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Due January 2013!!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭missis aggie

    Congratulations Princessa :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭SaucySue

    Princessa wrote: »
    Hey all, i had a little boy on the 19th at 17.34, weighing 6lbs 11 oz. Home inall, both of us doing well. Thrilled is not the word. biggrin.png

    Awwww.brilliant news Princesa so delighted for you. Hope the SPD will leave you alone now. Congrats again, and welcome to the little prince :-D

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Aw I'm delighted for you Princessa! Huge congrats. That's the first of the born with a January due date I think!
    The pressure is on the rest of us now :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Awww delighted for ya Princessa, thrilled for all ye, home just in time for xmas too. Massive congrats hun xoxoxoxoxo.

    Hmm, maybe we should start takin guesses at who's gonna go next? lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Nicky30

    Congrats princessa :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Thumby wrote: »
    Awww delighted for ya Princessa, thrilled for all ye, home just in time for xmas too. Massive congrats hun xoxoxoxoxo.

    Hmm, maybe we should start takin guesses at who's gonna go next? lol

    Lol I'm guessing I'll be the 4th of Jan :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Lol tig, that's cheating :-P

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭SaucySue

    Tigeress wrote: »

    Lol I'm guessing I'll be the 4th of Jan :p

    That's my middle due date - have 3 diff dates 1st, 4th and 8th, I reckon 4th is most accurate as thats from private scan we had at 11 weeks but hosp are going by 8th from 20 wk scan which means they'll let me go to 18th they said until they'll think about doing anything :-( I will NOT be a happy camper if shes still in there in a month time!!! I probably will be still here after everyone else though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Well by my dates i'm due 14th of feb, hospital dates 24th of feb but no one is expecting me to go beyond 36 weeks which is 27th of jan. I myself can't see me lasting beyond the 34 weeks which is the 14th of jan and himself has the 20th/21st stuck in his head. I'm half tempted to start a betting pool, might make a few quid out of it lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18 Vmash

    Hi Everyone,
    I haven't been on here for months now (I'm 36+5) and how time's flown! Congrats Princessa on your arrival sounds like a textbook birth :)
    Just wondering if anyone has had issues with low platelets and gone on to have an epidural?
    This is my first and platelets are between 90 and 101 and I met with a very mean consultant anesthetist who literally said 'yeah we can give you an epi but worst case scenario you could end up paralysed forever' like I was'nt aware of the risk already. I was raging, talk about zero empathy or people skills and after that he wanted me to decide on pain relief there and then. I pointedly told him I'll think about it to which he replied 'oh better do now as it will be difficult to think when in labour'. Felt like smacking him in the mouth lol!
    I was going to start Raspberry Leaf Tea and EPO but now I heard EPO is a blood thinner so not sure about that. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions?
    Hope everyone's doing well and apologies for the rant, X

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Thumby wrote: »
    Lol tig, that's cheating :-P

    It's not cheating :p it's a guess! I swear hehe

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Yeah yeah i'd be more inclined to believe you hun if we didn't know you're being induced :-P
    How are you feeling now? Has the vomiting calmed down at all for you?
    Looks like the pains i've been getting were just the spd, as i was actually able to potter around the house yesterday. I'm just back from doing the xmas groceries and of course i started contracting in the middle of lidls. I'm pretty sure they are just bh's though as they aren't regular. Gave my poor x a heart attack cause one of them had me bent over double hanging on to the trolley after dropping the stuff in my hand on the floor. His face was priceless lmao.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Thumby wrote: »
    Yeah yeah i'd be more inclined to believe you hun if we didn't know you're being induced :-P
    How are you feeling now? Has the vomiting calmed down at all for you?
    Looks like the pains i've been getting were just the spd, as i was actually able to potter around the house yesterday. I'm just back from doing the xmas groceries and of course i started contracting in the middle of lidls. I'm pretty sure they are just bh's though as they aren't regular. Gave my poor x a heart attack cause one of them had me bent over double hanging on to the trolley after dropping the stuff in my hand on the floor. His face was priceless lmao.

    Lol well it was worth a try! I'm doing wetter today thanks :) still feeling nautious but nothing near as bad as I was! The pains were so bad at one stage I though I was gonna give birth on the en suite floor :o thankfully it wasn't labour! Looking forward to starting to celebrate Xmas tomorrow with the in-laws :) how about you? How are you feeling? Any relief at all from the SPD? Your poor X btw! I can see why he nearly had heart failure! Anymore of te contractions? You really need to take it easy! You don't want baby out this early.. Are you all set for the other kids for Tues? I'm rather excited for my 1st Xmas with my baby boy hehe!
    I'm friggin wrecked though.. Only 11 more days till I have my baby! I plan on relaxing after these crazy 4 days are over!

  • Registered Users Posts: 190 ✭✭petalgumdrops

    Hi all

    havent been on in a bit.. Huge congrats to Princessa.. Well done. hope you are enjoying your lil boy.

    Glad to see most of u are keeping well and sorry to hear u are still feeling bad Thumby. I was in hospital last week with Low blood pressure.. Pain in the bum but im starting to feel a bit better now thank god. Had zero energy and genuinely thought i was dying. Couldnt even lift my head :(

    Have an appointment 2moro so hopefully things have gone back to normal.

    Cant believe we are all in the home straight. This pregnancy has just flown in.. 2 and half weeks till my due date :) hoping I wont go over :)

    In case i dont get on again for a few days I hope yas all have a lovely xmas and keep us posted on your progress xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Hi ladies. Hope you're all keeping well. Happy Christmas to you all and can't wait for January till all the little January babies start showing up x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Happy xmas girlies. Hope ye all have a great one and manage to eat more than pixie sized servings :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Happy Christmas everyone :D hope Santa was good to all the mammies in waiting!

    Thumby I wanted to stuff my face so badly lol there's no room left in there now! I will not be pregnant next Christmas (keeps repeating) 2 babies in a year is enough and I wanna be able to live next year lol!

    Only 9 days till my section!

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    That's fab that you know you've only 9 days left Tigeress!!

    I wanted to stuff my face too but grazing was the best I could do. Probably ate half what I usually would on Christmas Day!

    I've been getting mucus (tmi) the past few days - I'm assuming that's the start of my show. Iv been on the ball every day trying to get things moving along! Back in for a check up on Thursday so we'll see if anything is progressing then!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Oh i know what ye mean! It killed me not being able to eat everything around me, so i had two xmas dinners an hour apart. lol
    At tigerton i'd say you'll be the offical start to the jan babies :-)
    At tigress yup that def sounds like the start of your show, so stay bouncing on that ball! :-D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Keep bouncing Tigerton! Sounds like a positive start on things! If you can manage long walks that'll help too! Rest of those old wives tales aren't worth the bother in my opinion anyways!
    Lol Thumby good idea :) I might try that today hehe

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19 Sleeping Beauty

    Hi ladies and Merry Xmas to all! Just to let you all know that I had a baby girl on the 16th of Dec (hope I won't be kicked out of this group for it!!)! She's a tiny little Xmas gift to us, but she eats all the time and we hope she'll catch up on the weight soon. Best Xmas gift ever!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Some more of my mucus plug has come away today! I keep getting awful cramps over the last few days but I don't know if its the SPD and because I'm moving about a lot or something happening.. My stomach has been very hard for ages now but it's like a rock the last few days! Baby is moving loads still!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Hi ladies and Merry Xmas to all! Just to let you all know that I had a baby girl on the 16th of Dec (hope I won't be kicked out of this group for it!!)! She's a tiny little Xmas gift to us, but she eats all the time and we hope she'll catch up on the weight soon. Best Xmas gift ever!!!!

    Awe huge congrats sleeping beauty! What a fab Christmas present :) hope all is going well with you both x

  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Nicky30

    I managed to eat a huge dinner yesterday :D Diet after the baby lol

    I had sharp pains down below at 5am.

    I'm 35+2 today

    I get the feeling i will be going before the 40 weeks :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    That's fantastic sleeping beauty!! Big congrats!!!

    By the sounds of it we are all getting cramps today - I had some period like pains during the night and more this morning. Nothing regular or too strong though. I'm 39 weeks today - really hoping baba will get a move on now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Looks like I will get to meet my little bundle before my due date. Had my check up today. My blood pressure is still high so they've kept me in again.
    The doc said that because its so high they are inducing me on Saturday! I cried with relief!!! I can't wait to meet me baby!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Tigerton wrote: »
    Looks like I will get to meet my little bundle before my due date. Had my check up today. My blood pressure is still high so they've kept me in again.
    The doc said that because its so high they are inducing me on Saturday! I cried with relief!!! I can't wait to meet me baby!!!

    That's brilliant news that they're gonna induce you so soon! I can oh imagine your relief! Make sure you take it easy for the next few days now :) hope you get to go home tomorrow and have a last night of freedom before baby arrives! Can't wait to hear x

  • Registered Users Posts: 160 ✭✭Tigerton

    Thanks Tigeress! Sadly I won't be let out tonight but I don't mind anymore! I'm so excited. Still crossing my fingers I somehow go by myself before then (iv been told being induced can be tough) but that window is getting smaller!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    I was bold yesterday! I was meant to be in the hospital for a check up but wasn't feeling well so I called and cancelled :o I went to the GP today instead.. This day next week I'll have my little guy! I can't believe how close it is!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Tigerton wrote: »
    Thanks Tigeress! Sadly I won't be let out tonight but I don't mind anymore! I'm so excited. Still crossing my fingers I somehow go by myself before then (iv been told being induced can be tough) but that window is getting smaller!

    So I've been told but ya never know! You could be one of the lucky ones that has a super quick labour regardless of induction :)
    Do you know what you're having? Get your OH to bring you in some earplugs so ya get a good nights sleep tonight! I did that on my last and had a great nights sleep!
