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How did you score in your last round? - 2022



  • Registered Users Posts: 23,564 ✭✭✭✭Frisbee

    Played the (half) round of my life yesterday. +2 Gross for 9 holes off a WHI of 14.9.

    3 Birdies

    2 Pars

    3 Bogeys

    1 Double

    Driver behaved itself for the first time in a while which made a massive difference. The double came from my drive bouncing through the fairway into a bunker and ending up under the lip, almost underground somehow so all I could do was hack at it as hard as I could and hope it bounce further back into the bunker which it thankfully did.

    Was expecting a big cut but forgot when you only play 9 holes they just give you a bogey on all the rest, still, down to 14.2 now and the goal of being in the 13s by September is within reach.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,534 ✭✭✭blue note

    I got out for a sneaky midweek round in Killeen castle yesterday. It was only supposed to be 9 for the open comp but we kept going.

    For the comp I played okay - 18 points so I won't complain too much. But I lost 2 balls and missed two footer on the last. And was greenside in 2 on the second par 5 only to end up with a 6 😣. And I was in 4 bunkers on those 9 holes. I heard the winning score was just 20, so it wouldn't have taken much to get to that. I got cut .2 from it anyway which was nice.

    What a lovely course though. I think it's quite well set up for me - I wonder was Jack thinking of me when he designed it. There's loads of room from the tee, so you can bomb it down and if you go offline at worst it will cost you a shot. They even have a marked hazard if you go too far offline so that you can just drop rather than have to go back and play 3 off the tee. I'd say that's fantastic for pace of play, although it does make the course a lot easier. Not that I actually used it. The greens are very nicely guarded though. They're normal sized, but they seem small when you're hitting to them. Maybe it's that if you're trying to avoid the hazards you've a relatively small target to aim for. Or maybe it's just that there are so many bunkers you can't always see the entire green. And wow are there a lot of bunkers to avoid! I probably hit my best shot on 16 - long 5 iron to a back pin, left myself about 15 feet for birdie and nearly got it. Then I did get a birdie on the next when I accidentally took the hero line from the tee. I slightly pushed it but nailed it so it carried the lake. The I got up and down from 40m or so.

    The greens were slow though which I was very surprised at. They weren't bad, they were very true. But I got caught all day with putts or chips coming up short.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,400 ✭✭✭ger664

    Well done but I would take a unplayable lie penatly drop in the bunker with same outcome no risk of burying it further into the lip

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭willabur

    Jaysus, played killeen castle two weeks ago and they were the quickest greens I have ever played. Found the course very playable tee to green but I'd say I 3 putted 75% of the time. Absolutely lethal

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,534 ✭✭✭blue note

    I was playing with a member and he said that they had them lightning fast for Captains but they had to leave them grow out since as they were a bit ridiculous.

    But on Wednesday night, I wouldn't have even called them summer speed!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭willabur

    ah makes sense, I played it as part of the off the ball golf podcast society the tuesday after the captains.

    It was a shotgun start and played off the front tees so was hitting wedges into greens most of the day but the greens were like nothing I've seen. One of the members said that the greens are what protects the course. Would love to play it from the members tee box with normal green speed, I'd even take summer green speed. All that said the whole set up there is spectacular. Amazing clubhouse, practice facilities and the course is a beaut

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,959 ✭✭✭boccy23

    Did 9 holes last night and never played better. I have been working on shoulder tilt to encourage higher ball flight with the driver and while it has been inconsistent so far, it mainly clicked last night. The main difference is that with this increased flight and harder ground, I am driving it 260 instead of 230, so being left with PW or lower in a lot of the time.

    PW on 1st to 12 feet and birdie. Inconsistency showed up on the second and lost my drive. Had a 5 with second, so scratch or 7. Parred 3rd, 4th & 5th. Birdie on 6th, again with a knock down PW. Par 7th. Par on long 8th, Index 1. The drive was way left but again as I am 20-30 yards closer, a 7i over the trees left me in up and down land. Good chip and an 8 foot putt and another par. On the 9th, you have to hit a big fade which is not my game. Sliced the sh**e out of it into the fairway. Chunked a 7i for my only poor shot of the game. PW on and 2 putts.

    All adds up to 36 (with a 7), for a +2 gross. Would have been 24 points.

    I am following the Enjoyment v's Improvement thread and I can only say that using driver to get closer to the green, even on misses, is well worth it. A missed 3w or 2i and leaving a 5i is no way to improve IMHO.

    Anyhoos, feeling it today. Can't wait for the weekend now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,534 ✭✭✭blue note

    How was the otb day there? It sounds like a lot of craic. And what was the cost of it, I don't think they mentioned that on the pod.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭willabur

    it was brilliant. Golf clinic with Peter before the round plus unlimited range balls for everyone there. Welcome pack including a sleeve of prov1 golf balls, tees, ball markers etc. A golf cart per two golfers was provided, the round of golf, finger food (more than enough to be fed) followed by a recording of the podcast which was very interesting to see

    all free - unreal day

  • Registered Users Posts: 48 faffingaround

    Havent been playing great the last 4-5 months but saw a few good signs the last 3 weeks. Had 104 strokes on Monday in a two on two scramble. Desperate stuff, all over the place. Good weather.

    Got out today. Same course, again good conditions. Best round ever of 12 over par! Hit the ball so well. 4 GIR. Still had 34 putts but lag putted so well.

    Such a weird game.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,534 ✭✭✭blue note

    I played moyvalley yesterday. We played from the yellows which made it a very short course. It was extremely windy and there were some torrential downpours.

    I had a playing handicap of 17 and had 37 points. If I'm honest though I wanted to snap clubs on more than one occasion. My driving was excellent, I absolutely nailed it all day long. But my approaches were awful. And usually I'm a decent bump and run player - giving myself a decent chance of a few up and downs. From just off the green I was leaving myself difficult 2 putts. I'd three three putts on the front 9. My putting was downright weird all day, I hit some terrible first putts - leaving myself 10, 15 feet back for the second. But I made some great putts - finished with a 30 footer, and made a couple from around 20 feet. 36 putts overall, with three three putts.

    7 and 8 were typical of my round though. Huge drive on both, had a sandwedge in hand on the 7th for my second. 80m to the middle of the green, I really should be making a par I caught it fat and came up short. Then overhit the chip by about 20 feet. And then three putted. 80m to go after my drive, no danger at all and I take 5 to get down! Then on 8 I hit another massive drive. I left myself a gap wedge in for my second. It's a par 5 and I'm thinking a birdie is the most likely score from here. I duff it. Then catch my pitch fat which sneaks onto the green. So more I've a long putt for birdie which I hit 12 feet past the hole. Thankfully I made the putt back, but I have to admit I was seething on the inside throughout the round. Driving it like I did yesterday from those tees I should have been threatening breaking 80. Instead I shot 88.

    I suppose the incident of most note in the round was my playing partner hacking out of rough much more successfully than we expected. I was up by the green and he managed to fly it all the way to my leg! Thankfully it hit a soft part so I was grand. And in fairness it was very funny!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,534 ✭✭✭blue note

    And just to note, that round has replaced my last corballis round for my handicap. I've 6 home and 14 away rounds in my last 20. And I've no home rounds counting for my handicap.

    I'm wondering over the winter will I play corballis more again because it will be dry. But if I do I'll have a bump in handicap for the start of next season.

  • Registered Users Posts: 121 ✭✭BohToffee

    Managed to get out twice this weekend. Played a soc outingnin seapoint Saturday. Beautiful course, very up and down round, tweaked by back getting out of the car bur soldiered on trying to nurse myself around. Very up and down round, scratch, par, par, scr.. and so it continued but with less pars and more bogeys, finished with a beauty of a drive, very much wind assisted, and 33 points, with a WHS cut to 24.6.

    Played Sunday at home in the weekly comp. And I won't lie, had the round of my life.. driving well, almost had a 2 on the par 4 first ball went in and decided not today bud. Putting well, only 2 three putts which is a miracle for me.. 7 pars, 1 scratch, 42 points, won the category by a point and a hefty WHS chop is incoming. Been playing more regularly of late and really starting to find my groove. Had 1 lesson earlier in year and the plan is to reduce hcap to 15, need another to sort the short game woes, losing between 4 and 8 shots on strokes gained v a 15hcap.

    Playing the 12 hole course in rosslare tomorrow which is sure to cut me back down to size. 🤣🤣 but for now I'm buzzing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,629 ✭✭✭coillcam

    Nett par in local medal comp from back tees yesterday. 5x doubles and a triple killed me. Irons were excellent after a lesson last week. Stuck one to 3ft on a par 3 but couldn't convert. Had 6 GIRs and 3-4 of those were good birdie chances. Nearly drove a par 4 (nice wind assist) too. Take away an awful OB drive, a couple of bad short putts and you were looking at a new PB.

    Feeling confident now with the irons and I feel like it has transformed my game. It still feels like a missed opportunity this week but a few weeks ago I'd have felt I was "stealing" or scrambling to get that score. The index has finally dropped into 13s now and 7 of my last 8 rounds are counting. Trending in the right direction.

  • Registered Users Posts: 716 ✭✭✭macvin

    Posted back a page. Newish golfer (played weekly many many years ago - as in 25 years ago - then very sporadic for last 20 years as in a game a year)

    But back with a bang and 3 games average a week since late June.

    Broke 100 last Friday - 98. Then 99 in captains day, 96 yesterday. My hope/target of sub 90 by end of August is still doable with continued 3 games a week (different courses too)

    thanks to @coillcam - I have a 14 degree wood that gets me 200-220 straight off the tee and rarely finds trouble.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,629 ✭✭✭coillcam

    @macvin I won't take any credit. You did it all. Well done on breaking 100 no less than three times in the same week! A lot of players aren't able to drive it 220, so you're absolutely flying it here.

    I always mention that a large part of my progress has been from watching the different series from golf sidekick on youtube. Loads of great general advice on breaking 100,90,80 etc. Distance helps no doubt but really only stands out as a big limiter when trying to play single-digit golf. 99% of it is to keep it between the ditches and then wedge, chip, putt for your score.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,710 ✭✭✭dan_ep82

    First time seeing PCC applied since the first game when WHS launched meant an 85 got me a differential of 7.1

    Pins were in places that would make you question the greens keepers humor but no wind or rain so found it odd.

    3 Doubles in there, two of them nearly lost balls, ruined a really low score but still happy with the number in the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,498 ✭✭✭spacecoyote

    Must be a very high CR on there too. Assuming par 72, that's 13 over, a PCC of 3, would get it to 10, so CR of 74.9? Tough course!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,710 ✭✭✭dan_ep82

    73.6 CR 133 Slope

    A non PCC adjusted 85 gave a differential of 9.7 back in May

    Can't really make sense of it myself

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,498 ✭✭✭spacecoyote

    OK so calc is, for no PCC

    (Adjusted gross - CR) * (113/slope)

    With PCC is

    (Adjusted gross - CR - PCC) * (113/slope)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,710 ✭✭✭dan_ep82

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,629 ✭✭✭coillcam

    I had 1x PCC adjustment in the last two years. I do remember it as a tough layout, medal comp, lightning greens and very firm course conditions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,564 ✭✭✭✭Frisbee

    37 (17/20) points off a PH of 16 in Courtown yesterday. Have played poorly the last two times I've played so would have bit your hand off for 37 points pre-round. But had 36 points after 16 and then made a mess of 17 & 18.

    WHI down to 13.8 now, my goal was to get into the 13s by September so delighted with that. Now to keep it there!

  • Registered Users Posts: 650 ✭✭✭bobster453

    86 gross.67 nett 4 under par Captains qualifier Cahir Park sat.

    12 hole playoff this afternoon.

    WHS cut 17.4 to 16.8

    Hopefully be WHS 15 or less by season end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,498 ✭✭✭spacecoyote

    Great stuff Bob

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,629 ✭✭✭coillcam

    Had an inter club mixed foursomes this week. First time playing that format and with women. Really enjoyed the challenge, completely different game. Hitting from new approach positions each hole. Also trying to lay up or miss better to suit my partner's game.

    We lost 3&2 but could have tied or won it another day. Had 2x horseshoe lipouts. Our opposition drained a frankly ridiculous putt from off the green where the ball broke at 90 degrees. Another time they sliced into trees but the ball flew through and got a massive kick back towards the green before rolling 30 yards to 4ft for birdie. Not bitter in any way 🤣.

    Great experience and I'd love to play mixed or even foursomes again in future. It is tough to reign in the instinct to play your game vs what's the correct play for your partner.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,534 ✭✭✭blue note

    +17 in corballis yesterday. 8 boring pars - greens in regulation. One was a three putt par, but it was the length of the green so I wouldn't be too concerned with it. And 5 bogeys.

    And 3 doubles and 2 triples on a bad 5 hole stretch! I didn't play the worst golf for the most part on it. Pushed a drive on 12 into the rough and couldn't find it. Made a double playing 3 from the tee. Hit the green on 13 but it spun back off the front into the rough another double from there isn't the worst score. Shanked one onto the beach on the next hole. No redeeming feature there. And was set up perfectly from the tee on 15 - 80m left to the middle. Lie was quite bare but I hit the sand wedge anyway. Caught it thin and flew through the green into a bush. Back to back triples. Then I pulled my next drive very near a house (no bang, so I think it was OK). Made a double playing three from the tee.

    But I struck it well for a lot of the round. In spite of being on the 11th green at +4 with an eagle putt and a little while later being on the 17th tee at +16 I was fairly content with my game.

    It was my first time playing to the temporary green on 8 in corballis. They need to sort that out. It really does take from the course at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,249 ✭✭✭slingerz

    Couldn’t hit it off the tee with driver, 3 wood or hybrid. Short game was terrible as well but putting was good finished +13 in scratch cup

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,629 ✭✭✭coillcam

    Had 37 points (86) on Friday for my local open day from whites. Very happy with my play here.

    Followed it up with 38 points (85) from the back tees on Sunday, 2nd best score ever. Think I sneaked my category prize for this too. In a real vein of form recently. I've dropped from 14.8 to 12.8 index in the last two months and most of my recent scores are in my best 8.

    Post edited by coillcam on

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭willabur

    Very frustrating at the moment.

    Going from one extreme to another. Had 29 points yesterday in first stableford comp since May. Reason for the gap is that I am playing plenty of matchplay and/or away golf. In Matchplay I am playing great stuff. +1 for 18 holes 2 weeks ago, +4 for second round. Which would both be 40+ rounds at least.

    It means my golf ireland looks like I am sandbagging. Last 3 rounds all 81 on par 66. Switch to matchplay mode and those rounds are <70

    Arccos gives nice insight.

    and good matchplay

    Shots gained compared to 5 handicapper. I am playing off 8
