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Paranormal, Creepy & Mysterious

Weird and wonderful happenings.

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Raid Radio needs you
23-01-09 16:30
19 1.4K
Ghostly faces and visions of 'little people
08-02-09 0:55
0 694
Just in case you see formations over Dublin in the coming months..
05-02-09 20:59
3 804
T.A.P.S. v Most Haunted
15-08-07 16:13
23 1.6K
03-02-09 19:48
9 772
'Surgical Spirit' Spooks Hospital
31-01-09 11:59
1 647
alien moon base preposterous!;Or is it!?
01-02-09 15:21
0 93
Followed by the Banshee
09-01-09 12:50
19 2.2K
who is the 'believer'? 12
30-01-09 2:11
48 2.3K
crazy theory
25-01-09 20:22
7 838
Keith Barry jumps on the Randi bandwagon
30-01-09 12:13
3 841
29-01-09 0:30
0 64
Strange incident with a dog!
20-01-09 15:36
12 1.3K
Coffee and the Paranormal
14-01-09 19:28
16 1.4K
Is this tree significant?
25-01-09 15:59
2 590
I don't believe in ghosts..
24-01-09 15:24
11 1K
email light orbs
23-01-09 20:09
9 537
Group Looking for new members
21-01-09 17:57
4 609
Most Haunted Live?
11-01-09 15:13
24 2.7K
[video] Derren Brown on cold-reading (long interview)
16-12-08 19:13
14 1.8K
love spells and others
24-06-08 23:47
22 2.9K
What's the weirdest thing someone has told you about yourself?
14-01-09 18:45
25 1.9K
Weird NATO Security Clearance
20-01-09 21:08
5 1.1K
Forer Effect
15-01-09 18:23
12 900
Ghost Stories
20-01-09 16:55
2 667
Experiences regarding EVP/ITC?
20-01-09 8:12
6 648
Strange light in Meath
16-12-08 8:52
15 1.9K
Spooky King John's Castle (Limerick City)
15-01-09 18:34
5 682
18-01-09 19:23
4 657
Seventh Son of a Seventh Son?
14-01-09 16:46
14 3.3K