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Cork IT

Cork Institute of Technology
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We Welcome Student Homework, Projects, Surveys & Degree-Related Assignment
03-03-17 13:10
0 645
Cork IT - Introduce Yourself 12...89
22-09-08 11:13
435 57.8K
***The (only!) CIT Bar*** 12...2930
26-09-09 20:01
1.5K 113.8K
-> ~~ * ~~ Cork I.T. Forum Charter ~~ * ~~ <-
24-09-08 19:28
0 8.1K
MSc. Cloud Computing CIT
16-02-24 0:21
9 2.7K
Phase 4 exam papers electrical
19-11-23 0:18
14 19.3K
Does it annoy ye.......
20-04-23 11:30
21 2K
*** ALL Grinds *** Required & Offered in here!
02-03-23 13:35
45 16K
CIT Part Time Level 7 BBusiness in Management
19-09-22 12:35
1 32
Parking or Park and Ride
14-09-22 21:21
0 31
Why don't MTU provide updated parchments for previous CIT students
15-05-22 19:13
0 72
Graduates Association
27-10-21 17:10
0 11
Student accommodation cork
14-03-21 21:12
2 325
Returning to college
18-01-21 15:30
0 150
Computer Programming / BIS Grinds
29-10-20 14:26
0 171
BIS vs IT courses
16-09-20 13:39
0 179
Advice on MSc Digital Marketing in CIT
07-08-20 13:54
0 138
AT student Looking for HomeBond Building Manual Book
26-07-20 18:03
0 146
Certificate in Digital Media Design and Development
18-06-20 13:30
0 156
Software development interview as a mature student?
21-01-20 18:32
0 318
Certificate in Digital Marketing
29-07-19 20:48
4 477
12-01-20 22:13
0 193
Do 1st,2nd and 3rd year grades go towards your final grade?
10-10-19 19:02
1 423
Cork I.T and I.T. Tralee PROPOSED Merger info
10-07-17 19:19
7 1.3K
RPL - Has anyone successfully done it?
14-04-19 11:24
2 488
Looking for people to share a house with
29-05-19 9:50
0 263
Accounting in CIT
22-03-19 14:42
0 346
IRC Postgrad Scholarship 2019
03-02-19 15:57
2 1.4K
Hdip data science and analytics
03-03-19 20:57
0 512
Is it worth contacting head of department ?
16-08-18 16:55
1 660
I really don't like my course - what to do
07-01-19 13:32
0 397
Fine Art at Crawford School of art!!!
04-10-09 1:02
15 5.2K
Anyone here got experience with CCPS?
19-11-18 22:52
3 352
Online Masters Digital Marketing Strategy
13-11-18 10:34
0 376