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July 2014 Babies Club



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Chattastrophe!

    j@utis wrote: »
    lies, lies, all lies! why parents are so delusional? baby phase is a awful, never ending nightmare! I haven't enjoyed a single minute of it so far, I can't wait for him to get bigger, at least past those mysterious 4 (or 6!) months when all his sleeping/eating/crying problems suppose to go away :mad:
    Our baby Ruby is eating about 4oz every 2hrs, he's 4wks old this Friday. I haven't managed to get him back to eat from the breast, I have to express and bottle feed him. My days are like this: feeding/changing/settling him takes up to 1hr, then I express for 30mins, and then I have another 30mins of "my time" when I eat/shower/rest (forget about sleeping) and 2 hrs are up when I have to feed him again... during the night dad feeds/changes him while I'm expressing the breast milk. I can't really go longer than 3hrs between pumping because my breasts get really full and sore :( I'm absolutely exhausted and feel miserable most of the time. Oh, I forgot to mention his inconsolable crying, you just get used to it I say and don't notice it anymore... or it's just the earplugs are doing their job well :(

    Would you not consider switching to formula? Breastfeeding has fantastic benefits, but having a happy relaxed mother is far more beneficial to both mother and baby. It really seems to me that expressing full-time isn't working out for you - sure I was a wreck after doing it for just two weeks! Breastfeeding is fantastic, but it's not the best feeding method for every family, and your baby will thrive on formula. And don't beat yourself up if you do switch - you've done fantastic to keep up expressing this long - but you have to consider whether it is actually sustainable for you? I hope you feel better and start enjoying it all a lot more soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Would you not consider switching to formula? Breastfeeding has fantastic benefits, but having a happy relaxed mother is far more beneficial to both mother and baby. It really seems to me that expressing full-time isn't working out for you - sure I was a wreck after doing it for just two weeks! Breastfeeding is fantastic, but it's not the best feeding method for every family, and your baby will thrive on formula. And don't beat yourself up if you do switch - you've done fantastic to keep up expressing this long - but you have to consider whether it is actually sustainable for you? I hope you feel better and start enjoying it all a lot more soon.

    I fully echo this statement. Switching to formula is not a bad thing to do and it does not make you a bad mother, not even a little bit.
    You might well find that doing this makes you a little more relaxed and happier and the baby then picks up on this change within you and is a little less stressed too.
    There is absolutely no point in pushing ahead with something that is making you so upset and frustrated, none at all. Your own mental health and happiness is so very important.
    Mind yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,230 ✭✭✭Merkin

    Baby Merkin is officially a little tubster deluxe. Health Visitor has just been around for his weekly check-up and he's put on 12oz in the last week so he's now 10lb1oz. Looks like I was right about the growth spurt!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Wow merkin that fantastic x well done baby merkin x

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,230 ✭✭✭Merkin

    Thanks Betsie, we are delighted. He's got very chubby little cheeks but he's not fat, just very long and sturdy and it seems like his head has really grown in the last week! No wonder he was so hungry all week! So proud of my little boy :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11 EnigmaFish

    from jautis
    "lies, lies, all lies! why parents are so delusional? baby phase is a awful, never ending nightmare! I haven't enjoyed a single minute of it so far, I can't wait for him to get bigger, at least past those mysterious 4 (or 6!) months when all his sleeping/eating/crying problems suppose to go away
    Our baby Ruby is eating about 4oz every 2hrs, he's 4wks old this Friday. I haven't managed to get him back to eat from the breast, I have to express and bottle feed him. My days are like this: feeding/changing/settling him takes up to 1hr, then I express for 30mins, and then I have another 30mins of "my time" when I eat/shower/rest (forget about sleeping) and 2 hrs are up when I have to feed him again... during the night dad feeds/changes him while I'm expressing the breast milk. I can't really go longer than 3hrs between pumping because my breasts get really full and sore I'm absolutely exhausted and feel miserable most of the time. Oh, I forgot to mention his inconsolable crying, you just get used to it I say and don't notice it anymore... or it's just the earplugs are doing their job well"

    Hi there. I rarely post on boards, but I do lurk a lot. Since I don't post often, I had to do a bit of fiddling to be able to quote the previous post. I felt this was one time I needed to reply. A quick background is that my second baby was born 16 July - second little girl.

    jautis, I really admire your honesty in posting how you feel. I think it's something that, as new parents, we are afraid to admit: Sometimes, we are miserable, angry and depressed. Sometimes, we dislike our children/babies for making us so miserable. This parenting thing isn't easy: their poo smells like sh**, their needs are constant... and if one more person tells me that I'll look back on these sleepless nights and treasure them, I'm going to kill that person!!!

    The truth is that sleepless nights are sleepless nights, and all the good times to come do not make them any easier now. The baby will not magically improve at 4 or 6 months - they continue to be difficult. On the positive side, they do start doing more interesting and more fun things as they grow. I felt that I really started to bond with my first daughter when she learned to sit up at six months. It made her seem more human to me.

    Oh, that's another thing: I will tell you honestly that I do not yet love my second daughter. I feel affection towards her and I feel a need to protect her, but she cries constantly! With my first daughter, I did not feel a sudden rush of love at any stage. I do love her, but it crept up on me as a series of amazing accomplishments that formed her personality and intelligence. I fully expect the same thing to happen again with daughter two.

    I hope you don't mind that I've written such an essay when I've never posted in this thread before. jautis, there is one last thing I wanted to say to you: these early days are really, really tough but there are occasional good moments as well. If you feel so mired down in the bad stuff that you can't see the good moments, please talk to your GP, PHN and hospital about postnatal depression. There's varying levels and reasons people get PND. Tell them how you feel so that they can give you the tools to cope.

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    j@utis wrote: »
    lies, lies, all lies! why parents are so delusional? baby phase is a awful, never ending nightmare! I haven't enjoyed a single minute of it so far, I can't wait for him to get bigger, at least past those mysterious 4 (or 6!) months when all his sleeping/eating/crying problems suppose to go away :mad:
    Our baby Ruby is eating about 4oz every 2hrs, he's 4wks old this Friday. I haven't managed to get him back to eat from the breast, I have to express and bottle feed him. My days are like this: feeding/changing/settling him takes up to 1hr, then I express for 30mins, and then I have another 30mins of "my time" when I eat/shower/rest (forget about sleeping) and 2 hrs are up when I have to feed him again... during the night dad feeds/changes him while I'm expressing the breast milk. I can't really go longer than 3hrs between pumping because my breasts get really full and sore :( I'm absolutely exhausted and feel miserable most of the time. Oh, I forgot to mention his inconsolable crying, you just get used to it I say and don't notice it anymore... or it's just the earplugs are doing their job well :(
    You need to start thinking about yourself! Everything is ten times harder when you are exhausted, exclusively pumping is crazy you are going to crash and burn!
    I'll prob get shot down for this but you really should think about moving to formula. You need to sleep!
    Breast is not always best! I tried for about a week and I just couldn't keep up with the soreness and constant feeding it was really exhausting.
    You need to stop putting so much pressure on yourself and enjoy the time with your baby! The first time you get 4 hours straight sleep feels as if you slept for a month!
    I promise it does get easier, but please start looking after yourself too xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    J@utis how are things going for you now xx thinking of you xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,064 ✭✭✭j@utis

    thank you all for your comments and support.

    things are getting a bit better here, esp last two nights when the baby wanted to feed every 3 hours instead of his regular 2. but it's been only two nights like this so far, it's too early to celebrate. anyway, I feel like I've slept for hours and hours as Anonmam86 says.
    I'm still expressing and feeding him bottles and giving him a go at the breast few times a day. I'm not giving up yet. I've started freezing excess b.milk, building quite a stash here, it's for the day when "enough is enough".
    Emotionally I feel more stable and calm now, I don't feel like getting a gun and going around shooting people anymore. Ruby is still very fussy and cries a lot but I think we're finding some sort of common language between us, so his tantrums and meltdowns are getting shorter and further between.
    PHN visits me every week, she's very good, and I go to local breastfeeding group on Fridays, that helps too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Glad you are feeling better and doing better xx nothing about this is easy but we learn to cope and survive x glad your getting the support you need too x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭missjuly

    Glad to hear you are feeling better :-). My little one has been put on losec for her acid reflux was a bit apprehensive about it but she has been so much better thank god! How is every one else doing? My babs is 8 weeks now time is flying by she has gotten little chubby cheeks all of a sudden so cute :-).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Anything that helps missJuly x nearly 9weeks here can't believe how quick the time is going x she is so much more alert and responsive getting loads of smiles x my eldest loves when she smiles at her xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭missjuly

    Anything that helps missJuly x nearly 9weeks here can't believe how quick the time is going x she is so much more alert and responsive getting loads of smiles x my eldest loves when she smiles at her xx

    Aw I know its the best im getting loads of smiles too and little noises like she is trying to talk back adorable. Its so nice your eldest is getting on well with new baby cause it can be tricky for some kids to adjust. Out of curiosity how much is your lo taking at feed mine takes around 6 ounces 5 times a day. Has anyone started thinking about christenings? Don't know what to do for it. just family back to house or maybe like an area in a restaurant with finger food makes my head spin thinking about it! X

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    She is taking 5- 6oz every 3- 4hours x just had the best night with her she settled about 11 and only awake now just after 7 I couldn't believe it when I looked at the clock ;-)

    We had our christening last Sunday just family went to dinner after it and back to our house then for the cake was a nice day x keep it simple it's much easier x

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭missjuly

    She is taking 5- 6oz every 3- 4hours x just had the best night with her she settled about 11 and only awake now just after 7 I couldn't believe it when I looked at the clock ;-)

    We had our christening last Sunday just family went to dinner after it and back to our house then for the cake was a nice day x keep it simple it's much easier x

    Wow betsie I hope you have many more nights like that with your little angel! Yeah your right sounds like you had a lovely christening!

  • Registered Users Posts: 282 ✭✭dizzymiss

    Hi girls and babe's

    haven't posted in ages. Teddy is doing well. Nearly double his birth weight now and finally off the special and taking regular Aptamil. In the last few days he has started taking 5oz every 3-4hrs. Up until then he had only been taking maybe 2oz every 2-3hrs.

    Last weekend we finally got the okay to stop waking him at night but he still wakes every 3hrs. He'll eventually stretch it out. He is being seeing roughly every two weeks or so. We finally got a date for the cranial ultrasound and he'll be seen by the consultant after that. Fingers crossed all will be well. Also attending regular physio.

    It's been all go. We moved house 3weeks ago and it's been pretty mental. I'm from a big town and used to that. We've moved to a very rural area and adjusting to that is taking a while. I can drive of course but trying to organise a 14 month old and a 9week old to go out is hard work so just popping out is not exactly practical. I miss having my mum visit every other day (she doesn't drive).

    I've had some very low days and generally feeling very fed up. My husband said he was worried as did a few friends but spoke to my gp and tbh I really feel it's pure tiredness. I don't sleep well between night feeds so sleep has been pretty non existent. However I have an excellent partner in crime and the last two nights I finally accepted my eviction notice and i got two nights sleep in the spare room.

    I'm also finding it hard to lose the baby weight and feeling pretty cap about that. My cousin is getting married in six weeks and I would like to be resembling my old self for that.

    Sorry I have waffled on. Hope all the July mums and babes are doing well x

  • Registered Users Posts: 282 ✭✭dizzymiss

    Hi girls and babe's

    haven't posted in ages. Teddy is doing well. Nearly double his birth weight now and finally off the special and taking regular Aptamil. In the last few days he has started taking 5oz every 3-4hrs. Up until then he had only been taking maybe 2oz every 2-3hrs.

    Last weekend we finally got the okay to stop waking him at night but he still wakes every 3hrs. He'll eventually stretch it out. He is being seeing roughly every two weeks or so. We finally got a date for the cranial ultrasound and he'll be seen by the consultant after that. Fingers crossed all will be well. Also attending regular physio.

    It's been all go. We moved house 3weeks ago and it's been pretty mental. I'm from a big town and used to that. We've moved to a very rural area and adjusting to that is taking a while. I can drive of course but trying to organise a 14 month old and a 9week old to go out is hard work so just popping out is not exactly practical. I miss having my mum visit every other day (she doesn't drive).

    I've had some very low days and generally feeling very fed up. My husband said he was worried as did a few friends but spoke to my gp and tbh I really feel it's pure tiredness. I don't sleep well between night feeds so sleep has been pretty non existent. However I have an excellent partner in crime and the last two nights I finally accepted my eviction notice and i got two nights sleep in the spare room.

    I'm also finding it hard to lose the baby weight and feeling pretty cap about that. My cousin is getting married in six weeks and I would like to be resembling my old self for that.

    Sorry I have waffled on. Hope all the July mums and babes are doing well x

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    Definitely feeling the weight blues Dizzy, went away for a night with OH and bought a size 14 top that was welded onto me when I put it on, was so embarrassed and self conscious. I've always been curvy, but this is the first time I have ever been fat. And with the tiredness and running around I never get the chance to eat right and always end up going for the easy option :(

    As for christening, we're not having one. To say it's causing problems in the family is an understatement! :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭missjuly

    Here here on the weight! ! I am really annoyed with myself I actually dropped alot of weight quite naturally after giving birth think the breast feeding and pure exhaustion and forgetting to eat...que me being quite happy with myself. Now fast forward have actually put some of the weight that I lost BACK ON ha! Raging with myself totally indulgence and as sha sha said being so tired and taking easy option. Im going to start slimming world tomorrow just myself not classes I found it very good before just need to muster will power. I have a wedding in 6 weeks as well so would be nice to feel nice.

    I assume your not having a christening cause your not religious say thats going down a storm with all the fam :-/ ita your baby so its your choice :-).

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    missjuly wrote: »
    Here here on the weight! ! I am really annoyed with myself I actually dropped alot of weight quite naturally after giving birth think the breast feeding and pure exhaustion and forgetting to eat...que me being quite happy with myself. Now fast forward have actually put some of the weight that I lost BACK ON ha! Raging with myself totally indulgence and as sha sha said being so tired and taking easy option. Im going to start slimming world tomorrow just myself not classes I found it very good before just need to muster will power. I have a wedding in 6 weeks as well so would be nice to feel nice.

    I assume your not having a christening cause your not religious say thats going down a storm with all the fam :-/ ita your baby so its your choice :-).

    Gonna do the same as yourself, it worked a treat for me before and I'd feel a whole lot better just losing half a stone so I could fit into my fat jeans, then I can take it from there :pac:

    Yeah neither of us are even slightly religious and we just don't want to force a religion and all that has to come with it on Abigail simply because it is the done thing in Ireland. She can decide for herself when she is older. My mother has told me on countless occasions that she thinks we are cruel and depriving her and being selfish, and one of MY family members told OH today that if he was any sort of a father he would get her baptised without my permission because to not do so is bad parenting as she won't learn right from wrong from anyone but Jesus :eek:

    Also apparently babies who aren't baptised get sick, so we're risking her life by not getting it done :pac:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    Well ladies

    Dizzy great to hear teddy is doing well he will eventually stretch out the time between feeds at night give him a chance x I hear you on leaving the house with 2 can be a nightmare but getting used to it now

    Shasha don't listen to others about a christening she is your baby mammy and daddy know best, would you consider a naming ceromney? Nothing religious just ye could be j nice compromise?

    I so hear ye on the weight thing I'm a bit depressed about it really :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    Well ladies

    Dizzy great to hear teddy is doing well he will eventually stretch out the time between feeds at night give him a chance x I hear you on leaving the house with 2 can be a nightmare but getting used to it now

    Shasha don't listen to others about a christening she is your baby mammy and daddy know best, would you consider a naming ceromney? Nothing religious just ye could be j nice compromise?

    I so hear ye on the weight thing I'm a bit depressed about it really :-(

    We were considering it (even though it's very expensive) until a family member suggested yesterday that we didn't deserve to be parents because parents make the decision to christen their children and we obviously don't care if she gets sick/dies/never goes to school. I was so utterly disgusted that I decided that there was no reason for me to compromise for such despicable "Christians" :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 152 ✭✭Rua1

    ShaShaBear wrote: »
    We were considering it (even though it's very expensive) until a family member suggested yesterday that we didn't deserve to be parents because parents make the decision to christen their children and we obviously don't care if she gets sick/dies/never goes to school. I was so utterly disgusted that I decided that there was no reason for me to compromise for such despicable "Christians" :mad:


    Based on that logic, I don't deserve to be a mother either! That's crazy talk!
    Sean isn't getting baptised either. His parents haven't brought it up with us yet, guess they think that we have enough on our plate with a 6 week old.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    Rua1 wrote: »

    Based on that logic, I don't deserve to be a mother either! That's crazy talk!
    Sean isn't getting baptised either. His parents haven't brought it up with us yet, guess they think that we have enough on our plate with a 6 week old.

    It's only my family that seem to have a problem with it. OH's folks just asked if you could get into school without it, we said yes, and that was the end of it!

    11lbs4oz up from 8lbs3oz in 6 weeks, smiling, laughing, rolling, focusing, drinking 7oz bottles and watching cartoons with mammy before a daily stroll in the sun?
    She's really suffering without the baby Jesus in her life :pac:
    (no offense to religious folks when I say that now :o )

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    I can't believe they would be like that 6 say that that's awful people should really think before they speak don't listen to j word they say x your beautiful little girl won't suffer one bit for not being christened no problem with schools etc x everyone is entitled to their own opinions x

    Sounds like your little lady is doing fantastic x only on 5-6oz bottles here but putting on weight steady so doing good hasn't been weighed in 3weeks though dying to know what she is now

  • Registered Users Posts: 106 ✭✭missjuly

    Some people really just like to push their opinions on people do what you want! I find everyone has an opinion when it comes to babies and they thinks their way is right. and ever we are the mammies and thats that ;-). My little one has a cold at the mo nose so blocked poor thing, she is not eating as much the other night she only took 2 ounces (usually 6 oz) and slept for 8 and half hours I actually had to wake her was a bit worried ha but shes fine just all stuffed up! Got a saline nasal spary for babys today hopefully will help!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    The saline sprays are great fo you have a bulb suction too found them good harder to use are they get older though x

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,230 ✭✭✭Merkin

    How are all the lovely July ladies? We are doing great, bubs will be eight weeks old on Thursday and at a lovely stage, very interactive and I think he's very keen to chat going by his babbling etc! He has been quite cranky over the last few days in the late afternoon/early evening but he's more SHOUTY as opposed to crying so I just think he's going through a big growth spurt and going by the Wonder Years the crankiness is to be expected at around this stage. It's only really for an hour or so thankfully. He's a great little sleeper, sleeps from about 10pm to 5am and then 6am to about 9.30am so we are very lucky. He's also taking 6oz bottles five times a day so happy with his feeding too. He's here beside me now asleep listening to Classic FM which we do every morning for his little morning nap and I swear he's getting cuter by the day :) Hope all of you and your little ones are well and happy xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,064 ✭✭✭j@utis

    We're going through some sort of growth spurt too. He's taking 4oz every two hours, it doesn't matter day or night. We're trying to put him into "food coma" in the evenings hoping he would sleep longer during the night but it's not working. I'm expressing and bottle feeding. No luck with him taking the breast.
    Ruben is 6wks+4 today. We're just back from GP check up. He's gained +1690g on his birth weight and now weights 5100g (11lb5oz for those metrically impaired) and he's 58cm long. All 0-3mths babygrows are too short for him, and we literally have hundreds of them, all too snug fit now, so we moved into 3-6mths size couple of days ago.
    He's still very cranky and needy baby but it's getting better. Slowly but surely...
    Look at this foto and you know who's the boss:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 282 ✭✭dizzymiss

    Awe J@utis. He's gorgeous. Beautiful Lil man. Teddy had a weigh in today. Has doubled his birth weight now. Up to 10lbs 3oz. The last week however has been torture. We had previously been told he had silent and were using physical measures to relief it. But the last week has been terrible, feeds are just a disaster. The poor mite was in agony during feeds. Would manage the first oz or two but then the crying started, kicking his legs, pushing bottle away but looking for it at the same time. So upsetting. Started on aptamil anti reflux at the weekend but he's struggling to drink it because it's so thick and only taking 2oz a feed and is starting to get constipated. Back to gp today and she advised getting a bigger teat and if that doesn't work gave us a script for Zantac. Don't know what to do. Do I keep him on the anti reflux feed and risk the constipation or switch him back and give him the zantac???

    On the bright side the last three nights he has slept 8pm to 3.30am.
