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August 2015 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    catchery wrote: »
    Well i had no choice because with my little guy they wanted to rule out any reason for not gaining weight . But it didnt really bother him going from one to the other ! He is five weeks now and is still feeding from both no problems. The breast is definitely a comfort so for night feeds he feeds really well for 15 -20 mins on both sides with no snoozing at all ! Just feeds and rolls off. It is up to you hun but i can use a pad with bra and no need for nipple cream any more. They are sensitive but not painful where you are crying, like someone is pouring acid on a cut pain ! I do feel if you are exhausted and upset its better to try different ways that work for you than totally giving up!

    hell it's gonna take a bit more to discourage me, LOL
    But good to hear your little one is ok with both solutions - I'll try to wait a few more days/weeks if I can, and if not - I'll defo try combining expressing and feeding from the breast, thanks for your advice!

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Good woman yourself emka ! Keep going well done. Its tough but you will look back before you know it !

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Congrats borderline meath. Our little babies have the same birthday :-) I had to episiotomy too,how are u feeling. I am very uncomfortable. If you have any tips let me know.
    I heard of the witch hazel and bought some but all of the midwifes advised me against it?

    I had an episiotomy too! Maybe it's true what they say that they do theM too often nowadays?!

    Either way it's quite uncomfortable for the first week or so but each day you'll be getting better! I haven't used anything and am healing quite well and with no complications so far! What I did find helpful though were the thick maternity pads - they give a nice enough cushion / padding. I'm on the thin ones now but didn't even look at them at the start!

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    Posting from the doctors office. I have mastitis! Oh joy. I had a wee cough and headache but didn't think much of it (no sleep!) and then I nearly fainted changing him earlier.

    This is the nail in the coffin for my breastfeeding journey unfortunately. I've agonised quietly for a few days now and was going to keep going but it's just too much. Feel like a total failure but no one could say I didn't give it all I could.

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Dobbit wrote: »
    Posting from the doctors office. I have mastitis! Oh joy. I had a wee cough and headache but didn't think much of it (no sleep!) and then I nearly fainted changing him earlier.

    This is the nail in the coffin for my breastfeeding journey unfortunately. I've agonised quietly for a few days now and was going to keep going but it's just too much. Feel like a total failure but no one could say I didn't give it all I could.

    Don't feel like a failure hun! If it doesn't work it doesn't work, it counts that you tried!

    Any other symptoms you had? Cause I have an awful cough too but since my hubby is sick I just presumed I cought it from him... now you got me worried!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    emka1984 wrote: »
    Don't feel like a failure hun! If it doesn't work it doesn't work, it counts that you tried!

    Any other symptoms you had? Cause I have an awful cough too but since my hubby is sick I just presumed I fought it from him... now you got me worried!
    Slightly sore boob for a few hours but nothing bad or worrying, it just hit me like a tonne of bricks earlier. Started feeling very cold and shivering suddenly, took temp and it was high. Boob also very sore now.

    I rang nurseline and they said get to GP asap so if you started shivering you might want to call.

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Dobbit wrote: »
    Slightly sore boob for a few hours but nothing bad or worrying, it just hit me like a tonne of bricks earlier. Started feeling very cold and shivering suddenly, took temp and it was high. Boob also very sore now.

    I rang nurseline and they said get to GP asap so if you started shivering you might want to call.

    I'll keep an eye on it so.

    Hope you feel better soon!

    I always thought I was breast fed and only discovered the other day from my mum that I was not as I simply didn't feed from the breast for some reason. I turned out OK enough Lol, your little one will be fine too! :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 281 ✭✭cowlove

    Congrats borderline and irishgirl. Delighted all went well 😀 enjoy your little girls!

    Catchers I hope your little man will be ok.

    I had an episiotomy and stitches were very sore for a few days but nearly 6 weeks later I am all healed thankfully. Each day will get easier.

    Dobbit your breastfeeding journey sounds just like mine although mine only lasted a few days. My boobs were so sore and bloody and then the nail in the coffin was an infection. I had the same symptoms, shivering etc I just had to call it a day with the breastfeeding. I sobbed for days and felt such a failure. I had planned to breastfeed and nothing else was an option.
    For my own mental health I had to switch to formula and I see now that a happy mum equals a happy baby.

    I didn't think breastfeeding would be as tough as it was, together with tiredness, hormones etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Sorry to hear you are unwell dobbit, very painful and takes the good out of you so not worth it for you or baby. You are far from a failure dont ever say that. Well done for going so far to actually nearly faint !!! Relax now and get better and enjoy your time with your newborn baby. It all goes too quickly and worrying about what you did or didnt do is so pointless when you look back. Just enjoy cos it goes so fast. We are so good at beating ourselves up instead of praising ourselves. Hope you have a good well deserved sleeeeppppp x

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    cowlove wrote: »
    Congrats borderline and irishgirl. Delighted all went well 😀 enjoy your little girls!

    Catchers I hope your little man will be ok.

    I had an episiotomy and stitches were very sore for a few days but nearly 6 weeks later I am all healed thankfully. Each day will get easier.

    Dobbit your breastfeeding journey sounds just like mine although mine only lasted a few days. My boobs were so sore and bloody and then the nail in the coffin was an infection. I had the same symptoms, shivering etc I just had to call it a day with the breastfeeding. I sobbed for days and felt such a failure. I had planned to breastfeed and nothing else was an option.
    For my own mental health I had to switch to formula and I see now that a happy mum equals a happy baby.

    I didn't think breastfeeding would be as tough as it was, together with tiredness, hormones etc

    I wish I could hug you!!! I feel exactly the same re mental health. I've had depression before and I knew there was a strong chance of it going down that road. I cried all over baby earlier and told him I was sorry I couldn't do it, like he cares! bloody hormones.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Those hormones certainly do make us go a bit crazy don't they?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Sorry to hear you're not well dobbit and that the bf didn't work out. Fair play to u for trying. I am ff and it's so hard even though my OH can help me. I can only imagine what bf is like it must be very hard.
    The advise with the witchhazel seems to vary depending on what midwife u get ,its mad.
    Glad to hear there is light at the tunnel re the episiotomys ,it feels like mine will never heal. Because I had one will it mean one will be required for future births ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,340 ✭✭✭borderlinemeath

    Congrats borderline meath. Our little babies have the same birthday :-) I had to episiotomy too,how are u feeling. I am very uncomfortable. If you have any tips let me know.
    I heard of the witch hazel and bought some but all of the midwifes advised me against it?

    One of the midwives told me to get arnica tablets, my stitches are fine, but I have very bad bruising, so the arnica will help, heard of sitting on the swim ring helps, was sitting on an ice pack in hosp, but I didn't feel much benefit to be honest. A friend of mine told me about tea tree oil in the bath today, so must look it up. I've a prescription for ponstan for the next week and can get it repeated if necessary. Since I got home today I find that wearing my maternity leggings feel like everything is far more "contained" than in my pjs in the hospital where I felt I had literally no control at all iykwim.

    It's very uncomfortable, and it's only early days, but I'm going to attend my hospitals post natal physio classes to help with pelvic floor exercises, as I don't feel that I'm doing anything beneficial at the minute, but I'm still really swollen.

    Breast feeding didn't work for my little girl, she has a posterior tongue tie, so I can get it clipped if needs be. The lactation consultant says that she may have been a finger sucker in the womb, if she was a thumb sucker she would have rolled her tongue but if she stuck her fingers in she may have pushed her tongue back. And in every scan she had her hands up around her face!! She's guzzling on her bottle and thriving and has a great routine already, it takes the worry away from knowing how much she's taken and as husband says don't beat myself up about it, he can also help with feeds, particularly as I feel so rotten with everything down below! I always said what happens will happen and if it didn't work it's not the end of the world. Only thing now is my milk has come in and boobs are like rocks, I have to get rid of it!

    On a more poignant note, my lovely next door neighbour passed away on Saturday morning, not 12 hours after our daughter was born. She was in her late 80s/early 90s and had been in the hospital where I gave birth for the past month or so with final stage kidney failure. Every day she asked her family had I had the baby, was there any news on the baby, she was really looking forward to the news. We're absolutely devastated that she didn't get to meet her, but on some level we think she knew that she had arrived and it was ok for her to go. The eldest resident of our road leaves the world as the youngest arrived. We went to her removal tonight and I got very weepy for the first time, and they were all saying she was still asking when she could barely talk so she must have known as she passed very peacefully :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Very sorry to hear about your neighbour she sounds like a lovely lady! It's the way life goes doesn't it? :-( pity she didn't get to meet your little one but she can watch over her from above now!

    Totally agree with you on the peace of mind re amounts of food the little one is taking in and the fact that the partners can help out with feeding - I miss this with bf! We shall see how my adventure with bf goes!

    You'll feel better with the stitches each day you'll see! I took arnica tablets too but not sure how much they helped. ... no harm in taking them I guess :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Awe I'm really sorry to hear that borderline Meath. She sounded like a really lovely woman. I agree about the timing re her death that maybe she knew it was time. Hope you get some comfort in knowing that.

    I know all too well what you mean about not feeling 'contained'. I had no idea what I'd be like in the hospital. I stood up and had an accident in front of my friend. I was so upset. Hope the bleeding gets lighter soon.
    I am taking the arnica too they're great aren't they.
    I didn't know you could do the pelvic floor in the hospital. I must look into that. Have been trying to do them since but don't know if I'm even doing anything.hard to feel anything even :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    Question for the ff mums. What amounts and how often are you feeding your little ones? Moving off breastfeeding means I'm a little lost, I know they should get around 25 oz in 24 hours but not sure how to distribute that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 672 ✭✭✭Ms Tootsie

    Hi all. Just checking in. Im still waiting in my little arrival. Feels like they will never be here!!!

    40+5 today and no signs of anything happening. It's a hard wait oncethe due date passes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Ms Tootsie wrote: »
    Hi all. Just checking in. Im still waiting in my little arrival. Feels like they will never be here!!!

    40+5 today and no signs of anything happening. It's a hard wait oncethe due date passes.

    Stay strong! :-) you don't have much longer to wait! Surely easier said than done but you can do it! And best of luck with the delivery!

  • Registered Users Posts: 281 ✭✭cowlove

    Dobbit wrote: »
    Question for the ff mums. What amounts and how often are you feeding your little ones? Moving off breastfeeding means I'm a little lost, I know they should get around 25 oz in 24 hours but not sure how to distribute that.

    Hi Dobbit, I don't know if my way is correct but I was Giving 4oz every 3-4 hours. I have now gone up to 5oz. At night he might stretch to 5 hours between feeds. Hope this helps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Sorry for your loss borderline hope you are ok. Sounds like a lovely lady x
    Ms tootsie hang on in there hun wont be much longer for you and the very best of luck.

    My little guy is home from hospital a week after his visit. He got weighed today and has gained 1lb and 6oz !!!! Im so over the moon and so relieved and so exhausted lol ! Ive been measuring every drop and recording it for the district nurse. I can now allow him sleep for longer and breast feed more, think my pump is about to give in from overuse. Think ill book a hair appointment now !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Best of luck tootsie. The last days are the hardest. Hope u go soon.
    Glad to hear that catchery. That's a brilliant weight gain

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Thanks irishgirl im just delighted ! The relief knowing he is gaining not loosing weight is just brilliant. Feel like a different person already big sigh of relief !

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Great stuff catchery! Well done to you and your little one!

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    emka1984 wrote: »
    Great stuff catchery! Well done to you and your little one!

    Thanks emka ! Hope all going well for you too !
    Miss tootsie i am checking in on thread every day hope you are ok hun x

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    catchery wrote: »
    Thanks emka ! Hope all going well for you too !
    Miss tootsie i am checking in on thread every day hope you are ok hun x

    Ya I keep checking for new messages too! :-)

    All good here, the little missy is growing and sucking all the fat out of me lol. Best diet ever! It's mad how quickly they change! I can't wait to see the first proper smile! Surely that's gonna happen soon now! Can't believe she's 4 weeks old already!

    Everyone else doing fine I hope?

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    All good here thanks emka ! Glad everything is going so well for you and your little baby girl ! Im trying to get my little guy into a routine he is 6 weeks and today didnt go to plan so im starting tomorrow ! Bath before bed then big feed and cuddles and into cot! See how we go!

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    catchery wrote: »
    All good here thanks emka ! Glad everything is going so well for you and your little baby girl ! Im trying to get my little guy into a routine he is 6 weeks and today didnt go to plan so im starting tomorrow ! Bath before bed then big feed and cuddles and into cot! See how we go!

    Good luck! We're still with no major routine here but she's doing OK enough most nights :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,340 ✭✭✭borderlinemeath

    Was thinking of Ms Tootsie yesterday too!

    Am feeling so much better a week on from getting home, this day last week I thought I'd never feel normal again after episiotomy, and was convinced I'd be refilling my painkiller prescription, but by today I feel a hell of a lot better - not perfect but a lot better. I can actually feel myself doing pelvic floor exercises, whereas there was zero feeling last week with the swelling/bruising.

    Baby girl is thriving, there was a lot of confusion over her birth weight, her initial weight was listed as 7lb9oz, but when she was weighed 2 days later she was 8lb2oz, so midwife reset the scales and it was the same, she was reweighed again the following day and this day last week by the phn and again 8lb2oz so her initial weigh in was either miscalculated from kgs or the scales weren't calibrated! I weighed her this morning and she's almost 9lb! She's guzzling her bottles and I can barely get 4hrs between feeds, sometimes it's only just over 2hrs. She's a savage!

    Irishgirl, hope you're feeling some improvement too, and bottle feeding is going well for you Dobbit. Great to hear your little fella is thriving Catchery!

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Was thinking of Ms Tootsie yesterday too!

    Am feeling so much better a week on from getting home, this day last week I thought I'd never feel normal again after episiotomy, and was convinced I'd be refilling my painkiller prescription, but by today I feel a hell of a lot better - not perfect but a lot better. I can actually feel myself doing pelvic floor exercises, whereas there was zero feeling last week with the swelling/bruising.

    Baby girl is thriving, there was a lot of confusion over her birth weight, her initial weight was listed as 7lb9oz, but when she was weighed 2 days later she was 8lb2oz, so midwife reset the scales and it was the same, she was reweighed again the following day and this day last week by the phn and again 8lb2oz so her initial weigh in was either miscalculated from kgs or the scales weren't calibrated! I weighed her this morning and she's almost 9lb! She's guzzling her bottles and I can barely get 4hrs between feeds, sometimes it's only just over 2hrs. She's a savage!

    Irishgirl, hope you're feeling some improvement too, and bottle feeding is going well for you Dobbit. Great to hear your little fella is thriving Catchery!

    Great to hear you're feeling better! There's light at the end of that tunnel! :-)
    Sounds like your baby girl is doing great with her feeds! Well done to her!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Hey how is everyone doing. My lo is 2 weeks on Friday. Feels like a lot longer! I got out for a good while yesterday and it felt great. We brought her to a baby photoshoot.
    Good to hear your feeling better borderlinemeath,I'm the same,I've been trying the pelvic floor since I had her. At first I felt numb but now I can actually feel myself doing them. Who'd have thought I'd be delighted over pelvic floor exercises lol.
    Baby is doing well and putting on weight. Getting weighed again on Friday.
