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The Cuckoo's Nest

alt.stupid for For all things idiotic. Single file fly-overs preferred.

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Hipster thread 2 (the cool one)
08-02-12 0:54
8 928
Patron Saint of TCN
06-02-12 14:51
30 2.4K
hipster thread
08-02-12 0:51
16 1.1K
Battleship! 12
02-01-12 10:56
38 2.1K
I have never.... 1234
04-02-12 23:04
112 8.9K
chilling the f**k out
29-01-12 4:38
22 1.4K
Little things that annoy the hell out of you 12
01-02-12 19:08
46 2.8K
I'm singing
28-01-12 21:40
21 1.3K
05-02-12 7:03
17 3.2K
I like the smell of ignorant feathers.
05-02-12 14:03
7 564
Whatever happened to Denise?
17-01-12 17:26
19 1.5K
03-02-12 23:38
22 1.5K
Boring non-silly chatter thread 12...6364
20-08-11 22:09
1.9K 63.4K
Made of Carrots
31-01-12 14:26
15 1.3K
Can you find the secret buzz words in peoples posts?
21-01-12 18:31
11 1.1K
Open Letter to Lady Chuckles
29-01-12 4:59
30 1.7K
The thunderdome
31-01-12 7:40
6 1K
It's nearly that time of the year again...
31-01-12 8:38
2 404
I wish to complain about Boards 12
25-01-12 22:13
50 2.5K
29-01-12 3:31
12 1.5K
02-02-10 22:11
32 2K
FAO Foreigners - Ambulance noises
27-01-12 15:02
22 1.8K
23-01-12 0:34
23 2.2K
I have a secret you guise.
26-01-12 21:56
24 933
We need a new president here in tCN!!! 12...1213
03-01-12 17:22
379 13K
I want Dav to post in this thread
24-01-12 2:55
25 1.5K
So a priest, a peadophile and a rapist walk into a bar.
21-01-12 21:18
22 2.1K
I don't have anything relevant to post
20-01-12 0:44
29 1.3K
I love you Fatty Patty
22-01-12 2:24
18 953
Ever start a thread and lose interest in less than a minute?
20-01-12 1:53
19 1.3K