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Discussion of Environmental Science
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Could bacteria produce silkworm silk and other animal textiles
27-10-12 19:14
0 313
Petrol from fresh air and water vapour!
19-10-12 11:22
5 896
Embodied energy
16-10-12 20:57
5 659
Micro combined heat and power stations for your home
14-11-06 21:32
6 1K
Where to Recycle remanufactured cartridges
17-10-12 22:11
0 306
Where to source wind turbine motors/generators
10-10-12 18:04
6 901
Lidl/Aldi recyclable packaging?
16-06-12 12:23
14 5.4K
Harvest Rainwater and Start Composting
10-10-12 10:07
14 1.5K
Sludge by another name
09-10-12 22:18
1 501
Renewable Energy/Sustainable jobs
03-10-12 10:24
6 878
Liguid air
04-10-12 8:26
3 518
Protect Dublin Bay From Large Oil Drill 2012
17-01-12 0:08
2 872
Water metering myths 12
25-01-10 11:33
33 7.8K
Is it worth getting a Home Energy Survey done? And who to contact?
04-10-12 12:15
0 356
Aixam EV servicing
30-09-12 15:21
0 310
Going to court over neighbour's building noise
29-09-12 5:03
14 1.3K
Possible or not?
07-09-12 14:04
26 2.1K
recycling VHS tapes?
26-09-12 9:17
0 602
Underground Rainwater harvesting system??
24-09-12 23:39
0 467
Are you pleased with your solar panels
21-09-12 11:10
0 439
Domestic wind turbine 12
05-09-11 2:20
42 16.6K
Jobs boom in the wind sector?
11-09-12 19:44
9 902
Book recommendations
02-09-12 16:17
4 566
Noise pollution - No Law!? 12
02-07-09 14:17
36 56K
Water Quality Testing for Private Well in Galway?
28-08-12 17:36
0 651
lighting requirements
14-08-12 21:05
16 1.6K
wood pulp to replace plastic and steel
24-08-12 11:51
1 706
Artic Sea Ice
21-08-12 18:48
1 472
Wood Flooring - Irish wood
19-08-12 12:21
0 558
California has 2,600 MW of geothermal & UK linkups & Tidal
17-08-12 19:11
5 895