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Work Problems

Problems that people are facing in work and how to deal with them [Anonymous posting allowed]
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Change of compensation
03-11-22 17:38
4 501
Break in service
29-10-22 8:13
1 301
Changing job
21-10-22 13:09
3 591
Are these workmates toxic? If so how to save my skin?
20-10-22 11:03
17 3K
Work advice - colleague gets paid more than me
20-10-22 8:59
38 3.6K
Bullying in Academia
17-10-22 21:45
4 891
Garda recruitment - mental health issues
17-10-22 21:12
35 7.6K
finding work with large gaps in CV
17-10-22 20:41
16 992
I just got laid off but must train replacement
16-10-22 2:13
40 4.9K
Work Issue Query
12-10-22 19:43
3 561
Overlooked for new tasks/responsibilities
12-10-22 9:40
4 401
Breaks in employment
12-10-22 7:42
5 351
Days in office
09-10-22 19:46
6 1.1K
Job Changed By Manager While Away - Options
08-10-22 20:48
2 511
How to talk to my employer
05-10-22 12:29
5 901
Notice period & 0 hour roster
Answered ✓
04-10-22 17:11
2 261
Ending Paternity Leave Early
01-10-22 20:39
1 361
Can't stand desk jobs or Construction, what options are there between the two?
01-10-22 19:37
23 1.3K
Hate new iob
30-09-22 9:27
7 921
Hours changed without consulting me
24-09-22 20:55
21 1.9K
Paternity Leave Denial 12
17-09-22 18:53
87 5.5K
Suitable attire for a hotel bar/restaurant supervisor interview?
16-09-22 16:44
4 771
No work to do in new job and constantly bl9cked when I have asked for more work or used my initiativ
16-09-22 12:48
2 631
Should I ask for living wage
15-09-22 12:56
27 1.5K
Have you ever been Coerced during an interview?
14-09-22 20:43
33 2.6K
The Pitfalls of Promotion
11-09-22 1:00
7 1.1K
Strongly considering a career change..but to what?
08-09-22 23:00
27 1.1K
Got my degree, considering learning a trade
08-09-22 18:11
2 291
Job Application Monitoring Form
08-09-22 14:50
3 181
Hate my new job and want to leave
04-09-22 8:37
37 4.4K