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Psychics and Mediums discussion
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Tarot Card/Fortune Tellers
18-01-09 18:59
27 22.8K
Paranormal activity in Cork City
17-01-09 1:35
1 1.2K
07-01-09 13:09
37 2.5K
Not necessarily alien but a flying object I couldn't identify
13-01-09 17:10
12 797
UFOS , yay or nay ?
13-01-09 20:20
15 1.4K
kinda cool.. weird...
14-01-09 19:54
10 775
White Feather
12-01-09 16:43
22 1.3K
Does this apply to you?
14-01-09 13:05
0 556
UFO experiences...
13-01-09 17:15
1 522
Buying a ouija board.....
02-01-09 5:40
10 1.4K
smell of roses
10-12-08 21:42
8 4.7K
Tony Robinson and the Paranormal
10-01-09 19:48
0 691
Padre Pio Experience
23-12-08 0:17
2 954
Demonic infestation...
18-12-08 17:12
30 3.5K
Psychic abilities
09-01-09 11:54
1 534
Investigations In The New Year
02-01-09 17:25
1 476
De ja vu...3 times
22-12-08 1:50
5 908
Maggie-fortune teller in Bundoran, Donegal
05-01-09 18:10
0 12
phone readings
03-01-09 23:19
4 729
2 objects in early Dublin night sky, Jan 2, approx. 6 PM
02-01-09 23:32
5 1K
Police officer saw 600 Foot UFO Over Stephenville,Texas,USA !!
23-12-08 17:32
4 1.1K
Ouija Board
01-01-09 19:55
8 1K
Was it a ufo you seen?
02-01-09 5:45
0 457
Lights in the sky 12
28-11-08 19:43
43 3.3K
Telekinetics, real or fake?
29-12-08 8:23
6 647
McKenzie Poltergeist
01-01-09 3:41
1 789
'Ghost caught' on Packhorse Bridge??????
27-12-08 16:48
10 1.1K
Broken Glass - by itself!
31-12-08 11:37
0 525
Webcam recording software
30-12-08 15:49
1 408
Merry Christmas
24-12-08 16:18
4 605