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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Issues and Bust Builder
07-11-10 23:54
12 1.1K
Secure doors and windows?
07-11-10 6:34
5 957
Stone Masons are hard to come by!?
03-11-10 22:59
3 1K
Lowest angle for building a tiled pitch roof? 12
02-02-10 19:10
32 42.6K
finished floor with respect to DPC
05-11-10 15:14
8 3.8K
CLS versus c-16
28-10-10 11:52
10 2.8K
Toughened Glass v Regular
05-11-10 14:23
3 697
hollowcore slabs
07-11-10 21:56
1 494
mixing insulation types for cold roof construction
07-11-10 13:01
0 642
Building Regs question: Double skinned metal flues
11-10-10 10:07
11 3.5K
AIB Won't Fix Mortgage until Self Build is Finished
06-11-10 17:27
0 19
06-11-10 2:59
0 86
Sample plans, evelations and site layout needed ?
05-11-10 19:24
1 517
Water gathering on flat roof
04-11-10 12:49
3 946
Contract between builder and client
21-07-10 10:06
17 8.3K
Windows Supply V Supply & Fit, Rule of Thumb ?
25-10-10 13:16
11 1.4K
Devimat and 4X4 ceramics
24-10-10 17:33
3 1.1K
Mini Digger - which one to choose
24-09-07 20:46
6 6.4K
Building a garage to the side of the house, can I use the exisiting side wall?
02-11-10 22:31
7 2K
window layout for sunroom with stove
28-10-10 19:14
11 3.4K
full clean planning permission
01-11-10 1:32
7 1.1K
Zoning laws
03-11-10 12:43
5 581
HRV external vents
31-10-10 21:28
10 2.1K
Renovating an old stone building
03-11-10 11:44
1 864
Leaking Wall Vent ....
28-10-10 23:45
6 2.6K
Timber frame companies
24-09-10 13:12
2 887
Repairing Roof Felt
02-11-10 17:42
0 580
UFH recommendation needed
27-10-10 13:12
2 786
Dublin Roofer Recommendation
02-11-10 1:06
1 627
Bison Slabs or Timber
29-03-07 11:41
5 4.3K