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Ruining a wedding



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    At my wifes cousins wedding.

    noticed about 8.30pm the Reception room looked really empty, the wife then informed me the grooms whole family and most of his friends had left.

    their marriage lasted 10 weeks.

    the groom arrived home one day and just said i don't love you anymore and left.

    Feel like we're only getting half the story... more investigation please ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,730 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    Feel like we're only getting half the story... more investigation please ;)

    What did the bride do? Juicy gossip please.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21 TrampFighter

    Feel like we're only getting half the story... more investigation please ;)

    was years ago,

    still no idea why.

    he left her and she went home to mammys leaving him with the house, car and everything else.

    been plenty of speculation to what actually happened but nothing definite.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    was years ago,

    still no idea why.

    he left her and she went home to mammys leaving him with the house, car and everything else.

    been plenty of speculation to what actually happened but nothing definite.

    *Cough* Make something up or it's not getting into the inevitable book :)

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    was years ago,

    still no idea why.

    he left her and she went home to mammys leaving him with the house, car and everything else.

    been plenty of speculation to what actually happened but nothing definite.

    I heard of a couple where he dropped her off at her mothers' on the way back from the honeymoon and that was that. Dying to know what happened on that honeymoon but the only two people that do know seem hell-bent on taking it to their graves. Spoilsports.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,635 ✭✭✭dotsman

    While I've never attended a wedding where there has been any controversy (unfortunately ;)), I know of a case where the marriage ended while on honeymoon.

    Basically, while the couple were on their honeymoon, another girl contacted the parents of the groom worried about her boyfriend as she had been unable to contact him for the past 2 weeks. She had never met the parents before, but did have their contact details in case of emergency.

    Turns out the groom had been seeing this girl on the side for over a year, and neither the fiancé or girlfriend knew about each other. Quite what the groom had been thinking or how he thought he could get away with it indefinitely is beyond me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,344 ✭✭✭fergiesfolly

    dotsman wrote: »
    While I've never attended a wedding where there has been any controversy (unfortunately ;)), I know of a case where the marriage ended while on honeymoon.

    Basically, while the couple were on their honeymoon, another girl contacted the parents of the groom worried about her boyfriend as she had been unable to contact him for the past 2 weeks. She had never met the parents before, but did have their contact details in case of emergency.

    Turns out the groom had been seeing this girl on the side for over a year, and neither the fiancé or girlfriend knew about each other. Quite what the groom had been thinking or how he thought he could get away with it indefinitely is beyond me!

    Ya, you're not giving your parents number to your bit on the side.
    Not unless you've a death wish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 97 ✭✭Sandz066

    i had planned to propose to my girlfriend at her best mates wedding. we lived in separate countries so this was a good a chance as any. she was the maid of honour. my mate saw me holding the ring box and asked me how thick i was.

    Fair play to your mate for stopping that happening.

    Not wedding ruined story but..
    My best friend and I had a joint 30th birthday planned at a local bar one Saturday night. Her fella proposed to her that day. Birthday party completely overshadowed by engagement talk, I may aswell not even have been there!

    Her mother apparently said to him after that wasn't the best day to propose considering..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭Sebastian Dangerfield

    Sandz066 wrote: »
    Fair play to your mate for stopping that happening.

    Not wedding ruined story but..
    My best friend and I had a joint 30th birthday planned at a local bar one Saturday night. Her fella proposed to her that day. Birthday party completely overshadowed by engagement talk, I may aswell not even have been there!

    Her mother apparently said to him after that wasn't the best day to proposed considering..

    My wife has a really passive-aggressive cousin - e.g. for the 30th birthday, the cousin gave her a fancy 10 year de-aging serum. Expensive I'm sure, but a nice dig in there too.

    She announced she was pregnant with her first child to all the family just after the dinner at our wedding. My wife hasn't a bad word to say about anyone. Except this cousin - it will never be forgotten.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,730 ✭✭✭✭Leg End Reject

    was years ago,

    still no idea why.

    he left her and she went home to mammys leaving him with the house, car and everything else.

    been plenty of speculation to what actually happened but nothing definite.

    Tell us the speculation, ALL of it!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,711 ✭✭✭keano_afc

    My own wedding. Didnt quite ruin it but made it interesting. We had booked samba dancers for the first part of the entertainment. They grabbed me and missus to dance with them and when we sat down we were told that the wan I was dancing with (who was wearing a very skimpy dress) had a wardrobe malfunction resulting in one of her thrups being on show for most of the dance.

    We sometimes show the kids the wedding DVD but always fast forward that part.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,043 ✭✭✭Wabbit Ears

    My own wedding! (sorry for the essay)

    I'm cursed in general so I'm simply used to things just going wrong so everything I took in my stride but, my word, the gods were flinging everything they could at me on my wedding day.

    Got married in Poland. First the back story:

    Things were looking good, too good in hindsight!! There was a brand new church in the town which my now wife's father had donated a huge amount of building sand to as he owned a Quarry. Priest had promised him his sons and daughters weddings would be fantastic affairs, only the best blah blah blah.

    We were to be the very first people to get married in the church and, much to my wife's families absolute delight, we were told the local bishop was going to be in attendance. We should have seen a red flag when the envelope we gave him which her father said he should not accept but we still had to offer, he just pocketed without batting an eye lid.

    We had decided that myself and the groomsmen would wear kilts because, you know, it was a wedding in Poland and it would be fun. My wife thought it a great idea as did the family etc. We even went so far as to fly the brother who was a groomsman working in the UK over to get fitted. Paid for the suit rental plus additional insurance etc. Ended up being a stupid amount of money spent on this idea.

    All was going really well until the night before the wedding when the Brother decides he's not wearing a kilt. Fine. His choice. Would make the photos look a bit silly but sure.. Not forcing anyone to wear what they don't want. We said it was fine and we carried on with the other preparations.

    The day of the wedding.

    My wifes parents get a call from the Priest. He's not coming, he's made other plans with the bishop so neither of them are coming, but not to worry, another priest will do the wedding. Another priest neither of us have ever met, has zero english and has never even been in the church we're getting married in. Fine, Fcukit, We'll wing it.

    So we get to the church and all seems ok. Everyones there, busses etc all got people where they needed to go. We walked down the isle together and first thing I notice is, its f*cking freezing in the church. Its March and this is proper see your own breath freezing. Never did find out why TBH, It being the first wedding in the new church perhaps heating didnt work or ??? Ive no idea. Anyway, turns out Fr Randomer we've never met sure does like a LONG mass. We'd arranged for a much shorter one because, you know, half the people don't speak any Polish.

    Ok, Nearly froze to death but fine. That went off without too much of a hitch. Onto the reception!!

    That started great. Too great in fact. The Polish extended family absolutely LOVED our kilts. Huge hit. Everybody wanted a photo of them and me and my best man. Wifes brother, the groomsman who decided not to wear a kilt went off on a huge strop. Traditionally the Best man and grooms men have a job to do at the wedding which is to keep all tables full of Vodka. Theres a Basket with tassels and all involved where you collect the empties and replace with full bottles. Well you've never seen such a sour faced man with a frilly basket of vodka go about his job. He ended up pissed really early and was brought to bed. His loss. My best man in his kilt did it for the whole night on his own and loved every minute of it.

    So theres loads of Vodka and we also had keg of beer with a tap where you just poured your own pints as there isnt a bar as such. Normally its just vodka on the tables with all the associated juices and softdrinks. Suffice is to say there's LOT of free alcohol. Stroppy groomsman is passed out and all is going well until my MOTHER stands up after a few to many shots of vodka and wipes out. Literally fell face first into a Table full of food and drink. No hands, flips the entire table WITH HER FACE. She was escorted to her room to sleep it off and everything quickly and quietly cleaned up. Next day she told us she fell in the bathroom. Her entire face was literally purple and her jaw was swollen badly but nothing seemed broken. Refused point blank to goto the hospital for an xray. To this day I don't think she knows what actually happened.

    Rest of the night went relatively ok until about 4 am. Myself, my wife, her dad, her cousin and one other polish fella were in reception waiting for the bus to bring the last of them back to the hotel / home. Out staggers my older brother with a Full bottle of Vodka and a full 2l of coke. The polish lads eyes lit up and next thing theres 4 of them standing together and the now open bottles of vodka and coke doing a Round Robin as the 4 of them down both bottles in the space of like 5 mins. Shortly afterwards I'm holding my brother up as he can no longer stand and then it kicks off. I turn around and Her dad and the cousin are baiting the absolute Fcuk out of each other. Think the Rocky movies where they're just pummeling each others faces with complete disregard for personal defense. Dropped my brother and broke that one up. Hotel didn't seem to fussed, no police or anything. Mini bus turned up and everyone was shoved on board and all made it to their beds.

    A few days later the priest turns up, gives us a bible and then asks the dad for more sand to finish some work on the new church. Her dad agrees because has an idiot. Anyway,, taht priest dies a few years later after a brief illness. We didn't mourn his passing. The replacement priest turned out to be a pedo. The family still say he did a wonderfull mass.

    So yea, Brilliant day!! them Polish, great bunch to have a wedding with. 4/5 stars, would recommend.

    Edited to add my wife's cousins Wife wore a wedding dress to the wedding and Reception. Not a wedding-ish dress, A full white dress with hoops and the works. Shes a tool so we just laughed it off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,630 ✭✭✭✭banie01

    dotsman wrote: »

    Basically, while the couple were on their honeymoon, another girl contacted the parents of the groom worried about her boyfriend as she had been unable to contact him for the past 2 weeks. She had never met the parents before, but did have their contact details in case of emergency.

    For those that know!

    For those that don't?!
    You've always gotta think of the trail!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Things were looking good, too good in hindsight!!

    Good story, well told! Definitely makes the book :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,661 ✭✭✭Blitzkrieger

    Late in the night, a few gate crashers came into the wedding, probably because the bar in the hotel was closing.
    The bride ended up on the door doing "bouncer" and I can still see her draping herself across the door telling the crashers this was a private party.
    It was very upsetting to see.

    TL;DR : I kinda had the opposite.

    I was at a stag party in Galway, and by the time we got back to the residents' bar, most of the lads were missing. I'm still not sure how Mickey survived a December night on a bench at the bus station without even a jacket...

    But anyway, we'd all been in a nightclub and weren't feeling too energetic at this point, but didn't want to go to bed either. So about six or seven of us were having a couple of quiet pints and talking ****e, when in walks a wedding party. They'd closed the function room for some cleaning or something, so told the 14 or so guests left at the wedding to go wait in the bar. The stag gets talking to the bride, and both groups mix and are chatting away, when the staff announce the bar is closing, but the wedding party can go back to the function room. The bride invites us along, but the staff say we're not allowed. I pissed off to bed while the bride, with her husband next to her agreeing, was saying 'It's our function; I don't understand why they can't come in if I invite them'....

  • Registered Users Posts: 133 ✭✭ontour2

    Wedding in the west of Ireland. Neither the bride or groom were from the parish, they had just found the perfect church which was close to the hotel they had always wanted to have their reception in. Priest for the wedding ceremony was a family friend who was not from the area and coming down on the day of the wedding. Dream location, perfect venue and planned to perfection.

    We arrived early to the church as we had been given a couple of jobs with flowers and mass booklets and to meet the priest. As we pulled in to the church, the road outside was full of cars which greatly confused us. We thought we had got the time wrong and were late. The reason for all the cars became apparent when we saw the hearse parked in front of the church. 90 minutes before the wedding and the funeral was still going. A couple of lads who had snuck out from the funeral for a smoke said that the eulogy had been going for over half an hour. It kept going and we got more and more stressed about what we should do. Another 40 minutes later the funeral finished and people started to leave the church. We reckoned there was just enough time to have them gone before most wedding guests arrived.

    Bullet dodged and we had a chat with the undertakers to explain the predicament and they said they would get everyone out of there in 'no time'. One relevant fact that they failed to mention was that the burial was in the graveyard attached to the church. 20 minutes before the wedding the hearse is still outside and all the mourners are in the graveyard or the pub across the road.

    Got the undertakers to put the hearse behind the pub and delayed the wedding car driver. When the wedding car turned up, he parked about one metre away from the church door. We grabbed a load of umbrellas and stuck them up and told the bride that it was starting to rain so she duly obliged and got in to the church before seeing the lads about 80 metres away filling in the grave.

    Still get stressed when I think about it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,114 ✭✭✭PhilOssophy

    ontour2 wrote: »
    Wedding in the west of Ireland. Neither the bride or groom were from the parish, they had just found the perfect church which was close to the hotel they had always wanted to have their reception in. Priest for the wedding ceremony was a family friend who was not from the area and coming down on the day of the wedding. Dream location, perfect venue and planned to perfection.

    We arrived early to the church as we had been given a couple of jobs with flowers and mass booklets and to meet the priest. As we pulled in to the church, the road outside was full of cars which greatly confused us. We thought we had got the time wrong and were late. The reason for all the cars became apparent when we saw the hearse parked in front of the church. 90 minutes before the wedding and the funeral was still going. A couple of lads who had snuck out from the funeral for a smoke said that the eulogy had been going for over half an hour. It kept going and we got more and more stressed about what we should do. Another 40 minutes later the funeral finished and people started to leave the church. We reckoned there was just enough time to have them gone before most wedding guests arrived.

    Bullet dodged and we had a chat with the undertakers to explain the predicament and they said they would get everyone out of there in 'no time'. One relevant fact that they failed to mention was that the burial was in the graveyard attached to the church. 20 minutes before the wedding the hearse is still outside and all the mourners are in the graveyard or the pub across the road.

    Got the undertakers to put the hearse behind the pub and delayed the wedding car driver. When the wedding car turned up, he parked about one metre away from the church door. We grabbed a load of umbrellas and stuck them up and told the bride that it was starting to rain so she duly obliged and got in to the church before seeing the lads about 80 metres away filling in the grave.

    Still get stressed when I think about it!

    If you ever have a job interview and they ask "Tell me about a stressful situation, and how you dealt with it" - tell that story!

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,711 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    ontour2 wrote: »
    Wedding in the west of Ireland. Neither the bride or groom were from the parish, they had just found the perfect church which was close to the hotel they had always wanted to have their reception in. Priest for the wedding ceremony was a family friend who was not from the area and coming down on the day of the wedding. Dream location, perfect venue and planned to perfection.

    This must get mention in the book \ ending of a romcom movie!

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 133 ✭✭ontour2

    odyssey06 wrote: »
    This must get mention in the book \ ending of a romcom movie!

    sequel to Wild Mountain Thyme.... Pat Short lined up to play the undertaker..

  • Registered Users Posts: 130 ✭✭stuboy01

    odyssey06 wrote: »
    This must get mention in the book \ ending of a romcom movie!

    I was just thinking the other day that if you were looking for inspiration as a writer there are plenty of book concepts on boards across all the forums.

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  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Well you've never seen such a sour faced man with a frilly basket of vodka go about his job.

    This absolutely cracked me up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,324 ✭✭✭SAMTALK

    My own wedding! (sorry for the essay)

    Got married in Poland. First the back story:

    Went to a wedding in Poland about 15 years ago. Boy do i remember the bottles of vodka on the tables and the help yourself beer taps !

    The funniest thing was sitting at table eating and then suddenly music starts, shot of vodka and dance, food, shot of vodka dance, rinse repeat

    And then do it all again the next day

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    been plenty of speculation to what actually happened but nothing definite.

    Speculation will do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,931 ✭✭✭✭Ash.J.Williams

    ontour2 wrote: »
    sequel to Wild Mountain Thyme.... Pat Short lined up to play the undertaker..

    And father Patrick bergin

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 590 ✭✭✭Louis Friend

    dotsman wrote: »
    While I've never attended a wedding where there has been any controversy (unfortunately ;)), I know of a case where the marriage ended while on honeymoon.

    Basically, while the couple were on their honeymoon, another girl contacted the parents of the groom worried about her boyfriend as she had been unable to contact him for the past 2 weeks. She had never met the parents before, but did have their contact details in case of emergency.

    Turns out the groom had been seeing this girl on the side for over a year, and neither the fiancé or girlfriend knew about each other. Quite what the groom had been thinking or how he thought he could get away with it indefinitely is beyond me!’d like to think your old man would run intercept on that one for you!

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 6,723 Mod ✭✭✭✭HildaOgdenx

    Neyite wrote: »
    This absolutely cracked me up.

    Same here.

    It's one of the best threads I have read in ages, loads of great stories, but that line had me in knots altogether :D

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 9,763 Mod ✭✭✭✭ToxicPaddy

    ontour2 wrote: »
    Wedding in the west of Ireland. Neither the bride or groom were from the parish, they had just found the perfect church which was close to the hotel they had always wanted to have their reception in. Priest for the wedding ceremony was a family friend who was not from the area and coming down on the day of the wedding. Dream location, perfect venue and planned to perfection.

    We arrived early to the church as we had been given a couple of jobs with flowers and mass booklets and to meet the priest. As we pulled in to the church, the road outside was full of cars which greatly confused us. We thought we had got the time wrong and were late. The reason for all the cars became apparent when we saw the hearse parked in front of the church. 90 minutes before the wedding and the funeral was still going. A couple of lads who had snuck out from the funeral for a smoke said that the eulogy had been going for over half an hour. It kept going and we got more and more stressed about what we should do. Another 40 minutes later the funeral finished and people started to leave the church. We reckoned there was just enough time to have them gone before most wedding guests arrived.

    Bullet dodged and we had a chat with the undertakers to explain the predicament and they said they would get everyone out of there in 'no time'. One relevant fact that they failed to mention was that the burial was in the graveyard attached to the church. 20 minutes before the wedding the hearse is still outside and all the mourners are in the graveyard or the pub across the road.

    Got the undertakers to put the hearse behind the pub and delayed the wedding car driver. When the wedding car turned up, he parked about one metre away from the church door. We grabbed a load of umbrellas and stuck them up and told the bride that it was starting to rain so she duly obliged and got in to the church before seeing the lads about 80 metres away filling in the grave.

    Still get stressed when I think about it!

    That's some serious thinking on your feet there. Major kudos for that. :D

    Probably saved the girl from having miserable memories about her wedding, I hope she realises how lucky she was to have you guys around

  • Registered Users Posts: 133 ✭✭ontour2

    ToxicPaddy wrote: »
    That's some serious thinking on your feet there. Major kudos for that. :D

    Probably saved the girl from having miserable memories about her wedding, I hope she realises how lucky she was to have you guys around

    All credit goes to the wedding driver. Talking to the bride's father later I was saying how good the driver was. The bride's father said he was a bit of an 'odd chap'. Apparently as they arrived at the church the driver told the bride to 'check her laces were tied' as sometime the brides shoes become loose in the car. Genius move to distract the bride from looking around as they pulled in to the church!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,395 ✭✭✭HBC08

    dotsman wrote: »
    While I've never attended a wedding where there has been any controversy (unfortunately ;)), I know of a case where the marriage ended while on honeymoon.

    Basically, while the couple were on their honeymoon, another girl contacted the parents of the groom worried about her boyfriend as she had been unable to contact him for the past 2 weeks. She had never met the parents before, but did have their contact details in case of emergency.

    Turns out the groom had been seeing this girl on the side for over a year, and neither the fiancé or girlfriend knew about each other. Quite what the groom had been thinking or how he thought he could get away with it indefinitely is beyond me!

    I was at a massive rural wedding about 10 years ago.The speeches went on for 2 and a half hours and about 90 mins of that was the groom gushing and repeatedly getting emotional about his new wife.
    During the wedding somebody told the bride that the groom had been riding a work colleague all along and was still at it,the bride didnt believe it and thats when more people chimed in to tell her it was true.
    The poor girl still went on the honeymoon, she must have been in shock or something.When they got back they left the airport in separate cars and that was the end of that.
    It was shocking to me that so many people knew about what was going on but still let the whole charade go ahead.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,265 ✭✭✭facehugger99

    HBC08 wrote: »
    I was at a massive rural wedding about 10 years ago.The speeches went on for 2 and a half hours and about 90 mins of that was the groom gushing and repeatedly getting emotional about his new wife.
    During the wedding somebody told the bride that the groom had been riding a work colleague all along and was still at it,the bride didnt believe it and thats when more people chimed in to tell her it was true.
    The poor girl still went on the honeymoon, she must have been in shock or something.When they got back they left the airport in separate cars and that was the end of that.
    It was shocking to me that so many people knew about what was going on but still let the whole charade go ahead.

    Quick question - Do these anecdotes have to be true or can we make up any old sh;te?
