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Work Problems

Problems that people are facing in work and how to deal with them [Anonymous posting allowed]
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Not given day off work 12
12-09-18 8:44
73 13.8K
Current employment + sick leave, new job offer.
21-12-16 13:49
4 1.7K
Does my employer has the right to search my Car?
30-08-18 10:51
42 9.9K
All ól now
10-09-18 12:28
4 752
Barriers to Innovation in the Workplace
10-09-18 13:34
6 930
Working overtime - can I get time in lieu?
08-09-18 15:02
2 623
Advice Regarding Overtime Request
26-08-18 16:01
3 891
Another constructive dismissal query?
28-08-18 14:54
5 722
Phased return to Work Pay
05-09-18 12:17
4 614
How to handle a volatile, aggressive colleague
04-09-18 18:23
12 2.7K
Out of my depth (again) 12
19-06-18 19:54
52 13.3K
reason on a sick cert?
23-06-13 9:28
21 6.6K
Should i stay or should i go?
03-09-18 10:08
0 197
Not getting a promotion due to age - is this right?
27-08-18 11:43
9 2.2K
Wrong Decision
14-08-18 17:10
15 3.9K
Denied sick leave?
14-08-18 11:11
11 2.5K
On call work
23-04-16 15:49
10 8.4K
Head Melted - Perspective please!
26-06-18 23:11
21 5.1K
'Fake job interviews?
18-08-18 17:39
35 5.4K
Constructive dismissal
23-08-18 13:52
10 1.9K
bullying and harassment
04-08-18 20:24
12 2.4K
Outlook for promotion in the civil service
06-07-18 10:06
5 962
Accounting exams
15-08-18 22:44
10 972
Interesting case of employee let go after one month.
22-08-18 6:46
7 2.1K
In job long time, fed up!
17-08-18 13:50
5 1K
Going back to old job
20-08-18 20:45
4 877
Colleague has body odour issues
14-08-18 8:06
5 1.3K
Negative colleague
20-08-18 14:51
3 1.1K
Moving from Public to Private Sector
20-08-18 13:03
0 382
Job advise
18-08-18 9:20
6 864