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Cocaine etc is everywhere?



  • Registered Users Posts: 736 ✭✭✭Das Reich

    And it has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

    In poor South American countries.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,933 ✭✭✭✭Ash.J.Williams

    Tomaldo wrote: »
    What are these negatives, more people enjoying coke more safely, having fun/enjoyment with a safer product. We had the same argument about contraception, puritans against others having fun/enjoyment who thought the Magdalene Laundries were a good idea. Back then if an unmarried woman wanted to have enjoyment she was condemned and punished by a brainwashed society by a hypocritical religious order. Now it's drugs

    i love coke but that's b0ll0x

  • Registered Users Posts: 422 ✭✭john123470

    Tomaldo wrote: »
    I don't agree, IMO keeping it illegal is a worse idea. People get enjoyment from it, nobody tricks or forces you to take it, a lot of rich, talented and famous people have used it and over 99% of users do NOT die from it. Why not legalise it for a couple of years, if your prediction is correct, then revert to banning it. Where and when has prohibition ever worked

    I don't know where you get the 99%. A lot of folk who use Coke will not be shy about trying other substances. "Rich, talented" people - as you call them - have plenty dosh to rescue them from whatever hellholes they have dug themselves into. Although money could not save John Belushi, Chris Farley and innumerable others

    I can see a case for legalizing weed - the penny has dropped in several countries - or, if not to legalize, then at least decriminalize.

    The benefits in pain management - whether via THC or CBD oil are attested by many. I have never heard of folk getting mugged so a smoker can get his THC fix. Communities are not destroyed by the presence of a few smokers.

    Not so, Coke.
    Coke is a whole other matter. Not everyone who takes it becomes addicted but for those who do, its a living hell. Read accounts of those addicted to Coke on ''.

    I remember taking Coke in my 20's. I got a free sample from a dealer - obviously drumming up custom. I went home and tried it immediately. I then made straight for the dealer's home (i beat him to it actually) to score some more.
    Coke is a very 'moreish' - or so I found. Can never get enough.

    I understand not everyone will react how I did on first trying it but - why take a chance ?
    Will you stop at Coke or will you be tempted - when high - to sample a marvellous, out of this world speedball ie coke + heroin. Unforgettable

    All may be fine and dandy for a few years - then you hit a hard patch and you will turn to what gives you most pleasure.

    You will end up taking it alone, paranoia will set in, your septum will be shredded,
    you will empty your bank account, alienate friends - just to mention a few of the typical fallouts from over use of Coke. There are several more but your general health is going to take a hit at the very least. The comedowns alone will put you out of sorts for a few days

    Sure, this may not be you (now / yet), but why risk everything for a substance (thats been stepped on with God knows what cuts) and has you talking gibberish for an hour before you sneak back to the bathroom to snort a few more lines. Very fecking sad.

    So, legalizing Coke - a recipe for disaster. How safe would the streets around that 'Coke shop' be - Lols

    If weed is a gateway drug, the destination is usually Coke or Opiates.

    Skin up, if you must, enjoy the simple pleasures.
    Don't risk becoming slave to a substance whatever it is

    As the Chinese say:

    A man takes a drink,
    A drink takes a drink,
    The drink takes the man

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,933 ✭✭✭✭Ash.J.Williams

    cj maxx wrote: »
    I took cbd oil for about a month because of glowing reviews on the internet but personally I didn’t notice any difference and I tend to record my ability/ health regularly. I might give it another go but I think the THC did me more good :)

    my great grand father once said "if it aint got no THC it aint for me"

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,117 ✭✭✭✭PARlance

    Wanderer78 wrote: »
    theres currently no actual 'solutions' to our addictive substances, all have negative outcomes, but our current situation isnt particularly working very well, i do think legalization is worth trying, but this to will be very problematic

    Agreed, I am someone who sees the current situation as madness, however I would be fearful of legalisation, especially with our very poor and longstanding record with substance abuse (alcohol) in this country.

    We already had a sample of what legalisation might look like on some scale, when the head shops sprung up. It opened the door for many people, who I know wouldn't have (or would have been a lot slower to) get onto coke. The problem we have from my experience is that excess is an issue. Lads throwing pints into them, shots etc. all while going heavy on coke... we, in general, have very little restraint or respect for substances that require same.

    I think the head shops played a huge part in leading to the situation we see ourselves today, from my own circles, I would say that the group taking coke probably doubled shortly after they opened.

    I know it's not the same thing, but its similar enough to get an insight into what will happen. I would be for legalisation but I would want pretty strict controls and a hell of a lot of education around it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,255 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    john123470 wrote: »
    I don't know where you get the 99%. A lot of folk who use Coke will not be shy about trying other substances. "Rich, talented" people - as you call them - have plenty dosh to rescue them from whatever hellholes they have dug themselves into. Although money could not save John Belushi, Chris Farley and innumerable others

    I can see a case for legalizing weed - the penny has dropped in several countries - or, if not to legalize, then at least decriminalize.

    The benefits in pain management - whether via THC or CBD oil are attested by many. I have never heard of folk getting mugged so a smoker can get his THC fix. Communities are not destroyed by the presence of a few smokers.

    Not so, Coke.
    Coke is a whole other matter. Not everyone who takes it becomes addicted but for those who do, its a living hell. Read accounts of those addicted to Coke on ''.

    I remember taking Coke in my 20's. I got a free sample from a dealer - obviously drumming up custom. I went home and tried it immediately. I then made straight for the dealer's home (i beat him to it actually) to score some more.
    Coke is a very 'moreish' - or so I found. Can never get enough.

    I understand not everyone will react how I did on first trying it but - why take a chance ?
    Will you stop at Coke or will you be tempted - when high - to sample a marvellous, out of this world speedball ie coke + heroin. Unforgettable

    All may be fine and dandy for a few years - then you hit a hard patch and you will turn to what gives you most pleasure.

    You will end up taking it alone, paranoia will set in, your septum will be shredded,
    you will empty your bank account, alienate friends - just to mention a few of the typical fallouts from over use of Coke. There are several more but your general health is going to take a hit at the very least. The comedowns alone will put you out of sorts for a few days

    Sure, this may not be you (now / yet), but why risk everything for a substance (thats been stepped on with God knows what cuts) and has you talking gibberish for an hour before you sneak back to the bathroom to snort a few more lines. Very fecking sad.

    So, legalizing Coke - a recipe for disaster. How safe would the streets around that 'Coke shop' be - Lols

    If weed is a gateway drug, the destination is usually Coke or Opiates.

    Skin up, if you must, enjoy the simple pleasures.
    Don't risk becoming slave to a substance whatever it is

    As the Chinese say:

    A man takes a drink,
    A drink takes a drink,
    The drink takes the man

    There's a mix of fact and fallacy here, but most of your post seems to be saying, "I found it dangerous and addictive so everyone else will, too; and on that basis it should be banned". Not nessecarily the case.

    Firstly, the poster you replied to said, "99% don't die from it". I'd argue the death rate is probably far less that 1%, bt that doesn;t mean it causes problems if abused. ALL drugs caue problems if abused.

    Also, coke - and I'm talking personal experience here, too - is "more-ish" rather than addictive. I keep nibbling away, but as soon as it's gone, it's gone. I don't feel the need to start tracking down dealers at there homes - that's just you. You have the problem here, not everyone.

    You will end up taking it alone, paranoia will set in, your septum will be shredded,
    you will empty your bank account, alienate friends - just to mention a few of the typical fallouts from over use of Coke. There are several more but your general health is going to take a hit at the very least. The comedowns alone will put you out of sorts for a few days

    This is bollox. It might happen - I'm not denying that - but the drug effects individual people differently - and that's the same with every durg: legal or illegal. Again, if this is what happened to you, it doesn't mean everyone.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,117 ✭✭✭✭PARlance

    Also, coke - and I'm talking personal experience here, too - is "more-ish" rather than addictive. I keep nibbling awat, but as soon as it's gone, it's gone. I don't feel the need to start tracking down dealers at there homes - that's just you. You have the problem here, not everyone.

    But if there was more, it would probably be gone too. My experience is the night is generally never over, until it's gone.

    I would consider it addictive in the sense that once people start using it on night outs etc, it becomes an integral part of future nights out very easily. I think that's common in general but I know a few that had a daily dependency unfortunately.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,812 ✭✭✭✭sbsquarepants

    john123470 wrote: »
    As the Chinese say:

    A man takes a drink,
    A drink takes a drink,
    The drink takes the man

    I don't know John, i think they might be talking about drinking more so than coke.

    All addictive substances have the potential to ensare susceptible people.

    Just like some people can have a quite pint or glass of wine, or a couple of cans watching the football and suffer no ill effects, whereas others feel an urge to swamp vodka for breakfast, so too with cocaine. Different people react differently - practically everyone i know either currently uses, or used to in the past.

    Some indulged more than others, i would have very much been on the higher end of the scale myself, but i honestly don't know anyone who became addicted.

  • Posts: 17,728 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    So has alcohol but that's great craic so it's OK. Just admit the war on drugs was lost decades ago so legalise it, tax the **** out of it and it will free up a lot more police resources and put a lot of criminal gangs out of business overnight.

    Why would they be out of business when there would be a market for their products? There's a huge market for black market cigarettes in both Ireland and the UK, cigarettes are legal but there's plenty tax on them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 422 ✭✭john123470

    There's a mix of fact and fallacy here, but most of your post seems to be saying, "I found it dangerous and addictive so everyone else will, too; and on that basis it should be banned". Not nessecarily the case.
    ... it's gone, it's gone. I don't feel the need to start tracking down dealers at there homes - that's just you. You have the problem here, not everyone.

    This is bollox. It might happen - I'm not denying that - but the drug effects individual people differently - and that's the same with every durg: legal or illegal. Again, if this is what happened to you, it doesn't mean everyone.

    If you read my post carefully, you will read "i understand that not everyone will react how I did on first trying it - but why take a chance ?"

    Does that "seem to be saying" everyone will react as i do ?
    Please read posts carefully before you put your own spin on them.

    My point is that Cocaine usage carries the inherent danger of addiction / misuse and the attendant negative fallouts if a person continues using it.
    My point is - is it worth risking all this for a short lived high

    "This is bollox"

    It always is bollox until it happens to you.

    Your point seems to be "i'll put what i bloody like up my nose and hang the consequences

    To that i say "Have at it and enjoy !"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,570 ✭✭✭vriesmays

    Jonathan Philbin Bowman is dead twenty years this year. Was a former cocaine user and died from falling through a glass door. He should have been hosting the LLS not Tubridy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 422 ✭✭john123470

    I don't know John, i think they might be talking about drinking more so than coke.

    All addictive substances have the potential to ensare susceptible people.

    Just like some people can have a quite pint or glass of wine, or a couple of cans watching the football and suffer no ill effects, whereas others feel an urge to swamp vodka for breakfast, so too with cocaine. Different people react differently - practically everyone i know either currently uses, or used to in the past.

    Some indulged more than others, i would have very much been on the higher end of the scale myself, but i honestly don't know anyone who became addicted.

    Indeed sbsquare,

    Substitute any addictive substance for drink

    My point is the risk taking esp since not everyone carries a drug test kit around with them and Fentanyl, rat poison .. are popular cuts.

    Habitual Cocaine alters the reward pathway in your brain .. things that naturally gave you pleasure previously no longer do so.

    Why would anyone want to mess with such a substance ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,255 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    PARlance wrote: »
    But if there was more, it would probably be gone too. My experience is the night is generally never over, until it's gone.

    I would consider it addictive in the sense that once people start using it on night outs etc, it becomes an integral part of future nights out very easily. I think that's common in general but I know a few that had a daily dependency unfortunately.

    Oh, i'm not saying it CAN be addictive - any drug can be addictive. So can any drug become an integral part of a night out. Mostly, alochol.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,255 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    john123470 wrote: »
    If you read my post carefully, you will read "i understand that not everyone will react how I did on first trying it - but why take a chance ?"

    Does that "seem to be saying" everyone will react as i do ?
    Please read posts carefully before you put your own spin on them.

    My point is that Cocaine usage carries the inherent danger of addiction / misuse and the attendant negative fallouts if a person continues using it.
    My point is - is it worth risking all this for a short lived high

    "This is bollox"

    It always is bollox until it happens to you.

    Your point seems to be "i'll put what i bloody like up my nose and hang the consequences

    To that i say "Have at it and enjoy !"

    No, you don't. You say "why take the chance?" and try to lecture with horror stories and then hide behind the "you didn't read my post" properly. I've read it more then oncae and it still comes across as an unbalanced and condescending post.

    And the reason I take chances is because I like to find out what I like or don't like. Same resaon I sometimes eat food I've never had before or drink alcohol and strong liquor

    If I never take chances life is dull and boring and conservative.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 422 ✭✭john123470

    No, you don't. You say "why take the chance?" and try to lecture with horror stories and then hide behind the "you didn't read my post" properly. I've read it more then oncae and it still comes across as an unbalanced and condescending post.

    And the reason I take chances is because I like to find out what I like or don't like. Same resaon I sometimes eat food I've never had before or drink alcohol and strong liquor

    If I never take chances life is dull and boring and conservative.

    Well, i'll take my chances with food and strong liquor over 'Cocaine" thats very possibly cut with Carfentanil (they use to immobilize elephants) , Fentanyl (100 times stronger than morphine), rat poison et al .. and baby laxative (just for you to make you feel better about yourself lols) This is not the same as sampling new food and drinks and it is misleading to say that it is

    The "chance you take" with Coke is that you will very rarely if ever encounter the fabled "pure" Peruvian flake - more like a cocktail of the mixers mentioned above + varying %es of Cocaine. Without a drug test kit - and i just know that every user out there has one lol - you are totally playing russ roulette with your life and long term health.

    Your brain would have to be turned to mush from overuse of said drug to argue the above is false

    You've heard of 'bad batches' no doubt and how its not unusual for bad batches to claim a few victims here and there ? The 1% conveniently calculated by a poster

    Again, no argument .. however folk get their thrill is their business. But to equate "coke" use with trying out new food - well thats just plain ol misleadin there, Princess

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,134 ✭✭✭Lux23

    I would imagine it is mostly crap here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,255 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    john123470 wrote: »
    Well, i'll take my chances with food and strong liquor over 'Cocaine" thats very possibly cut with Carfentanil (they use to immobilize elephants) , Fentanyl (100 times stronger than morphine), rat poison et al .. and baby laxative (just for you to make you feel better about yourself lols) This is not the same as sampling new food and drinks and it is misleading to say that it is

    The "chance you take" with Coke is that you will very rarely if ever encounter the fabled "pure" Peruvian flake - more like a cocktail of the mixers mentioned above + varying %es of Cocaine. Without a drug test kit - and i just know that every user out there has one lol - you are totally playing russ roulette with your life and long term health.

    You see, there you go with the condescending assumptions again - you assume that, because I've done coke, I've rushed out, grabbed it from the nearest junkie and rammed it up my nose wihtout thinking or without researching it or checking the supplier. This might be what you did (in which case I can understand your experience) but why do you think that's what everyone does?

    And if you DON'T think that's what everyone does, waht makes you think it's what I did?

    Your brain would have to be turned to mush from overuse of said drug to argue the above is false
    ...and what makes you think I "overuse" it?
    You've heard of 'bad batches' no doubt and how its not unusual for bad batches to claim a few victims here and there ? The 1% conveniently calculated by a poster
    Yes, and again - easaily avoided when you do your research, and only use reliable sources (yes, they do exist).
    Again, no argument .. however folk get their thrill is their business. But to equate "coke" use with trying out new food - well thats just plain ol misleadin there, Princess

    Except I didn't did I? I used different examples of trying something new.


    Yes it's dangerous, but so are lots of things in life but there are things you can do to reduce the risks.

    I respect your opinion as it's based on experience, but consider this: did you ever actually consider asking me what my experiences of it were before you decided to condescend to me with horror stories?

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 422 ✭✭john123470

    Here, i'd need to be on the Marching powder to keep up with you

    I stand by what i've written. Sorry if it sounded 'condescending' - it was not my intention

    It's a person's choice and freedom what he / she does with their lives

    Good luck with yours

    I'm out

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,255 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    john123470 wrote: »
    Here, i'd need to be on the Marching powder to keep up with you

    I stand by what i've written. Sorry if it sounded 'condescending' - it was not my intention

    It's a person's choice and freedom what he / she does with their lives

    Good luck with yours

    I'm out

    Ah yes, the "marching powder". So much for matrue debate :)

    And as I've proven that what the writings you stand by are based on naiveity, ignorance and baseless assumption, I'm out too.

    Unless anyone else wants to come on with a more informed opinion?

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 608 ✭✭✭Tomaldo

    i love coke but that's b0ll0x

    which part of my post is b0ll0x or untrue?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 608 ✭✭✭Tomaldo

    john123470 wrote: »
    I don't know where you get the 99%. A lot of folk who use Coke will not be shy about trying other substances. "Rich, talented" people - as you call them - have plenty dosh to rescue them from whatever hellholes they have dug themselves into. Although money could not save John Belushi, Chris Farley and innumerable others

    I can see a case for legalizing weed - the penny has dropped in several countries - or, if not to legalize, then at least decriminalize.

    The benefits in pain management - whether via THC or CBD oil are attested by many. I have never heard of folk getting mugged so a smoker can get his THC fix. Communities are not destroyed by the presence of a few smokers.

    Not so, Coke.
    Coke is a whole other matter. Not everyone who takes it becomes addicted but for those who do, its a living hell. Read accounts of those addicted to Coke on ''.

    I remember taking Coke in my 20's. I got a free sample from a dealer - obviously drumming up custom. I went home and tried it immediately. I then made straight for the dealer's home (i beat him to it actually) to score some more.
    Coke is a very 'moreish' - or so I found. Can never get enough.

    I understand not everyone will react how I did on first trying it but - why take a chance ?
    Will you stop at Coke or will you be tempted - when high - to sample a marvellous, out of this world speedball ie coke + heroin. Unforgettable

    All may be fine and dandy for a few years - then you hit a hard patch and you will turn to what gives you most pleasure.

    You will end up taking it alone, paranoia will set in, your septum will be shredded,
    you will empty your bank account, alienate friends - just to mention a few of the typical fallouts from over use of Coke. There are several more but your general health is going to take a hit at the very least. The comedowns alone will put you out of sorts for a few days

    Sure, this may not be you (now / yet), but why risk everything for a substance (thats been stepped on with God knows what cuts) and has you talking gibberish for an hour before you sneak back to the bathroom to snort a few more lines. Very fecking sad.

    So, legalizing Coke - a recipe for disaster. How safe would the streets around that 'Coke shop' be - Lols

    If weed is a gateway drug, the destination is usually Coke or Opiates.

    Skin up, if you must, enjoy the simple pleasures.
    Don't risk becoming slave to a substance whatever it is

    As the Chinese say:

    A man takes a drink,
    A drink takes a drink,
    The drink takes the man

    The last time I googled 'cocaine-related deaths Ireland' I got the year 2015. It said there were 44 such deaths and 93% of those victims were using other drugs at the same time, so we don't know if it was coke that killed them. Even if did and only five thousand people took it that year and I'd be amazed if it wasn't 10 or 20 times that number, then 44 is less/fewer than 1 %. Anyway we don't usually ban things 'cos a small minority of people die from their use, otherwise we'd have stopped making airplanes, trains, cars etc decades ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,616 ✭✭✭Pauliedragon

    Augeo wrote: »
    Why would they be out of business when there would be a market for their products? There's a huge market for black market cigarettes in both Ireland and the UK, cigarettes are legal but there's plenty tax on them.
    Fair enough but a much smaller market for them. If I can buy a bag of coke at a shop down the road legally the guy around the corner selling it illegally has one less customer. I spent most of my life running pubs and nightclubs some were full of drunk people and some were full of people on party drugs. Believe me the ones on pills and coke were much better behaved.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 165 ✭✭Deemed as Normal

    Ah yes, the "marching powder". So much for matrue debate :)

    And as I've proven that what the writings you stand by are based on naiveity, ignorance and baseless assumption, I'm out too.

    Unless anyone else wants to come on with a more informed opinion?
    And do you reckon that someone might've been killed or not along the way, in the process of making the cocaine you eventually consumed? That's the sort of stuff I've been led to believe.

    Out of curiosity, how do you know if your supplier is trustworthy? even if you do do research into them! And if they are, you still don't know who their supplier is!?

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,255 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    And do you reckon that someone might've been killed or not along the way, in the process of making the cocaine you eventually consumed? That's the sort of stuff I've been led to believe.

    Out of curiosity, how do you know if your supplier is trustworthy? even if you do do research into them! And if they are, you still don't know who their supplier is!?

    1 - That argument could be used for branded trainers, android phones and primark t-shirts. Another argument would be that the leglaisation of it could lead to regulation which would rule out said dangers.
    2 - you go by reputation, recommendation, how well you know him personally and whether or not he uses the same stuff himself.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 165 ✭✭Deemed as Normal

    1 - That argument could be used for branded trainers, android phones and primark t-shirts. Another argument would be that the leglaisation of it could lead to regulation which would rule out said dangers.
    I've no doubt they're treated badly, but the difference is that they're not tortured and killed if they prove they're disloyalty to the company.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,858 ✭✭✭Church on Tuesday

    Id imagine it's a cnut on the aul septum.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,255 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    I've no doubt they're treated badly, but the difference is that they're not tortured and killed if they proof they're disloyalty to the company.

    I don't share your "no doubt" - slave labour is slave labour. I've only ever bought the stuff once ot twice and that would be pretty much one of the main reasons (the other being that it's massively overpriced).

    But as I said - one very easy way to stop the criminality: regulation and records of origin.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 225 ✭✭Alfred123

    1 - That argument could be used for branded trainers, android phones and primark t-shirts.

    2 - you go by reputation, recommendation, how well you know him personally and whether or not he uses the same stuff himself.

    Ive been following this thread for a while and as an ex Cocaine user, I really do have to chime in.

    You have already equated the taking of cocaine with : 'Sampling new food' and now the deaths involved in cocaine use with the manufacture of trainers and phones.

    This is just laughable

    As for trusting dealers - yep - all upright trustworthy folk. Honour among thieves - yeah right.

    Most of the users I know either stopped using and got their lives back together or are in / out of prison / mental homes or dead. None of them planned to end up like that

    Cocaine leaves a trail of destruction in its wake. Anyone who buys cocaine which - as a recent poster pointed out - is cut with elephant tranquilizer, Fentanyl, rat poison and other lovely things is part of the same scumbag chain that sees men shot dead on the streets of Dublin. You - the user - are part of that scumbag chain. I know. I was. You might as well be pulling the trigger

    The cocaine you snort today may well have been parked in someone's rear end bfore you stuck it up your nose.

    Cocaine use opens up a Pandora's box of misery - eg. You will need 'downers' to help you sleep - coz lets face it, its almighty hard to sleep after using. You'll suffer some brute comedowns that last a few days.

    If youre snorting this crap .. then it won't be long bfore Ketamine teases your fancy and hey, why stop there. There are other wonderful substances to snort. Why not, while you are high, Inject the stuff. There is no better high ! I know.

    Why not try Meth - you get a lot more bang for your Euro. You can be "up" for days at a time. Same as coke but a 12+ hr high.
    When I was high on Cocaine, all reason went out of the window.

    Forget even about overdoses, prisons and death .. its the hell a habitual user puts him / herself and their families thru when eg the rent / food monies go up your nose because their habit got the better of them.

    Cocaine is a sneaky drug. Claws of silk and once those claws are in you, you will beg steal and borrow the monies to get more. Its always more. A law of diminishing returns.

    Cocaine will change the wiring in your brain and not for the better. You will only attend venues where Cocaine is available. Your only friends will all be cokeheads.

    Im so glad I was able (touch wood) to leave that scene behind me

    Ive heard it all before "it will never happen to me" etc and invariably it did. I was one of those. I was ok for 1 year or so before things turned to shyte

    I don't mind a sensible discussion on Cocaine use but when i read the ill-informed BS above, i have to say something

    As for legalizing the stuff - are you not happy enough with the talents, personality you already have. Will this altered state make you more acceptable to others / yourself ?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 165 ✭✭Deemed as Normal

    I don't share your "no doubt" - slave labour is slave labour.
    So you do 'doubt' whether or not they're treated badly?

    I, on the other hand, have no doubt that they're treated badly.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 33,255 ✭✭✭✭Princess Consuela Bananahammock

    This is all your personal experience (and nothing worng with that - at least you HAVE experience) but it's not 100% factual of every experience and not my experience.
    If youre snorting this crap .. then it won't be long bfore Ketamine teases your fancy and hey, why stop there. There are other wonderful substances to snort. Why not, while you are high, Inject the stuff. There is no better high ! I know.
    I actually did Ket before I did cocaine. Very different drug. Much more sedating and borderline psychedelic. I fail to see the comparison here?
    Why not try Meth - you get a lot more bang for your Euro. You can be "up" for days at a time. Same as coke but a 12+ hr high.
    When I was high on Cocaine, all reason went out of the window.

    Having done the research, I can honestly say Crystal meth and heroin are two drugs I would have no interest in ever trying.
    Forget even about overdoses, prisons and death .. its the hell a habitual user puts him / herself and their families thru when eg the rent / food monies go up your nose because their habit got the better of them.
    Good thing I have self control and am not a hibitual user then.

    All drugs can do this.
    Cocaine is a sneaky drug. Claws of silk and once those claws are in you, you will beg steal and borrow the monies to get more. Its always more. A law of diminishing returns.

    Cocaine will change the wiring in your brain and not for the better. You will only attend venues where Cocaine is available. Your only friends will all be cokeheads.
    Again your experince - the fact that none of this has happened to me (or anyone I know) proves it to not be factual.
    Im so glad I was able (touch wood) to leave that scene behind me

    Ive heard it all before "it will never happen to me" etc and invariably it did. I was one of those. I was ok for 1 year or so before things turned to shyte

    And fair play to you. I've done it four times in three years, most recently on NYE last year and haven't felt the urge to do it since.

    I honestly found it to be nice, but overrated. Certainly not worth the price (and I didn't even pay for it)
    I don't mind a sensible discussion on Cocaine use but when i read the ill-informed BS above, i have to say something

    As for legalizing the stuff - are you not happy enough with the talents, personality you already have. Will this altered state make you more acceptable to others / yourself ?

    If you want sensible discussion, you have to first acknowlege that your experiences are not necessarily everyone's experience.

    I'm neither for nor against legalising it. I think deceiminalisation would probably be a better move.

    Everything I don't like is either woke or fascist - possibly both - pick one.
