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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Brilliant stuff lad. Delighted to see this. What was the prize?!

    Thanks P, it was a trophy and voucher for a running shop.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Thanks P, it was a trophy and voucher for a running shop.

    Well done B, running in the heat is never easy especially for a serial frother like yourself. :pac:

    That's a nice prize...I'm sure it was under the threshold to allow your retain amateur status?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    A podium is a podium. Well done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Nice one - that's a good last mile as well, despite the fatigue etc.
    Top marks for the podium.

    You getting into good form - keep the confidence up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭tbukela

    Well done, your in great form at the moment, especially considering the interrupted training. Should be a great summer of racing.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Nice running, well done. Enjoy those little moments of glory, we spend enough time slogging it out as runners, fighting it out at the sharp end of races is just reward.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Belated congrats on the podium spot B - well done! That's a great achievement. Sounds like no easy task in the heat either, and particularly when you felt the legs go like that near the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Way late to the show this week, first off, thanks for the well wishes post podium last week guys. As a better runner than myself from these parts has said in the past, no such thing as a dick when it comes to the running community.

    Tuesday 23.4.19

    Rest Day, first day of the new job. I get posted to the Schilderswijk due to my previous work experience, one of the roughest if not the roughest area in The Hague. Predominantly Muslim population and very strange cycling about seeing ISIS and Al Qaeda flags hanging from houses or flats.

    Wednesday 24.4.19

    8.20 miles Easy Tempo@6.55min/miles in 56mins 43secs

    Not something i would usually do, doing two fast runs so close together but needs must as i only had an hour to run when young lad was at soccer training, moving house this week to:(:(:(. Out and back to the Schaltbunker and back, this felt very comfortable, first 4.10 miles into a stiff breeze the return with it.

    Thursday 25.4.19

    7.45 miles Easy@8.50min/miles in 65mins 46secs

    Usual easy jaunt out and around Kijkduin and Ockenburgh then home. All good.

    Friday 26.4.19

    6.20 miles Easy@8.47min/miles in 54mins 27secs

    Down to Zuiderpark and a few laps around, stayed away from the North Sea today as it was blowing a gale and the soft sand would cut the eyes off you running through the dunes to Kijkduin. Legs sore from hauling boxes up 4 flights of stairs the previous day and early part of today.

    Saturday 27.4.19

    7.05 miles Easy@8.39min/miles in 61mins

    Planned on doing a session but the legs were fried again from more stairs at work and moving house plus the wind was still blowing. Easy jaunt through Bosjes Van Poot through the Harbour on towards Zorgvliet Park and looping around towards home.

    Sunday 28.4.19

    6.05 miles Easy@8.41min/miles in 52mins 31secs

    No improvement in the legs, still like planks of wood and no let up on hauling the boxes up stairs in sight:eek::eek::eek:. Easy miles around BVP and Westduinpark keeping to the flatter parts where i could.

    41.45 miles for the week and a 3rd place finish but not the 50 i was hoping to hit. The legs are very fatigued from stairs at work, boxes and stairs at home and cycling a bike with two panniers with 20kgs of post in each. Hitting over 40 miles and a poduim with all that was going on, i'll take it and hope things settle a bit next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Good luck in the new job. Mind yourself man.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,448 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Loving the box hauling cross training. All the best with work and new house.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Good luck with the new job. All that cycling will be great for you ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 610 ✭✭✭kerrylad1

    Hi b,just back from expo.number is 1341.sound,J.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    I'm not buying this postman business - I reckon its an undercover jobby with Interpol :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    I'm not buying this postman business - I reckon its an undercover jobby with Interpol :)

    No all the Special Agent stuff is left to herself over here A. Taking time away from a job that was the sole reason for the decline in my mental health was one of the many reasons herself took up this gig. Might be a break, might be for good all depends on our stay here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Monday 29.4.19

    Rest Day, moving day proper. All day back and forth from old house with furniture etc then up more stairs:(:(:(.

    Tuesday 30.4.19

    6.25 miles Easy@8.31min/miles in 53mins 16secs

    Out after a long, stressful but amusing day at work. Ran this through Zorgvliet Park, Van Stolkpark, Westbroekpark and Scheveningse Bosjes. Legs in absolute bits, still, sore and just not in the form for running.

    Wednesday 1.5.19

    7.10 miles Steady@7.23min/miles in 52mins 21secs

    Got home from work and brought the young lad training, i was friggered again and had no want to do anything. Went out after training and decided to see if something faster might wake the legs up, aerobically it was easy going but the legs were fcuked, no zip or bounce in them at all. Got home and was well pi$$ed.

    Thursday 2.5.19

    7.50 miles Easy@8.48min/miles in 65mins 59secs

    Another run, more fatigued legs. Over by Westduinpark on towards the Harbour then over through Westbroekpark, Scheviningse Bosjes and home. The HR was in zone 4 and 5 for most of this run which it shouldn't for the pace i ran at. Body telling me something:confused::confused::confused:.

    Friday 3.5.19

    Rest Day, gave the legs and body a break.

    Saturday 4.5.19

    9.50 miles Easy@8.50min/miles in 1hr 23mins 53secs

    Home from work and out the door as i was bringing herself out for the evening, same route as Thursday with a few laps of Scheviningse Bosjes included. The legs weren't as bad on this but still not 100%.

    Sunday 5.5.19

    Rest Day, the Bosses Birthday.

    30.10 miles for the week and i'm not overly annoyed i had 3 rest days in there. The legs were goosed and needed some rest so i'll take it as a step-back week of types. The body was telling me something and i think for once i listened to it.

    On Tuesday i was given a new post route to do, part of the city i again had no clue of or how to get around. We are given a guide via our phones on how to deliver the mail, i was getting frustrated at one point as the letters were sorted ar$eways compared to the house numbers. I remember seeing 72a and thinking "for gods sake, thats up the other end of the street". Walked on giving out to myself not paying a bit of attention to where i was going.

    Spot 72a on the wall, look up at a window to see a lady with her left boob hanging out smiling provocatively at me, pay more attention to where i was, had walked into the Red Light District:eek::eek:. Ring the door bell fast as, the door opens and i walk in to be greeted by another semi-naked lady from bottom up, throw the letter at her and walk as quick as i can out of the place. Walk past window lady who is still smiling at me licking her lips, i pause and kill myself laughing. Turns out Geleenstraat is on my route for the next while, will be seeing window lady again no doubt!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    You need to bring a GoPro to work! :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Monday 6.5.19

    9.50 miles Easy@8.50min/miles in 1hr 23min 53secs.

    My day off work, down towards Westduinpark before turning and heading back for the harbour, down between Westbroekpark and Van Stolkpark before cutting through Scheveningse Bosjes and home. Highly enjoyable run and legs back to normal, no fatigued feeling from them at all.

    Tuesday 7.5.19

    w/u, 10x500m@5k(250m rec), c/d.

    Handy day delivering the post, even had the go-pro with me for skyblue46 but no mail for Geleenstraat today:P:P:P. Got home and headed out for this straight away, have a new sheltered location for short intervals along Scheveningseweg that is roughly half mile in length. Handy warm up then into the reps, was targeting 1.50-1.52 for the 500m. First one is always the toughest but after that got into my running and really enjoyed the session, tough but manageable. Intervals were as follows:

    1.51.0, 1.50.3, 1.50.7, 1.48.2, 1.51.8, 1.49.3, 1.50.5, 1.51.4, 1.51.2, 1.48.1.

    All recoveries were active and kept to easy pace. Handy couple of cool down miles bringing total to 8.65 miles for the day.

    Wednesday 8.5.19

    7.85 miles Easy@8.47min/miles in 68mins 56secs.

    Run while the eldest was soccer training, loop out to Kijkduin and back via Westduinpark, legs felt great and showing no signs of previous days session. Good sign:confused::confused:.

    Thursday 9.5.19

    Rest Day.

    Friday 10.5.19

    Rest Day, lesson learnt, always go for a run before an impromptu drinking session:rolleyes:.

    Saturday 11.5.19

    8 miles Easy@8.24min/miles in 67mins 12secs.

    Longish day at work, feeling fairly seedy:o:o!! Had to get this done quickish enough as the Boss was heading out. Faster than normal but handy all the same, bog standard loop around the new neighbourhood. Sweated some amount of IPA out of me!!

    Sunday 12.5.19

    w/u, 3x10mins@LT(3min rec), c/d.

    Wanted to do something faster again today, so headed towards Pompstationsweg on the Bosses advice for a nice scenic run, she wasn't wrong. Few easy miles then into the LT reps, started on Pompstaionsweg heading towards the dunes, this is what greeted me as i ran

    Seriously impressive and imposing building, loads of cyclists and runners out enjoying the good weather. Target pace was 6.25-6.30 for the LT reps which i fell into handy enough, the 3 mins recoveries were all ran at steady. Again another enjoyabale run, intervals were as follows:


    Few cool down miles bringing the days total to 9.70 miles.

    43.70 miles for my week off 5 days, some decent quality in it to i feel also. I noticed this week there is added bounce in my step, i know this is a good sign for me.

    Another revered poster here considered letting his log slide, glad he didn't as its his kind that this forum needs. He is the kind of runner most of us look up to and aspire to be like. I know i have blown sunshine up his rear frequently lately and that is pure coincidence really, but its posters like him we need to hold onto here.

    Also to those who were racing today who frequent here, i apologise i didn't wish ye well, i let the ball slip. Won't happen again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Personally....I was very hurt by the lack of a good luck message. I think the pain cost me 29 seconds at least.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Personally....I was very hurt by the lack of a good luck message. I think the pain cost me 29 seconds at least.

    Ah if ya weren’t sandbagging again you had those 29secs handy...........

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Ah if ya weren’t sandbagging again you had those 29secs handy...........

    They're heavy to carry alright! Maybe I should lose them....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    OOnegative wrote:
    Another revered poster here considered letting his log slide, glad he didn't as its his kind that this forum needs. He is the kind of runner most of us look up to and aspire to be like. I know i have blown sunshine up his rear frequently lately and that is pure coincidence really, but its posters like him we need to hold onto here.

    I get the sense some people are struggling to maintain the logs. I've been the same lately. It's got very quiet in here the last while. But there's always a draw to come back. The community spirit is great.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    I get the sense some people are struggling to maintain the logs. I've been the same lately. It's got very quiet in here the last while. But there's always a draw to come back. The community spirit is great.

    Always happens P, gets quiet from time to time around here. Many great logs have gone by the wayside the past few years. I’ve often thought of giving my own up but as stupid as this may sound, I keep it going as sense of loyalty to the place. I’ve learned a lot about running from this place, made many great friends to, if I can help half as much as i’ve been helped, i’ll keep coming back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Yep I can definitely relate to that.

    The Novices thread is always fun to follow too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 106 ✭✭Fusitive

    The Novices thread is always fun to follow too.

    It's everything that's great about the forum rolled into one thread.

    The logs have generally gotten a lot quieter over the last few years, not sure if the amount of actual active logs have dropped off but people use them differently nowadays. Back 4/5 years ago, a lot of people used to update daily so you a lot of chatter going on everyday. Nearly everyone updates weekly now so the post count is going to be lower and less chatty as well. it's easier to read training though now so depending on what way you look at it, that evolution is either a step forwaed or back.

    it's definitely not at cycling forum levels anyway yet, I started a log over there that hasn't been bumped in 2 and years and only fell off the front page lately:D

    it'll be grand, new posters come to take the place of old and new logs with interesting concepts and good training and craic will pop up again and the circle will be complete. If the old vets hung around forever, you'd just have a forum full of withered old biddies complaining all the time.

    Although saying that, I do miss some posters from the past like Dubgal, Firedance, TbL, Sam and Bulmers in a weird internet nostalgia kind of way:o.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I hear you. Part of the downside for me is some very experienced runners have gone off the radar and some quality feedback has gone with them!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Fusitive wrote: »
    It's everything that's great about the forum rolled into one thread.

    The logs have generally gotten a lot quieter over the last few years, not sure if the amount of actual active logs have dropped off but people use them differently nowadays. Back 4/5 years ago, a lot of people used to update daily so you a lot of chatter going on everyday. Nearly everyone updates weekly now so the post count is going to be lower and less chatty as well. it's easier to read training though now so depending on what way you look at it, that evolution is either a step forwaed or back.

    it's definitely not at cycling forum levels anyway yet, I started a log over there that hasn't been bumped in 2 and years and only fell off the front page lately:D

    it'll be grand, new posters come to take the place of old and new logs with interesting concepts and good training and craic will pop up again and the circle will be complete. If the old vets hung around forever, you'd just have a forum full of withered old biddies complaining all the time.

    Although saying that, I do miss some posters from the past like Dubgal, Firedance, TbL, Sam and Bulmers in a weird internet nostalgia kind of way:o.

    Think it was 2011 or so I started posting here in my former guise & the place was hopping most evenings but as you said posters were logging far more frequently then. Insta, FaceTube and Strava have no doubt affected poster traffic also, it is what it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    I hear you. Part of the downside for me is some very experienced runners have gone off the radar and some quality feedback has gone with them!

    Krusty, dublin runner, the boy blunder, TbL, ecolli, TRR, menoscemo...... Could go on and on. Posters that imparted and gave some of the best advice ever here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    I had a sufferfest of a race yesterday but meeting strangers and almost-strangers from Boards before and after it made it actually a pretty great day in the end. The community aspect makes it all a million times more worthwhile, not to mention enjoyable! I definitely agree, hope we don't see too many more posters disappearing off.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Regional East Moderators Posts: 18,365 CMod ✭✭✭✭The Black Oil

    I get the sense some people are struggling to maintain the logs. I've been the same lately. It's got very quiet in here the last while. But there's always a draw to come back. The community spirit is great.

    I think it's like Netflix sometimes. Just finding the time to sit down, choose and plough away. Or, teeter towards cancelling your subscription. At least logs include character development, unlike much of what's on Netflix. :p

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,448 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Relax everyone. It’ll be grand! ;) It’s evolution, not revolution.
