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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread

  • 30-10-2008 9:21am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 22,819 ✭✭✭✭g'em

    This sticky is dedicated to all those who are on WeightWatchers - whether you're just starting out, you're a veteran point counter or you're just looking for an idea of what's involved, this thread will tell the tales and experiences of fellow WW'ers.

    This thread is for support, encouragement and perhaps even a bit of education. If you have any dislikes of the Weight Watchers' system feel free to begin a thread in the main forum, but please bear in mind that the weight loss journey is a difficult enough one to embark on without having to deal with a constant barrage of detractors at every step you take.

    With that in mind, WWers please also take note that as eating plans go, WW is pretty good, but it can be improved and the points system is easily abused. If suggestions are made as to how you can improve your point management, or flaws in the WW system are pointed out in a constructive and practical way, try not to take it as a negative. There are a lot of very helpful and experienced folk who post around these parts, many of whom who've been through this journey too.

    So, enough of my waffle: Welcome WeightWatchers', I hope this thread provides you with everything you need. Good luck!! :)



  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Hi all, I've been in WW for just over two months now. I am a "less to lose" member. I put off joining for many years because ppl kept telling me I was skinny. My problem is I was very thin on top but it was all in my thighs. My starting weight was 10 stone 5 ounzes. My final target will be around 9 stone. At the minute I am 9 stone 11 ounzes. Had a bad week this week where I put on 1 and 1/2 but am trying to get back down. Having less to lose doesn't make it easier. In some ways I think its harder because people don't notice as much and I think nothing helps more than being asked have you lost weight! However, now a few people have started saying it to me. I am doing it with a friend and our aim is to be able to go and buy nice dresses for our work Christmas party. it's good to have short term goals so that is what I am focusing on at the minute. I am doing the points plan and I find it very good. I am eating a lot of veg, brown rice etc and feel my overall health has benefitted as well as losing weight just because I know I am eating better than before. I had some very bad habits which included throwing a pizza in the oven and eating the whole thing, frequent trips per day to the vending machine, over eating a lot. Before I started my legs were two sizes bigger than my waist so I am trying to get more in proportion. Already, most of my "before" jeans are now too big and I have fit into some of my "thin" jeans that I had kept in the hope I would fit in to them again! Anyhow, sorry for such a long post. Dying to hear the rest of your stories!

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Hi JohnTheGardener (hope you excuse me for thinking you were male!),
    Thanks for requesting this post & getting it stickyed - I think it will be a great support network for us WWs!

    My WW story started way back in 2004 - after being in denial for a long time I finally faced reality & joined WW. The shock that I was over 14.5st & bordering on morbidly obese was not good, but I was very committed and knew I needed to do something!

    All went well & I lost 2 stone over about 4 months - then I got pregnant & bang went the WW. It was the perfect excuse to eat whatever I wanted (except pregnancy no-nos!) - but I think what I learned at WW helped me and after my son was born I was still at the same weight. I stayed the same until I stopped breast-feeding and continued eating like a horse!
    I joined WW again in April 06 & was up by about 7lbs - not bad considering, but I didn't want it out of control again. Was starting to make progress when - Wham! - I was pregnant again:).
    My second son was born in March 07 & luckily I still hadn't put on weight. Same story as before (you'd have thought I knew better!) - stopped breastfeeding, kept eating!! When I went back to work I got into very bad habits - ate Choc muffins just 'cos they were there etc..... Of course the weight creeped on & my clothes starting feeling tight.:(

    So finally, 30th Sept 2008 I started again! Almost 4 years to the day when I first started:). Now, there are no babies planned & I really want to finish what I started.

    I have an ultimate goal of 10st 7lb, but I think it is a good idea to break it into smaller chunks. My first goal is Christmas; to get below the 12st mark (11st 10lb would be great!)
    I went up 1lb last week - was very disappointed but knew it was my own fault & it has given me the push I needed to get back on track!

    I am doing the points plan at the moment - don't think I could trust myself to do core plan (I'd eat too much!).
    I am considering doing a kick-start week from 11th November - has anyone ever done this? How did it work? It's very strict & I know I need to be organised so that's why I'm planning far in advance!

    This has turned out the be a bit of an essay - Sorry!:P
    I would love to hear everyone else's story too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Hi LorDar, sorry about the name. Suppose it can be misleading. I was going through a phase of loving John the gardener from Desperate Housewives when i was thinking up a name. Don't think i am able to change it now even though I hate it. Fair play to you. Even with all the changes in your life you are still determined. Did you get the 12 week plan for Christmas a few weeks back. That would really help with your Christmas goal. I had a bad week too. I was very disappointed when I put on the 1 and 1/2 but when I looked back over the week I don't know how I didn't put on more! I had been eating out almost every day without realising. Although I was trying to go for better options you never really knowwhat you are getting. My salvation has really been bringing in my lunch to work. It's so hard to get something healthy when you are buying lunch. I bring in rice and veg every day and its filling and tasty. I make a big batch at the weekend, portionise (is that a word) it and freeze the portions. It works for me. I defintiely wouldnt be strict enough for the core plan. I can never stop because I am full so the points definitely suits me better.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    Eating out is the devil! Hi guys, this is my second time on ww. The first time I only lasted 3 weeks. This time I'm over two months in and so far so good despite the ups and downs especially in the last few weeks!
    I started at 14 st 7 and so far I'm down to 13 st 4 (weigh in on saturday!) which is pretty good going. Well I'm happy anyways! I love the feeling of clothes starting to fell loose though I'm between sizes in jeans at the moment which provides its own problems :)
    Love the idea of this thread, there are times when you just need someone to tell you to get up and get out and exercise or not to reach for that extra snack and this really has the potential for that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Managed to change my name so hopefully no one else will think I am a man who is going shopping for a dress! It's great to realise that other people feel exactly the same way as I do. Had last weigh in on Tuesday and have been good last two days. 1 and 1/2 point under yesterday and 1 over today. Am focusing on Christmas and how good I will feel if I have lost weight so that is keeping me going at the minute.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Hi PinkChick - Love the name! I have also been good for the last 2 days. Saved 5 points so far - but don't want to use them, want to make up for my disastrous week last week! The house of course is full of sweets & choccies at the moment - hope we get lots of callers tonight!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    PinkChick & all other posters,
    Thanks for starting this thread,I think it will be a great to share ups & downs of the weigh-loss battle.
    My own story is very simple,in January this year I gave up smoking,thank god finally,and have succeded so far,and feel great because of it.
    I put on approx 20lbs since then munching away,I have 28lbs to loose, I want to get down to 9.5 stone,I'm 5'2 and in my mid-30's.....I joined WW 3 weeks ago & I've lost 3lbs so far. I walk 5/6 times per week. I've been good & stuck to the diet,and had 4 glasses of wine last wkd.
    I though I would loose more than 1 1/2lbs per week.
    I eat a banana every day,does anyone thinks this is a factor in the slow loss,or me just being mad :D??????

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    I was surprised by how little i was losing at first. But it is constant and it all adds up. It's better to lose a little at a time and keep it constant as you have more chance of keeping it off. Are you on points or core? On the points it wouldn't matter about the banana once you point it. 1.5 a week is good. It all adds up!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    From everything I've read since I started WW, 1-2lbs a week is the max you should be losing consistently. Otherwise its not particularly healthy and you are far far more likely to put it straight back on again! Weighed in today and hit my 10% goal! Down 20 lbs overall now. My next push is to get into the 12 stone bracket, at the mo I'm teetering on the edge at 13st 1lb

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    Thats great MM keep it up :D
    Yea ye are all right a little every week & it will stay off long term.
    Diet & exercise are the key and I'm enjoying the change,I really feel better for it. Long may it continue,I want this change,like I really wanted a change when I gave up smoking,and I stuck to that so far :D
    There are so many faddy diets out there,loose weight quickly,I know someone who has lost at least 2 stone on appetite suppresant tablets,its a quick fix but long term not so good for your health I'm sure.I dont know a lot about them at all.
    I asked what they eat during a normal day,and I would eat more for snacks on WW during the day.
    I just love food and cutting out the bad stuff is'nt so bad [at times] I do miss butter though !!!!!!:D:D
    T :P

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 fattynomore

    Hi all,

    This is my 3rd time doing WeightWatchers but this time it feels different. Before it was just something to try but I don't think my head was ever in the right place. Now I feel ready. It's like something clicked and I know it'll work.

    I joined back exactly a year since the last time and it turns out I'm exactly the same weight as last time I started. I was pretty please with that as I was terrified I would be above the 17st mark and I'm just back from 2 weeks holiday in San Francisco where I most definitely wasn't

    I'm female, 5'4 and I weigh 16st 10lbs. My clothes are size 18, which I find odd considering the weight. *shrug* I guess we all carry it differently. (a friend of mine is a stone lighter and 3 dress sizes bigger than me!) I want to get down to around 10 stone

    So Wednesday was my first weigh in and I have lost 4 lbs. I was delighted as my period is due and I usually put on a few pounds around that time. I managed to resist the urge for junk food!

    This week has been a little less disciplined. A friend came over last night and we had some wine and a take-away. I'm over my points allowance (a fair bit over, truth be told) but I have 3 days to try and get it down a bit. Previously when this happened I would just not go to the class and kid myself that I'll be really good the next week and go back then. This time, regardless of my points total, I'm going to class to face the music. We'll all have good and bad weeks and I've accepted that.

    Good luck to everyone on their weight loss journey!

  • Registered Users Posts: 543 ✭✭✭mrsberries

    Hi guys
    Im rejoining WW tomorrow night. I left it in March as I had a lot of stressfull stuff going on. So between losing that motivation and comfort eating Ive managed to regain the stone I lost. Im now about 10st 5lbs but as Im very short (5ft 1) I need to be about 9st 6lbs to be comfortable in my clothes (not skinny but a nice curvy size ten ;) )

    Im going back to my old meeting as the leader is excellent (believe me Ive experienced different WW leaders) This time Im going to try the Core plan as I want to eat healthily, the last time I was eating rubbish because it could fit into my point allowance.

    Has anyone or is anyone doing the Core plan? I would love to hear some feedback on it!

    Im going to be realistic - November and December will be tough with lots of parties and drinks arranged for most weekend so will give it my best.

    Good luck everyone, and thanks G'em for putting the sticky up:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Hi all. I've my weigh in tomorrow evening. Not feeling too confident :-) I've been good this week but not perfect. I think that putting on the 1 1/2 last week really knocked me. I definitely don't feel as thin as I have which sounds silly but I am sure you all know what I mean! I've my lunch made for the week which always helps me and I was relatively good over the weekend which is always my trickiest time. I was 1/2 pound away from my initial goal but then after last week was two away. Really knocked my Christmas goal out the window but hopefully I at least go in the right direction tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Hi everyone, it's great to hear all your stories about WW - it helps me realise that I'm not alone!
    I was good during the week & then of course the weekend was not good! Even though I had every intention of being good I just couldn't help myself. We had visitors for the weekend and the house was full of goodies - I tried to restrain myself but couldn't. But I didn't eat as much as I normally would have done if I wasn't on WW - then I would've stuffed myself stupid!!:D

    The children got lots of sweets going around the houses - I have taken out the stuff I think they're too young for (chewing gum?? - they're 3 & 1) and basically just left them with a few sweets & chocs. Then I binned the rest! Mean, I'm sure but 1) they're too young for it all and 2) I'd end up eating it!

    Weigh-In is tomorrow night & I am going to be really good today & tomorrow and hope it counter-acts the weekend!:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    Good for you-halloween is totally unfair on us dieters! Welcome to all the new posters!
    I'm gonna throw a suggestion out there of posting some minor challenges on this thread. They do them in the forums on the ww site and I think its pretty cool idea.

    For me I'm setting the challenge of staying OP (on points) all week this week including the weekend (I saw this on one of the food diary threads but might be easier to manage here than gatecrashing someones diary!)

    Anyone with me? :)

    We can post in everyday for support and encouragement. If we take it one week at a time, all of us'll get there!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭lindak

    Ok where do I start..... About 5 years ago I joined ww and weighed 11stone 2. I lost 2 stone & 2lb over around 9 months and went between 9 stone & 9'4lb . I was a smoker at the time. 2 Years ago I gave up smoking and got really involved in fitness ( you will usually find me on the fitness forum) I lift weights regularly and love it has become such a great hobby. Since quitting smoking I have gained 1 stone and I am now 10stone, now I know some of this will be muscle from lifting. But I also know that some of it is fat. I had got into the thinking that because I was training 5 days per week I could eat more. Which isnt true diet is number 1. My eating wen I first joined WW was not really the most nutrituous and consisted of a lot of processed food but I thought it didnt matter because I was still within my points and was loosing aswell. Now that is not what I am interested in I want to eat wholesome nutritous food. I stopped attending meetings around a year ago because I felt that the scales was affected by lifting which I dont know if it is ?. You see the scales is not really what matters to me but measurements do!! So at the moment I am in the process of counting points again because I know it works for me as it has done in the past. And I am contemplating joining a meeting again but I am still in two minds because of the scales. I am also thinking of trying the core plan for a change as I have always done the points plan. So maybe you guys that use the core plan could tell me what you think of it !!

    So thats my story sorry its so long !!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,359 ✭✭✭whiteandlight

    Hi lindak! I'm afraid I'm no use to you as I'm not on the core plan. I'm gonna wait until I get to my target weight before taking a chance on my willpower. Most people I know who are on it seem to find it ok though two of them said the first couple of weeks took some regulating to control their eating without having to point everything. I suppose it all depends on the person! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 Bubbles08

    hi there, well my story, this is my third time to start ww. the other two times i lasted 1 wk and never went back. this time my head is in the right place and im sticking to it this time. Got my husband to join too so i have him as motivation. Weigh in is on wednesday and im hoping it'll be a minus otherwise i know ill loose the motivation and stop going. Im 12 stone 1 and i need to get down to 9. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Bubbles08, good for you being so motivated! And great that you have someone to go with you - that'll be a big help! My husband is always giving out about his weight & wants me to tell him all about WW - but he will never come with me.

    MM85 I am also setting myself the goal of staying OP (I like it!) this week. It's easy to do Mon - Thurs, but the w/ends are hardest. However, I am determined that for this weekend at least I am staying on track!! Will report back next Monday (and will be truthful!)
    I am excited about this challenge - esp. because I now feel more motivated to do it (o/w I will have to announce to you all that I failed:()

    PinkChick, good luck with the WI tonight! I also have mine. I hope we both have good news tomorrow morning:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Thanks LorDar. I am really nervous which I am not usually. I don't know what to expect. I would love to lose the 1.5 I put on but I generally don't lose that much so don't think that will happen. Hopefully I have lost something. I think the OP target is a great idea. I am very tempted to join but I know I am going for a meal on Sat and although I will make healthier choices, not sure I will be OP! I think my aim for this weekend is to track. I always track until Thursday and then lose it. We go out for lunch on Fri with work and I find it hard to point. I lose it then until the next meeting. I was relatively good over weekend. Cooked a large, low fat dinner that I had both days which was my saving grace :) Oh well, I'll see how tonight goes and let you know tomorrow. Good luck with your wi too LorDar and anyone else who has it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    Ladies good luck tonight hope it all goes well,no matter what happens its onwards and downwards(hee hee) from tomorrow again :D
    WI for me is on Thursday morning....

    MM85,for staying OP this week, if we have a few drinks at the wkd,its ok to use left over points, I have 18 points per day,so I usually keep some Thu/Fri,so I can indulge on Sat night :D:D:D:D:D:D

    I not using activity points yet,I'm wk 4(this wk),does anyone know what wk they tell you about these?


  • Registered Users Posts: 543 ✭✭✭mrsberries

    lindak wrote: »
    So maybe you guys that use the core plan could tell me what you think of it !!

    So thats my story sorry its so long !!!

    Hi Lindak, ive also just rejoined weight trying out the Core plan for the first time. Ive decided Im going to switch between the plans depending on how my week (ie my social life ;) ) is looking.

    Day 1, not as bad as I thought. Just up the veggies and fruit at the meals. You can eat most foods (unprocessed) except bread. Thats the only thing I will kind of miss, but I had been cutting down over the last few months.

    Am planning on making lots of veg soup to fill up. Will keep you posted!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    Hi Guys, I am happy tonight. Down 2.5 which is lots for me. Kind of makes up for putting on some last week. Have reached my original goal now and reset it again. I have 4.5 more to lose and then I will look at it again. I am delighted because I was really down after last week. Think these 4.5 will be tough enough but am hoping to lose it before Christmas. It sounds so little but I know the fact I am so close to the end it will be tougher. Then the real challenge of keeping it off will start.

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Hi everyone! I am happy this morning - was down 4lbs last night:) Yippee!! Makes up for last week's mis-hap!
    I can now really feel it in my clothes - 12lbs lost in total, 2 more & I'll have my stone!

    PinkChick; well done to you too! And BIG CONGRATS on reaching your goal! That's brilliant.:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    Thats great Pinkchick,2.5lb's is great,it will stay off in the long run,thats what the leader told me at my meeting. I'm on wk 4 and my 3rd WI in the morning. I've lost 1.5lb's each wk,not happy at first,but now I think its great.If i keep that up then it will be off in about 3 months.
    We are all doing great, keep it up ladies:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 89 ✭✭Tootsie

    LorDar...Brilliant brilliant,fantastic...:D:D:D:D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭PinkChick

    well done lordar. that is brilliant. almost there for the stone! well done to u too tootsie, you are doing it consistently so it will stay off. My next goal is the stone, I've lost 10.5 so far so another 3.5 to go. Then just one more for my goal. Really noticing the difference in clothes. My leader says 10 pounds is a dress size so am happy to have gone past that. We are all doing really well and should feel great dressing up at Christmas! Bring out the party dresses :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 279 ✭✭LorDar

    Thanks Everyone!! It's great to have all your support - it really does help alot:)

    Tootsie - good luck for WI tomorrow!

    PinkChick - I am afraid to go clothes shopping in case I still feel like the fat girl who has to hide the label size! But I think I will definitely buy myself a new party dress for Christmas - and will look like a million dollars!!:D

    Whenever I think that a pound, or even a half pound, is not much I then think of what a pound of butter looks like & I realise - you know what it is something! And every half pound helps!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 135 ✭✭Molls

    Hi all! and congrats, ye are all doing amazingly! really i mean that. the weekly challange sounds like a plan, i'm currently doing the s'taying on points' this week - stopped me going over yesterday but the real test shall be the weekend!
    I joined WW 5 weeks ago, lost 5.5pds so far - (went up 2 one week which really knocked my spirit), but i joined here and it's been great as all my friends are skinny minnies and I feel embarassed talking about it! wouldnt that be great! anyway, i WI on a thurs afternoon, i kinda feel like if i can lose somemore this week i'll be fine as its at this point where i normally fail - i'm a bit nervous about it but i have tried my best (bar fri and sun!!! ah no, i carried enough points over to cover me)!
    Anyway, just wanted to say thanks!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 395 ✭✭shellybelly08

    Hey guys..
    Iv always wanted to right to one of these cause i believe that we all are a great help to one another...and can offer kind wrds an advice..

    Basically im early twenties my third time to ww... third time lucky :L:L i hope!! I began in august it was my 13th weight in today an im dwn 1stone 7.5 lbs.. I gave myself a target of 2 stone for christmas as this wud be massive for me,...only 6 mre weigh ins and 6.5 lbs to lose... an i want it so much...!!!

    However iv a couple of weekend nights out over the next few i need some courage and guidance from ye all..

    Iv read the board and every one seems to be doing really well..

    Was dwn 1.5 today good considering halloween and my birthday on monday gone :D

    Tomorrow marks beginning of new week...and more walking hopefully!!!

    :D:D we can get our xmas targets together guys!!!

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