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Due August 2014



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Going to bring him to doc later. Make sure there's nothing medically wrong with either of us

    Static door how did u get on at the GP? I was diagnosed with PND and put on meds this week. The main symptom I have is the insomnia. Have switched to bottles for night feeds now and bf'ing during the day. I will move on from bf'ing if necessary but want to combine for a while anyway while my little one's tummy gets used to the formula. I'm very glad I breast fed for 3 weeks anyway and now combination for another week or so at least. I have been delirious from lack of sleep and have had an awful week. Got a little sleep last night tho, and only one night to get through now before hubby is over for the weekend. Keep telling myself 'this too shall pass' and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Lucama I'm sorry to hear that. But you did the right thing to give yourself a break.

    I really hope you feel a bit better soon.

    X x

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Sorry for delay ladies

    We went to doc. She checked everything.. his little bum for a tear. His shoulder for a dislocation.tummy. Heart. Lungs. Eyes. Ears. Etc etc you get the picture.

    EVERYTHING is fine.... which in it self is great. She said he is a perfectly healthy baby. Weighed him and he's 14lbs 10oz.

    I then asked.. does he have colic. . She said possibly.. so I said "is there any way you can tell me yes or no right now for colic" and her answer was "I'm afraid not, no"

    So.... basically there's nothing wrong with him..

    She said continue on the comfort milk for one more week cuz he's only on it a week today... and if that's no better call back to her.

    She doesn't suspect reflux cuz he's thriving si well

    She suspects he's just got his day and night arsed up

    As to me. She's happy that I don't have pnd... just yet...

    I did grab 7 hrs straight last night.. and the worlid is a much better place today already. Didn't cry once :)

    So in a nutshell. He's just a boy I guess and will grow out of it.

    I just need to work out how to explain to a 4 week old he needs to shift his awake time

    Thanks so much for all yer support ladies.. be lost without ye x

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Lucuma you definitely did the right thing going to your doctor. Having PND diagnosed early and treated is half the battle. Like I'd said before its great bf but not at the cost to your own health. Plus you've got 3 wks of good stuff into Maeve and that will stand to her. If it puts your mind at ease mine are thriving on the bottles. The initial guilt over stopping bf is long gone too.......

    Static it's great there's nothing wrong with Noah and wow he's a real burster!! Hopefully he'll sort his day/night thing out soon. Even if he still cries like that it's alot easier to cope with anything in the daylight hours. After having 2 boys myself I now realise that men are born with the gift to test us ladies, it's not a skill they learn :-)

    Sister has her flights booked for herself and kids for christening so no changing the date. The time of the service is 1.30pm so that's half the problem. It's between lunch and dinner so not alot of options. We've booked Mick Wallace's , the TD restaurant and lets just say the governments policy of robbing us blind is reflected in his prices. Kaylami think I'm so use to getting discounts and upgrades anytime we stay in hotels that I'm ruined and its killing me to pay full price!!! We just about have the money think I'm so use to having 2 wages coming into the house and not the measely state maternity pay that I'm just nervous of not having any fall back money for the next while. Though going from 2 of us to 4 doubt I'll ever have that again.......

    Anyway done all my beauty prep tonight so all set for this wedding tomorrow. Will probably be in bed by the speeches!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭fiona-f

    Lucuma, well done on getting the help you need and I hope your treatment goes well. You have had a tough time of it. I wish you the very best - I know from friends how effective treatment for pnd can be. Your baby needs a healthy mammy more than he needs breastmilk.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Static that's great that everything is ok medically with you both!

    I remember when my eldest was born she did not sleep at all for the first 6weeks (well that's what I felt like) I took her to the doctor at the end of my wits who told me very patronising babies cry you know. Left her with my mil that night who said she has colic got infacol no more problems.

    It's very hard for a doctor to diagnos unless its chronic.

    Your on the right track at least!

    Have my grandad party this weekend 2 nights away in a hotel - mil is taking the 2 girls so just Evie to mind it will be heaven!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    llambert wrote: »
    Mine fall asleep after most feeds except the evening feed where they turn into gremlins.

    I hold them close to my chest when giving the bottle but don't think they care once they get fed!!

    Sometimes they fall asleep during the feed or when I'm winding them but most times put them in the baskets half awake. Normally go asleep themselves except for the evening feed. Hate the witching hour, bit misleading cos in my house it goes on alot longer than an hour!!

    I give 2 bigger feeds at 6pm and 10pm so normally get 5-5 and a half hours after the 10pm feed so I get 4 whole hours of sleep, the luxury!!!

    Hope this helps you out x x

    That's very helpful thanks. The first 2 days of bottles we have just been feeding her on demand, so today going to try feeding at set times. So far I think it's completely different feeding with bottles than bf'ing's really annoying having to prepare the bottles for a start (!) but the main difference is her routine is totally changed. Night times are great, I just swaddle her, feed her and like you say she nods off on the bottle or while being burped. Last night she took her bedtime bottle at 22:30, woke at around 4:00 for a bottle, and woke again at 7:45 for a bottle. If she stays like that, happy days!
    However during the day she's not nodding off on the bottles....whereas she always did on the breast during the day. So we've had to do alot more walking around with her (awake) during the day trying to entertain her & get her to sleep. Maybe I'll have to work harder on the dodie!
    Llambert do yours sleep in moses baskets during the day after feeds? Would they sleep right up until their next feed? If they wake a bit before it do you just have to walk around with them to kill time til bottle time?
    Sorry for all the qns just trying to get a picture of a typical bottle fed baby day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    We are having an utter nightmare with noah :-(

    I'm on the verge of leaving him on a doorstep :-(

    He goes through these bouts of ear piercing inconsolable roaring crying

    For example yesterday went like this ....
    Sunday night 11pm had a six oz bottle was 2 am before he shushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhed and went to sleep. Up again for a feed at 4am. Slept till his next bottle at 9.30 am. Slept till his next bottle at 1 pm. Then went nuts again . He had 3 oz at 5pm. 4 oz at 8pm. And woke for next bottle at midnight...
    then midnight to 4am he didn't stop. ..

    We are both exhausted... This is every night.. He's asleep now. But daughter is up and ready for action.
    you can nearly set your watch by him for his 2 bouts of roaring :-(

    I've him on cow and gate comfort.. He's weeing and pooing and passing wind both ends. .

    I just need to sleep :-(

    To top it all off my youngest sister (21) was diagnosed with lymphoma 2 hrs before he was born and starts her chemo today... so my whole family have been so pre occupied. It's just been a really hard three weeks :-(

    Rant over

    Static how are things with Noah now? It sounds like what I've read colic to be like. I heard from a friend that giving infant gaviscon sorted out their baby's colic problem. If the GP isn't going to help you, then I would try Infacol and see if that that works, then try Gaviscon. Hopefully one of those two will work - or gripe water.

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Omg I got my hands on gripe water (don't tell who ever banned it)


    It's like they stole my son and left a new improved version!!!

    Now don't get me wrong. He still cries.. but NOTHING like the" ear piercing stick nails in your ears till it stops" crying we had.

    He's passing wind both top and bottom. Proper burps. As some people have said he falls asleep on the bottle or being buried which is more like what I remember with my daughter.

    what EEJIT banned gripe water?

    If he wakes too early for bottle I put him on his play mat and he will lie there watching the lights. . Or bring him outside to watch the trees moving (daughter also liked that)

    Yesterday he was so good we even managed a bit of nookie before his night feed. It was nice to feel like a couple again and not just shouting at each other!!!!

    Now I just gotta import a truck load of it haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    That's great news static, whatever works! Think gripe water is back on the market in the south, a friend said she saw it in a centre shop recently. Think it was banned as there was alcohol in it so they must have taken it out!

    Little man got his bcg this morning, didn't bother him too much but is out of sorts this evening. Just wants to be on the boob poor thing.

    Got a stretchy wrap from the wear a hug fair yesterday so no excuses not to get the housework done now;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Lucama & static that's fantastic that they are starting to settle for you!!!!

    We had a lovely time at the party. The oh is complaining he's tired cos he was sleeping in the same room as Evie! Welcome to my world it's been 8weeks!

    Hope your all keeping well x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Lucuma, sorry to hear about pnd but glad you're getting treatment, hope you're feeling a lot better now.

    Kaylami, did you say you brought your baby to the hairdresser with you? (Sorry, hard to keep track of who said what!). Thought I wouldn't be able to go until after Christmas but never occurred to me to bring her with me! Dyed it myself lastnight so not too bad for now.

    Having a nightmare of a time with daytime naps. Same old story, only wants to sleep attached to my boob. Same as my first. Started swaddling 3 days ago and was working some of the time. I even got her into the cot at nighttime for some of her sleeps. But back to square one today. Just in a cycle of swaddle, feed, doze off on my chest, put into cot, start screaming 10 minutes later (just when you think you're off the hook!), calm her down, back to the boob again and start over. I'm mentally exhausted from it.
    She doesn't even sleep that well in the carseat or buggy when we're on the move.
    I know it will improve over the weeks but it's so draining. I asked my husband to take her away tonight for a few minutes, I just needed some breathing space. And he told me he was just about to go to bed, could have screamed!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Emer b - yep I took her to the hairdressers and when she needed to feed in under the gown!

    All the white noise of the hair dryers soothed her a lot she only woke when they stopped.

    Evie is really unsettled feeding at the minute for the first 10mins she's fine then she starts pulling and wiggling and really chewing. Any of you mummy's that breast fed before any ideas?

    And her farts oh my god they are so loud and they actually smell. We were checking into the hotel and it was so quiet and next minute all you could hear was this fart. I was so embarrassed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Ah I bet they thought that was funny Kaylami! Everything about a newborn is cute, even their farts ;-)
    Emerb would you try a sling or baby carrier? When I was bf I had a sling like a hammock, fed her inside it til she nodded off then carry her around snug as a bug in a rug for hours while I had both hands free to do stuff!
    Also try introducing a soother.
    Baby slept from 11pm til 5am last night, very pleased with her! OH and I are doing every 2nd night so last night he did the middle-of-the-night feed & I did the morning one, tonight I'll do the middle-of-the-night and he'll do the morning etc.
    I'm starting to feel normal and like I can handle this :-) even missed her for the 1st time yesterday ! Progress

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Kaylami, my lady is quite unsettled at the boob at the moment too, lots of squirming and messing about. She's quite fast to feed so spends ages messing and soothing herself. I remember my first being the same in the early days. I hadn't a clue what was going on then but I just remember it passed as she got older (can't remember how long it took). Tended to happen when she was harder to settle, maybe growth spurts.
    Could be something in your diet causing her gas. Can be really hard to figure it out and not worth the hassle unless she's bothered by it. Heather did 6 poos in 4 hrs the other night. I thought she had diahreah until I remembered I ate veg soup for lunch. It's amazing how quickly something you eat affects their tummies!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Lucuma, sounds like ye're making amazing progress, it's great how a few good days can completely change your mindset (and likewise a bad day like yesterday for me makes you just despair!). I must try to look at the bigger picture and remember it won't last forever!

    Yes thanks I will try the sling today. I have 2 different ones. Brought her for a short walk in it at the wknd and she screamed. But she might love it today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    I think they thought it was the oh which made me giggle!

    Good to know its happened to you too emer. She's not crying just fussing, if that makes sense?

    I know the diet is so important Evie doesn't like me eating anything spicy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Lucuma mine don't usually stay asleep that long during the day unless we're out walking or in the car. Usually have to try entertain them between feeds. Sometimes one will sleep but never get more than an hour where both are asleep. Glad you're feeling a little better, amazing what sleep can do.

    Static that's great about Noah. Thinking about getting gripe water myself. Cian is always hard to wind but now seems to have a problem pooing :-( He got do worked up this evening. Though not sure if gripe water helps that situation.

    Kaylami glad you enjoyed the party. Your poor oh 2 whole nights with a small baby the hardship. I only slightly over indulged at the wedding but still felt little rough next day. Definitely did not miss the hangovers!!

    I'm down home for the week. Lovely to have dinners handed up every evening and help with the boys. Though my mothers house is always in a state of chaos. I don't know how she lives like it. Drives me nuts. Probably why my house is always tidy. I keep putting things away and now she 's giving out that she can't find anything!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    I decided last night I need the gripe water for Evie the infacol is just not cutting it.

    I want to try and give her a soother as she has me chewed to bits. I never used one with the other 2 so any tips would be amazing. I don't know if she'll manage it

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Kaylami wrote: »
    I decided last night I need the gripe water for Evie the infacol is just not cutting it.

    I want to try and give her a soother as she has me chewed to bits. I never used one with the other 2 so any tips would be amazing. I don't know if she'll manage it

    I've come to the conclusion infacol is a gimmick give her the hard stuff

    On the soother.. Noah took the tommee tippee new born one. Came free with the steriliser. He also uses the "mam" ones. Got them in tesco.

    Little tip. .. put a dab of infacol (I know haha) on the tip . Sometimes I have to hold it in his mouth for a few seconds till he realises it's not a bottle then he holds on no prob

    Also. When he is asleep he spits it out.. or slowly let's it slip out.. don't try put it back in haha we made that mistake with daughter.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Can you get gripe water in the south??

    Don't think the infacol is cutting it here either!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    llambert wrote: »
    Can you get gripe water in the south??

    Don't think the infacol is cutting it here either!!

    There's a shop in westport selling it for 5e a bottle
    It's one pound for same bottle in pound land across the border

    Gunna take a trip up. But this will have to tie me over

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Down in Wexford at the moment. Will just have to ask around....... Thanks static!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    I'm in wicklow so if you find somewhere llambert please let me know otherwise granny in Belfast will be sent to purchase gallons of it.

    I'll try the infacol trick static but she hates the taste of of the face she pulls after it is hilarious.

    I can't wait to start giving her solids! It will give me a little break. I started giving the other 2 a few spoons of baby rice at 3 months as the phn recommended because you couldn't fill them on the hungry baby formula!

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Oh god I hear ya on solids. Noah is only 4 week since Friday but I know he would be so much more settled. But I know the 16 week rule :-( 12 to go haha

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Static I started mine at 12 weeks the doc and the phn both said to do it!

    Whatis this 16week rule?

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭deh983

    Hi all sorry for butting in. I love reading all the different months activities!!
    I have a 5.5 month old and he too was very unsettled at the start. I tried Infacol and didn't find it great to b honest. Then I found gripe water!! My saviour!!! For anyone in wicklow/ North Wexford there's a cash & carry in gorey at the shopping centre that sells it. It's sells out fast though so if you do manage to get it stock up!! Also there is a company on Facebook who stock it and deliver to most areas in leinster on different days of the week so if anyone is interested in that just pm me and I will give details.
    I wish ye all the best and take my word for it when I say it gets easier. I too was so sick of people telling me that but it is so true. My lad is starting solids and sitting up on his own now. Time flies.
    Anyway hope this helps.
    Best wishes to ye all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Kaylami wrote: »
    Static I started mine at 12 weeks the doc and the phn both said to do it!

    Whatis this 16week rule?

    I thought ya were meant to wait til 16 weeks as it can effect their gut?

    Probably bull**** so haha

    I started daughter at 16 weeks. Wagon would have eaten at 12 too I'd say

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Kaylami seemingly Greens in Clonroche sells gripe water. My friend is passing there 2moro so will get her to stop on check. Its all alcohol free now yeah???

    Got one bottle from my cousin. Starting it tomorrow cos had to put a suppository in Cian. Want to see if he's constituted or full of wind.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭Cameoette

    Kaylami wrote: »
    I decided last night I need the gripe water for Evie the infacol is just not cutting it.

    I want to try and give her a soother as she has me chewed to bits. I never used one with the other 2 so any tips would be amazing. I don't know if she'll manage it

    My girl loves the Mam soothers. They aren't too heavy for her, I got her avent ones too but they seem a bit heavy for her despite being newborn sized. I find them great as it stops her using me as a soother, especially because I have an oversupply issue that I'm desperate to sort out! I know i will have a battle on my hands to wean her off them but I will deal with that another day ;)

    It took her a bit to get the hang of them so you might have to persevere for a few days by popping it back in when she spits it out. I also take them a little warm from the steriliser she seems to prefer them warm, the princess that she is!! X
