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Humanities discussions.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Fr Declan Blake - "society couldn't expect sex offenders not to reoffend"
17-02-05 10:56
9 1.5K
Totalitarian Agriculture the root cause of our problem?
15-02-05 20:17
8 395
Women in the army
15-02-05 0:12
15 912
NWO(new world order)????????
11-02-05 20:32
6 505
The travelling community 12
10-02-05 13:58
51 1.7K
Shock Value
08-02-05 1:11
30 1.4K
IT devide in society?
07-02-05 14:22
10 613
Panorama documentary on Paedophiles
07-02-05 12:36
3 554
Is life over-valued?
04-02-05 19:50
27 1.1K
alrtuism: does it exist in todays society?
02-02-05 21:50
24 694
I'm very angry 12
02-02-05 14:46
41 1.7K
Culture and Crime or Jane Austen Vs Quentin Tarantino
01-02-05 16:35
3 472
Auschwitz, Liberated 60 years ago today
27-01-05 19:58
0 338
Arts and culture news (16/01/2005)
16-01-05 14:23
0 395
Should Sports be Optional in School? 123
11-01-05 21:12
75 3.2K
Vivisection 1234
11-01-05 11:20
108 2.8K
Smacking your child in public 1234
08-01-05 14:58
107 3K
Hunting - Is it wrong. Why?
06-01-05 19:09
26 801
Arts and culture news (05/01/2005)
05-01-05 15:36
0 281
Fox Hunting. Opinions please. 1234
04-01-05 17:05
120 3.3K
People who commit suicide 123
03-01-05 15:21
87 2.2K
Other Religions "offended" by Christmas
31-12-04 21:49
21 746
Feminists are just lobbyists! Agree/Disagree?
31-12-04 21:43
7 427
Why do Nations Have Nuclear Weapons
30-12-04 21:35
13 532
The problem of "scumbags" in the city
30-12-04 0:10
9 842
The future of Irish universities
28-12-04 4:02
29 1.3K
The Rapture Index
23-12-04 21:02
4 359
Alan Higgins vs Annabel case
23-12-04 10:49
7 858
Ethics and Stem Cells
21-12-04 0:03
6 468
Property Investors are Scum
10-12-04 13:18
23 1.3K