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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Buying substantially refurbished house without cert of compliance
10-10-20 14:20
0 246
Scud/Scratch Plastering a Shed
08-10-20 9:30
1 182
Home Office - Insulation Options
30-09-20 16:50
11 649
Esb connection
27-09-20 13:21
6 764
Chimney repair
08-10-20 21:49
1 124
BASF Walltite
06-10-20 7:57
11 1.6K
How to repair damaged exterior plinth of house?
26-09-20 21:18
2 361
Change window size
01-10-20 15:50
12 920
Cracks after appearing
23-09-20 17:57
10 1K
Purchasing a Service Site
06-10-20 23:56
0 94
Local Needs with Meath County Council - Help
23-05-20 22:42
4 3.5K
Recommendation for floor company
04-10-20 15:30
2 180
Windows in small extension: Velfac or Rationel 12
28-07-15 12:27
32 5.6K
Nordan vs Rationel
13-01-18 1:01
8 3.7K
What would be the cheapest way to add a back porch to a timber frame house?
03-10-20 22:52
11 599
Declaration of identity - whos responsible
04-10-20 16:47
16 934
External Insulation-Porch
09-09-20 17:59
4 360
cost of renovation derelict house.
05-10-20 15:02
8 627
Home improvements
27-09-20 12:24
10 863
Concrete under garden
23-09-20 21:27
6 923
Skim ceiling
27-09-20 18:36
23 1.2K
How common is it for houses in Ireland to have air conditioned heating?
03-10-20 16:07
2 295
Cost of wall, engineer report
01-10-20 12:18
3 290
Pebble dash or smooth rendering in a terrace house
19-09-20 19:42
5 494
Extending EIR Ducting
30-09-20 20:53
3 357
Sound proof air vents in new home
29-09-20 12:50
9 591
Width for two-way access
30-09-20 22:50
4 245
Renovating house
30-09-20 8:14
3 412
Planning - Significant changes to house design at Further Info stage - What to do?
28-09-20 14:35
2 253
Impact noise from neighbours converted attic
27-09-20 22:46
5 676