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Rip Off Ireland

How can consumers in Ireland avoid being ripped off with the current spate of euro price hikes?
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Am I entitled to a refund?
17-12-19 14:35
15 1.6K
Cancel new broadband contract ?
17-12-19 17:53
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Printing company refuse to give me a receipt
17-12-19 20:26
1 339
Printing company refuse to give me a receipt
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Small claims court Ireland or eu??
25-11-19 19:20
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16-12-19 8:22
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09-12-19 16:17
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Three Ireland phone faulty
16-12-19 15:53
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Can I use 2 Irish stamps to send letter to USA?
15-12-19 16:59
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New boots defective: ask for replacement or compensation?
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Data breach
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Three Broadband
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Argos black Friday price honour
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7 1.4K - TV Order Issues
06-12-19 15:31
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Can Doctors charge for routine Blood Tests ?? 1234
18-07-17 18:37
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Apple customer service
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Three telling me to contact bank for refund
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Issue with mechanic
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3 648
Struggling to get refund
07-12-19 12:21
21 2.5K
28 day warranty in the shop, after that go to the manufacturer.
27-11-19 12:20
14 1.4K
Debt collection agency Three mobile
07-12-19 17:30
21 1.6K
eir tv apple tv bundle 12
30-10-19 21:46
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An Post query...
04-12-19 21:01
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Refund of A & E charges
04-12-19 15:51
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Double charged at ATM transaction
04-12-19 14:20
1 353
iD Mobile Gone bust 12...45
04-12-19 10:23
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Bought a treadmill from Fitness Digital and it’s broke 12
14-11-19 11:55
35 4.2K
07-12-17 11:48
18 2.4K 123
10-01-18 23:01
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Harvey Norman - are they really this incompetent?
11-11-19 19:24
6 2.5K