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August 2015 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,162 ✭✭✭autumnbelle

    My birth plan so far is the same and I'm due in two weeks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    I'm the opposite I'm so excited I think I've too much stuff. Got the pram yesterday and have loads of clothes. have the moses basket too.
    I don't believe in all the bad luck stuff

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,340 ✭✭✭borderlinemeath

    I'm in the "whatever happens during birth, happens, once we come out the other side unscathed". You hear of people getting so disappointed because their birth experiences didn't live up to their birth plan expectations. Feck that, I just want to get through the birth without any major complications or trauma for me or baby. I'm not setting myself up to feel like a failure by wanting to stick rigidly to a plan.

    And I haven't bought a thing! Although we did have a look at a few prams yesterday. I'll give it a few more weeks before I start to make lists of stuff I need.

  • Registered Users Posts: 672 ✭✭✭Ms Tootsie

    I am the same. I have kinda got ideas about what I don't want to happen but I won't have anything rigid as I don't want to set myself up for disappointment. So far my 'ideas' consist of:

    Want to avoid section (but I figure that is an obvious one and was the main factor in me choosing midwife led care)
    I will give it a go au natural / with just gas and air but if I ask for the epidural give it to me - don't tell me I will regret it etc etc. If I ask for it, I want it, so give it.
    Want to avoid any kind of forceps delivery if possible - I was a forceps delivery and my poor mum had issues with healing afterwards and it has kinda put the horrors in me about it. That's very much a personal opinion and if I have to have forceps then grand, so be it.

    But that's pretty much it. I aim to go with the flow. Main aim is to get baby out safe and sound. I know quite a few who had fairly fixed birth plans and they ended up quite distressed when it didnt remotely go according to what they had in mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    No birth plan here yet either!

    And a few bits and bobs bought but not much! Starting some house renovations this week so don't really want more stuff around until that is finished! Fingers crossed will be done within 2 weeks, 3 weeks max and then can finally start my works on the nursery! Can't wait! :-)

    Trying to keep it neutral still though - in case the girl is a boy in the end! ;-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 191 ✭✭chakademus

    I have no birth plan and I have bought absolutely nothing yet. Still trying to get my head around maternity clothes.

    It's so weird and overwhelming to think you can just have a child and be so unprepared and unknowledgeable as I am at the moment. Literally everything I know is from movies:pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭emka1984

    First appointment with a consultant in the hospital tomorrow - anyone know if I can expect a scan, or If it's just a blood test and chat kind of an apt?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Emka,I was in the coombe for my consultant app. She just discussed blood results with me and gave me a really quick scan

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    baby was moving so much last night, up to this point it's just been random kicks but last night it slowly pushed up a hand or a foot, raising up one part of my belly, proper freaky!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    I'd say it was mad seeing that dobbit.
    I was getting a bit paro today thinkin I hadn't felt movements since yesterday afternoon but then I got some definite ones after a drink of cold water. Apparently at this stage they can lie still for hours

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  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Ok so its coming to the birth plan stages now and being my third time around just a few pointers ! Again every hospital is different and this is just what i can pass on from my experience ladies ! Water , water plenty of it bottles at the ready cold in the fridge waiting or in the boot of car !!! If your labour is long you will need loads of water and a proper sized cup or bottle ! Snacks for some i couldnt eat ! The water cooler was outside the room on my first and there was the tiniest glass ! Dark large towel and flannel for shower after delivery no whites !!! Also button down pjs or nightie if you are going to breastfeed and also nursing bra ! Big huge knickers and nite time pads are bigger and better than maternity pads for after delivery . Witch hazel lotion , nipple cream , nipple pads ! Do not bring products that you love you will never want to use them again , this could just be me by the way.
    Ok serious birth stuff do not read if you dont want to !!!
    I had epidural on my first but did not realise that this raises the chance of an assisted birth , ended up with a forceps and episiotomy not nice !!! On my second because of this i read and planned a hypnobirth without a doula just me and i had a completely natural birth ! My sister had two natural births and then an epidural and she thought the epidural was brilliant ! So everyone is different and it is completely on the day that these decisions are made ! I could not feel when to push with the epidural hated it to be honest and i was 9 centim by the time i got it which i regret cos i really think it was wrong for me !
    Ok hope i havent freaked anyone out ! There is a list for your hospital bag i just added those from experience , also bring your own painkillers just incase !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Thanks for posting cathery that's really helpful. Also so the baby's do they need special babygros for pajamas. I read something online about that but didn't have a clue ha

  • Registered Users Posts: 281 ✭✭cowlove

    Its great to have an experienced mammy here! Thanks catchery!

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Never heard of special babygrows for pjs ? babygrows are pjs really all in one for comfort ! Any questions or queries if i can answer i will ladies delighted to be here to help! Even if you think its silly i swear i have been there so dont worry ask away ! Oh oh socks for you to wear during labour for some reason your feet will be freezing !
    I also brought music with me and requested the lights be turned down, a ball to sit on. Your plan should include the things that make you feel comfortable and safe a fav pillow whatever it is be prepared, think about things you like around you. The actual labour and birth 99 % of the time does not go the way you want but if you feel prepared it will keep you calm thats the reason they advise you to plan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Yeah I read about bringing PJs on a US site. I was thinking myself that it sounded strange. I've never been asked about a birth plan nor have I done one up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    catchery wrote: »
    Ok so its coming to the birth plan stages now and being my third time around just a few pointers ! Again every hospital is different and this is just what i can pass on from my experience ladies ! Water , water plenty of it bottles at the ready cold in the fridge waiting or in the boot of car !!! If your labour is long you will need loads of water and a proper sized cup or bottle ! Snacks for some i couldnt eat ! The water cooler was outside the room on my first and there was the tiniest glass ! Dark large towel and flannel for shower after delivery no whites !!! Also button down pjs or nightie if you are going to breastfeed and also nursing bra ! Big huge knickers and nite time pads are bigger and better than maternity pads for after delivery . Witch hazel lotion , nipple cream , nipple pads ! Do not bring products that you love you will never want to use them again , this could just be me by the way.

    I was just thinking this morning I would love someone to write a hospital bag list for me and here it is!! Thank you!

    What about for baby? What should I pack?

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Hi you will be sick of me i will be back later putting my kids to bed ! Story time !

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Here i am again ! Kids fast asleep, dishwasher on ironing to do but ill sit down for a bit first ! Ok so also for the mammies get your hair done coming up to due date and brows whatever makes you feel good there will be a lot of photos ! Obvious i know but you will be very uncomfortable at the end and the thought of having to sit in same chair for a length of time at the end of pregnancy puts you off but just do it!
    You will also need a small towel during labour to dry your forehead and a wet flannel to cool you down. Tens machines ??? Anybody heard of these ? They are brilliant ! Request for one of these in hospital sometimes they will give you one to bring home with you if you are overdue so you can use for relief at home and you bring this back with you when you go into labour !
    Vaseline for your lips, hand lotion.
    For baby i always had white things because i never found out, wash in fairy non bio and iron with steam thus sterilises the clothes.
    Depending on how long your stay is in hospital be prepared for four days ! I only brought one nights with me but had the rest at home in another bag in case i ended up having a section. I was always home within 24hrs . For one night ...
    Small baby cot sheets x5
    ( baby will cough up a lot after birth sounds like they are choking but its all just bile and fluid and it can take a good while so dont be freaked all normal )
    Baby blankets x3
    ( the hospital do provide sheets and blankets but they are always well used, you will want only the best for your little bundle)
    Baby vests short sleeve x5
    Babygrows/pjs ?x5
    Outfit for going home for baby and you of course.
    Baby hats and mits
    Cotton wool balls ( i never used wipes for first 6weeks even the water ones , just cotton wool and cooled boiled water to clean baby bum, its harder for those explosions but the skin needs time to toughen up and the wipes do not allow this to happen. Not gloating but this is what the midwives advised and my babes never ever got nappy rash ? But i changed them a lot too which does help)
    Two medium towels and flannels for baby .( i never washed baby in hospital always first bath was at home, i just topped and tailed after delivery and i also was told to buy a small hand basin and use this instead of a baby bath for the first few weeks, more compact and easier for you)
    Bibs and clean up cloths 5 of each at least .

    All the other obvious things like sudocream, vaseline, baby nailclippers ( nails will be so long its mad) newborn nappies , nappy bags, soother x2 already sterilised if you plan to use them .

    Ok im stopping going to make a cup of tea , am i making sense girls cos ill stop if im just confusing people x

  • Registered Users Posts: 191 ✭✭chakademus

    That is fantastic Catchery. Thanks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Think i covered most prob think of more tomorrow lol ! Plenty of time yet ! Night all !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    I'm going to need a bigger bag...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Dobbit wrote: »
    I'm going to need a bigger bag...

    I brought tons of stuff, used hardly any of it and sent it home in batches with my husband when I deemed it unnecessary!

  • Registered Users Posts: 281 ✭✭cowlove

    I brought tons of stuff, used hardly any of it and sent it home in batches with my husband when I deemed it unnecessary!

    Belated congratulations on the birth of your little boy Spottybananas.

    I am only catching up with some of the threads now.

    Hope you are both doing well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,162 ✭✭✭autumnbelle

    I brought tons of stuff, used hardly any of it and sent it home in batches with my husband when I deemed it unnecessary!

    Anything you needed spotty that you hadn't thought of? Or anything you needed more of? My bags packed but feeling like I'm forgetting something

  • Registered Users Posts: 672 ✭✭✭Ms Tootsie

    This weekend I am definitely going to start buying bits and pieces for my hospital bag rather than having to get it all at once. Looks to be an expensive enough endeavor!

    How is everyone feeling today? Nugget must be having a mini rave this morning or else he/she wants to let me know they were disappointed with ym breakfast choices because I am getting kicked seven ways from Sunday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭catchery

    Congratulations spottybananas hope all is going well for you ! Hope you are getting some sort of rest ! I know it seems like a lot of sheets and clothes for baby but the tiniest bit of sick on baby and you want it off ! I also preferred to have more than not enough and they are tiny so dont take up loads of room in bag ! I swaddled both of mine in one of the sheets and had one on the cot so you would be surprised how fast you use them up too! Only a guide really you will know yourself when you are packing what you want to bring ! Its all very exciting too !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    Seen on one of the forums here that Smyth's have 20% off all baby and nursery from today to the 5thq

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭Dobbit

    Seen on one of the forums here that Smyth's have 20% off all baby and nursery from today to the 5thq

    Nice! I was looking at a nursing chair in there, thanks for the heads up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭irishgirl19

    This might be a stupid question but has anyone got a spray tan while pregnant. I booked one not thinking anything of it but someone said its not safe

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  • Registered Users Posts: 286 ✭✭WittyName1

    Dobbit wrote: »
    Nice! I was looking at a nursing chair in there, thanks for the heads up!

    The nursing chair has been €149 there for quite a while...but they've upped the price to €179 in advance of the sale!
