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Why I'll say no to a united ireland



  • Registered Users Posts: 67,634 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Has to be the most deliberate bit of mis understanding of what type of border is being referred to ever made.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭Francis McM

    Wrong again. The quote I made was not from post no. 8334 or from post no 8337.

    It was from post no. 8342.

    "I asked you the question: Can you explain ALL of the reasons the pIRA military knowledge and expertise was far superior to the military knowledge of the loyalist paramilitaries? Was it at least partly because there was (a) greater transfer of knowledge about explosives between Irish army and pIRA than between British army and loyalists (b) more scope for training in certain areas with nod and a wink south of the border - which did happen - than north of the border?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,389 ✭✭✭✭downcow

    you haven’t showed us where you get your false 14% figure. I can absolutely put my neck on the line and tell you that there is not 14% unionist even if you draw the line much wider to take in the likes of the street I mentioned. Of course there is a significant number of PUL community still living in the hinterland and farming community around Castlewellan. Castlewellan still has three prison churches and an Orange Hall servicing this Community

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,389 ✭✭✭✭downcow

    There can never be peace and reconciliation while people like you hide behind claims that everything is okay and we dare not check the stats. Can I assume that you are against all firm employment legislation in Northern around which is impossible without labelling people and communities? How do you think we can ensure equality if we pretend everything is okay?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,389 ✭✭✭✭downcow

    So let’s be clear, you think we should stop headcounting community background e.g. in the PSNI?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 67,634 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    If you can prove collusion with the Irish government in training the IRA, go ahead.
    We know the British government knew what the UDR were doing. We know they covered up what the BA did.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭Francis McM

    I saw that at they weekend too, and I quietly thought to myself they are not called the flip flop party for nothing. SF was more welcoming to immigrants but now it has been getting so much flak from its grass roots about immigrants over the past number of months Mary Lou comes out with waffle "Sinn Fein is not for open borders, we are for a system that is fair, human rights compliant, efficient,”

  • Registered Users Posts: 67,634 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    The census downcow.
    I posted the data. In all 5 wards in Castlewellan there are people who answered the census and said they identified as British or N. Irish.
    Either, none of these are ‘Unionist’ or you have been exaggerating again to claim victimhood.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,389 ✭✭✭✭downcow

    here is exactly what you said:

    “By the way who made the decision to fly 1 flag at each end of Clough? I'll know you're bullshitting if you even pretend here that that decision has ever been adhered to”

    I travelled through Clough half an hour ago and will be back through it shortly. I can guarantee every poster on here that the person bullshitting is choochtown. The situation is exactly as I expected and stated i.e. there is a union flag at each entrance to the town and also at the entrance to the main housing estate there is definitely not another flag anywhere on the route I drove through.
    Sometimes people can get so prejudiced that they actually imagine they are seeing stuff, so I am not suggesting choochtown is telling lies he may just be wrapped up in his prejudice.
    PS, if there is any doubt on what I am saying, let me know and I will film my route through on the way back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67,634 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,248 ✭✭✭Suckler

    Are you serious?

    Post #8337 - your original statement, comes before post #8342……They are numbered sequentially. You didn't ask the question originally - you made a statement, but knowing you were wrong, your attempted to weasel out of it by posing as a question.

    To spell it out for you (again)

    1. Post #8337 - You made a statement @ 3:39 p.m.
    2. Post #8338 - I asked the question - Where was the verifiable proof for your statement.
    3. Post #8342 - You changed it to demand I answer your made up statement - @4:14 p.m. (After your first post)
    4. Post #8350 - In a disingenuous move, you doubled down on your statement but posed it as a question to dodge having to verify what you'd stated as fact.
    5. Post #8340 / Post #8344 /Post #8353 / Post #8359 - You've been asked for prove without responding with something coherent.

    Now, can you provide any verifiable proof for your statement or are you going to admit you were making up lies?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,389 ✭✭✭✭downcow

    show us the boundary of what you are referring to. It’s pointless otherwise.
    and I say again, your claim is utter nonsense

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭Francis McM

    The Irish government was implicated in the arms trial. Capt. James Kelly directed funds and attempted to ship weapons from the Continent to a front group that in turn largely funded and armed the IRA.

    The Gardai were implicated in the Smithwicks tribunal. However, nobody is saying all or even most of the Irish government or Gardai colluded. In the same way, most of the hundreds of thousands of people in the security forces in N.I. during the troubles did not collude, or the death toll etc would have been an awful lot higher.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,311 ✭✭✭Choochtown

    The 1 flag at each end has now become 1 flag at each end plus another 1 at the entrance to the housing estate plus the disclaimer that it's only on the route that you drove through.

    Who made the decision over how many flags to fly and where to fly them?

    Pleased to hear you got your camera fixed. We're getting a lot of promises on this thread. I dread to think how you're going to back up this claim …

    "I will absolutely stand over, and evidence if necessary, that there are only four significant businesses in ‘loyalist’ Clough and that three of them are owned and run by nationalists, and fully supported by the local unionist community."

    It's all very distasteful and reminds me of the time years ago the UDR drove into the catholic church carpark and wrote down all the number plates of the cars parked there.

    No condemnation of the UVF flags on display other than "These flags go up over the 12th period as an expression of our culture and identity" ??

    Who made the decision over how many flags to fly and where to fly them?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,248 ✭✭✭Suckler

    Wrong again. The Arms trial had nothing to do with "Training the IRA". The Smithwick Tribunal had nothing to do with "Training the IRA". Nobody said anything about collusion in this regard, you stated they were training the IRA in bomb making techniques.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭Francis McM

    Who made the decision to fly the tricolour on the GAA building in Castlewellan, or on the pole on the street outside the Youth club? Does it matter?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭Francis McM

    Very serious. Again I ask you the question: Can you explain ALL of the reasons the pIRA military knowledge and expertise was far superior to the military knowledge of the loyalist paramilitaries? Was it at least partly because there was (a) greater transfer of knowledge about explosives between Irish army and pIRA than between British army and loyalists (b) more scope for training in certain areas with nod and a wink south of the border - which did happen - than north of the border?

    I bet you will not make a proper answer.

    In recent days the Tánaiste has said that Irish soldiers training troops in regimes subject to international sanctions is an “absolutely unacceptable” undermining of Ireland’s reputation.

    It has been reported that departing and former members of the Defence Forces, including from the elite Army Ranger Wing, provided training to a Libyan military group in alleged breaches of UN and EU sanctions.

    Out of tens of thousands of people who served in the Irish defence forces over many decades, do you really think none had Republican sympathies, or that the pIRA did not infiltrate the army?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,389 ✭✭✭✭downcow

    I will deal with these points later when I have time. But just to make you aware, if you’re not already, that there is a long-standing protocol and most unionist towns and villages with regard to flags.
    Flags go up on the 1st of July for the battle of the Somme, stay up through the festival. And come down and immediately after the big Black Saturday parades (last Saturday in August). The protocol for the rest of the year is that one union flag can fly at each entrance to a town or village and at the entrance to any estates who desire it - Clough is simply abiding by that protocol.
    as for UVF flags. I think you have identified one in Clough. These flags will all have 1912 clearly embossed upon them to demonstrate that they are not linked to the modern day terrorist organisation. One piece of learning I have had from this forum, is that people feel that is not enough and I accept that - I have suggested to several people that those flags should potentially be changed to the 36th Division - which would commemorate the same events but would remove any confusion. I would prefer They were not used

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,248 ✭✭✭Suckler

    I have to spell this out for you I see.

    1. You made a statement.
    2. I questioned your basis for it.
    3. You have to provide the answer or admit you were wrong.

    Retrospectively posing your original statement as a question to be answered by anyone but you is undeniably deceitful.

    Let me know what part(s) of my post 8532 you're struggling with, the sequence isn't hard to follow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,248 ✭✭✭Suckler

    In recent days the Tánaiste has said that Irish soldiers training troops in regimes subject to international sanctions is an “absolutely unacceptable” undermining of Ireland’s reputation.

    It has been reported that departing and former members of the Defence Forces, including from the elite Army Ranger Wing, provided training to a Libyan military group in alleged breaches of UN and EU sanctions.

    Out of tens of thousands of people who served in the Irish defence forces over many decades, do you really think none had Republican sympathies, or that the pIRA did not infiltrate the army?

    And just to be clear this is the definition of whataboutery. It is in no way linked with the topic we are discussing but in you inalienable need to be seen to be right (or have a scintilla of knowledge) about your continued meandering lies, you've just scoured the internet for anything that you can throw about thinking it supports your argument.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 67,634 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    The five wards which I previously posted the data on are as below. They contain between them the 2782 citizens of Castlewellan in the census

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,248 ✭✭✭Suckler

    Some would be of the opinion that one of the reasons the pIRA military knowledge and expertise was far superior to the military knowledge of the loyalist paramilitaries was because there was (a) greater transfer of knowledge about explosives between Irish army and pIRA 

    Here you go. To make it very simple for you; your original post.

    1. The highlighted part isn't a question.
    2. The onus is on you to show us what this is based on.

    Now, show us all what/where you've got this from or simply admit you pulled it from thin air to deflect from the fact you were losing ground on another illogical point but needed to go on the offensive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭Francis McM

    The discussion was about collusion between the Irish government / security services and the IRA.

    Yes Capt Kelly was a Irish Army intelligence officer. He was implicated in the Arms trial, along with 2 government ministers, of attempting to import arms for the IRA. The Smithwich tribunal found there was collusion between the pIRA and Gardai.

    If departing and former members of the Irish army (inc the elite Irish army Rangers) have in recent times trained a Libyan military group in alleged breaches of UN and EU sanctions, are you seriously claiming it is likely there never was any leakage of information / training to the pIRA?

    Hence of of the reasons I asked  "Can you explain ALL of the reasons the pIRA military knowledge and expertise was far superior to the military knowledge of the loyalist paramilitaries? Was it at least partly because there was (a) greater transfer of knowledge about explosives between Irish army and pIRA than between British army and loyalists (b) more scope for training in certain areas with nod and a wink south of the border - which did happen - than north of the border?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,311 ✭✭✭Choochtown

    So there's a recognised long-standing protocol for "most unionist towns and villages" regarding the flying of flags??


    Any link to that?

    I find that bizarre. How do they decide if the town is "unionist"? Do they ask someone like yourself who knows the political leanings of every single person and business in the town?

    Is there an equivalent for nationalist towns?

    "any estates that desire it" Is there a survey? Maybe a friendly dinner party?

    Wasn't aware of the protocol. I look forward to the link.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,248 ✭✭✭Suckler

    Hence of of the reasons I asked  

    Again. I have to spell this out for you I see.

    You didn't "Ask".

    1. You made a statement.
    2. I questioned your basis for it.
    3. You have to provide the answer or admit you were wrong.

    Retrospectively posing your original statement as a question to be answered by anyone but you is undeniably deceitful.

    Let me know what part(s) of my post 8532 you're struggling with, the sequence isn't hard to follow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67,634 ✭✭✭✭FrancieBrady

    Has the ‘agreement’ previously mentioned morphed into a ‘protocol’?

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,348 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    This is one of the most boring posts I have ever read.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,034 ✭✭✭Francis McM

    You did not answer the post. I answered yours, and I educated you with information about Capt Kelly ( of the Irish army), the Arms Trial, the Smithwick tribunal etc. Again I ask you: If departing and former members of the Irish army (inc the elite Irish army Rangers) have in recent times trained a Libyan military group in alleged breaches of UN and EU sanctions, are you seriously claiming it is likely there never was any leakage of information / training to the pIRA?

    You also have to answer the question I originally asked  "Can you explain ALL of the reasons the pIRA military knowledge and expertise was far superior to the military knowledge of the loyalist paramilitaries? Was it at least partly because there was (a) greater transfer of knowledge about explosives between Irish army and pIRA than between British army and loyalists (b) more scope for training in certain areas with nod and a wink south of the border - which did happen - than north of the border?"

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,248 ✭✭✭Suckler

    What a thoroughly amazing and interesting contribution. One to ponder for the ages. Congratulations on posting the very antithesis of a 'boring post'.

    We may now close the thread on your summation. Thank you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 27,348 ✭✭✭✭blanch152

    There was collusion on both sides. However, the only side to try and deny collusion is the republican one.

    Repetitive and boring posts will not change this.
