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Due January 2013!!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Hopefully Tuesday will go well for you Princessa and they will give you a date for induction. In the mean maybe time try all the old wives tales to get things started yourself.

    I'm wrecked today. Popped into town this morning for a few bits and my god it really takes it out of me now. Had a nap in the afternoon cos I just couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Ah i think the old wives tales are a pile of tripe to be honest. Havent tried raspberry leaf tea now i must say as id say its rotten but i tried everything on my first and not a stir, she had to be drugged out at 10 days over.

    Having a few cramps in my belly, praying they turn into something but id say its just the braxton hicks going to start up as i get ready to go to bed. Lol. Who knew pregnancy could turn you so pessimistic coming to the end.

    Went to get my nursing bras today, i was sooooo shocked. Ive gone from a 34B pre pregnancy to a 38D. On my last little girl i only went up to a 36D, does that seem like an excessive jump in the back size? Anyways they are comfy out and thats what matters. My 3 year old had a ball in Debenhams, she was unclipping the nursing bras, she thought i was hilarious that they had clips that came up and down ha ha. She called them fun bras and the normal bras were boring ones ha.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Oh my god, i cant get the babys foot out of my side.... ive been rubbing it and changing position. If you came out then you would have more space and could do all the stretching you want.... :rolleyes: 38 weeks tomorrow. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Nicky30

    I'm 34 weeks today :)

    Everything is ready, pram, crib etc

    Going to wait until 36/37 weeks to get the Nursing bra. Currently a 38C ;)

    Hope everyone is keeping well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Hi ladies. Hope you're all keeping well. I'm in great form today for once. I slept for almost he entire night - something that hasn't happened in a LONG time. Male everything a bit easier when I'm not sleep deprived :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Tigerton wrote: »
    Hi ladies. Hope you're all keeping well. I'm in great form today for once. I slept for almost he entire night - something that hasn't happened in a LONG time. Male everything a bit easier when I'm not sleep deprived :)

    A whole nights sleep?? Oh my god, did you get hit with a mallet? Im feeling really ick today. Have cramps in my belly, they are kind of nauseous cramps though. Still getting irregular braxton hicks and back in agony. :(

    38 week hospital apt tomorrow. Everything ready for babs arrival. Even rewashed the moses basket there today as it was in our bedroom and both me and the OH had an awful cold. Ha ha extra paranoid of germs.

    My mum and dad are home tomorrow for christmas, so i have been given permission to go into labour from Wed. :D I wish!

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Yep I slept propped up by a million pillows and a folded up duvet. It was Devine and I felt normal today for once.

    Feel better -and good luck tomorrow!

    I've my 38 wk apt on Wednesday. Dying to find out how big the baby is and how close I might be to anything starting to happen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    A full nights sleep???? omg i'm so jealous. I got less than 2 in the hospital then again tht's what i normally get at home i just don't normally have a midwife (who in fairness was tryin to let me sleep) tryin to give me injections into my ass without wakin me up at home lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    My full nights sleep was sadly a once off. Was nice while it lasted!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Tigerton wrote: »
    My full nights sleep was sadly a once off. Was nice while it lasted!!!

    Ah no there's nothing worse than babs teasing like that. Any chance you'll be able to nap a lil bit today?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Hey ladies i had my 38 week apt today. I am 2cm dialated and had my show already, so those pesky pains werent braxton hicks since sunday just slow labour (just like on my little girl). Anywho he did a bit of poking and sweeping and he hopes to see me later or tomorrow but i am a bit more skeptical so i am booked in for an induction on thursday morning at 8.30 am. Hopefully be home inall for christmas with my pudding. So excited i could of cried when he said "We will take you in on Thursday", you would swear the man offered me a thousand euro. :D

    Now to have a bounce on my ball and a bath once the water heats up.... now to figure out how the hell i am going to shave my legs....

    My princess is super out of sorts *apparently she can sense that something is going on* so she is up in Nannys tonight so we dont have to drag her outta bed at like 3am or something. I cant see that happening i think it will be thursday but i guess its better to air on the side of caution and shes happy out having a sleep over with nanny.

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    No nap for me today. But I'm wrecked so hopefully il sleep tonight!

    That's great Princessa- bet you're relieved to be nearly there. Keep us posted!

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭Meshel

    Princess's that's great news hope it goes smooth for you!!
    I'm 34 + 2 today and have hosp app this afternoon. Can't wait to hear baby again and make sure all is ok. Last few nights have been horrible with waking every 5mins for the loo. Also I'm in agony when walking and nothing seems to relieve the pain at all. My bump is gone very low and am thinking this might have something to do with the pain. Tmi alert!! It's like my pubic bone is splitting and it was so bad this morning I actually cried getting out of the bed. Has anyone anything similar??

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Thanks ladies, may not need the induction tomorrow. Pains are coming every 6 or so mins apart. Im managing so im trying to stay at home for as long as possible.

    Meshel sounds like SPD or pregnancy pelvic girdle pain. Google it. You will need physio to help if that is indeed what you have or delivery also helps too =). Sounds exactly like it. Try rolling getting out of bed and the car. Always keep your knees together. You may want to invest in a pelvic support belt to help. Physio will give you one but in case you are waiting for an apt. If you read this before your hosp apt make sure to mention it to the Doc at your apt. Its becoming very common SPD. Its agony. Had it since 17 weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Princessa.... Exciting times, you seem to be coping well and hopefully willl have your baby in your arms in no time, all the best

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    So had check up on monday at hosp. Couldnt tell me approx weight but said baby head measuring about right for weeks. Bp was bit low ( may explain the handful of dizzy spells or blurred vision that i have got) midwife seemed concerned but dr didnt!

    Back to hosp in 3 weeks which will make me 37 weeks.

    Had last anti natal class today so i know how to breath, positions and everything to have a smooth labout... Yeah right!!!

    They really thing highly of thr perineal massage- doesnt sound too pleasent!

    The last day or two my nipples have been really sensitive / soar - is this normal?

    After waiting two years for this baby im sooooo over waiting! 5 weeks still seems sooooooo far away! Im ready now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭SaucySue

    Hi everyone, hope things are progressing for you Princesa, if not at least you'll have some starting tomorrow.

    Nicky my nipples have been getting really really sore / sensitive too for the last while, not constantly but when they do get like that it is agony. I've also got fluid retention in my hands so can't really grip / make fist properly and hurts to flex fingers. About two weeks to go for me now and would love if she came early bit have feeling she could leave us waiting until past due date.

    Have you all been having proper contraction-type Braxton Hicks? I've had nothing like that, had period type cramps on and off but they come for maybe half hour constant cramping and then go away for few hours or a day, nothing with gaps I could time and no sign of dropping yet either so I think I'll be waiting :-( She did actually drop twice, but both times she had popped back up to squash my lungs by following morning, doesnt like it down there apparently :-P

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭SaucySue

    Oh,and they mentioned nothing at all about perineal massage at our antenatal classes or at any hospital appointments, have read about it here but havent tried it at all myself. maybe ill regret that later though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    No braxton hicks for me. I very rarely get slight discomfort very low down in abdo but is gone as soon as really. I think this babs is gonna keep me waiting anyway think she is too comfy!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    SaucySue wrote: »
    Oh,and they mentioned nothing at all about perineal massage at our antenatal classes or at any hospital appointments, have read about it here but havent tried it at all myself. maybe ill regret that later though!

    I gave it a go. It's fairly awkward to reach down there to do it and its not pleasant!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    It doesn't sound too pleasant!!!

    Received a letter today from maternity benefit department.... Work HR didn't fill out info correctly so they need more info from them before they can assess my maternity benefit..... Sooooo annoying!!!

    Was hassle getting the info from this one in the first place but I've spoken to someone else now who said best bet is salaries so I've been on to them and they will get the info sent out tomo. Hopefully it will all get sorted with my delays as start mat leave jan 13th!

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Got a letter today from hospital. They want a repeat urine sample to see if I have a infection. Want me to pop it in to the outpatients mon to fri between 8-3:30.

    Such a pain I'm a 45 min drive from hospital and working in Dublin sat and sun then thrus n fri. Do you reckon it's ok if I don't take it until thrus? They will be closed over Xmas anyway I'm expecting??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Nicky give your gp a ring and see if ya can drop it in to them most gp's have a courier service to have blood/urine samples sent to hospital labs for testing. They should be able to do it for you and save you a trip to the hospital. Besides this side of xmas you're looking at alot longer than 45 mins to get to the hospital. It took my babys dad nearly double that on monday to get up to me and we're only about half an hour away normally.

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Good idea Thumby,

    Will give gp a call, even if they sent it in to our local hospital then they could look at the results?? I don't have any symptoms of a UTI so I'm not too concerned and besides I'm a nurse myself so will dipstick my urine tomo in work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Yup my gp usually sends my cultures to naas (who are quicker than the coombe for getting results back to me). All my uti's have been asymptomatic even when they developed in kidney infections. Well all bar the one that landed me in hospital last weekend. It got that bad they had me on steriods for babs lungs for preterm labour. I think the pain from the spd was masking the pain from the kidney infection this round. I wasn't even going to ring the coombe only i had gotten a bit of a show.

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Ah thumby. Lets hope thr next time your in its for delivery!

    I hope it isnt a uti as have a couple of sprouts of thrush during the pregnancy and i find i always get thrush when on antibiotics!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    I still have 9weeks+2 left so i'm hoping he hangs in there for even another 4 to 5 weeks. We'll be happy with that. Scary thinking babs is on the way so early but he was 3lbs11 on monday so another four weeks will put at least two and a half more pounds on him. He was weighing big for dates which is a good thing. Either way i'm not going past the end of jan, i'll be sectioned before then due to spd and low lying placenta plus history of never carrying full term lol.
    Trush is bad enough when you're not preggers i can only imagine how horrible it must be to get it now. Hopefully you don't have a uti though and its just lucozites appearing randomly without developing into anything else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Nicky30

    I had leukocytes in my urine last week. Got the results back and didn't have uti or kidney infection etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Ah that's how ya spell that lol. It's just one of those words no matter how many times i read/use it i can never remember how to spell it :$

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Hey all, i had a little boy on the 19th at 17.34, weighing 6lbs 11 oz. Home inall, both of us doing well. Thrilled is not the word. biggrin.png
