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election 2011

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Virtual Ballot Box - Cast Your Vote in Politics
29-01-11 4:14
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How I object to election posters... :) 12 in Politics
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Questions for Dublin By-Election Candidates. in Politics
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Snackbox - Top story on the Hot Press website this week! in Band Promotion
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What did you hope for? in Politics
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What have the Greens ever done for us? 12 in Politics
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Claim of animal cruelty against Dublin Candidate in Politics
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Banks caused our demise, not FF : SIndo letters in Politics
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Online candidate visibility in Politics
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0 428
Frank Fahey using Twitter in Galway City & County
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An anology of FF in this 2011 election in Feedback Archive
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2 955
Debt off-setting in Politics
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Mayo Election Poll. in Mayo
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Why do people in Mayo Still Support Fianna Fail? 12 in Mayo
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Should Irish politicians be more respectful during Parlimentary Debates? in Politics
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Irish Political Satire: "A Friend in Need Can Be Screwed Indeed!" in Creative Writing
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0 969