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Due January 2013!!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Oh i know princessa, but what else am i supposed to drool over late(ish) at night? OH isn't home till tomorrow at some stage :-( is it any wonder the hormones are gone into overdrive? Lol. Oh the buggy is on offer at the min hun so i'll be getting it in a couple of weeks, once the kids are back at school. We both have one each starting secondary school this year which is after costing us the guts of a grand and a half between us. Thats not including the rest of our kids.
    Oh sweet mother divine jaysus, remind me again why we're havin no.9???? *scratches head and wonders if an assessment of her mental facalties is in order*

  • Registered Users Posts: 12 Airhostie_x

    Princessa wrote: »
    Hi Airhostie. How are you feeling? Is this baby number 1, 2 ..... 10? :D Hope you are having a smooth pregnancy and enjoying getting a big belly.

    Thumby, your hormones flying around your body and Christian Bale on the tv, what are you trying to do to yourself? Well i suppose theres a bun in the oven already :D

    My daughter will be three in Nov, so i wont need a double buggy, she never uses her buggy anymore, except for when we went on holidays in may as the heat got to her a bit, she wanted to be pushed around with the parasol over her, very clever. You can get some very nice double buggs. That seems very cheap for a double buggy. I think my sis in law paid a lot more for hers. :D

    Im feeling good everything has been so smooth since the beginning i cant complain had no morning sickness or anything!! Only now that im getting the big belly and tiredness and pains in my back and that! Hope the baby will be as good as this when he/she comes out :P This is my first baba :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Glad everything is going so well for you Airhostie. Don't worry the exhaustion usually wears off at some stage in the second trimester. For a while anyway. :-) in the meantime though just rest and relax as much as you can and enjoy every single min of your pregnancy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12 Airhostie_x

    Just starting to enjoy it now with the little bump coming and the excitment of feeling the first kicks and the 20 week scan :) only becoming more real now!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Awww :-) yeah the kicks are def something to look forward to alright. I've been getting proper solid kicks(well more like the babs pretending to be a fetal cannon ball more like) the last week. Don't forget to keep a "feel" out for the little flutters/poppin first though. I didn't know about them on my first and didn't know what was goin on lol.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    Hi girls, hope all is well. Im awake at an insane hour again - this is ridiculous. If anyone has any ideas as to how and go bk to sleep for future reference throw them this way pls.
    The problem is when I get up to pee, having bn in a deep sleep I cant get back.
    Thumby, number 9?? You are some women, a dab hand at this stage Id say!!!
    Are the other kids excited??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    plahc wrote: »
    Hi girls, hope all is well. Im awake at an insane hour again - this is ridiculous. If anyone has any ideas as to how and go bk to sleep for future reference throw them this way pls.
    The problem is when I get up to pee, having bn in a deep sleep I cant get back.
    Thumby, number 9?? You are some women, a dab hand at this stage Id say!!!
    Are the other kids excited??

    Oh thank god, it's so nice to know that i wasn't the only one awake and logged in here at evil o'clock :D I played mind-numbing, boring games on book of faces still i eventually passed out again plahc. Although it did take a few hours lol.

    Oh the 9 aren't all mine hun, five of them are his, (well three are his, two are his step-kids) then i have my three, this is pregnancy no.7 but only babs no. 4. And "she's" gonna be a big un at the rate everything is growing. :D

    HOw are you feeling now? Did ya manage to get any sleep at all since?

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    Oh ye have a lovely big brood thumby.
    Well Ds woke at 6:30, I got up with him, but ehen hubby got up @ 7:30 i went back for an hour so feelin good today, bever gt a chance to do dat weekdays so feels brill. Having a lovely lazy day and treated myself to a glass of red with dinner so im in flying form.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    plahc wrote: »
    Oh ye have a lovely big brood thumby.
    Well Ds woke at 6:30, I got up with him, but ehen hubby got up @ 7:30 i went back for an hour so feelin good today, bever gt a chance to do dat weekdays so feels brill. Having a lovely lazy day and treated myself to a glass of red with dinner so im in flying form.

    Oh very nice plahc :-) sure feck it they recommend one glass of wine a week anyway (or is that a day? I can't remember) it's nice to treat ourselves. obsh**e here that i am decided to pull the wardrobes and hot press apart today whic was grand, until i fell down a lil bit of the stairs, don't worry myself and babs are fine. It was just a case of doin to much at one time and not seein the pile of washin that the lads had left on the stairs. But sure tonight i am goin to relax, himself is back from hols with his kiddies so we're gonna veg out and watch the boxin and i'll probably stuff my face at some stage too, may even take a leaf outta your book hun and have just a teensy glass of wine myself, I could do with it this evening.

    Enjoy the rest of your evening ladies (and bumps) :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    plahc wrote: »
    Hi girls, hope all is well. Im awake at an insane hour again - this is ridiculous.
    Im feeling good everything has been so smooth since the beginning i cant complain had no morning sickness or anything!!
    Thumby wrote: »
    i fell down a lil bit of the stairs, don't worry myself and babs are fine. It was just a case of doin to much at one time and not seein the pile of washin that the lads had left on the stairs.

    Plahc, oh my god, how often have you been waking up before the sun has even come up? You poor thing i need my sleep or i am cross and cross eyed :D.

    Oh Airhostie, you had it lucky in your first trimester so, fingers crossed that continues for you into trimester 2 and 3 and onto when junior arrives. When is your next scan? Seems its number 1 are you tempted to find out the sex of the baby?

    Thumby, be careful!! Although i did the same 4 weeks ago, i decided that i needed to declutter the wardrobes and the hotpress. My mother said i was nesting way too early. Ha i think when you get a notion over you like that you end up just tearing everything apart and doing a little bit too much.

    Oh ladies we are all having a cosy night in, we got a new L shaped couch in Harvey Norman there yesterday so i have already set up camp for the night on it.
    Madam is bathed, hair dried and cuddled up in bed, and the OH is getting ready for work. So it looks like its a night of tele and internet for me :D.

    Went pram shopping today, bit disappointed really, nothing hit me with a bam i love it! The OH just wants a black, grey or navy one. I told him that alot of prams will come in diff colours so dont just look at the colour look at the pram. Plenty of time to go look again in a few weeks, i was a bit disappointed that nothing wowed me but sure :rolleyes:.

    Ladies enjoy your little glasses of vino :D.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    Thumby - I hope your ok, u must have got a fright getting that fall!!
    Princessa, so jealous of d L shaped couch always wanted one!!
    And I would wake for hours at least 4 out of the 7 nights of the week, it is torture.
    Seeing as at the mo im not very uncomfortable, Im convinced its psychological. I think i fear not being able to go bk to sleep so my brain goes into overdrive!! Then of course after half an hour I reach for my fon out of bordum and then I am really awake!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Has this been happening for a long time plahc or just since you have been pregnant?

    Uh it sounds dreadful, the worst thing is when you are lying in bed worrying about not being able to sleep (or go back to sleep in your case), then your worries seem to spiral to every little thing.

    I hope it doesnt last too long for you. Some nights i am waking up to pee in the middle of the night and i try not to even open my eyes so that once i hit the pillow that i will just fall back asleep. :D

    I remeber being very uncomfortable in my last trimester on my daughter, and having to wake up to pee at least twice a night, it was terrible, it would take me ages to go back asleep or id end up just getting up. Ha i remember having terrible heartburn one night and not a rennie in the house. Woke the OH up to tell him i was a dragon :D. He went out to 24 hour tescos in search of rennies ha ha.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Good Morning Ladies :D

    How are we all doing today?
    Princessa I wouldn't normally rip into everything in the house the way I did yesterday but i've only just moved a few weeks ago and because of ending up the hospital a lil while back I was kinda limited in what i could/couldn't do in the new house for a few weeks afterwards, so i just got sick of it yesterday and decided to finish unpacking all the extra "unnecessary" bits and pieces, although how that led onto the wardrobes and stuff I just don't know. But babs is def doin great, he/she had a field day last night when i was down with OH. Wouldn't stop kicking his hand every time he touched my bump. Although he wasn't too happy about my activities yesterday either lol. Ahhh well :P

    I'm sure you'll find a buggy that suits ya hun, it may just take a bit of time and in the meantime there are sooo many other things ya can start picking up to.

    Phalc, I know it sucks the whole peeing in the middle of the night thing and not being able to get back to sleep, maybe you could try burning some lavander oil/incense in your room when you are trying to go back to sleep, either that or limit you liquid intake to stop a couple of hours before bed??? And i so agree with you over Princessa's L shaped couch...I wants one too :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 Sleeping Beauty

    Hi ladies, may I join your lovely community? I'm due on Jan 6th, and it's my first, so I don't have a clue about most things :) The nick isn't vain at all, that's what my hubby started caling me from week 7 when all I did after work was sleep. 'Puking Shrek' was another option - for obvious reasons :D - but thanks God morning sickness seems to be calming fown now. How are you all keeping?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Hi ladies, may I join your lovely community? I'm due on Jan 6th, and it's my first, so I don't have a clue about most things :) The nick isn't vain at all, that's what my hubby started caling me from week 7 when all I did after work was sleep. 'Puking Shrek' was another option - for obvious reasons :D - but thanks God morning sickness seems to be calming fown now. How are you all keeping?

    Of course you can Sleeping Beauty, congrats and welcome, the more the merrier. :D If you're still having trouble (even a lil bit) with morning sickness, try a bit of mint, it works just as well if not more so than ginger and it tastes nommy. Aside from that how are you feeling over all pregnancy wise? Don't be worrying about not having a clue, you'd actually be surprised by how much stuff you pick up without even realizing it. :-) I had my last child on the 6th of Jan two and a half years ago, my other kids thought it was the funniest thing ever with it being "women's Christmas/Little Christmas".

    Congrats again Sleeping.

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    Welcome sleeping beauty, wishing you a happy & healthy remaining 5 months.
    Princessa, it actually started happening the day after i found out i was pregnant, this is why I think its psychological.
    Thumby thanks for the tip on the ms. Mine has got so bad the last few days, cannot control it at all!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    plahc wrote: »
    Welcome sleeping beauty, wishing you a happy & healthy remaining 5 months.
    Princessa, it actually started happening the day after i found out i was pregnant, this is why I think its psychological.
    Thumby thanks for the tip on the ms. Mine has got so bad the last few days, cannot control it at all!!

    Oh no that's horrible phalc, mine has finally fecked off, thankfully. Although i had a couple of bottles of bulmers light last night after dinner (the small ones that is) and by jaysus was i sick this morning, I've never had a hangover in my life but i really hope to christ that's what it was and not the dreaded return of ms. Unfortunatly i've nothing for the waking up and not being able to get back to sleep thing for ya hun, i'm in the same boat at the min, although insomnia is also a symptom of pregnancy so it may not even be psychological at all. I had absolutly no signs of being preggers aside from on overdue period, and the day i found out it was bam, here ya go and i riddled with most early pregnancy signs and symptoms. It's like the brain lets the body do what it wants after we figure out what's going on with us....

    I had a very lazy sunday here today, I even had a "nanny nap" but then again i didn't get home till 5am this morning ;-) dinner will be ready in about 10 mins and then it shall be a continuation of the lazy sunday theme afterwards.
    How about yourselves? Do any thing nice for the day or did ya'll just take it handy?

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Hi ladies, may I join your lovely community? I'm due on Jan 6th, and it's my first, so I don't have a clue about most things :) The nick isn't vain at all, that's what my hubby started caling me from week 7 when all I did after work was sleep. 'Puking Shrek' was another option - for obvious reasons :D - but thanks God morning sickness seems to be calming fown now. How are you all keeping?
    plahc wrote: »
    Princessa, it actually started happening the day after i found out i was pregnant, this is why I think its psychological.
    Thumby wrote: »
    Do any thing nice for the day or did ya'll just take it handy?

    Hello and welcome Sleeping beauty... Hope you are feeling better than your Shrek days now, oh God. M/Sickness is just awful, i felt so sorry for myself everynight for the majority of the first trimester :D. I am having a totally different pregnancy than my first too so i wouldnt worry about feeling that you know nothing. We will all help each other through it ;)

    Id mention it to your GP at your next apt or your ante natal what ever comes first plahc, just so they are aware of it, now they wont go prescribing any sedatives or anything but just so they have a record of it. The midwives might be able to give you some tips.

    Ah ladies dont be jelous of the couch, its a cream suede one (i know i know with a two year old and a baby on the way :rolleyes:) It has a little stain already on it :mad:!!!! Now im not saying it was the OH but it wasnt there when i went to bed last night and it was there when me and the little one got up this morning... My sis said its christened, for all the baby vomit and pee that its going to get in 5 months.

    The three of us went on a train ride this evening, its one of those old fashioned trains that just brings you down part of the riverside in waterford. The little one wasnt impressed at all by it, she went up and told her nanny, i gpt my face painted and played hopscotch (Which she did when we were waiting for the train), nothing about the train ride at all.
    All of us are meeting up about christmas and going on it, its sure you get you into labour, baby was boucing up and down in my belly ha. :D

    Hows everybody feeling?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Princessa wrote: »
    Hello and welcome Sleeping beauty... Hope you are feeling better than your Shrek days now, oh God. M/Sickness is just awful, i felt so sorry for myself everynight for the majority of the first trimester :D. I am having a totally different pregnancy than my first too so i wouldnt worry about feeling that you know nothing. We will all help each other through it ;)

    Id mention it to your GP at your next apt or your ante natal what ever comes first plahc, just so they are aware of it, now they wont go prescribing any sedatives or anything but just so they have a record of it. The midwives might be able to give you some tips.

    Ah ladies dont be jelous of the couch, its a cream suede one (i know i know with a two year old and a baby on the way :rolleyes:) It has a little stain already on it :mad:!!!! Now im not saying it was the OH but it wasnt there when i went to bed last night and it was there when me and the little one got up this morning... My sis said its christened, for all the baby vomit and pee that its going to get in 5 months.

    The three of us went on a train ride this evening, its one of those old fashioned trains that just brings you down part of the riverside in waterford. The little one wasnt impressed at all by it, she went up and told her nanny, i gpt my face painted and played hopscotch (Which she did when we were waiting for the train), nothing about the train ride at all.
    All of us are meeting up about christmas and going on it, its sure you get you into labour, baby was boucing up and down in my belly ha. :D

    Hows everybody feeling?

    That sounds lovely Princessa, I'd say you'll be spending alot of time on it from dec onwards lol.
    If i have to be induced again I may even make my way down for a long weekend before induction date and spend the entire time on the train :D

    You could try using napisan (little blue and white box in with the ariel/persil etc in dunnes/tescos) to get rid of the stain, it's supposed to be used for washing cloth nappies, but i found it great on any sort of stain on white. It's deadly for taking false tan out of white bras :D Just mix a bit of it with water and make it into a thin paste and use a damp cloth in circular motions to clean it. (You'd be surprised how many tings ya pick up with rasing 3 kiddies for stain removal.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Thumby wrote: »
    You could try using napisan (little blue and white box in with the ariel/persil etc in dunnes/tescos) to get rid of the stain, it's supposed to be used for washing cloth nappies, but i found it great on any sort of stain on white. It's deadly for taking false tan out of white bras :D Just mix a bit of it with water and make it into a thin paste and use a damp cloth in circular motions to clean it. (You'd be surprised how many tings ya pick up with rasing 3 kiddies for stain removal.)

    I was going to get Vanish or something in tescos, but i might try that, sounds good. Thanks for the tip Thumby :D

    My mum lives abroad, and she is home on Tuesday as my older sister is due her baby on the 28th Aug. I was going to show it to my mum, she always knows tricks and secrets like yourself thumby. Maybe you have to have so many kiddies before all these mammy secrets are unlocked ;).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    LADIES!!! I found a pram/Buggy that BOTH (:eek:) myself and the OH love!!! AND there's 100e off it in Smyths atm.

    I checked online and it said stock is low so it cant guarntee on shelf promise and its even sold out in a lot of their stores, so we just agreed to go down and get it in the morning even though im only 20 weeks tomorrow.

    We will just put it away in the spare/new babys room for awhile :D. Down from 300e to 200e in smyths. When i went into other stores they wanted 400e for the buggy part and 160e for the carrycot. So il still get the carrycot from one of the baby stores, as smyths dont stock it and get the buggy from smyths in the morning. From 560e to 360e. Thrilled :D.

    Anyways i just wanted to share with you. Its put me in a good humour, although now im worrying that it wont be there in the morning... :confused:.

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    So happy for you princessa, the exact same thing happened is over the bank hol. Its brill when you not only get the buggy you both want but also a significant amount off of it also. ;)

    I was in mothercare the other day and although the bottles are still on offer, they have now gone from was e29.99 down to e12.99, to was e29.99 down to e24.99. Im do glad that I bought them when I did now. Due to this Ive now decided, flip it Any offers I see im going to take the crunch, what will be will be, positive thinking and all that.
    Again this is my usual rant at an insane hour!! Aaaaah I hate not being able to sleep. " Then, put the phone away I hear you say".

  • Registered Users Posts: 78 ✭✭Meshel

    So haven't been on this in forever! Hope everyone is keeping well & bumps are starting to kick :-)
    I have had a pretty rough time since I was on last. At about 9-10 weeks I was admitted to hosp with dehydration & was kept in for 4 days. They said was severe morning sickness & that it should pass :-/ I was given vitamin drips & the like but the injection they can give didn't help one bit, unlucky me I suppose.
    This is my third pregnancy so they said it was very very unusual to get it if on my other two I hadn't. Week 12 the only thing I could keep down was frozen ice pops from lidl. Since I found out I was pregnant I have lost 1st 13lb so doctors are keeping a close eye on baba but all seems good which I'm delighted about. Week 16 for me & have my big scan on 21st sept just wishing the weeks away it can't come soon enough!!
    Work itself has been ok just the getting up early & travelling is a killer. I still haven't told them & really don't know when to. I would prefer to wait till after 20weeks what is everyone else doing??

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    I told work at 14 weeks Meshel. Im a student nurse aswell so i told them a little bit earlier about 11 or 12 weeks as i was asked to participate in research and we go on placements in the hospital so i told them so i wouldnt be placed on a really heavy ward like a stroke unit or Care of the elderly.
    Im so sorry that you had a rough time, i hope its starting to get better for you now seems you are very much in your second semester.

    Ladies, i went in there today and the lady said of sorry they are gone... apparently the sold 2 in a hour from when they opened as i was in there at 11am. So i went online and i ordered one online, paid the 200e for it, so its there problem now where they find one for me!! I find it hard to believe they sold 2 in a hour, its not a hugely busy shop, maybe she has them away for friends or something. When you spend over 50e on the website i get free delivery anyways so i dont care where they get me one from, better be one in a box at my house soon. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭SaucySue

    Hey girls hope ye are all feeling better now. Very muggy weather lately and I'm waking up last few mornings with headache even though sleeping with window open, hope that changes soon.

    Well had our 20 week scan today and all was great, was nervous beforehand just in case anything was wrong but everything was perfect. Baby was wriggling around loads (explains all the fluttering I'm feeling in my belly lately!) and seemed happy out in there. Plus we were able to find out gender ;)

    Went for look around shops after and got the first outfit, two sets of cute pyjamas saying i love mummy and i love pink. So now we can narrow down names and I better stop referring to her as "him" which I was doing all along!

    Have any of ye had scans yet? We'll have no more proper scans now but think we might splash out for 3d scan privately in another few months, its so exciting see them move around I was nearly crying :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    Oh saucy sue, so glad everything went ok for you. Ive got mine next Wed, very anxious about it. We are also thinking of getting one of the 3d scans.
    You must be due very early Jan to get your 20 wk scan this week. Im due Jan 5th and dont have mine for another week.
    I actually think the first half has flown i hope im not speaking too soon when i say that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭SaucySue

    Hey Plahc, yeah was due 1st so today was exactly 20 weeks but changed now to 8th as most of measurements were a week behind so I'll be 20 weeks again next Tuesday! How are you feeling these days?

    I was very nervous beforehand too, didn't sleep great last night worrying about it but the sonographer (not sure if thats right term?!) was really nice and was pointing out everything to us as she went along and kept saying "and that's the cerebellum, that's for.... and that's lovely...and that's... and that's perfect" so at least we knew all along what she was looking at. I'm sure it will all go great for you too, it's just mad like we saw her foot waving around and it nearly made me cry, like it was so clearly a foot, belonging to our baby....just made it all so real :D:o

    Definitely want to get 3d scan now - although the pics on the site look kinda like wax babies or something :o - they say best time to do it is from 25 to 31 weeks, so next 6 to 12 weeks for us. That'll be next countdown!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Morning ladies,

    How is everyone feeling this morning?
    Saucy Sue im delighted your scan went so well for you, I'm sure the days will fly for you plahc to your scan. I'm having my first scan on friday :D (i'm only 13 weeks +2 but was told i've 90% chance of being induced again at least 2 weeks early so babs will here in jan in stead of feb, ) so i can't wait for friday, as i didn't/wasn't able to look at my two early emergency scans, just in case if ye know what i mean. Even though babs is kickin away like there's no tomorrow i'm still a bit anxious about friday. I know it's early and stuff but i'm hoping they might be able to find out the sex, as i found out on my second child at 14 weeks :D
    SaucySue, tesco's have the cutest little girls outfits which are well worth having a look at.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    SaucySue wrote: »
    Plus we were able to find out gender ;)

    Went for look around shops after and got the first outfit, two sets of cute pyjamas saying i love mummy and i love pink.
    plahc wrote: »
    Ive got mine next Wed, very anxious about it. We are also thinking of getting one of the 3d scans.
    You must be due very early Jan to get your 20 wk scan this week. Im due Jan 5th and dont have mine for another week.
    I actually think the first half has flown i hope im not speaking too soon when i say that.
    Thumby wrote: »
    I know it's early and stuff but i'm hoping they might be able to find out the sex, as i found out on my second child at 14 weeks :D
    SaucySue, tesco's have the cutest little girls outfits which are well worth having a look at.

    Congratz Saucy Sue, thats soooooo exciting!!! I am also due Jan 1st, i had a scan at 17 weeks and it was showing my dates as 31st Dec so i hope now that they dont change and im a week later too. Im 20+1, id hate to go back a week :D.
    Ah a little girl, thats lovely. Ye must be so excited, yes it will def make focusing on a name easier as you only have to think of female names or unisex one of course.

    They could tell at 14 weeks on your last thumby? Wow thats impressive, ive never heard of anybody finding out that early... Were you worried though that they might have made a mistake? Did you ask again at 20weeks for them to double check?

    Plahc: One week, one week, one week to your scan. Yours is on wednesday, mine is next thurday, im so excited, i find myself wishing the next week away though.

    My pram arrived today ladies... Ha ha the poor post man was carrying in the box in the lashing rain. The carrycot off the pram should be here in 2-3 weeks, not so worried about that as its a standard price and you can order it from Maxi Cosi anythime, just thrilled i have the buggy part of it for 199e. 200e cheaper than everywhere else.

    Im going to do the same if there is any good offers like that i am just going to pick them up. Its very common for places to do that, do a really good offer until a certain amount of the stock it gone then put the price back up.

    So we should all have our scans over the next few weeks. How exciting!!! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Scan went brillant except for the fact that the idiot who done it can't count! She said i'm bang on a week behind what i thought but yet changed my due date by 10 days. If her dates are right then i wouldn't have gotten positive tests when i did as according to her thats when i conceived!! Plus the midwife is telling me i'll deliver in jan. She thinks i'll go spontaneously this time though and more than likely won't need an induction :-D
