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Careers and Job Discussion

Careers discussion from people whom have completed their leaving cert with Q&A from potential career candidates.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Can I teach a subject I have not done for leaving cert?
17-05-18 19:46
3 608
Psychology or Law?
08-05-18 16:42
0 211
BIFM Facilities Management OfQual level 6 Diploma
29-04-18 0:07
0 168
23-04-18 10:45
2 420
18-04-18 16:31
3 363
Career advice for a lad in his early 30's.
20-04-18 9:09
1 533
Hotel rereservation system training.
16-04-18 13:11
1 194
Has anyone actually got a job with the Degree in Addiction Studies?
11-04-18 8:22
1 321
31-03-18 0:14
0 284
What does a degree in Law lead to?
28-03-18 7:59
1 349
Bachelor of Business-University of Limerick
20-01-18 22:07
2 545
Nursing or Architecture
16-03-18 19:15
4 515
Secondary School Teaching
05-03-18 20:48
0 356
14-02-18 15:07
2 567
Occupational therapy work experience
16-07-17 23:17
6 1K
Occupational therapy
30-05-14 18:21
6 2.3K
How to become a nurse practitioner
12-02-18 17:40
10 705
Children's nursing
11-02-18 20:09
3 342
Anyone do foundation mathematics for leaving cert?
06-02-18 22:31
0 208
LC Maths Grinds Dublin
06-02-18 21:29
0 4
Engineering (DCU,UCD,TCD)
24-01-18 21:54
0 342
Computer Science Degree - NUIG, UCC or UL
22-01-18 18:05
0 704
Unsure of Career, not sure where I'm going.
15-01-18 21:03
15 1.4K
Interview - What to tell manager
22-01-18 12:58
4 417
Have I missed out on Medicine?
26-12-17 20:02
1 553
Which European language is most useful?
27-11-17 12:12
10 809
Exam Conference
26-11-17 10:38
0 20
Are Arts degrees really such a bad idea?
12-11-17 16:48
9 1.2K
My job as: A secondary school teacher 12
07-11-09 18:32
99 47.5K
do you have to be good at maths for IT technician courses?
17-09-17 12:24
0 532