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August 2015 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Dobbit wrote: »
    My OH went back to work today after 2 weeks paternity leave. Had a hard day without him, lots of crying and a difficult to settle baby. Just when we finally cracked breastfeeding the settling comes unstuck, sigh. Also OH's aunt is doing my head in. She keeps calling round dishing out orders in the guise of advice. Today then she asked me did I need anything from the shops and got totally the wrong thing, AND corrected me for complaining about it. God preserve me from that kind of "help". I've had to ask a few people not to call over just because I'm so flaming exhausted. Probably seems selfish but I'll never get him into anything like a routine if all and sundry keep calling over.

    It sounds like a bit of a nightmare "help" indeed! All I can say is I'm being pretty frank with people at the moment, and if I'm not happy with someone's presence, I just voice my concerns. You can always blame it on the hormones! ;-)

    Surely it'll get better and you'll be ready for visitors when you're ready! Don't put too much pressure on yourself - the wellbeing of you and your little one is most important now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Well said emka !

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    Thanks ladies, glad to know I'm not alone! OH's dad called over at 8 tonight when we hadn't had a chance to have dinner and stayed until 9 and basically had to be asked to leave and told not to call so late again. I finally got baby down when he was here and he was like "you should go to bed, you look tired" and I snapped back "I haven't eaten yet!".

    In better news baby is feeding much faster now, 10-20 mins a side down from 30-50 mins! We also got some new soothers, the tommy tippee closer to nature ones, and he is much easier to settle now with them. He just loves sucking but I was becoming his pacifier...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    emka1984 wrote:
    Oh and for those curious about the "ribbon" - it's a hormone inserted behind your cervix in a form of a flat tampon. It's meant to "ripen" the cervix if it's not fully favourable.

    Being induced on Wed with the same method. Hoping it works
    I'd rather not spend an extra night there if I don't have to. They said they will leave it for 24 hours before trying the gel

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    The very best of luck irishgirl will be thinking of you hope it all goes well for you. It will all be over soon enjoy your last few hours with your bump.
    Im in hospital with my little pet. An infection in his kidneys. On antibiotics and gaining weight. we have had an awful week but hope we will get good results waiting for results. Hold them close and love them more.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Best of luck Irishgirl! Hopefully it goes all smoothly and at least more less to your plan! :-)

    I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    catchery wrote: »
    Im in hospital with my little pet. An infection in his kidneys. On antibiotics and gaining weight. we have had an awful week but hope we will get good results waiting for results. Hold them close and love them more.

    Oh my! Fingers crossed for good results and a quick recovery!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Ah no cathcery. I hope he gets better soon and it's only a very short stay :-( look after yourself

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,340 ✭✭✭borderlinemeath

    Hope the little fella is OK Catchery.

    And I'll be right behind you Irishgirl, I'm getting induced on Thursday afternoon. Due to my age and that fact that even though the head is engaged there's no movement on my cervix. I wasn't offered the ribbon, going to have 2 rounds of gel, and if it doesn't work, I can opt for a C-Section, I don't know whether it's because of my age or because my veins are causing my leg to swell, I was too busy trying to take in all the info this morning.

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Hope the little fella is OK Catchery.

    And I'll be right behind you Irishgirl, I'm getting induced on Thursday afternoon. Due to my age and that fact that even though the head is engaged there's no movement on my cervix. I wasn't offered the ribbon, going to have 2 rounds of gel, and if it doesn't work, I can opt for a C-Section, I don't know whether it's because of my age or because my veins are causing my leg to swell, I was too busy trying to take in all the info this morning.

    Best of luck and keep us posted! :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Best of luck borderlinemeath. I'm starting to feel a bit nervous now. Hoping it will all be over quick

  • Registered Users Posts: 281 ✭✭cowlove

    Hope your little one is better catchery! It must be awful when they are sick and so small.

    Best of luck Irish girl and borderlinemeath.

    We have moved from Galway to Dundalk. Not much fun with a newborn but we are in our new place now. Little fella is 5 weeks tomorrow. The time is flying!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    cowlove wrote: »
    Hope your little one is better catchery! It must be awful when they are sick and so small.

    Best of luck Irish girl and borderlinemeath.

    We have moved from Galway to Dundalk. Not much fun with a newborn but we are in our new place now. Little fella is 5 weeks tomorrow. The time is flying!!

    Wow impressive with the move! Well done and enjoy the new place! :-)

    5 weeks already?! Oh my! Well in fairness, my little missy will be 3 weeks on Monday! Madness! Hope all is well?

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Irishgirl and borderlinemeath - thinking of you! Hope all is well and maybe both of you have your little bundles of joy with you already?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Catchery - hope you're on the way to recovery and all is good now?

    Dobbit - all good with the family now? :-) how is your little one feeding? Mine is having days when she feeds maybe 10-20 mins at each breast, but for example this morning she was stuck to me for almost 50!

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Irishgirl and borderline hope all is going well and we here some news soon.

    Im home with my little man, have to go back for more tests in 6 weeks and maybe face surgery in the future. He will also be on medication for the next two years. But ! But ! He is gaining weight and is alert and starting to smile when you have the chat with him. Feeling so happy to be home and back to a messy house ! Hope all is well with everyone !

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Hear ! Even ! Man im tired !

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    catchery wrote: »
    Irishgirl and borderline hope all is going well and we here some news soon.

    Im home with my little man, have to go back for more tests in 6 weeks and maybe face surgery in the future. He will also be on medication for the next two years. But ! But ! He is gaining weight and is alert and starting to smile when you have the chat with him. Feeling so happy to be home and back to a messy house ! Hope all is well with everyone !

    Sounds like you're starting to get things under control - great news! I hope the surgery is a minor one, if needed at all! And hopefully your little man recovers as quickly as possible... It's lovely to have some consolation in his smiles and weight gaining - makes you feel that it's definitely all worth it, doesn't it?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    How is your little man now catchery. Glad to hear things are looking up for him with him putting on the weight.
    I went into hospital on Wed and got the pessary and then got the gel on Thursday and they broke my waters that night. Had a little girl Friday morning. We are going home today all going well

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    How is your little man now catchery. Glad to hear things are looking up for him with him putting on the weight.
    I went into hospital on Wed and got the pessary and then got the gel on Thursday and they broke my waters that night. Had a little girl Friday morning. We are going home today all going well

    Congratulations! Enjoy every moment!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,340 ✭✭✭borderlinemeath

    Our little girl arrived on Friday night at 8.41pm. After 3 rounds of gel I finally went into labour around 2pm. Gas and air didn't agree with me at all, made me vomit almost immediately so got into the birthing pool and that really seemed to help, so much so I went too quickly for an epidural and ended up just getting a pethadine injection but then after an hr & a half of pushing she wouldn't come out on her own so needed forceps and an episiotomy. So sore and uncomfortable but so worth it as she's absolutely perfect!

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Our little girl arrived on Friday night at 8.41pm. After 3 rounds of gel I finally went into labour around 2pm. Gas and air didn't agree with me at all, made me vomit almost immediately so got into the birthing pool and that really seemed to help, so much so I went too quickly for an epidural and ended up just getting a pethadine injection but then after an hr & a half of pushing she wouldn't come out on her own so needed forceps and an episiotomy. So sore and uncomfortable but so worth it as she's absolutely perfect!

    Congratulations and well done! The episiotomy will take a while to heal but every day will be better! Just remember to take regular showers - they do help with the healing...

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    emka1984 wrote: »
    Dobbit - all good with the family now? :-) how is your little one feeding? Mine is having days when she feeds maybe 10-20 mins at each breast, but for example this morning she was stuck to me for almost 50!

    he feeds like crazy! Absolutely drains me and then cries for more. It's exhausting. He also had trouble getting his wind up so we started infacol but now he unlatches a lot because he is distracted by wind! It's been a bit tough. My goal was to ebf for 3 months at least but I think we are moving to combi feeding because its just too much, esp with my recovery (or lack there of).

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    Dobbit wrote: »
    he feeds like crazy! Absolutely drains me and then cries for more. It's exhausting. He also had trouble getting his wind up so we started infacol but now he unlatches a lot because he is distracted by wind! It's been a bit tough. My goal was to ebf for 3 months at least but I think we are moving to combi feeding because its just too much, esp with my recovery (or lack there of).

    Oh my! Hopefully it works out, whatever you need to do now! Even combi feeding is beneficial, as he'll get some of the breastmilk anyways! :-) Don't put too much pressure on yourself! Your recovery is equally important!

    We had another cluster feeding session last night, almost 8 hours of constant feeding and very sore nipples afterwards! I was crying half way through it and wanted to give up too! But for now she seems to be back to normal and I'm hoping I can continue!

    Not easy at the beginning, but it'll be all worth it! :-)

    Anyone else very stressed about leaving the house with the little ones or is it just me?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Wonderful news irishgirl and borderline two little girls congrats to you both. Hope you are both home and well. If you have had some stitches from a vaginal birth, if nobody has recommended witch hazel lotion to keep wounds clean just pour some onto pad every time you shower or change and keeps area clean from infection. It also cools the area too!
    Breastfeeding mammas ! If you have a pump use it ! Helps toughen your nipples mine are not a bit sore now ! I had to measure every feed when we went back with my little guy, to see how much exactly he was taking in! So for five days i fed strictly 10 mins each side then expressed the rest, or just expressed the entire feed, and it really helped my nipples. Im still alternating. He loves the breast in the night and bottles for most of the day. 6 oz at most feeds and more sometimes. Hope this helps. Especially if milk is low or baby is falling asleep during feeds pumping will really help. Baby will be satisfied with a large bottle feed for 3-4 hours you can still express during this time but its much faster , and you can have a cup of tea and cake !

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Also had back to school today all went well but im sure it was a fluke! Still didnt get my hair done !

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    catchery wrote: »
    Breastfeeding mammas ! If you have a pump use it ! Helps toughen your nipples mine are not a bit sore now ! I had to measure every feed when we went back with my little guy, to see how much exactly he was taking in! So for five days i fed strictly 10 mins each side then expressed the rest, or just expressed the entire feed, and it really helped my nipples. Im still alternating. He loves the breast in the night and bottles for most of the day. 6 oz at most feeds and more sometimes. Hope this helps. Especially if milk is low or baby is falling asleep during feeds pumping will really help. Baby will be satisfied with a large bottle feed for 3-4 hours you can still express during this time but its much faster , and you can have a cup of tea and cake !

    Thanks hun! They're recommending not to use expressed breastmilk for the first few weeks as not to cause "nipple confusion" between the real deal and the bottle. You don't agree?

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Well i had no choice because with my little guy they wanted to rule out any reason for not gaining weight . But it didnt really bother him going from one to the other ! He is five weeks now and is still feeding from both no problems. The breast is definitely a comfort so for night feeds he feeds really well for 15 -20 mins on both sides with no snoozing at all ! Just feeds and rolls off. It is up to you hun but i can use a pad with bra and no need for nipple cream any more. They are sensitive but not painful where you are crying, like someone is pouring acid on a cut pain ! I do feel if you are exhausted and upset its better to try different ways that work for you than totally giving up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Congrats borderline meath. Our little babies have the same birthday :-) I had to episiotomy too,how are u feeling. I am very uncomfortable. If you have any tips let me know.
    I heard of the witch hazel and bought some but all of the midwifes advised me against it?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Ok ! I used it nearly six years ago now and that was from the midwives advice ? Sorry it must have changed ! I had to get suppositories after my first birth for pain relief. Just rang my doc and spoke on phone and got husband to pick up prescrip. Very sore take it very easy.sitting on a rubber ring helps. But it takes time be gentle with yourself and take any help offered x
