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Q + A with El Stuntman



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,092 ✭✭✭Glowingmind

    smurph wrote: »
    Yeah, it's something I thought about a while back. I got to know alot of Boardsies from posting here. It has been interesting watching players "improve" over time.....

    At the Irish Open I was really hoping a Boardsie would go deep, there was a real community feel going on. I was absolutely delighted for Vera Duffy getting 7th in the Ladies Event, she is a very very genuine person who has to deal with alot of pain on a daily basis....

    I actually saw a guy trying to get a loan of money off her in the S.E. the other day and I found it quite upsetting to be honost.

    The poker circle so to speak is a strange vacumn, but I have no doubt that there a some good friendships made from it.

    I think the poker/boardsies relationship is a lot like a work relationship. There's plenty of folks I'll talk to at the poker tables or during breaks, but outside of the cardroom it's rarely more than a friendly greeting.

    Like an office group, we all have similar interests (or A similar interest) and will tend to moan about the same thing (beats/workload) or people (the chief/your co-workers).

    I can't think of a boardsie i've met that i disliked, but any of the boardsies i'd ever spend any time with away from a card room are people i used to work with rather than any friendship developed dirctly from playing poker with them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,533 ✭✭✭ollyk1

    I think the poker/boardsies relationship is a lot like a work relationship. There's plenty of folks I'll talk to at the poker tables or during breaks, but outside of the cardroom it's rarely more than a friendly greeting.

    Like an office group, we all have similar interests (or A similar interest) and will tend to moan about the same thing (beats/workload) or people (the chief/your co-workers).

    I can't think of a boardsie i've met that i disliked, but any of the boardsies i'd ever spend any time with away from a card room are people i used to work with rather than any friendship developed dirctly from playing poker with them.

    I think this is a topic worthy of a separate thread. I wonder if a mod would be so kind....

    Shame to clog up whats turning into a great well with OT stuff.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    YULETIRED wrote: »
    Say something subliminal for me please.. (and not the words Subliminal.)

    surely if it's subliminal, it shouldn't be said?

    read this post backwards, form your own religion and kill everyone whose first name starts with 'C'
    YULETIRED wrote: »
    Have you ever jumped off the wardrobe with the music of the six million dollar man in your head?

    no but I jumped through a plate glass windown in Marley Park while pretending to be 'face' from the A Team. I still have the scars to prove it. Does that count?
    YULETIRED wrote: »
    Best kiddie street game ever.........(not kick the can)

    doing knick knacks on the grumpy old neighbours aged six or so was always a great way to spend a slow afternoon
    YULETIRED wrote: »
    Whats the drunkest you've ever been and what did you get up to? (stuntbaby?)

    streaking through a supermarket in America. their police have no sense of humour...:eek:
    YULETIRED wrote: »
    If god appeared to you via a burning bush and told you to sacrifice your only son to him, would you stop drinking wine and smoking blow?

    I'd spark up a fat one, slug down a bottle and say 'sure no problem' (I haven't got a son)

    Anyway, Jesus drank wine - where's the problem?
    YULETIRED wrote: »
    If it were allowed for you to spend the night with any woman in the world other than Mrs Stunt...who would it be? (Keep away from Britney that looney is mine)

    I'd spend the night with Jennifer Harman, slowly relieving her of her bankroll
    YULETIRED wrote: »
    Going to any of the big concerts this year..Niel Young etc.....

    Dunno, Mrs S is in charge of Cultural Affairs. Is Neil Young still alive?
    YULETIRED wrote: »
    Do you have Donal Norton in your crosshairs for the SE cash games for the enxt 6 months?

    lol, I don't but some people might!

    I was delighted to see him win all that cash and think he's a very sound guy with a good attitude. The last time I spoke to him before the IO, he drunkenly knocked over my carefully constructed chip stacks - gotta like somebody like that! I think he should take a month off from poker now.
    YULETIRED wrote: »
    Apart from myself, who is the most irritating player you have played agianst and WHY ...

    anyone French
    YULETIRED wrote: »
    Would you sell any of your relatives to the arabs for a million euros ?

    if you can sell them at this price, I'll give you 10%...
    YULETIRED wrote: »
    a comet is heading towards earth, it will hit Sunday just after 12.30 Mass in Clontarf, the world will be destroyed. WHO WILL SAVE US NOW?

    L Ron Hubbard will appear in a flaming spaceship and rescue Tom Cruise

    Then we'll all be sorry for laughing at him....:eek:
    YULETIRED wrote: »
    top 5 albums!

    my favourites change from week to week but these would always be up there:

    Astral Weeks - Van the Man
    Blood on the Tracks - Dylan
    Darkness on the Edge of Town - The Boss
    Closing Time - Tom Waits
    Rum, Sodomy and the Lash - The Pogues

    boy bands/girl bands should be burned alive imo
    YULETIRED wrote: »
    Hockey? Do you not consider that a bit of a gay game?

    of course it is, why do you think I played it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,237 ✭✭✭✭LuckyLloyd

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 329 ✭✭DocO

    with most its sort of an unspoken rule that although you can chat for hours at a table, realistically there'l be no invites going out for a sunday brunch!
    but to agree with smurf - when i heard a story about one of the SE regs getting ripped off about some greyhound story- i was nearly tilting (lifes new word for wanting to pound the fook outa a scumbag)
    Also to say about mates from poker . . . rumor has it hussy, hector and co have been camping outside Donal Nortons house! ;)

    ok gonna have to throw a few Q's in now.

    If you had to put your finger on it - whats the reason why they SE is now so successful??
    Do you remember the dark days when tournies used to get cancelled there regularly?what were they doing wrong then??
    Random Q, What do you think are the magic ingredients for opening and successfully running a cardroom and/or casino??
    How much time throughout the year do you spend reading boards?
    Although you earn alot of enjoyment from it, surely when you add these hours/days together its time that you may never get back. Wasted??
    What did you study at college??
    How do you envisage poker - both live and online , going over the next few years? will it follow the economies of the countries that it is played in? (touching on a point made by GL2M)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    1) How did you get into the game? Did you go to a hockey school back in the day or was it something you fell into when you got to college?

    family, my mother got a few caps for Ireland and my dad also played (he was a keeper like you, back in the good 'ol days where you wore a pair of rickety cricket pads for protection and nothing else. he gave up when they made wearing a helmet compulsory. Old Skool! :))
    I grew up spending most Saturday afternoons arsing around beside various hockey pitches so it only seemed natural to start playing the game.
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    2) How seriously did you take it? Did you genuinely maximise your potential within the sport?

    I took it reasonably seriously - training a few times a week etc but social life always took priority if I am honest! Our club was always known as a social place to play which no doubt gave us an excuse not to really push ourselves to the max. I played Division 1 level for a number of years (from about the age of 16) before going to UCD, going there definitely made me a worse player as it was very much a drinking/socialising culture. I was never as good again as I was aged 18/19.
    I didn't maximise my potential but I had great times. What's more important?
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    3) I sometimes think that there were paralells between the way Irish poker players look after themselves and focus when they are in Vegas and the way that hockey players who played representative / international level when I was on the scene dedicated themselves to what they were doing. Did you come across people that were kidding themselves during your time at UCD and Corinthians?

    Yes, including myself no doubt. It's an Irish thing to some extent and an amateur sport thing as well. In some ways I think it's healthy; it really is only a game (and you can apply that to poker as well)
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    4) Do you miss competing? Does poker fill the void?

    I don't miss playing and I haven't watched a live match for about two years. I certainly miss the camaraderie.

    Poker fulfills some sort of need in relation to competition alright: I am naturally highly competitive and hate to lose.
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    5) Best hockey moment?

    It was actually a Second Team season. We won every competition available in Leinster with an incredible team scoring over a hundred goals(no-one has ever done it before or since). We used to regularly beat the Firsts in training games and it got to the stage where players would refuse to be promoted to the First Team!
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    6) Worst?

    Losing an Irish Junior Cup semi-final in Cork in the last minute of extra-time, when a player chested the ball into the goal (for the non-hockey followers, you cannot do this!)
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    7) What position did you generally play?

    anywhere at the back, sweeper by preference
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    8) Why did you quit when you did?

    lol, when I sat down for a pre-match teamtalk and realised that, besides my friend macker, the next oldest person on the team was 19! Also recurring back injuries and the fact that I'd moved to the Northside
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    9) Favourite and least favourite places to play? My fav was the front pitch on Grange road and least fav the back pitch at Belfield.

    lol, you young fellas were spoilt if you're naming an Astroturf pitch as your least favourite. We played a season in a school called Sancta Maria in Rathfarnham at one stage. Their pitch was gravel and was dotted with potholes and fist-sized boulders. The ball would often be rolling along the ground to you and then take off straight for your face! Good times....

    Pembroke is my favourite ground, nice location, nice club, nice bar

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    I haven't had any big donkament scores which is usually how people measure poker success.
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    And do you think that it is ridiculous for that to be the way in which perceptions are judged?

    yes, absolutely

    I read a good article a while back. It was titled something like 'The Best Player in the World' and the author's hypothesis was that the best player in the world is probably someone we've never heard of. They just keep their head down and play away online, grinding out a very nice income. They may not even post on any poker forums.

    I think success in poker should only be judged against your own expectations and goals, not some arbitrary measure like 'X is ****e, sure he's never even cashed in a Big One'. I think this says more about ego and marketing than anything else

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 259 ✭✭con_leche

    Did you have any epiphanies when learning poker, when a new concept just clicked?

    Describe one memorable hand you played.

    Do you think any Irish will go well at this year's WSOP? If not, why not?

    Ever read Flann O'Brien?

    Are the Irish above average card players? If so why?

    What % of poker players in the SE are winners?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    ollyk1 wrote: »
    1. Whats your favorite forum on boards outside of poker?

    the politics forum can throw up the odd interesting thread. Most other forums are uninteresting to me (except Mustard of course).

    My favourite online forum is The Property Pin. Essential reading.
    ollyk1 wrote: »
    2. What posters do you watch out for and read on Boards or do you just read everything?

    Hotspur's posts are invariably excellent. Hectorjelly posts goot as does Lucky Lloyd. I'd say I read about 1/3 of the HH posts, hardly any of the tournament stuff and I follow the BBV thread religiously!

    There are some posters who are clearly deluded, both as to their poker ability and their connection to reality
    ollyk1 wrote: »
    3. Who do you fancy for the Irish rugby coach?

    not Kidney, he's only ever been a success in Munster. This may just be my Leinster-centric opinion coming through.

    let's just rob Nick Mallet from the Eyeties!
    ollyk1 wrote: »
    4. Have you ever been shocked by behaviour at a cash table? Somebody going south, tilting or being abusive etc etc.

    I've never been utterly shocked in a jaw-dropping way. I've been taken aback many times, mainly by rudeness towards dealers
    ollyk1 wrote: »
    5. Gouging drunk players for all their monies. Any qualms of conscience?

    I used to have. Not any more, if they're fit enough to be allowed in, they're fit enough to play. Some other gangster like you will only get the loot anyway!

    I'm pretty libertarian in my views anyway
    ollyk1 wrote: »
    6. Best blog yours or Rounders circa 2005/2006? :p

    Rounders, by several country miles
    ollyk1 wrote: »
    7. Tilt. Do you really think you've cured tilt from your game or is it just easier when you run good? Or is it normally a case of external factors being the primary influence in any event?

    I'm in remission from tilt, no doubt it will come back to haunt me again some day. You're right though - it's easier when you run good!

    I don't think external factors have ever caused me to tilt - my life is pretty good.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,237 ✭✭✭✭LuckyLloyd

    This post has been deleted.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,709 ✭✭✭YULETIRED

    surely if it's subliminal, it shouldn't be said?

    read this post backwards, form your own religion and kill everyone whose first name starts with 'C'

    I was hoping you wouldn't answer that question....not sure now if you passed the trick question or failed.....I'm confused now...damn you stunty.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,533 ✭✭✭ollyk1

    the politics forum can throw up the odd interesting thread. Most other forums are uninteresting to me (except Mustard of course).

    My favourite online forum is The Property Pin. Essential reading.

    I'm a big time lurker. I can't be bothered doing the research to make a decent contribution but I'll gladly lap up and read the work of others! I've seen one or two of your posts there.

    I used to have. Not any more, if they're fit enough to be allowed in, they're fit enough to play. Some other gangster like you will only get the loot anyway!

    I'm pretty libertarian in my views anyway

    I went through the same transition myself! But the dark side has totally consumed me now. I actually kept a game going for two hours from 4am to 6am shorthanded just to try and clean out a guy who was absolutely wasted...:rolleyes:

    I'm in remission from tilt, no doubt it will come back to haunt me again some day. You're right though - it's easier when you run good!

    I don't think external factors have ever caused me to tilt - my life is pretty good.

    By external factors I meant tiredness and such things. I wasn't implying that you'd be gambling after a row or anything! ;)

    Thanks for taking the time Glyn.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,771 ✭✭✭TommyGunne

    surely if it's subliminal, it shouldn't be said?

    read this post backwards, form your own religion and kill everyone whose first name starts with 'C'

    ****. I know how many people listen to El Stuntdude so im ****ed now!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    Will you take a race for all your chips on the first level of a tournament like the Irish open Yes No?

    One ticket two gigs - Tom Waits or Leonard Cohen?

    Ian M Banks or Philip K Dick?

    Banks, have a lot of his stuff
    Kinky Friedman didn't become Governor of Texas - Disappointed or Relieved?

    lol. Seeing as one of his key campaign pledges was "if I become Governor of Texas, my first action will be to demand a recount", I'm probably disappointed
    Python or Ruby?

    Apples or Oranges ?

    KJs or A10o ?

    I have a very soft spot for KJs
    Coen Bros or PT Anderson?

    Coens. The Big Lebowski is probably my favourite film ever. I'm looking forward to seeing No Country for Old Men...
    Van or Jim Morrison?

    Van all the way, I've seen him live a few times, it's like being in church
    Jason or Peter Robinson?

    Jamie Gold or Rain Khan?

    Stienbeck or Hemmingway?

    Hemmingway was de man
    Jo'burg or Capetown?

    Jo'burg is a sh!thole!
    Scientology or Islam?

    I don't see many Scientologists blowing themselves up in the name of their religion so I'll take them. Plus they have Top Gun on their team...
    London or Paris?

    The man who is tired of London is tired of life

    plus Paris is full of French people
    You win a big tournament and are offered a 2 year contract that means giving up your career and being on the road 10 months of the year playing tournaments. Accept Decline?

    I accept your kind invitation, you may wish to discuss the terms of the divorce settlement with my wife....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,116 ✭✭✭✭RasTa

    "Play Poker like the Pros" by some dude called Phil Hellmuth, it really changed my life around. Thanks Phil!

    No seriously, it's hard to pick out a single book. I must have read thousands and I own well over a thousand (much to Mrs S's disgust). Anything by Haruki Murakami is usually brilliant, so different to the usual run of things, just complete escapism. This is my favourite.

    I love Paul Theroux's writing also; both novels and travel writing. Equally VS Naipaul. Hemmingway's another big favourite and, of course, Dr Gonzo himself.

    One of the best books I've read in recent years is 'Soldiers of Salamis' by Javier Cercas, genius.

    Cheers Stunty for a detailed answer just ordered Soldiers of Salamis and A wild sheep chase. For your good self I recommend This

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    shoutman wrote: »
    What is your favourite late night, after boozy session, snack?

    cheese, the smellier the better

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    sickpuppy wrote: »
    Good read ELstuntman.
    1 Have you ever been caught out by one of the borrowing degens who seems
    to have got cash off most regular or semi regular players in the SE?

    no, the one time one of them tried to hit me up for a loan I quoted Shakespeare at him
    sickpuppy wrote: »
    2.Have you ever done your brains on roulette on the way out jjbravado style?

    No, I'll often throw a spare 20 or thereabouts on the wheel of steel but I'm sadly lacking in roulette degeneracy escapades

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 955 ✭✭✭sickpuppy

    What shakespear quote?
    Beware the ides of march
    Let slip the dogs of war?
    Nay aborrow or lender be??
    dunno if all shakespear good read thanks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,237 ✭✭✭✭LuckyLloyd

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,828 ✭✭✭gosplan

    no, the one time one of them tried to hit me up for a loan I quoted Shakespeare at him

    which one of you doth love us most?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    DocO wrote: »
    If you had to put your finger on it - whats the reason why they SE is now so successful??

    well run joint in a central location and they look after their players; it's hardly rocket science!
    DocO wrote: »
    Do you remember the dark days when tournies used to get cancelled there regularly?what were they doing wrong then??

    no, I only started playing in cardrooms in 2006
    DocO wrote: »
    Random Q, What do you think are the magic ingredients for opening and successfully running a cardroom and/or casino??

    assuming there is a choice available to punters, you need a 'hook' of some sort, I'm no marketing guru but I imagine player comfort (nice chairs, decent food, clean jacks etc) would be very high up the list
    DocO wrote: »
    How much time throughout the year do you spend reading boards?
    Although you earn alot of enjoyment from it, surely when you add these hours/days together its time that you may never get back. Wasted??

    I work in a job where I'm either insanely busy or bored out of my mind (like today lol) so I probably spend too much time on Boards. Wasted time - some of it no doubt
    DocO wrote: »
    What did you study at college??

    I got a Commerce degree from UCD, I'd say I went to about 5% of lectures. Now that was wasted time!
    DocO wrote: »
    How do you envisage poker - both live and online , going over the next few years? will it follow the economies of the countries that it is played in? (touching on a point made by GL2M)

    Online: I think a period of consolidation is inevitable after the runaway growth of recent years. Some players will give up and some new markets will be tapped - clearly China is the big target. The biggest threat to online poker is the potential of more cheating scandals and misplaced government intervention along the lines of the UIGEA.

    Live, I have no doubt the game will continue to be popular. Interestingly there's no evidence that people curtail gambling/drinking/smoking in recessions so I'm not sure that the future of live poker is inextricably linked to that of the economy (which I am very bearish on)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,709 ✭✭✭YULETIRED

    sickpuppy wrote: »
    What shakespear quote?
    Beware the ides of march
    Let slip the dogs of war?
    Nay aborrow or lender be??
    dunno if all shakespear good read thanks.

    I'd say the stuntmiester would not use the old borrower or lender thing.....My guess is he stood up on his hind quarters and bellowed.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    con_leche wrote: »
    Did you have any epiphanies when learning poker, when a new concept just clicked?

    I remeber watching halfbaked very closely one night in the Emporium and it was like getting a free lesson in positional play
    con_leche wrote: »
    Describe one memorable hand you played.

    I'm playing about 1.2k on a PL table in the SE and Oberon (mad LAG) is playing about 900.We get it all-in preflop 3 ways with a guy who has about 300

    Me: AA
    Oberon: AA
    300 guy: KK

    King on the flop! so rigged.....
    con_leche wrote: »
    Do you think any Irish will go well at this year's WSOP? If not, why not?

    I don't know, I'm sure someone will cash in something. You're asking the wrong man here!
    con_leche wrote: »
    Ever read Flann O'Brien?

    Yes, I have all his books. At Swim Two Birds is incredible
    con_leche wrote: »
    Are the Irish above average card players? If so why?

    I think we are, we seem to have a natural affinity for gambling games
    con_leche wrote: »
    What % of poker players in the SE are winners?

    haven't a clue: I'd guess about 20%?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    sickpuppy wrote: »
    What shakespear quote?
    Beware the ides of march
    Let slip the dogs of war?
    Neither a borrower or a lender be??
    dunno if all shakespear good read thanks.

    it was good old Polonius (stabbed in the arras - had to sting a bit!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    gosplan wrote: »
    which one of you doth love us most?

    you gosplan, you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,537 ✭✭✭Ste05

    So delighted you agreed to this El Stuntman.

    A few for culinary ones for you:

    If you only had one day to live and you were given the opportunity to choose 1 perfect dinner what would you have for each course: (Don't have to go with each other, but feel free to match up if you want)

    1: Starter
    2: Main Course
    3: Dessert
    4: 1 type of Cheese
    5: Any additional courses you would like to add.
    6: Any particular chef you would like to make the food for you. (You can say name of restaurant - I wasn't really aiming this as a celeb chef type of Q, more a Q about which of your favourite restaurants you would like to have these meals prepared by, but choose a celeb chef if you want).

    Favourite Genre of food available in Dublin (I don't know if there are any authentic Basque restaurants, to choose from).

    Favourite Take Away.

    Finally where is the best steak you have ever tasted? Ever had an Argentenian steak? To die for!! If you know any authentic Argentenian restaurants in Dublin please tell me!!

    Emmm, I think that's itm actually no 1 final Q for you:

    The price of a wedding, is it worth it (assuming she is!)! And for the money would you prefer to have a big wedding in Ireland, or would you go further afield .... if you were facing the firing squad again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,237 ✭✭✭✭LuckyLloyd

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    Ste05 wrote: »
    If you only had one day to live and you were given the opportunity to choose 1 perfect dinner what would you have for each course: (Don't have to go with each other, but feel free to match up if you want)

    1: Starter
    2: Main Course
    3: Dessert
    4: 1 type of Cheese
    5: Any additional courses you would like to add.
    6: Any particular chef you would like to make the food for you. (You can say name of restaurant - I wasn't really aiming this as a celeb chef type of Q, more a Q about which of your favourite restaurants you would like to have these meals prepared by, but choose a celeb chef if you want).

    wow, cool. This is going to require some serious consideration!

    Starter; a shellfish platter (oysters, prawns, langoustines, crayfish, crab, whelks, periwinkles etc)

    Main: steamed black sole. The king of fish.

    Dessert: a Belgian chocolate mousse

    Cheese: Vacheron

    I would die happy
    Ste05 wrote: »
    Favourite Genre of food available in Dublin (I don't know if there are any authentic Basque restaurants, to choose from).

    French, not too many good restaraunts though
    Ste05 wrote: »
    Favourite Take Away.

    Il Fornaio in Kilbarrack, awesome Italian takeaway. It's a bit of a cheat as the food is better than most restaraunts...
    Ste05 wrote: »
    Finally where is the best steak you have ever tasted? Ever had an Argentenian steak? To die for!! If you know any authentic Argentenian restaurants in Dublin please tell me!!

    South African steak is fairly amazing, just shows you how crappy ours is

    I've never been to South America, it seems to be a major gap in my education
    Ste05 wrote: »
    The price of a wedding, is it worth it (assuming she is!)! And for the money would you prefer to have a big wedding in Ireland, or would you go further afield .... if you were facing the firing squad again!

    what do you mean, is it worth it to be married or just keep living together? A personal thing and some people seem to put more stock in it than others. I think it's the ultimate tangible commitment, made in front of all your family band friends, so yes, it is worth it - your call though. Is Mrs Ste05 about to be made an honest woman?;)

    The financial cost is shocking for one day (~25k or so), especially in Ireland. It's like people see the $$$$ signs flashing when they hear the word 'wedding' but I think this applies to most services in this country now. I'd still prefer the big local wedding though....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,720 ✭✭✭El Stuntman

    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    1) What religion are you? Do you practice at all? Will your kid be introduced to formal religion and encouraged to attend as she grows up?

    I'm Church of Ireland (Protestant). I take a break from oppressing my Catholic neighbours about once a month or so and go to Church then - this is more about ensuring that Saibh (our daughter) gets into the right school though if I'm to be honest....she can make her own mind up when she's older. The CoI is very relaxed and tries quite hard to be trendy - it sounds funny but a lot of the clergy there seem to be more liberal than most of the population.
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    2) Do you have a position of seniority in your job? Is it stressful? On average, how many hours a week do you work?

    I'm quite senior but don't have any underlings as we are just a satellite office with not many staff. We do have an extremely flat corporate structure which is quite cool - no job titles or anything. It can be stressful but only as much as you let it be (I don't). Hours worked can vary wildly, probably 50 on average.
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    3 What is the profession of Mrs S? Has she returned to work? Is balancing work and child as ridiculously difficult as I imagine it to be?

    She's a social worker so she's used to dealing with child molesters, drug addicts, alcoholics etc. Compared to them, I do OK!
    Luckily Saibh loves her creche and is a very good-natured kid so the balance isn't too much of a problem. Mrs S only works 4 days a week so this helps too.
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    4) What age are you? :pac:

    same as Jesus, 33
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    5) Do you follow American politics? Would you have any personal preference as to who gets in this October? Why?

    Everyone here should follow American politics given their massive influence on our country. There is an awful lot of immature American rhetoric spouted in this country - they are our No1 allies in the world and we should stand up for them a lot more.

    I used to want Hillary to win but I was blown away by Obama's race speech last week and now hope he wins. I think he has the potential to be a great leader and a unifying force, not just in America but the world.
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    6) Are the economic prospects as bad as the recent ERSI report indicates? Are they worse? Would a severe recession affect your job security in any way?

    I think they're worse; we are uniquely badly positioned in the event of a global downturn. We have NO local resources, NO local industry worth speaking of, a bursting property bubble, an inept government, no control over monetary policy...I could go on for a while.
    It amazes me how optimistic most people are in this country about future prospects.

    My job security is tenuous at best - look at all those BearStearns employees who thought they were secure three weeks ago. It's the nature of the industry.
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    7) How much of the year do you spend in Africa on average? Have you traveled the dark continent much? Can we have any idea how different it is without actually going there?

    Probably 6 weeks. I've been around sub-saharan Africa a bit, all of the South African neighbours.

    It's hard to grasp how different it is without going. Mind you, having said that, you could easily go to SA for three weeks and be blissfully unaware of how 80% of the population live.

    I would not be an African optimist in general: Zim could easily happen to SA and there's a ready-made Mugabe waiting in the wings (Zuma)
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    8) Since you left college, have you ever been stone broke? More than once?

    No, I've never been out of work except for doing the backpacking thing for a year. I've always had contingency funds put away.
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    9) What does Mrs S make of the gambooling? Would she rather you didn't? Does she keep a close eye on the financial bottom line from your poker playing?

    I tell Mrs S exactly what I win/lose from poker, it's a good safety valve. She doesn't mind me playing as long as it's kept under control in terms of hours played etc. Also, there's an unspoken agreement that winnings are spent on fun things like holidays etc...strangely there's no such arrangement regarding losses.:(

    She doesn't enjoy playing poker herself - mind you, she is the only person I ever saw reduce another player to tears (slowplaying KK preflop, flopping a set and check-calling bets until the villain was all-in on the river. Then she slowrolled him :eek:)
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    10) Frankly, I find your self assessment that you would be -EV in €500 - €2000 tournaments in this country beyond ridiculous. If you don't buy a ticket you can't win the lotto. Does most of your reluctance to have played a multi - day 1k tournament over the past year not stem from the time involved?

    maybe, I don't particularly like the idea of playing for 3/4 days in a row anyway.
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    11) At this stage of your life, do you have any or many friendships that stretch back to your time in college / early twenties? Can the 24 year olds amongst us have any comprehension of how our lives will change in the next 5 - 10 years?

    All of them, more or less.

    You'll find a girl, settle down, if you want to, you'll get married. Look at me, I am old but I am happy.....

    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    12) Do you still partake in any physical exercise since you finished with the hockey? If so, what?

    I go running
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    13) In your opinion, what was the biggest mistake in terms of economic mismanagement perpetrated by the Finna Fail government of the past 11 years? Care to justify your answer?

    benchmarking was criminal and will be a drag on the country for years to come
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    14) Would you vote in a different direction to when you were in your early twenties? Has your political outlook changed significantly since then?

    No, I'm still a right wing fascist :)
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    15) Do you gamble on other things outside poker? Did you used to do more or less of such things?

    I used to bet on horses a lot (from about the age of 13)> I gave it up at the end of 2006 when I started taking poker seriously. Having said that, I had a few bets at Chetenham this year - Denman got me out of it.
    LuckyLloyd wrote: »
    By the way, saying no to Kidney is a very Leinster reaction to the Irish rugby problem. He ****ing wins rugby matches.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,267 ✭✭✭opr

    Thanks for taking the time to do this El S.

    Few poker ones.

    How did you first get into poker ?

    Do you think playing poker has warped your value for money ?

    Few non poker ones.

    If you could have dinner with anyone in the world alive or living , who would it be and why?

    Favourite film and why ?

