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Nazi Stall in Balbriggan Market



  • Registered Users Posts: 17,819 ✭✭✭✭peasant

    MooseJam wrote: »
    Yeah but it's only THE blah blah because the allies built them up as so, to try and ensure the Germans didn't get stroppy again, however they weren't any worse than anybody else of that period, everybody was killing everybody

    Granted, the Nazis weren't the only bad boys on the block in those days or even today but I don't believe you fully understand the sheer vileness of their regime and their ideals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,282 ✭✭✭✭Eric Cartman

    i think i know where im doing my christmas shopping :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,819 ✭✭✭✭peasant

    Terry wrote: »
    The Nazis did it in a few short years.
    The British, Russians, Spanish, French, Dutch and so forth were more insidious in their mass slaughter of others.

    The nazi regime always gets reduced to the most blatantly obvious of its crimes ...the extermination of the Jewish people.

    But that is by no means all of what they stood for.

    They rounded up and killed not only Jews but also ...Communists, Homosexuals, Sinti & Roma and many other people(s) that were deemed "inferior" or "undesirable"

    They worked hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war (mostly eastern Europeans) to death in their factories

    They carried out unspeakble atrocities in occupied Russia and other Slavic countries

    They euthanised the mentally handicapped

    If you committed what they deemed a crime they put your family into concentration camps/prison as well

    They carried out gruesome "medical" experiments on prisoners

    The list goes on and on and on ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    Yes. The Nazis were bad. That's fine. The swastika isn't out killing jews though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    peasant wrote: »
    The nazi regime always gets reduced to the most blatantly obvious of its crimes ...the extermination of the Jewish people.


    The list goes on and on and on ...

    Try looking up what the Japanese did to the Chinese. Or go wave an Imperial Japanese flag at a few Chinese people. I'd advise the former, unless you're thinking of taking up extreme sports.

    He never said that the Nazi regime wasn't evil btw. You're perfectly entitled to believe the worst thing to ever happen on planet earth, and may even be right, but some half-arsed ban on historical items is both kneejerk and based on emotional reasoning.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,819 ✭✭✭✭peasant

    Nodin wrote: »
    So its ok for your personal bugbear to be trod upon, but the symbol of oppression for 40 years for Latvians, Estonians Lithuanians, Ukranians, Poles and many others (including eastern European Jews) is insufficiently evil.

    See ..the thing there is, you need to be reasonbly educated and have some grasp of history to comprehend the amount of evil that is hidden behind the Soviet flag ...wheres any dumb ****wit will instantly understand what the Nazi flag stands for ...that's why it is so popular as a symbol for any dumb, ****witted movement that thrives on hatred and racism.

    As I said before, there are even dumb, ****witted Jews (recent immigrants from Russia) waving the damn thing in Israel these days.

    It is THE symbol and rallying point for ****wits everywhere around the world.
    No other symbol of evil will ever come close for universal appeal (if you want to call it that)

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,819 ✭✭✭✭peasant

    Nodin wrote: »
    but some half-arsed ban on historical items is both kneejerk and based on emotional reasoning.

    You don't quite get it (still)

    These guys in Balbriggan aren't selling "historical" items ...they are selling racist DVDs ffs ...and Nazi flags fresh from the print shop.

    Also (at least in my opinion) any historical value that genuine Nazi "artefacts" may have ever held is simply overridden by the symbolism that they still carry to this day and by the (mis-) use of that symbolism by current and past far right movements all across the world.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,636 ✭✭✭dotsman

    peasant wrote: »
    See ..the thing there is, you need to be reasonbly educated and have some grasp of history to comprehend the amount of evil that is hidden behind the Soviet flag ...wheres any dumb ****wit will instantly understand what the Nazi flag stands for ...that's why it is so popular as a symbol for any dumb, ****witted movement that thrives on hatred and racism.

    As I said before, there are even dumb, ****witted Jews (recent immigrants from Russia) waving the damn thing in Israel these days.

    It is THE symbol and rallying point for ****wits everywhere around the world.
    No other symbol of evil will ever come close for universal appeal (if you want to call it that)

    Only in Western circles, I imagine. I mean, most of the people who walk the face of this earth probably wouldn't recognise the nazi symbols, nor would they have much knowledge of the Nazi ideals and beliefs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    peasant wrote: »
    See ..the thing there is, you need to be reasonbly educated and have some grasp of history to comprehend the amount of evil that is hidden behind the Soviet flag ...wheres any dumb ****wit will instantly understand what the Nazi flag stands for ...that's why it is so popular as a symbol for any dumb, ****witted movement that thrives on hatred and racism.

    As I said before, there are even dumb, ****witted Jews (recent immigrants from Russia) waving the damn thing in Israel these days.

    It is THE symbol and rallying point for ****wits everywhere around the world.
    No other symbol of evil will ever come close for universal appeal (if you want to call it that)

    I can think of plenty of places around the world that would see both the British and American flags as symbols of evil. Especially the latter.

    I haven't seen any Nazi flags being burnt on tv lately.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    Why can't we all just get along and make hay instead of war?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    peasant wrote: »
    You don't quite get it (still)

    These guys in Balbriggan aren't selling "historical" items ...they are selling racist DVDs ffs ...and Nazi flags fresh from the print shop.

    Also (at least in my opinion) any historical value that genuine Nazi "artefacts" may have ever held is simply overridden by the symbolism that they still carry to this day and by the (mis-) use of that symbolism by current and past far right movements all across the world.

    Yes but we can't ban things that aren't directly harmful to anyone. That is forcing your ideals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,819 ✭✭✭✭peasant

    dotsman wrote: »
    Only in Western circles, I imagine. I mean, most of the people who walk the face of this earth probably wouldn't recognise the nazi symbols, nor would they have much knowledge of the Nazi ideals and beliefs.

    Yes, you're right ...the dumb ****wits are mostly white ...but in this day and age you won't come up with that many countries where you can't find a few of them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,819 ✭✭✭✭peasant

    Terry wrote: »
    I can think of plenty of places around the world that would see both the British and American flags as symbols of evil. Especially the latter.

    I haven't seen any Nazi flags being burnt on tv lately.

    But, but ,but :D ...the burning of the American flag is an issue of current politics, globalisation, the dominance of Western capitalism. etc, pp

    Waving the Nazi flag is something completely different.
    Kold wrote: »
    Yes but we can't ban things that aren't directly harmful to anyone. That is forcing your ideals.

    My point is that Nazi symbols aren't harmless.
    They carry a powerful message. The Nazi flag is automatically associated with genocide and racial hatred.
    In my opinion even just tolerating the display of the flag equals tolerating the message.

    Incitement to (racial) hatred IS a crime least in some countries (not sure about Ireland)

    In my mind the Nazi flag is such a powerful symbol that displaying it in a public space is equal to holding a speech in a public space asking your listners to go out and kill "inferior" people (whoever may be "inferior flavour of the month" at the time)

    To me there is no difference.

    Sure, in itself the waving of the flag or the speech don't cause any direct harm to anyone ...but they incite others to do so and therefore should be banned.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,185 ✭✭✭asdasd

    the burning of the American flag is an issue of current politics, globalisation, the dominance of Western capitalism. etc, pp

    Horsehit. Very few people outside of the western left are upset with capitalism, globalization, or the supposed "dominance" of Western Capitalism ( which doesnt exist and Western != American).

    However, the anger at America in Vietnam might be due to 3 million dead. The anger within Native American reservations is because of the biggest genocides of the last 2 centuries. The Indians remember British famines which killed more than Nazzism. And so on.
    Sure, in itself the waving of the flag or the speech don't cause any direct harm to anyone ...but they incite others to do so and therefore should be banned.
    peasant is offline Report Post Reply With Quote

    So is the CCCP flag, or the Red flag of communism and incitement to hatred on class lines, and should it be banned, and if not why not?

    We keep not getting this question answered.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,819 ✭✭✭✭peasant

    asdasd wrote: »
    So is the CCCP flag, or the Red flag of communism and incitement to hatred on class lines, and should it be banned, and if not why not?

    We keep not getting this question answered.

    see here

    If you examine any symbol close enough, you will find someone who as issues with it. We don't live in a just world and symbols have always been used in the opression/persecution of others. Some of those symbols are well known, others less so.

    The Nazi flag however is known the world over (or at least by a very significant percentage) as a symbol of evil. It has since its demise as the actual flag of Nazi Germany been used and still is as a rallying point for the extreme right and racists everywhere. It is THE main symbol for racism ...not just against Jews but any race. Polish racists use it. Baltic racists use it. Israely racists use it ...Argentinians, Brazilians, Aussies and New Zealanders ...not to forget our friends in the USA.

    Why souldn't it be banned ...let these assholes find a new symbol for themselves. Maybe this would force them to actually sit down and think for minute and define their goals and symbols instead of just vaguely copying the Nazi ideology and its symbols.

    You never know ...some of them might just realise what they're actually doing once they're forced to put their "ideas" into their own words instead of using Adolf's.

    And that's me done with this thread ...promise !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,981 ✭✭✭monosharp

    PrivateEye wrote: »

    "What the f!cking hell is that..."

    Notice the white circle/red background.

    Its a religious item in many cultures, usually stands for good fortune, luck and well being.

    I see them everywhere here on Buddhist temples or people just hanging them as decorations.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,981 ✭✭✭monosharp

    kowloon wrote: »
    Most of the folks wearing the shirts have no idea who he is anyway, so I don't think they're admiring him as much as the design of the shirt..

    Just like most folks talking about banning symbols like the swastika have no idea what it is anyways ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,981 ✭✭✭monosharp

    luckat wrote: »
    It's to do with that absolute, stark symbol: the swastika and all around it means "I will wipe your people from the earth".

    Don't buy them, don't display them, don't go near them, please.

    So Buddhists should stay out of western society if they don't want to be brandied nazi's yeah ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    peasant wrote: »
    You don't quite get it (still)

    These guys in Balbriggan aren't selling "historical" items ...they are selling racist DVDs ffs ...and Nazi flags fresh from the print shop..

    ...which is a seperate thing from......
    peasant wrote: »
    Also (at least in my opinion) any historical value that genuine Nazi "artefacts" may have ever held is simply overridden by the symbolism that they still carry to this day and by the (mis-) use of that symbolism by current and past far right movements all across the world.

    Its not for any of us to determine whats an "artefact" or not. Suffice to say they are items from a bleak period of human history. Inserting emotional reasoning into it is neither here nor there. If we were to follow your "logic" we'd destroy every trace of every civilisation from the Romans to the Celts and on up until 20 years ago. You may want to start living like some goldfish in a continual present, but I beg to differ.
    peasant wrote: »
    They carry a powerful message. The Nazi flag is automatically associated with genocide and racial hatred.
    In my opinion even just tolerating the display of the flag equals tolerating the message..

    ....and the Spanish flag is the exact same amongst many natives of Latin America.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24,878 ✭✭✭✭arybvtcw0eolkf

    monosharp wrote: »
    So Buddhists should stay out of western society if they don't want to be brandied nazi's yeah ?

    This is a stupid argument.

    People recognoise the difference between a Swastika found on something Buddhist and Nazi paraphernalia.

    People buying into the Nazi stuff will argue tooth and nail with you about the holocaust, how it didn't happen and if it did why the Jew's, Gypsies, gays etc had to be destroyed.

    Its fvcking bull**** to try believe that people might be buying into something which just looks 'cool', and not an ideology.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,366 ✭✭✭luckat

    monosharp wrote: »
    So Buddhists should stay out of western society if they don't want to be brandied nazi's yeah ?

    Of course not. I'm not talking about the swastika as such, but about Nazi artefacts.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    luckat wrote: »
    Of course not. I'm not talking about the swastika as such, but about Nazi artefacts.

    As in antiques from the period?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

    I would have been exterminated during the Third Reich due to my racial background. I abhor racism and facism. If I wanted to buy a swastika flag, who the f*ck are you to stop me?

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    Kold wrote: »
    I would have been exterminated during the Third Reich due to my racial background. I abhor racism and facism. If I wanted to buy a swastika flag, who the f*ck are you to stop me?
    You and me both.
    He killed Catholics too and, even though I don't believe in God, that wouldn't have stopped him and his cronies from sending me to the gas chamber.
    It doesn't help that I also have freckles. They don't fit into the Aryan ideology.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 46,938 ✭✭✭✭Nodin

    Now heres something considerably more disturbing than a Swastika, a Nazi Era uniform or the like, guaranteed to offend the sensibilities and something that I personally wouldn't feel comfortable in owning myself. Do we go and take a hammer to this as well?

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    Don't forget the pyramids.
    Build by Jewish slaves, apparently.

    That's Egypts tourist industry screwed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24,878 ✭✭✭✭arybvtcw0eolkf

    Terry wrote: »
    Don't forget the pyramids.
    Build by Jewish slaves, apparently.


    But we don't know if the slaves where Jewish, as the evidence is purely circumstantial.. :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,643 ✭✭✭0ubliette

    Great stuff, now i know where to go if i want anything to add to my collection. Already have an iron cross, coalscuttle helmet and a luftwaffe officers jacket, so this is great news! Thanks tribune! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,944 ✭✭✭✭4zn76tysfajdxp

    Mairt wrote: »
    But we don't know if the slaves where Jewish, as the evidence is purely circumstantial.. :p

    I'm trying to come up with a cutting remark in response to that but I can't. Damn it, it's on the tip of my tongue and all...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,778 ✭✭✭✭Kold

