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Due January 2013!!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Ha ha yeah at least if you say she in a few weeks, and somebody says "Oh is it a girl" You can fob them off saying that you dont know and it is a girl today, could be a boy by this evening. Ha one minute im definite im having a boy then two hours later im positive its a girl. So if people think you dont know you will get away with it, ;)

    Oh im a bit sore today, i actually had to take two paracetemol which i havent taken since i was in hospital. Daddy is gone to work since 6pm and im not the fastest on the crutches so my living room is full of toys atm. Shes being the best though for mammy, shes in her element, blankets and toys on the floor and playhouse disney on the tv. :D

    Oh the weather is depressing me, last day of summer today? My little one is the same, she gets cabin fever inside. Its so unfair on them, shes itching to get out on her bike or her scooter. We got one nice day last week so we packed up a blanket etc and managed to get to the beach, it was lovely to see her pottering about in the fresh air building castles and playing catch. Think we will have to emmigrate or something ;).

    How are you feeling plahc? Hows the morning sickness?

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭SaucySue

    Hey everyone, hope you are all good.

    Geez I don't know how those of you with kids already manage, I'm just about getting some energy back after first trimester and all I seemed to do was work, eat and sleep and pick up after hubby, couldn't have coped with picking up after kids too!

    Hopefully when we find out (assuming baby co-operates and we can tell!) we'll just keep it to ourselves. That's the plan anyway but since I've told a load of people that we are finding out then we'll be asked so I'll probably have to lie and say they couldn't see anything!

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    I think it just comes down to personal preference SaucySue, some people like to find out and tell everybody the sex - post it on facebook etc, others like to keep it secret and then others dont want to find out at all. Dont think theres a right or wrong way to do it. Although if you wanted to find out and just wanted it between yourself and daddy to be i would suggest a little white lie like the baby wasnt co-operating at the scan :).

    The bump is growing fast ladies, its very exciting. Although i remember once i started showing on my first i had random strangers coming up to me in the shops etc just touching my stomach.
    I remember being in Tescos with the OH and i had loose linen pants on me i must have been in the 30 week mark or so and an elderly woman came up (with a cantankerous tone) and informed me that my pants were way too loose and baggy and i was going to trip over them and land flat on my baby.
    I was actually in shock i couldnt say anything, think the OH might have said something to her allright.

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    I agree with princessa, sue i wud def tel d lil white lie if u want to keep it mum.
    Morning sickness is still every morning but im actually coping with it. I have my little routine: pee vomit pee breakie pee x 20.
    My bump is really growing too. On my first u did not show until i was about 28-30 weeks and already on this one at 17+4 i have a fairly obvious bump.
    oh princessa if someone touches my bump i literally go nautious. Obv i dont mind oh,ht to bt odr dan that its my body n i lik to keep it private. I HATE ppl touching me. A woman i kno fairly well touched me last week n it took all my might to not say anything i dont kno why i find it so uncomfortable

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Im the same plahc, I hate being touched. Again i dont mind the OH actually i find that really sweet but other people im like "Aaaaah please dont be touching my stomach"
    They have t-shirts in Newlook i think that say "Hands off the bump". You may need to invest already, thank god nobody beside the OH and medical staff have come up for a feel :D. Although the bump is still in the small stages at this stage but im impressed by it, as it is similar to what i had at 27 weeks last time :D.

    Back from Phsyio this morning, on the crutches for at least another 4 weeks :(, more physio this day two weeks, have to see the Doc or consultant in three weeks at my 21 week scan. Getting frustrated now and its only been a week but the physio was lovely today she was very understanding that i was frustrated. Other than that i am good good. :D

    Oh Plahc i cant believe you still are vomiting, i was the same on my first, it didnt really taper off until about 18 weeks. Even at that if i smelled something that turned my stomach i could get sick. I laughed when i read your pee, pee, pee, i know exactly how you feel ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    Princessa, how u feeling? Being on the crutches for another 4 weeks must be difficult.
    How is everyone enjoying the long weekend??
    Im having a lovely lazy time just arsing about at home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Im ok plahc, i am a bit sore today. I went into town yesterday for a little bit on the crutches to get out of the house and i think i pushed myself a bit too far. I sure i will be flying around soon, im keeping positive :D

    Hows the morning sickness Plahc? You get any more bargains or anything?

    I was getting loads of movements there about a half an hour ago, it was amazing, they are getting much stronger - i love it! :D

    Me and the OH were discussing names there this morning, we are more prepared than last time, we have a few names for each sex that we both like and even the middle names picked. Last time we had one boy name that was it and out comes a girl so she was name less for 2 days. We have decided though to wait till baby comes out and see what he/she looks like then but at least we have two or three for each sex.

    How are all the other Jan to be mummies awell? Hope everybody is keeping well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33 gravid

    Princessa, hope pain eases soon for you! If ur used to be active it can be very hard to rest as much as ur body needs to. I hope ull be better soon!

    I have a herniated disk in my back and although my back isn't particularly sore at the moment, it is something that worries me a little, not sure how it will hold up carrying the extra weight. At the next visit to the antenatal clinic I am bringing in the images from my MRI to show the consultant. Depending on which disk is herniated, I may not be able to get the epidural. But I suppose we'll cross that bridge if/when we have to as my GP said...

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Awwwh thanks Gravid. Yeah thats it in a nut shell, i think most of the time im more frustrated that i cant just jump up, run here, pop there. :rolleyes:

    Oh no Gravid, you poor thing. Back pain is very common in prgnancy, as we have to alter our posture a little as the bump gets bigger and heavier. Let alone without a herniated disc. Did they mention anything to you about support belts or anything? Maybe the midwives will at your next apt, just so you have all the facts.

    Yeah esp because its your first Gravid, i wouldnt start worrying about the epidural and labour now. You might be able to get it in the end and maybe you wont want it :D. I would def bring it in to the consultant to have a chat with him though, id still want to know what he thinks and how it might affect the pregnancy.

    Whens your next apt Gravid? You will have to let us know how you got on.

    I have physio next week and then my ante natal appointment the following week :D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Hi everyone, been on holiday for last couple of weeks so just back now. Sounds like some of you are having a hard time. Thankfully my morning sickness has stopped :-))

    I'm 15+6 today according to my dates by 15+1 from last scan size!!!

    I'm doing combined care but not sure when I need to see gp?? I was attending a private clinic when I found out I was pregnant and so never went to gp to confirm it. I then switched to public care and had my booking appt and scan a few weeks back. I have my next scan booked for middle sept and then hosp appt booked for nov so when do I need to see gp??? None of the info given to me by the hospital has it in!!

    When are people going to start buying stuff???

    We have had a look on Internet at bits and pieces but haven't one looking in shops yet.

    How is everyone today???

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Hi ladies, just poppin over from the feb thread as i've been told there's a 90% chance of jan inducement. So i thought i'd stop by and say hello B-) Hope everyone is doin good. :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    Nicky987 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, been on holiday for last couple of weeks so just back now. Sounds like some of you are having a hard time. Thankfully my morning sickness has stopped :-))

    I'm 15+6 today according to my dates by 15+1 from last scan size!!!

    I'm doing combined care but not sure when I need to see gp?? I was attending a private clinic when I found out I was pregnant and so never went to gp to confirm it. I then switched to public care and had my booking appt and scan a few weeks back. I have my next scan booked for middle sept and then hosp appt booked for nov so when do I need to see gp??? None of the info given to me by the hospital has it in!!

    When are people going to start buying stuff???

    We have had a look on Internet at bits and pieces but haven't one looking in shops yet.

    How is everyone today???

    Hi there, snooping from december thread! What I was told regarding the appointments is that for the first and second trimester they want to see you about once a month and evenly enough spaced if possible. That way you are being seen enough to monitor your wellbeing and also to see the baby at the different stages of growth. So my appointment at the regional was around the 18th of the month so I went to my doctor the next month the week of the 15th and thats when ive been going each month since then. I was told I should have 3 gp appointments between my first two hospital appointments!
    I hope this helps! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Nicky987 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, been on holiday for last couple of weeks so just back now. Sounds like some of you are having a hard time. Thankfully my morning sickness has stopped :-))

    I'm 15+6 today according to my dates by 15+1 from last scan size!!!

    I'm doing combined care but not sure when I need to see gp?? I was attending a private clinic when I found out I was pregnant and so never went to gp to confirm it. I then switched to public care and had my booking appt and scan a few weeks back. I have my next scan booked for middle sept and then hosp appt booked for nov so when do I need to see gp??? None of the info given to me by the hospital has it in!!

    When are people going to start buying stuff???

    We have had a look on Internet at bits and pieces but haven't one looking in shops yet.

    How is everyone today???
    Thumby wrote: »
    Hi ladies, just poppin over from the feb thread as i've been told there's a 90% chance of jan inducement. So i thought i'd stop by and say hello B-) Hope everyone is doin good. :-)

    Hi Nicky987,
    I went to the docs at 5 weeks to have the pregnancy confirmed.
    I had my book in scan at 10 weeks in the hospital so they asked me to go to my gp at 16 weeks.
    Then back to the hospital at 21weeks.
    The Gp told me to call back to her at 24 weeks as i would be back out to the hospital at 28 weeks.
    She basically wants to see me half way between my hosp apts.

    It changes then at 28 weeks aparently to:
    28 weeks: Hosp
    30 weeks: Gp
    32 weeks: Hosp
    34 weeks: Gp:
    36 weeks: Hosp

    Then changes at 36 weeks to:
    36 week: Hosp
    37week: GP
    38 week: Hosp
    39: GP
    40: Hosp

    Now that could be completely different but i think thats the way it works, my gp is lovely, i think thats what she was trying to explain to me when i went to her to confirm my pregnancy.

    I have only bought mittens and a sleeping bag thing, me and the OH said we will start looking around in 2 weeks after our 21 weeks scan.

    Hello and welcome Thumby, hope you are keeping well. Wow they are talking about inducements etc already. Eeeeeck. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Princessa wrote: »
    Hi Nicky987,

    Hello and welcome Thumby, hope you are keeping well. Wow they are talking about inducements etc already. Eeeeeck. :D

    Hey Princessa, I hope you're feeling a bit better today and managing to get around a bit more. Yup, early inducement was one of the first things my gp said to me on the day i had the pregnancy confirmed. I've had three scheduled apps with her since while waiting on my "12 week" hosp app. I had obstetric cholestasis on my last pregnancy and apparently it's a 90% chance of recurrence which means the same odds of early inducement. At least they are being upfront about it this time. The hosp i was attending on my last child never told me until they were actually breaking my waters. But how and ever, babs is grand atm and kicking away so i'm not gonna get stressed out. And ty very muchlies for the welcome. Hope everyone is enjoying their day :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Nicky987

    Thanks everyone... I will call my gp today to book an appt as now 16 weeks

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Are you back to the hospital at about 20-22 weeks Nicky987? Yeah its normally around 16 weeks the gp like to see you. When i went there, she checked the urine and the blood pressure, she used the doppler so i could hear babys heartbeat, check for ankle swelling etc.

    I am a bit sore today Thumby, i started using the birthing ball that the physio recommended so hopefully now that will help and i will be flying around ;).
    Oh you poor thing, im a student nurse so ive nursed plenty of people with chloestasis, at least you can help them with the pain etc, nearly everything is contra when you are pregnant bar paracetemol. At what stage were you induced last time? Whens your due date? What baby number is this? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Hey Nicky, once you have been to your first hospital app, the combined care card with your app schedule printed on the back of it, good luck with your docs appointment, which i'm sure you'll fly.
    Thanks princessa, it's beyond a pain alright. This is babs no.4 pregnancy no.7 though. My last one was the 1st time i had it, i was induced 2+2 early. They left me as long as possible due to spontaneous early delivery on my boys. Sorry to hear you're in pain tonight, a nice warm soak with your fav comfort food will do you the world of good. Hope it eases up and ya get some sleep tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Ooopps, my due date is valentine's, of all days lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    I would love a bath but i cant lift my legs to climb into it, stairs are difficult enough, let alone climbing in and out of the bath, although the OH said he would try lift me in if i wanted really wanted one.... :D

    Oooh baby number 4 congratz, you will be a very busy woman. What have you got at home? This is baby number two for me, i have a girl, she will be three in Nov and then this baby is due on new years day. :)

    Well at least they were honest with you from the start that its a possibility that you will have it again and be induced, you can be prepared then and have arrangments made for yourself and the bambinos at home. :D

    Valentines Day awwwh a little cupid baby you have coming to you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Oh no you poor thing! Have you tried the disposalable heat pads from the chemist? I was told they are safe to use during pregnancy. It might help a lil bit in place of a bath.
    My young isn't far behind your little one, she'll be 3 on the 6th of jan. My first two were boys, they are 8 and nearly 13(in november). Then we have his 3 sons, his stepdaughter and his stepson as well. I have to say they are great at our girls age though, ya get so much fun out of them. :-) are yourself and your oh hoping for a boy or another girl?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Thumby wrote: »
    Oh no you poor thing! Have you tried the disposalable heat pads from the chemist? I was told they are safe to use during pregnancy. It might help a lil bit in place of a bath.
    My young isn't far behind your little one, she'll be 3 on the 6th of jan. My first two were boys, they are 8 and nearly 13(in november). Then we have his 3 sons, his stepdaughter and his stepson as well. I have to say they are great at our girls age though, ya get so much fun out of them. :-) are yourself and your oh hoping for a boy or another girl?

    Yeah when i was in hospital they told me just to take home the heat/cold pack with me, i find the heat very effective, the cold isnt as nice but they both have to be done so.

    Wow, you have a lovely big family, the OH said that this is it unless we win the lotto then maybe one more. ;).

    Oh yeah she is a real little woman i must say, she told me there this morning that her slipper socks were on wrong - that was for her left foot. Ha the socks are identical theres not even a decal that faces outwards or anything but yeah that was the left sock - Silly Mammy!! :rolleyes:

    Are you going to find out the sex?
    Were not really to bothered about what comes out, just want everything to go ok and a happy, healthy baby is all we are really looking for.
    I know that sounds totally cheesy. :rolleyes:

    I thought the OH might like a son, but he said he honestly doesnt mind, it be lovely to have one of each but he said also he would equally love to see his two little girls playing prams and playing dolls in a few years too. So we are just going to wait and see what comes out whenever baby decides to make an appearance.
    I had to be induced 10 days overdue on our first. So were just saying by the middle of Jan, we will hopefully be a family of 4 :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Princessa wrote: »
    Yeah when i was in hospital they told me just to take home the heat/cold pack with me, i find the heat very effective, the cold isnt as nice but they both have to be done so.

    Wow, you have a lovely big family, the OH said that this is it unless we win the lotto then maybe one more. ;).

    Oh yeah she is a real little woman i must say, she told me there this morning that her slipper socks were on wrong - that was for her left foot. Ha the socks are identical theres not even a decal that faces outwards or anything but yeah that was the left sock - Silly Mammy!! :rolleyes:

    Are you going to find out the sex?
    Were not really to bothered about what comes out, just want everything to go ok and a happy, healthy baby is all we are really looking for.
    I know that sounds totally cheesy. :rolleyes:

    I thought the OH might like a son, but he said he honestly doesnt mind, it be lovely to have one of each but he said also he would equally love to see his two little girls playing prams and playing dolls in a few years too. So we are just going to wait and see what comes out whenever baby decides to make an appearance.
    I had to be induced 10 days overdue on our first. So were just saying by the middle of Jan, we will hopefully be a family of 4 :D

    Ouch, ya poor thing, I never got any relief with the cold packs at all, just the heat, (i have a messed up shoulder), at least you are getting a small bit of relief, i know it doesn't seem like much consolation right now, but every little helps i suppose.
    Yup, the Brady Bunch have nothing on myself and my OH lol. Like you we just want the babs happy and healthy, that's all that matters, but i'm convinced i'm carrying a girl, but himself is afraid to get his hopes up as he convinced he's only got male swimmers. He would love a girl, but we'll both be happy either way.I'm going to find out the sex alright but OH doesn't want to know yet he's convinced he'll manage to get me to tell him. He;s away for the week atm and is raging he's missing all the kicks (although he did get to feel some friday night).

    You're daughter sounds like a right little dote, mine on the other hand won't even put socks on let alone worry about them being on the wrong feet, she just takes them right back off again and goes and puts them in either the wash basket or the machine itself, she's a little bossy boots, but then again she has the fact that her two big brothers will do anything for her and all she has to do is put on the lip, completely sussed :D

    How did you stand going ten days over due, you poor thing you, It drove me mad having to be induced two weeks early because that's the closest to my due date i've ever gone. My eldest was a month premie weighed in at 8lbs 2 and had shoulder dystocia, i'd rather that again than have to go full term or heaven forbid overdue. Well we know that's not goin to happen anyway, but still the thoughts of it.
    Have you tried any natural remedies for your pain (i'm not sure what exactly has you on crutches) but alot of them are quite good and are safe to use in pregnancy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Basically what happened was, Madam was throwing a little strop when we were leaving the beach. I picked her up to carry her and i got a kick in the tummy so i put her down to finish her strop but she went to walk back to the beach on her own :rolleyes:. So i went to bend down and pick her wriggly self up with her legs facing out to protect the bump. When i lifted her i heard a crack followed by pain, couldnt walk, i was in agony when i went to press my foot in on the clutch.
    Went to Doc, sent me out to hosp to check baby and myself. Consultant said that between 14-20week pregnant you get a surge of the hormone relaxin, so all your muscles are much looser. Basically with the relaxin and the awkward way in which i went to lift her, i misalligned my pelvis and pulled my abductor muscles. :rolleyes:
    Baby is perfect though, they scanned me since little madam gave me a kick to the tummy.
    So i am in and out to Physio now and they want me to keep in touch with my GP and i think i have to see the consultant at my next scan.

    I was shocked i got to see him in the first place considering i am public.

    My physio she is lovely she is hoping that i will be off the crutches after the initial 6 week acute phase.

    My mother is convinced that i will have more trouble once i get bigger and she is adamant that i talk to the consultant and dont have a natural birth, shes afraid that i will do damage if i try to give birth naturally in 5 months. Mammys huh, obv i am never going to stop worrying if my mum is anything to go by. :D

    But i cant complain really, it could be much worse. I can still potter about the house slowly and i have wonderful support. I feel great other than my own silly injury. Ha i am trained in correct manual handling but sure :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Princessa wrote: »
    Basically what happened was, Madam was throwing a little strop when we were leaving the beach. I picked her up to carry her and i got a kick in the tummy so i put her down to finish her strop but she went to walk back to the beach on her own :rolleyes:. So i went to bend down and pick her wriggly self up with her legs facing out to protect the bump. When i lifted her i heard a crack followed by pain, couldnt walk, i was in agony when i went to press my foot in on the clutch.
    Went to Doc, sent me out to hosp to check baby and myself. Consultant said that between 14-20week pregnant you get a surge of the hormone relaxin, so all your muscles are much looser. Basically with the relaxin and the awkward way in which i went to lift her, i misalligned my pelvis and pulled my abductor muscles. :rolleyes:
    Baby is perfect though, they scanned me since little madam gave me a kick to the tummy.
    So i am in and out to Physio now and they want me to keep in touch with my GP and i think i have to see the consultant at my next scan.

    I was shocked i got to see him in the first place considering i am public.

    My physio she is lovely she is hoping that i will be off the crutches after the initial 6 week acute phase.

    My mother is convinced that i will have more trouble once i get bigger and she is adamant that i talk to the consultant and dont have a natural birth, shes afraid that i will do damage if i try to give birth naturally in 5 months. Mammys huh, obv i am never going to stop worrying if my mum is anything to go by. :D

    But i cant complain really, it could be much worse. I can still potter about the house slowly and i have wonderful support. I feel great other than my own silly injury. Ha i am trained in correct manual handling but sure :rolleyes:

    Surprisingly enough correct manual handling doesn't allow for kids in the training. :D Have you tired using Homeopathic Arnica? It's great for helping ease the muscular strain as well as a mild form of pain relief? but do check with your gp/consultant first.

    I swore by it on my first pregnancy. I have a weakened pelvis resulting from a car crash donkeys years ago, and my pregnancies did play havoc with it pain wise, unfortunately on that score your mum is right. But if it helps you decide I did give birth myself, the only assistance being with sorting out my sons shoulder dystocia in while in the birth canal. No episotimoies or tears either, plus the epidural had worn off (typical my luck) so hopefully this injury doesn't rule out natural birth for you. I@m tryin to remember what else i used for back pain when i was pregnant on him, he was the biggest bump wise as well as baby wise, although this one seems to be giving him a run for his money.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    I never used the arnica on my first pregnancy to be honest but i have heards loads raving about it, so its def something i will look into.

    Oh if i am having trouble weeks down the line when i am in my final trimester i will talk to them then about options for the birth. Just looking forward to seeing the little one on the scan at my next ante natal appointment. :D

    I got some lovely maternity jeans on next online ladies, they are boyfriend maternity jeans, theres loads of room for growing in them, they dont come over the bump they just loosen at the side as you grow.
    I actually bought two pairs but when i tried on the second they were way too short. There was no problem returning them or anything, just popped into my closest store and she sorted out a full refund for me. :D

    I am starting to look at prams etc now, the OH likes plain colours like Navy or black. I am actually being drawn to the reds and lime greeny colours (not illuminous now :rolleyes:) which is so not like me. Our pram before was just plain navy and white pinstripe.
    Do ye thing that the lime and reds are a bit bright ladies? I know what my Mum will say, that i will only be able to dress the pram in white blankets, that baby pink/blue wont go with those colours. What do ye think? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    Hi all hope everyone is keeping welk. I got my travel system on offer in smyths, its d one i wanted and it was e50 off.
    It is d pebble one on der site it is a winey/red in colour so very unisex. We r delighted with our purchase. But z little bit apprehensive dat we've jumped d gun a bit. Hopefully all will go well now @ 20 week scan on d 22nd!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Hi Plahc, dont worry, everything will be fine. You have to start shopping at some point so dont be causing yourslef extra worry.

    Me and the OH are going to look at prams on Sat and if i fell in love with something and i was on offer i would do the exact same as you.

    Ah i have my 21 week scan on the 23rd :D. We will have to compare notes. Im so excited. Two weeks and i get to see the little one again :D

    My friend said the other day, oh after this scan in two weeks next time you are out to the hospital is the start of your final trimester. The way she said it made it seem like time was just flying away from me :D.

    Wine is very gender neutral, i must go online and have an ole look at it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12 Airhostie_x

    congrats :) Im due 18th of Janurary cant wait :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Evenin ladies. Just poppin in to see how everyone is doing/feelin tonight :-) i'm currently curled up on the couch with my boys watching terminator with my boys (christian bale nom nom nom) :-D and of course stuffin my face. Lol. Congrats and welcome airhostie. On the subject of buyin buggies, yeah i haven't either, but in saying that i know exactly which one i want. And have himself told as well :-D it a multi-way double buggy that can also be converted into a single in smyths. Dimples duo i think its called and its on offer at 250 atm so i'm happy out. Its the only thing i've looked at though as its going to be my biggest expense.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    congrats :) Im due 18th of Janurary cant wait :D

    Hi Airhostie. How are you feeling? Is this baby number 1, 2 ..... 10? :D Hope you are having a smooth pregnancy and enjoying getting a big belly.

    Thumby, your hormones flying around your body and Christian Bale on the tv, what are you trying to do to yourself? Well i suppose theres a bun in the oven already :D

    My daughter will be three in Nov, so i wont need a double buggy, she never uses her buggy anymore, except for when we went on holidays in may as the heat got to her a bit, she wanted to be pushed around with the parasol over her, very clever. You can get some very nice double buggs. That seems very cheap for a double buggy. I think my sis in law paid a lot more for hers. :D
