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Digital Art, Design & Animation

Topics that include digital image editing, graphic design and animation.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
3d printing in limerick.
26-06-16 12:27
4 1.1K
Wasted rat: Stopmotion
16-09-17 9:56
0 385
Wasted rat: Stopmotion
16-09-17 9:54
0 364
foundation lelel guidance needded please
09-09-17 16:55
0 416
Help! GoT Westeros Map for Seating Plan Background
28-08-17 12:58
10 674
Anyone here interested in art/design & biohacking ?
10-08-17 10:21
0 582
Places I can get customized stickers printed on transparent self-adhesive film?
12-07-17 15:18
0 543
Illustrator rotate tool issue
10-07-17 23:21
0 454
Adobe lightroom presets request
21-06-17 16:23
1 615
What size do I need to setup in photoshop for a pdf?
12-06-17 14:28
1 500
Review of Dublin Institute of Design 10 week course
08-01-17 4:12
2 2.1K
Photoshop Request - Reducing Gap Between Front TeethH
10-06-17 19:00
8 721
Need to price magazine design - just ballpark
25-04-17 11:42
2 636
Printing services?
17-04-17 20:58
1 551
Irish Republic font
07-04-17 22:54
2 868
Help with logo design
12-03-17 18:25
1 724
Wacom Intuos - dedicated graphics card?
08-03-17 20:52
1 540
Sketching People for Industrial/Product Design
18-02-17 11:35
3 716
Design agencies / recruiters
07-02-17 14:20
2 728
New Juventus soccer club logo
17-01-17 17:56
5 777
Design tool
13-02-17 11:45
2 539
How much can a student charge?
14-02-17 0:02
3 621
SketchUp Beginner/Intermediate Course
28-09-09 21:01
7 1.3K
How to draw animals on a computer?
24-01-17 13:54
3 785
Looking for classes/tutor in Illustrator/Photoshop
13-01-17 20:24
0 545
Graphic Designer needed - typography/photoshop
06-01-17 3:57
1 691
3D Animation course in Dundalk IT or in Pulse?
09-12-16 9:28
2 910
Marvelous Designer (3D clothing Software) Tuition
30-12-16 22:17
0 575
Help with Pitch
22-12-16 13:12
0 588
Graphic Designer
17-12-16 22:09
0 711