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Legal Discussion

Discussing legal issues and news.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Assault causing serious harm- duty of care
23-12-08 15:53
8 4.3K
pretending to be solicitor
27-12-08 14:32
8 1.1K
House in both names sold, new house put in one name??
28-12-08 0:07
4 1.3K
Music piracy
16-10-07 11:18
22 2.9K
Made Redundant - Loan Repayments
26-12-08 17:16
2 811
26-12-08 13:10
0 515
Duty of care owed to bailiffs?
24-12-08 15:28
1 702
Query regarding prices in shops
23-12-08 22:07
2 556
caterers not answering enquiries for deposit refund
18-12-08 8:50
1 828
Assault causeing harm
18-12-08 11:48
7 4.4K
Taking Photographs of Cars
16-12-08 9:54
15 1.8K
party attempting to break lease
20-12-08 23:55
1 841
My mother has received a summons over an alleged dog bite
17-12-08 19:13
10 2.9K
Strict liability - foreseeable?
19-12-08 16:14
5 1.2K
Disparity in Murder sentences - Ireland -v- U.K.
17-12-08 21:46
7 2.2K
Car Insurance Employer Indemnity
18-12-08 23:00
1 5.8K
Suppose you're cycling and hit a pedestrian....
14-12-08 23:30
9 1.6K
Summons for no reason!!
15-12-08 20:26
20 2.4K
Garage warranty
18-12-08 1:32
5 819
Is it safe to pay with bank draft
18-12-08 11:51
3 2.6K
market or cash value or replacement cost?
18-12-08 8:50
1 575
Every New Law Should Replace An Old One?
11-12-08 13:28
16 1.8K
Guardianship of Infants - natural fathers as guardians...
15-12-08 12:12
4 873
Work searches
12-12-08 14:01
2 666
What are my rights regarding this?
17-12-08 15:08
7 686
Sources of Irish law
13-12-08 14:10
22 30.4K
Tool booth gadgets
12-12-08 23:02
3 793
Questioning a rape victim while representing yourself
15-12-08 17:17
1 668
10-12-08 22:16
9 1.1K
Sept/Oct 08 FE1 results? 123
24-11-08 13:21
80 10.1K