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Junior Cert

Secondary school junior certificate.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Panicking for the Junior Cert 12
24-05-13 19:07
93 6K
Project Maths help please!
09-06-13 15:31
0 270
Religion vs science essay for religion exam
06-06-13 1:07
27 2.6K
What happens if
08-06-13 15:25
10 883
JC 2013 Irish Papers - Thur. June 6th, 2013 - all levels 1234
06-06-13 6:59
173 13K
Maths 2013 VS Maths 2012
08-06-13 16:40
1 406
JC 2013 Environmental and Social Studies Papers - Fri. June 7th, 2013 - all levels
07-06-13 6:21
13 949
'I Will Revise' Spoof Song XD
08-06-13 14:32
0 318
Geography Tomorrow 12
05-06-13 23:52
88 4.9K
Oh Higher level maths... please die.....
05-06-13 15:28
19 1.6K
Good notes on Settlement types for Geography.
06-06-13 21:09
4 322
Help :( - English Marking Scheme
06-06-13 19:40
10 823
Stationary for Maths/Geography
07-06-13 6:27
2 272
Business paper 1/2
07-06-13 6:43
0 8
Junior Cert Geography Study 12
06-06-13 17:05
94 7.3K
Junior cert 2013 12
18-05-13 13:46
80 10K
Stationery and the sort 12
04-06-13 11:33
57 3.4K
A question about HL Maths
06-06-13 19:24
12 565
Geography Predictions
06-06-13 16:25
7 841
Complaining Student about Junior cert 2013
06-06-13 16:24
9 1.2K
Fold Mountains and Mid Ocean Ridges..?
06-06-13 16:54
3 398
The Greenhouse Effect
03-06-13 18:37
8 610
Difference between types of aid
06-06-13 16:27
4 291
Subject choices?
12-04-13 20:11
19 1.3K
English essay title
05-06-13 16:25
11 1.9K
What Leaving Cert. Subjects Should I Choose?
17-03-13 11:21
33 5.1K
Tomorrow Irish!
05-06-13 16:36
43 3.2K
Quick Question on Geography Paper
03-06-13 20:16
19 1.5K
05-06-13 19:14
0 1
Notes for Geography
05-06-13 17:38
0 282