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June 2016 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Delighted for you henwin that's fantastic news x

    Nausea is cruel here too I'm not eating right. The sight or smell of raw meat turns my stomach I can't handle it at all, I never had this with my 1st 2

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,835 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Hi Ladies,

    Feeling brave enough now to join this forum although still nervous as only 8 weeks. Have a scan next week so fingers crossed that will go well. Had no symptoms until 6 weeks but they have made up for it now! I suffer from all day nausea most days and usually throw up at least once but some days it 5 or 6 times. The mad thing is that what works one day to prevent throwing up doesn't work the next day! I'm finding this stage hard as you can't tell anyone yet I feel awful. This is my first. Those of you with more experience please tell me things will improve!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    appledrop wrote: »
    Hi Ladies,

    Feeling brave enough now to join this forum although still nervous as only 8 weeks. Have a scan next week so fingers crossed that will go well. Had no symptoms until 6 weeks but they have made up for it now! I suffer from all day nausea most days and usually throw up at least once but some days it 5 or 6 times. The mad thing is that what works one day to prevent throwing up doesn't work the next day! I'm finding this stage hard as you can't tell anyone yet I feel awful. This is my first. Those of you with more experience please tell me things will improve!

    It's very hard on your first pregnancy, wondering if all of this is normal and yet trying not to tell anyone.
    I'm almost 9 weeks pregnant now with my second child and some of my symptoms are coming and going and others are set to stay for a while yet.
    I'm peeing lots more. Have a stuffed nose (a little Vicks inhaler stick is great if you have this), boobs are super sore sometimes and just sore the rest and the exhaustion...... It's just something else as is the nausea.
    Last time out I remeber bursting into tears around week 14 thinking I'd never ever feel normal ever again. Then the next day I woke up and felt fabulous.
    I'd hit the second trimester with a bang and with it the energy boost that makes it all ok again.
    Ask any questions you want either here or in the pregnancy chat thread. I found the site invaluable while I was pregnant the first time out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,835 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Thanks for the reply Penny Dreadful. It's good to know other people are going through it as well and I'm not the only one. We were ttc for over a year so this is a much wanted pregnancy. I just didn't realise this bit could be so hard.

    My poor husband is trying his best to help and making me whatever I want to eat. The problem is half the time I change my mind when it's made and I can't even look at it. I have to laugh at all the 'advice' for pregnant women about eating a healthy balanced diet. I'd be grateful if anything stayed down at the moment no matter what it was! Roll on the second trimster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Congrats appledrop! I'm on my second and we were about the same time trying to get pregnant, definitely doesn't make the first trimester any less of a shock!

    If it makes your husband feel any better he's definitely not alone. Mine follows any request with "now, you're sure???" - which invariably I'm not :)

    I have so much sympathy for you getting sick so often you poor thing. I'm only actually throwing up in the morning which is then replaced with all day nausea. Don't know if I'd cope throwing up through the day, not to mention trying to hide it at work!!! Mind yourself.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 364 ✭✭shivers27

    Congratulations Appledrop :-) Sorry to hear you're feeling so rough, all that nausea and sickness sounds horrible:-( I'm very lucky I don't have that and didn't have it with my first pregnancy either. I'm just knackered all the time !

    Going to the GP later today for the first time so will get the paper work signed for combined care etc

    3 weeks today till my scan, all going well :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Hopefully 3 weeks will fly by Shivers :-)

    I am living for Christmas holidays at this stage, roll on!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Hi all,
    So I'm 6 wks, 3 days on my first after ttc for about 6 months. Feel a bit queasy and anxious and I'm convinced it's the pregnacare. Nipples are very tender and I'm exhausted but otherwise managing grand.

    I'm really lucky that we have a quiet social calendar for November and a lot on at work. I'm also doing a Post Grad so I'm sure everyone will buy the "too busy for boozing".

    I rang a recommended consultant in Cork Louise Kenny today and she's booked out. The receptionist mentioned a few more but I said I'd ring back once I'd a think. Anyone have any other suggestions for CUMH? I asked about the payment structure also and apparently it's 50% upfront with
    Little flexibility. Good job I won't be wasting money gallivanting!

    Looking forward to keeping in touch with everyone. This is my first ever post on a discussion board!

    Your post just showed up for me now Molly, didn't mean to ignore it! Congrats!

    I'm in Dublin so no help with CUMH but hopefully one of the other girls can help :)

    Also just to comment on the pregnacare thing when I had my early scan the very nice sonographer asked if I was taking it, she said in her experience women who were suffering with nausea had it exacerbated by taking the pregnacare. I know it gave me awful headaches on my daughter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,835 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Thanks for all your support ladies. Well I ended up in hospital due to high levels of ketones in my urine. Put me on a drip for a few hours and I had an anti nausea injection so it has made a huge difference. Never before has tea and toast tasted so nice! I'd agree with avoiding the pregnacare. I think it definitely made me worse and also constipated(Sorry if TMI) which I think was due to the iron.

    Had my first scan so definitely a baby there. Henwin I had to get an internal scan aswell and I'm 8 weeks. Now hopefully when you go back in two weeks the belly scan will work. Mine probably didn't because I had no liquids in my stomach.

    Mollycollig I can't help with consultant advice as in Dublin but I know that it's the norm to pay approx 50% up front on your visit.

    Best of luck to everyone with their upcoming scans.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    9 weeks today and have another scan with my obstetrician this afternoon. Hopefully things are still going well and the news is good.

    On the moan side OMG by boobs are like comedy boobs (granted just to me as they're on the small side anyway but they feel enormous all of the time to me now) and the nausea...........bleugh. Even if I just think about food it makes me want to hurl. I came close to pulling the car over this morning as I was convinced I was going to throw up on the way to work.
    Am absolutely exhausted too. Having a 14 month old (no matter how great a baby she is, she is still a baby who is growing teeth at an astonishing rate) to look after too and a husband who is under so much pressure at work that its a good evening if he is home by 20:00 isn't doing me any favours.

    T2 and your energy boost you just can't come quick enough.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    You guys have me terrified with your symptoms. my symptoms are pretty much gone. Boobs aren't really sore anymore either which really has me nervous. I'm so scared for my next scan. The thoughts of it all being over a third time is too much to bare.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    You guys have me terrified with your symptoms. my symptoms are pretty much gone. Boobs aren't really sore anymore either which really has me nervous. I'm so scared for my next scan. The thoughts of it all being over a third time is too much to bare.

    Its really hard not to imagine the worst when its happened to you already and I've done more than enough of that this time around myself.
    Sometimes my boobs feel fine and I immediately think "thats it, its over again" and then a day or two later they make themselves felt again big time.
    My tirendess may or may not be pregnancy related. I have RA and part of its lovely symptoms is tiredness:rolleyes:.
    I'm on the most alert knicker watch ever and anytime there is even a hint of ..........well anything at all there I also think "thats it, its over again".
    However, I feel my tummy getting bigger (thankfully in a pregnancy sense not just because I'm getting fat:o), I'm crying at the drop of a hat at anything, even Modern Family (the funniest, sweetest tv show on the go at the moment) has me in tears. My little girl was sitting on my knee last Sunday evening when part of the X Factor came on tv and she started to bounce along and move her arms to some guys doing a cover of a One Direction song and even that made me cry in its cuteness. :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    You guys have me terrified with your symptoms. my symptoms are pretty much gone. Boobs aren't really sore anymore either which really has me nervous. I'm so scared for my next scan. The thoughts of it all being over a third time is too much to bare.

    When is your next scan? Is there any chance you could give them a ring and see if they could see you earlier? The anxiety can't be doing you any good and I don't think anyone here telling you every pregnancy is different will cheer you up either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    It's next Monday so not too far. I just have to chill. Easier said than done I know. I'm 11+3 by lmp and 10+2 based on last scan so trying to tell myself it's normal for symptoms to ease around this time. It's just so hard not to panic

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Absolutely you're completely right so do try and relax. It's normal for some for symptoms to stop around now just like its normal for some to have no symptoms at all or to be vomiting right through to the delivery ward!

    If it makes you feel any better it's never ending. The things you'll worry about when babies here. We were so lucky to be handed a cruisey baby, from day one nothing has phased her, her life is just smiles and cheekiness. I remember asking a doctor when she was 6 weeks if something was wrong as she never cried and she slept...alot! He nearly laughed me out of his office. Hand on heart I thought something might be wrong with her.

    Murphy's law dictates we get a doozy on #2 who won't sleep a wink and will scream the house down! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Digs wrote: »
    Absolutely you're completely right so do try and relax. It's normal for some for symptoms to stop around now just like its normal for some to have no symptoms at all or to be vomiting right through to the delivery ward!

    If it makes you feel any better it's never ending. The things you'll worry about when babies here. We were so lucky to be handed a cruisey baby, from day one nothing has phased her, her life is just smiles and cheekiness. I remember asking a doctor when she was 6 weeks if something was wrong as she never cried and she slept...alot! He nearly laughed me out of his office. Hand on heart I thought something might be wrong with her.

    Murphy's law dictates we get a doozy on #2 who won't sleep a wink and will scream the house down! :)

    We got a similar baby. She is so chilled out and easy going almost all of the time. She is also a big fan of sleep which has made her the best baby ever.
    I am convinved that this second little one will be the exact opposite.
    I'll be heading back into the Coombe for my 6 week check up convinced that someone gave me the wrong baby if so:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 364 ✭✭shivers27

    We got a similar baby. She is so chilled out and easy going almost all of the time. She is also a big fan of sleep which has made her the best baby ever.
    I am convinved that this second little one will be the exact opposite.
    I'll be heading back into the Coombe for my 6 week check up convinced that someone gave me the wrong baby if so:)

    Ha ha ladies I'm the same , my lb was such and easy baby who never cried and loved to sleep :-) There's no way I'll be as lucky this time round ! In all honesty tho, a healthy baby is all I ask for :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Haha that's gas, we're all in for a shock so!!

    I'm one of 5 and my mum says there was a gradual decline from 1 to 5. My eldest brother was the dream, slept all day to my little sister who had them walking the halls all night with colic! As she says herself the sleep didn't garner any favours from her ;) she loves us all the same haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Digs wrote: »
    Haha that's gas, we're all in for a shock so!!

    I'm one of 5 and my mum says there was a gradual decline from 1 to 5. My eldest brother was the dream, slept all day to my little sister who had them walking the halls all night with colic! As she says herself the sleep didn't garner any favours from her ;) she loves us all the same haha

    Thankfully in my house we were all great sleepers according to my mum and dad. There were 6 of us so if one didn't sleep they would have stood out big time.

    I wonder if she inadvertendely sleep trained us? Both of my parents were pretty chilled out when it came to little babies - partly because they're bonkers about them and partly (in their own words) due to ignorance. They had no books, no media and therefore no drama about all of the things that could go wrong. Mum always said she just assumed she'd have good babies that slept and she did.
    She was also a big believer in routine and refused to deviate from it for anyone. At her suggestion I implemented a routine with my little girl when she was 8 weeks old and after just one bad week (if even) she never looked back. That said she was always a good sleeper and never had that "is it day or night" difficulty.

    Fingers crossed its a family trait and #2 loves sleep too 'cause I certainly am a fan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Ah I'd say there's a certain amount of luck involved really! Wouldn't like to suggest parents of children who don't sleep are doing anything wrong because they're not. We were all treated the same except for the youngest who truth be told got more attention and we all had a different take on how much sleep was necessary for our lovely parents!

    I just considered us lucky to get those extra few hours :) I couldn't imagine having the same luxury with a poor little baba with reflux or colic for example

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    I meant to ask if anyone actually got the flu shot btw? Am I right in saying it's free for anyone in the at risk category which includes pregnant women?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Digs wrote: »
    Ah I'd say there's a certain amount of luck involved really! Wouldn't like to suggest parents of children who don't sleep are doing anything wrong because they're not. We were all treated the same except for the youngest who truth be told got more attention and we all had a different take on how much sleep was necessary for our lovely parents!

    I just considered us lucky to get those extra few hours :) I couldn't imagine having the same luxury with a poor little baba with reflux or colic for example

    Luck certainly plays a big part all right. Also what one set of parents considers "wrong" is perfectly "right" and "normal" to another set. Whatever works for any given family is right for them.
    In my group of friends 3 of us had babies last year and we've all done things differently. What one family opted for (BLW, baby still in their room at 17 months old, bed at 21:30 at the earliest) couldn't be further from what would be "right" for me. They probably think we're the meanest most unfeeling parents ever as we moved our little one into her own room when she was 2 weeks old, I didn't opt for BLW and have a set routine for her every day and she is in bed and asleep by 19:30 every night for 12 hours.
    That works for us though and our family.

    My sister's first baby had bad colic and it was so awful to hear her cry, it was so wretched and nothing seemed to help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Digs wrote: »
    I meant to ask if anyone actually got the flu shot btw? Am I right in saying it's free for anyone in the at risk category which includes pregnant women?

    I got it weeks ago and had no issues with it at all. It was free too though at work- I work in a hospital but I think its free for anyone at risk. I'm on treatment for my RA and have been strongly advised to get both the flu and pneumonia vaccines. My Occ Health doctor has asked me to discuss the latter with my obstetrician today when I see her. If she gives it the ok then I'll get that too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,835 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Hazelnut Button try not to worry too much everyone has different pregnancies. You are also further along than a number of us ladies so your symptoms could be just easing naturally. I know some people who flew through their pregnancies and never had a day of nausea. I of course had to draw the short straw.

    I am opting not to get the flu Jab at the moment. I have never even had a very bad cold never mind the flu so not going to risk a reaction. I know that most people have no reaction but I just couldn't deal with any more illness at the moment.

    I definitely think that it is just luck whether you have a placid baby or not. One of our friends had a dream first baby, flew through it slept all the time, great eater etc. So it was a big shock to them when baby number 2 wasn't having any of it even though they were doing everything the same!

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Hazelnut Button

    Thanks for all the reassurance. You guys are great. It's nice to be able to vent here. My OH thinks I'm cracked as it is, so it's great to be able to share my neuroses with people who get it. I'm just so nervous after what happened in the past. This baby is so wanted and I'm just terrified it will be taken away again. It's one of those things that you don't expect to happen to you. It's always others people. And when it does happen to you it absolutely knocks you for six.

    Here's hoping all my worrying is for nothing and just practice for the years ahead.

    Ps: haven't gotten my flu jab yet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    So I had a great appointment with my obstetrician this afternoon. Scan went brilliantly and the little one has doubled in size, has a super strong heartbeat and I could even see it moving around. Imagine being able to see your baby move around at only 9 weeks. It's nuts in the best way.

    So my dates are still bang on which is great. June 14th is the due date but I'm convinced that it will show up sooner. My daughter came almost 4 weeks early and given the mixture of meds that I'm on now I think the same will happen again.

    I'm due back in 2 weeks and if it's all good news then I'll start to relax.

  • Registered Users Posts: 364 ✭✭shivers27

    So I had a great appointment with my obstetrician this afternoon. Scan went brilliantly and the little one has doubled in size, has a super strong heartbeat and I could even see it moving around. Imagine being able to see your baby move around at only 9 weeks. It's nuts in the best way.

    So my dates are still bang on which is great. June 14th is the due date but I'm convinced that it will show up sooner. My daughter came almost 4 weeks early and given the mixture of meds that I'm on now I think the same will happen again.

    I'm due back in 2 weeks and if it's all good news then I'll start to relax.

    Wahoo fantastic news Penny :-) Soooooooo happy for you xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,835 ✭✭✭appledrop

    Brilliant news Penny Dreadful. It's exciting isn't it. I was worried at mine as baby didn't show up at first but once I had the internal scan it's little heart was beating away.

    Best of luck to everyone else with upcoming scans.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    That's great news penny goad everything is going well x on so jealous of all the early scans December the 3rd can't come quick enough for me x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 244 ✭✭Aveen

    Hi ladies,
    Hope all going well, I've been hearing post, currently having good day with ms, need to be in bed by 8.30 at night or I'm so sick next day. Managing much now and way better than last pregnancy. First scan on the 4th I can't wait. Will be announcing that weekend oh the excited :-)
