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Bit of a scam?
in BER
22-01-25 15:11

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Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Reputable roofer needed
20-02-21 16:18
0 121
Garden room - Granny Flat planning
19-02-21 12:54
14 678
Subsidence query, Engineer?
03-02-21 16:01
3 314
A chimney re-build - how much? Another options?
19-02-21 12:42
3 279
Insulating a solid Block shed
18-02-21 16:34
15 718
Renovation - Anyone help?
16-02-21 22:50
7 789
Poor Workmanship
16-02-21 11:36
49 5.2K
Does a covered gazebo (but no walls) use part of my 25sqM allowance
15-02-21 14:10
19 1.2K
Roof pitch changes at last tile on garage
15-02-21 12:20
9 392
Polished concrete flooring in domestic dwelling?
07-01-18 9:55
43 18.7K
Chimney problems - looking for advice
15-02-21 13:18
1 156
DIY Demolition
13-02-21 18:00
2 383
Planning Permision
13-02-21 23:46
3 411
Ewi in stone cottage
12-02-21 18:45
2 384
Pumped insulation
13-02-21 11:21
5 265
Letters of endorsement for planning application.
13-02-21 13:52
1 221
Laying new concrete over old down side entrance of house
09-02-21 12:34
11 608
Insulation foam recommendations?
02-02-21 22:32
9 496
Tiling question re cracked grout on bathtub/tile junction
10-02-21 21:14
5 271
Rough cost for drilling a well
09-02-21 11:53
5 451
25 Feb Introduction to Specification & Design of NZEB Buildings - Online Classroom
09-02-21 8:03
5 261
Recommendation for Kerry - paving and driveway
11-02-21 10:51
0 67
Cost of Renewing Flat Roof
06-10-20 14:41
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150 or 175mm cavity - anyone build this width cavity?
23-11-16 19:30
35 4K
floor level dropped slightly
11-08-20 15:47
17 1.9K
Copy of Planner's report ?
08-02-21 22:00
11 381
Tender Pack Pricing Time
10-02-21 11:05
5 259
Vaulting upstairs ceilings
09-02-21 10:53
3 218
Installing shower tray
09-02-21 20:31
0 117
Shared right of way - permission to upgrade
09-02-21 8:51
7 489