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Bret Hart Book Signing in Dublin - THE OFFICIAL THREAD!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,658 ✭✭✭✭Peyton Manning

    fatal wrote: »
    I dont think there will be half as many at this signing compared to the foley or mysterio signings,so it's probably unnecessary to start q'ing very early

    Think again. My housemate from Belfast just texted me, he went to the signing in Belfast today. Queued for 3 hours to meet Bret Hart for 10 seconds. Got his book signed, and got a picture. Totally worth it though. Cant wait. :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,558 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Might be a silly question but when you get a photo taken is it someone in Easons that does it or do you just ask someone to take it for you? I'd really like a picture with the Hitman. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,199 ✭✭✭G-Money

    Was just wondering how it went today in Belfast.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,599 ✭✭✭✭ShawnRaven

    Might be a silly question but when you get a photo taken is it someone in Easons that does it or do you just ask someone to take it for you? I'd really like a picture with the Hitman. :)

    Usually one of the clusmy cash tellers there. I know thats the one who took the one of myself and Mysterio and got the back of my head for some reason because she couldn't work my camera.

    Apparently it was too basic for her or something :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,199 ✭✭✭G-Money

    So what time are people going to start queing from? My original thought was 11am, then I thought 10am, then 9am :)

    Do they have some sort of ticket system, as in you buy the book and you get a ticket to queue up and get it signed? What happens if you need to leave the queue (get a drink, toilet break etc). Can you nip back in to the place where you were? A 3 hour wait is a long one.

    I was also wondering how long the signing session lasted in Belfast today.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,045 ✭✭✭Vince135792003

    So what time are people going to start queing from? My original thought was 11am

    I'd stick with your original thought.

    His book signing in London apparently drew 600 fans which is a big turn out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,199 ✭✭✭G-Money

    Someone earlier said their friend queued for 3 hours in Belfast this morning to get his book signed by Bret. Don't know if a similar rule of thumb should be used for Dublin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,045 ✭✭✭Vince135792003

    Someone earlier said their friend queued for 3 hours in Belfast this morning to get his book signed by Bret. Don't know if a similar rule of thumb should be used for Dublin.

    I queued 2 hours to meet Mick Foley and after I got my book signed I could have joined the queue and met him again!

    Whenever you go, you'll spend a bit of time queuing regardless but I can't imagine not getting your book signed if you arrived one hour before the actual signing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,199 ✭✭✭G-Money

    Cool, will keep that in mind. I'll be happy as long as I get my book signed, a quick hello and a half decent pic would be good.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,658 ✭✭✭✭Peyton Manning

    Just got off the phone with my housemate in Belfast. The signing up there today was from 12:30 to 2:30, and he started queuing at 12. He said there was probably 200 people queuing by that time, and more kept joining. He didnt get to Bret until just after 3pm. (They stopped letting people join the queue at 2:30pm, but if you were already in it, you were fine). The store had no hard back copies of the book. He didnt know whether they had sold out or if they just stocked paperback, but he was able to get a copy of the paperback to get signed (they eventually sold out of these too). He joined the queue with his brother while his mum bought the book so you have to get the book before you queue apparently. When you get it, youre given a yellow post it that you write your name on so Bret knows what to sign it (my friend just got Brets autograph, no message or personalisation - crazy if you ask me!). He got his picture taken shaking Brets hand, he said that Bret was just so busy he didnt get time to talk to people individually. I reckon Dublin will be the exact same. Theres no tickets, you simple just join the queue. Also, apparently some people had Bret Hart glasses signed, and one guy even got a few boxed Bret Hart wrestling figures signed too.

    I reckon Bret will stick around and sign everyones tomorrow though, his next signing isnt for 6 days and its in New York so I reckon he'll see tomorrows one through.

    Cant wait.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,199 ✭✭✭G-Money

    Good to know. I bought a copy of the book in Easons Dundrum a few weeks ago so I will bring it and the receipt along, but will be prepared just in-case they make me buy a new one.

    I was wondering what to get Bret to write but it just dawned on me. It's my birthday on Sunday so I'll get him to write Happy Birthday :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 76 ✭✭theniall

    Do you think joining the que at 12 on the dot would be ok, will I get to meet him then?

    Can't make it an earlier :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 937 ✭✭✭michael.etc...

    I was also wondering how long the signing session lasted in Belfast today.

    Just to follow on from what was said in an above post about the Belfast signing..
    I didn't attend- I was working, but I've met Bret before anyhows. Speaking to someone who was there, she queued for about 2 1/2 hours, and got to see him before 3. From speaking to someone else as well, it sounds like he went above and beyond attempting to accomodate everyone. People in Belfast tend to be quite lax about these things, so while it was probably ridiculously busy, that didn't necessarily have to mean hundreds of people were there hours in advance.
    As far as i know, they wrapped it up around 4.

    Easons in Belfast doesn't stock the hardback copy (i think they briefly had it in some months ago), but recieved the paperback release.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,199 ✭✭✭G-Money

    Good information. I will be up early tomorrow morning anyway for something else so I reckon I might try and be there for about 10.30am.

    I haven't been into Easons in O'Connell street in years. How big is it? I'm just wondering will people be queuing out onto O'Connell Street itself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 Seamus LFC

    I was in Easons on O'Connell Street on Wednesday and they were only selling the paperback edition (€12.99).

  • Posts: 14,344 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Not going to this myself. Met him at AWR and got a photo with him (although if I hadn't gotten the photo at AWR, I'd definitely be in queue for this).

    Myself and CBG left Drogheda at about 1am the night before for Foley's signing, so arrived outside Eason's at around 3am. Because we were so early we got to talk to a few random Eason's people who were organising it and so forth (all were very mannerly, respectful and courteous). They reckoned that in their experience with signings, the first ten or so people in line usually get whatever they want from the "star" appearing (ie; other merchandise signed) but after that it usually settles and becomes the routine of:

    *stand at table*
    Star: Hi, nice to meet you
    *Signs book*
    Star: Thanks for coming out, take care now
    *You leave*

    Now, in saying that, I've only ever been to one book signing in my life (Foley) and it was nothing like that (he made time for everyone). So how it goes will definitely rely on the mood of Bret, too. However, i would say i recommend getting their as early as you can. I'd much rather stand in Easons (or outside) for a few hours now and get a decent chance to ask a question, say hello, get a picture, etc. and really enjoy it, rather than go down at the last minute, get rushed through and spend a week thinking that Bret and Eason's are thoughtless pricks and how they screwed you over. I'd rather sacrifice a few hours to have a great memory of it.

    Kind of off topic here, but...

    I have to say, It's been a long time since Foley's signing day, but i commend the Eason's organisers/staff. Although everyone has different experiences as these things, they really made it an excellent day for us (me, CBG and two other's who joined the queue at about 6am). They knew we had waited a long time, so didn't mind us leaving the line to go to McDonalds to get something to eat, let us eat in their store (I can only imagine what the shop smelt like for people just walking in, as about 10-15 people chomped away at Big Macs) and when myself and the other three at the top of the line were finished meeting foley (who made conversation and talked to us ,he was great) they offered us some free coffee/tea and buns in the restaurant kinda place upstairs. I can't speak for everyone, now, but they really treated us brilliantly in there. An amazingly nice group of people (and I'm sure CBG can agree with me).

    But anyway, the reason i made this post, is i just want to say that i hope everyone going gets a good chance to meet him, gets a picture and isn't let down by him. He was great at AWR and very accomodating to all people (those who nearly had 'hart' attacks when they seen him to those who barely knew who he was, he was very welcoming). Best of luck guys. Have a nice day. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,600 ✭✭✭✭CMpunked

    They knew we had waited a long time, so didn't mind us leaving the line to go to McDonalds to get something to eat, let us eat in their store (I can only imagine what the shop smelt like for people just walking in, as about 10-15 people chomped away at Big Macs) and when myself and the other three at the top of the line were finished meeting foley (who made conversation and talked to us ,he was great)

    We did ask them before hand would it be ok and they didnt mind as all as long as we didnt make too much of a cuffufle.

    I remember we were sitting down by the Gardening section, and i mean there was looooads of us, so we all hunked down seeing as we had an hour and a half to go and no more advance in the queue.

    So there was these browsers who were walking around and this one woman who walked into one of the isles we were residing in and her jaw just hit the floor as she seen about 100 of these wrestling fans taking up the whole gardening and arts section eating fast food and playing music. She tried to complain to the easons management, but the manager just nicely told her that on this particular saturday we had more of a right to be there and there wasnt a lot she was going to do for the woman, only to come back in the afternoon when everything resided.

    The woman was pissed but the manageress really didnt care, which i was amazed at.
    they offered us some free coffee/tea and buns in the restaurant kinda place upstairs. I can't speak for everyone, now, but they really treated us brilliantly in there. An amazingly nice group of people

    I honestly believe that this was because when we said we were from drogheda, had only a big mac all day, and werent going home for a few hours they were worried we would die or something. :pac:

    But still, she said bun to you but i got a lunch out of it. Mmmmm Lasagne.
    i was like garfield that day.
    (and I'm sure CBG can agree with me).

    Yup, i will. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,594 ✭✭✭Fozzy

    Haha, I remember seeing a load of people sitting down inside Easons for the Foley signing

    I'd like to go meet Bret...but I've got a lot of stuff that needs to be done and I don't know if I could survive queueing for a few hours

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭MarkHobBray1977

    So looking forward to this !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,681 ✭✭✭✭P_1

    I'm in work till 4 tomorrow. I'm guessing there will be no point in heading up there for this signing?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 332 ✭✭BlackMamba

    Just back from the book signing. Great turn-out at it! Bret was a nice guy. Was raging though because the batteries in my camera died before I even gotone photo!!:mad::mad::mad::(

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭MarkHobBray1977

    Just back...what a nice guy...2 books signed and some cool photos..well chuffed....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,199 ✭✭✭G-Money

    Was at the signing this morning. Got there about 10.40am and was expecting to see queue's on O'Connell St but seen nothing. I walked into Easons wondering if I had went into the wrong one. Anyway I walked to the back and seen a queue and realised I was in the right place after all.

    I already had a copy of the book from a few weeks ago which I bought in Easons in Dundrum but they didn't check really. They just asked people if they had a copy, not necessarily where they got it :)

    I was number 84 in the queue at 10.40am and by 12 the queue had snaked around the aisles. A few times the Hitman entrance music played and on the 3rd time he appeared, and it was just a few minutes after 12. It took about 45 minutes until it was my turn at the head of the queue. I was surprisingly calm but my 'hart' started to race as I got closer. It was all over and done with pretty quickly, but Bret was very pleasant.

    They had some of the Eason's staff taking pictures for people at the start but by the time I got to the top of the queue, it looked like a professional photographer had taken over. I was slightly worried they'd mess it up and not take the pic, but it came out clear as day. Despite the stupid expression on my face :)

    It was funny, I was standing in the queue wondering how many others from this forum were around me. And also if any of the girls I seen queuing were on here ;)

    I didn't hang around afterwards really. I got a couple of more pics as Bret was signing more books then left about 1pm. A mate of mine called into Easons about 2.45pm and Bret was still there but then got ushered out by security. Think he mingled with people a bit then headed on.

    Was definitely good to meet the Hitman. He was my favourite wrestler as I was growing up.

    The Eason's staff were very pleasant. One of them started chatting to me and asked how long I'd be queuing. Apparently there were people queueing before the shop even opened.

  • Registered Users Posts: 45,558 ✭✭✭✭Mr.Nice Guy

    Sounds like it was a good day. I couldn't make it in the end as I'd some other stuff to do but Bret chose a great day to head to Dublin. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 332 ✭✭BlackMamba

    It was funny, I was standing in the queue wondering how many others from this forum were around me. And also if any of the girls I seen queuing were on here.;)

    I'm a girl! I was there!:pac: Was in queue for 11am, number 137!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 99 ✭✭MarkHobBray1977

    was no 67

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭offalyguy25

    Hey Black Mumba had you got the pink hair and pink skirt? i was number 123, i enjoyed the signing immensely, got enough time to thank bret for the memories, my brother got me on video, and i got a picture taken too, was happy out, bret was a gentleman

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,658 ✭✭✭✭Peyton Manning

    Got there just after 10am, and was number 30 in the line. Thought there would be more there by that time, but it didnt take too long in filling up. Thought Eason's should have turned up the music a bit more though! :P

    Well, Im away to saw off my hand and put it in a glass display case after Bret shook it! :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,199 ✭✭✭G-Money

    Expect a PM BlackMumba ;)

    After seeing Bret today, I've pretty much seen most of the WWE talent that I wanted to see. Having said that, would loved to have seen The Rock, Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior and unfortunately I don't think there's much chance of seeing any of those guys now.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,424 ✭✭✭fatal

    I was number 40 and I enjoyed the signing.Now that I've met my childhood hero, I can close the cover on one aspect of my childhood.
    Unfortunately, I had to leave for work at 1.What did Bret do after he signed everyones books?
