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Teens and Pre-Teens

Discussion forum for parents of tweenies and teenagers
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Teen sleeping patterns.
26-11-12 11:51
9 2K
The dreaded 'texting' dilema...10yr old
20-12-12 12:39
12 2.5K
first mobile for 11 year old boy
13-12-12 14:40
9 1.3K
Mobile phones. 12
18-01-12 20:02
60 6.5K
14yo daughter spending hours on internet
15-11-12 21:54
25 3.9K
Is it acceptable for a teacher? 1234
18-09-12 11:48
196 22.1K
30-11-12 17:04
3 1.1K
After School Care - how much??
30-11-12 16:47
0 44
Teens gone hooray
28-11-12 21:06
4 1K
sensitive pre-teenage boy
18-11-12 14:44
3 1.4K
my teen is driving me insane
10-11-12 4:15
9 1.9K
Losing weight
25-10-12 16:54
7 1.6K
Eleven year old refusing to visit her dad.
21-09-12 22:23
6 1.8K
Eureka college Kells
11-10-12 17:02
3 1.6K
Complaining about a teacher 12
06-09-12 16:38
59 7.9K
At wits end with dis-enfranchised teenager
24-11-11 22:11
20 4.1K
When do you think kids are old enough not to need a babysitter?
10-10-12 13:33
5 1.5K
18 year old daughter, college, nights out etc Help..
15-10-12 7:26
35 5.8K
26-09-12 8:40
5 1.3K
HPV Vaccination programme
30-08-12 13:12
38 4.2K
Do you see anything wrong with this?
17-09-12 11:14
14 2.7K
GET UP !!!!!
28-08-12 18:05
42 4.8K
acceptable bedtime for a 10 year old ?
07-09-12 9:30
22 4.3K
13-09-12 21:50
4 659
How can I improve my teen daughter's life?
06-09-12 10:53
11 2K
31-08-12 8:49
3 903
Cheap/free things to do with 13 year old in Dublin city centre
03-08-12 10:52
5 4.1K
colaiste eoin booterstown admission policy
06-09-12 16:10
1 1.2K
When to talk about periods to a little girl.
02-09-12 18:38
6 1.6K
27-08-12 12:58
13 2.2K