. At the rate they are going i'll have had the babs before i even get an appointment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Hi ladies. Hope you are all well!

    My little girl was born this morning by c section after the induction yesterday failed to progress.
    Wouldn't have been my first choice to have a section but I'm so relieved she's here now safe and well and the staff In the Rotunda have been amazing.
    She weighs 8lbs 13 so she's a decent size. I'm so in love with her!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Tigerton wrote: »
    Hi ladies. Hope you are all well!

    My little girl was born this morning by c section after the induction yesterday failed to progress.
    Wouldn't have been my first choice to have a section but I'm so relieved she's here now safe and well and the staff In the Rotunda have been amazing.
    She weighs 8lbs 13 so she's a decent size. I'm so in love with her!

    Massive congrats Tigerton! Fine sized baby :) so glad she got here ok and that you're recovering! What did you calm her?? Make sure you take it easy over the next few weeks! A section is a long recovery. Enjoy every minute of her xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Thumby wrote: »
    I doubt you'll be waiting that lng. It was just my luck they had a gansy load of spontaneous labours the same day. Lol.
    I think myself i may have the beginnings of another kidney infection, i'll see how i am throughout the day and if i'm still the same or worse i'll be heading to the coombe. I'm not waiting till friday. I'm still waiting on my appointment with the physio to be sent out from the hospital. At the rate they are going i'll have had the babs before i even get an appointment.

    Lol it'll be my luck that ill be left waiting hours and be starving lol!
    Awe no, boo for the kidney infection! You should def go in if you're feeling it starting! Better safe then sorry hun.. You're having such a rough time of it :( big hugs x
    I woke at 4am in agony with cramps, as I've never went through labour I didn't know if that's wht it was so I started timing at 6am and it was happening every 20 mins.. By 8am it was every 10 mins and just as I was about to phone the hospital and my Mum to mind the baby it all stopped! Nothing since apart from feeling sickly.. Guess it was just BH?! Who knows..

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Many congrats tigerton!

  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭missis aggie

    Great news Tigerton, congratulations :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    @tigerton hugh congrats on the not so little girl :-D absolutly thrilled for you. With babs being that size maybe the failed induction was a blessing in disguise. Its great you're being looked after so well too, rest up while you can.
    @tigress i wouldn't be too sure about those being bh's hicks, it could be a slow start to things. Fingers crossed for you hun. I'm going to make dinner for the kids in a lil bit and sort out my emergency bag and labour bag into one instead of two and see how i am then. I'm pretty sure its another infection as when i went to the bathroom when i wiped (sorry about them tmi) the tissue was dark yellow with a pinkish tinge and i had more gloopy stuff couldn't figure out what colour that was though because of everything else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Massive congrats tigerton, wishing you all the best with you new bundle of joy.

    Thumby hopefully u get sorted.

    36 weeks now so need to start thinking about hospital bag. How many pairs of pjs do u think we need? Also what about clothes for in the day at the hospital?

    We put the cot up today... Love it... Cant believe this is happening

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    That sounds awful Thumby! Have you gone into the Coombe to be checked?

    Nicky I'd just pack an old nightie for the labour ward and then maybe 2 pairs of PJ's! Pack lightly and then leave extras out ready to go if you need them then your OH can grab them for you :) if you go natural you could be home in 2 days on your 1st so ya don't need that much :)

    Putting up the cot is very exciting! We have ours up and the basket downstairs and made and ready for this little guy! Your baba will be here before ya know it x

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Thanks tigeress, i was thinking two pairs!

    I am using my sisters moses and crib so plan to wash them tues then put them in place next weekend.
    Very exciting but im getting impatient now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    I wouldn't go mad washing everything just yet as you for want the sheets getting dusty :) in saying that I've mine done and just put an extra spare sheet over the basket so that it doesn't get dusty or anything while waiting :)

    Is anyone else as hungry constantly as I am?? I'm eating then 15 mins later I'm hungry again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Well i'm back in the coombe for a bit again :-( thankfully its only another infection and not preterm labour which they checked for. Babs is doing fine i'm just sore/bored/tired etc. But at least i don't have to wait a few days for meds from my gp and then another few days for them to work. I'll be getting blasted with them soon enough. Lol

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  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Nicky30

    36 weeks myself tomorrow.

    We got a crib instead of the moses basket.

    Just have to sort the hospital bag now ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,030 ✭✭✭yellow hen

    Thumby wrote: »
    Well i'm back in the coombe for a bit again :-( thankfully its only another infection and not preterm labour which they checked for. Babs is doing fine i'm just sore/bored/tired etc. But at least i don't have to wait a few days for meds from my gp and then another few days for them to work. I'll be getting blasted with them soon enough. Lol

    Jees thumby, this has been a roller oater pregnancy for you. Hope infection clears ASAP and you get home. It must be mentally v wearing as well as physically :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Ah Thumby hope the antibiotics start to kick in soon and give you a bit of relief.

    I'm back to the dr today and hospital next Monday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Just back from my GP check up.... Signed of until mat leave (2weeks) on bed rest with high blood pressure. Urine was ok so she's happy for me to be on bed/sofa rest and back in first thing Wednesday morning for bp and urine check!

    Hopefully all will be ok. Have so much to do tho. Will get hospital bag packed tomo I think just in case.

    How's everyone else doing??

    What's everyone's plans for tonight??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    That's great that you've been signed off Nicky! Make sure you take it easy and relax, you won't be able to once your baba arrives :) stuff to do can always wait (although I never listen to that myself)
    My plan for tonight is to go to bed lol! We went out for dinner earlier with our 1year old as we're 1 year engaged today, just relaxing now then gonna do some cleaning and head to bed to sleep out the new year!

    Thumby I hope you're feeling better today! Do you know when they're gonna let you home?

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Ah happy engagement anniversary.

    Relief to be signed off but just hope bp settles or I reckon she might send me to the hospital wed if not.

    I myself will prob be asleep but will prob set alarm just to say I saw in the new year.... Will see. I was never a big new yr fan anyway.

    As of a few hours time we will all be saying that our babies are finally due this month!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Thanks for all the congrats, I'm over the moon. Still can't believe she's here and how gorgeous she is.

    Happy New Years to you all - I'm dying to hear all about all the little January babies in the next month. I really found this thread of a huge help and support so thanks for that! See you all in the newborn threads :) x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Nicky987 wrote: »
    Ah happy engagement anniversary.

    Relief to be signed off but just hope bp settles or I reckon she might send me to the hospital wed if not.

    I myself will prob be asleep but will prob set alarm just to say I saw in the new year.... Will see. I was never a big new yr fan anyway.

    As of a few hours time we will all be saying that our babies are finally due this month!!!

    Just make sure you rest loads & hopefully it'll come down! It'll be nice to have a few weeks at home before baby arrives :) although I've been off for a few weeks and daytime tv has me driven mad lol! Thankfully I have my 1 year old to occupy me haha!

    I know, it's weird to think I'm 9 months pregnant now! I can't believe he's gonna be here on Friday! I'm quite terrified about going through another section but if its best for him then I'm happy to do it :) can't wait to see what he looks like! We had a 3D scan at 26/27 weeks and he looked exactly like his big brother but ya never know! Weight wise I'm not sure if he'll be as big a baby.. My OH thinks bigger!

    Did you stay up in the end Nicky? I was asleep by 10pm lol!

    Tigerton so glad that everything is going so well :) x

    Thumby how are you doing?

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Tigeress, how exciting your new addition will be here in 3more sleeps (or more like 3 more sleepless nights!!)

    I fell asleep but himself work me up just in time to watch the fireworks! Feel so unsociable lately, in bed early then up most hours in the night!!!

    We put the crib up- well he did while I watchd! His so excited and just wants them here now!!hopefully she will come in two weeks, which will be 38.5 weeks! Il be happy for her then rather than keeping us waiting any more.

    It's crazy we're having it babies THIS year and THIS month!!,

    Hopefully bp will have settled by tomo- have no other symptoms and I'm not one that can 'rest' on demand!!

    How's everyone getting?

    How are you Thumby? Antibiotics working?.

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  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    Thumby - how are you ?
    3 days over due now so coming to join you girls , hopefully today is the day I can not take much more of this pregnancy !
    I am a January baby as are both of my girls :-)
