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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Oh and i'm going for a private scan again in 4 weeks, after my next hospital appointment, 1 so i can figure out when i'm due and 2 so i can find out babys sex, she/he was behaving very modestly and had their hand over themselves. We were able to see ABSOLUTELY everything else lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Did you mention it to her that you wouldnt have got a positive pregnancy test result if you are in fact 10 days behind?

    My firend was the same when she had her second little man. They put her back 10 days and she was certain of her LMP dates, and as she always had a standard 28-29 day cycle she could of even had a stab at the day she concieved!
    They still put her back the 10 days, her baby measured small for dates throughout the rest of her pregnancy. So she feels still to this day (hes 3 now) that her dates were right from the start and that he was just a small little guy.

    If you are unhappy maybe the private scan might shed some light on the situation on things... that and any excuse to see the little baby again eh? :D

    Physio went really well the other day, i was starting to feel yes i will be flying in a few weeks.
    Until this morning... My two year old ran into the ensuite with her pants at her ankles and said "Quick mom theres poo in my bum" so without even thinking i picked her up to put her on the potty so she wouldnt have an accident on her clothes.
    AGONY!!!!!! Instant agony the second i lifted her up.
    Im not suppose to lift more than 7lbs. Oh i am sooooo sore today, i feel like ive set myself back weeks from one stupid 'not thinking of what i was doing' incident.
    Its so hard when u have a toddler and you're just used to doing all these things when you just cant anymore.

    So im feeling a little bit sorry for myself today, bit weepy i was earlier as im just ready to be able to walk up stairs and potter around without being sore. So hopefully i pull myself out of it now and get on with how positive i was feeling thursday.

    Hows the mood with everybody else ladies? Any mood swings? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    To be honest hun i didn't even think of it at the time, neither did himself. The sonographer just rushed us in and out, but i'm back in the hospital again in four weeks time, unusual enough in itself so i'll be saying it to my consultant then, particularly seeing as she told me that i was 12+5 not 13+5 but still changed my due date by ten. That just doesn't make sense to me. On top of that the scan pic is too detailed to fit in with her dates. She measured rump to crown but i think those measurements were off because she didn't go along the spine.
    You really are going through the mill at the min hun, what you need is a break away, even if its only yourself, just to give your body a chance to relax. I hope you're feelin better today hun. I'm just shattered awake since three am :-( but sure them's the joys.
    Oh the private scan will be a gender scan as well as checking dates. :-D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Oh and i'm bang on about my lmp as i got it on my birthday. I used one of those conception calculators with the date the sonographer gave me and according to that implantation didn't occur until 2 days before i got first postive with clear blue and that said 2-3 weeks but i had low hgc levels as my doc couldn't confirm it until 2 weeks later and according to her their tests don't show up pos till you're 6 weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Clear blue is good, but i dont think its good enough to give you a 2-3week HCG level at 2 days past implantation... Anyways look hopefully you will go into labour early and it wont matter at all, i know it is frustrating though.

    Yeah im feeling much better today i had a good nights sleep (Sorry im not rubbing it in Thumby :p). Went to bed with the heat pack on me and im not as sore today so im much happier. Although i havent even made it to the shower or done anything yet. Me and Madam are having a lazy sunday morning on the couch watching cartoons. So il see how i feel later as i want to do a few bits around the house that are starting to urk me ;).

    Why cant you sleep Thumby? Are you getting uncomfortable or just one of those cant settle nights? Hope you take a little doze on the couch later and feel a bit more refreshed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Lmao, i'm glad ya managed to get a decent sleep princessa. I just haven't been sleeping at all the last few weeks, the bump and boobs keep getting in the way lol. Just relax with your little woman, the housework will still be there this evening.
    I'm sticking with my original due date for now anyway, i'm just annoyed over the sonographers attitude, himself wasn't to impressed with her either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 37 plahc

    That is very frustrating with due date mix up thumby. Hopefully your original will be right.
    Princessa, I also had a good night last first full night in 4 night - absolute bliss (its the small things in life isnt it??)
    So, news!!! Officially half way there since yesterday, hubby surprised me with a gender scan yesterday, found out we are having another boy. Hubby was a bit disappointed, but I think he is over it. I felt bad for him but im very happy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Aww what a lovely surprise plahc :-) both the sleep and the scan.
    I'd say you're feelin heaps better now.
    I suppose at the end of the day my dates don't really matter as i never carry full term anyway, although i'll be talking to my consultant about an elective section as i'm already showing signs of having choleostasis again, which if i have it i won't be allowed go full term anyway(which is my main worry about my dates as it dangerous once you pass the 37/38 weeks), plus i want to have my tubes tied as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    I'm sure you're hubby is delighted that the babs is happy and healthy little boy. The disappoint over it not being a girl will disappear fairly quickly too :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭missis aggie

    Ladies I just started preparation for a gentle birth workshop, listening to the Cd's when going to bed. Highly recommended if you have a trouble sleep :) I can't remember last time I slept so well.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    plahc wrote: »
    found out we are having another boy.
    Thumby wrote: »
    although i'll be talking to my consultant about an elective section as i'm already showing signs of having choleostasis again, which if i have it i won't be allowed go full term anyway(which is my main worry about my dates as it dangerous once you pass the 37/38 weeks), plus i want to have my tubes tied as well.
    Ladies I just started preparation for a gentle birth workshop, listening to the Cd's when going to bed. Highly recommended if you have a trouble sleep :) I can't remember last time I slept so well.

    Ah congratulations Plahc, i am thrilled for you. Ah two little boys are lovely, they will be great friends aswell as brothers growing up. I am half debating whether to find out or not at the scan on thurs. If the OH is working the two nannies want to come to the scan and if my mum heard me ask the sonographer to write the sex on a sheet of paper for me she would pester me for the next 19 weeks. I was adamant i didnt want to find out but i dont know. With the injury and that i kind of want a little pick me up. Im going to be thrilled either way so i dont know whats come over me last few days that i want to know....

    Thats a great tip Missis aggie. Not being able to sleep then being shattered and pregnant on top of everything is just so frustrating.

    Thumby have you have a previous section before? Yeah i would be argueing for my dates to either stay the same or only be changed by the 7 days to match with the scan seems that it is dangerous to be left till full term with your condition. Ive heard that if you have never had a previous section you really have to fight for it. Go in there knowing the risks and complications and with a strong medical arguement to back up why you want the section. They might prefer to induce you and you give birth vaginally and then come in for the TL 6 weeks after having the little one.

    My sis in law had shoulder dystocia on her second son and she had to fight for the section on her third little man as she was afraid it would happen again as he was measuring even bigger. She was in with the consultant for 50mins and he eventually agreed. Maybe they see a lot of women that see a section as an easy way out and ask for ones when they have no complications or something i dont know, thats just what ive been told that you should know your info before you talk to them about elective sections. Hope that helps and doesnt scare you. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    I'll def have to try that miss aggie, thanks for the tip :-)
    Thanks for the advice princessa. I'd say i have a pretty strong medical case for a section. I haven't had a section before but my first had shoulder dystocia (sp?), i had to go to theatre for manual removal of the placenta on my second and had oc on my third. I know a section carries risk and a longer stay etc but both myself and my oh don't want to put the babs at risk with the dates being so off. It's not a chance we're willing to take. So i will def have a clear and concise "argument" ready for the consultant in sept.
    Is there anyway you could have a quick word with the sonographer to let you know the sex before the nannies come into the room with you for your scan?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    OMG!!! I love my oh completely but i want to kill him soooo much right now!!! I finally manage to fall asleep 15 and a half hours after wakin and he texts me:-( and now i'm wide awake again :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Oh Thumby, you have a very very strong arguement for a section. It should be no problem what so ever for you, seems you have had three medical complications on your last three labours. My cousin had to have an emergency section on her third as baby was 9lbs 9oz and i just think he was a bit too big for her to bring. So on her fourth that she had in May, she said to the consultant, its a big baby again think he was measuring + 7 lbs at 35 weeks, so she said book me in for an elective section as im not going through the whole emergency one again and while you are in there do the Tubal ligation. There was no quams at all from him, might aswell take out hte baby and clip up the tubes at the same time. So i think you will be fine even though you havent had a previous section. They will just do the whole lot for you.

    Yeah well i will be going into the midwife and the consultant on my own incase they want to examine my pelvis or anything id rather not have the two of them there, id just personally find that a bit uncomfortable. The OH is different, it wouldnt bother me if he came in for that.

    So i could say it to the sonographer before i call the nannies to the room, that i do want to know the sex but i dont want the nannys to know so could she just write it on a breastfeeding pamphlet at the end of the scan and hand that to me when im leaving, saying theres a new pamphlet on breastfeeding or something.
    Ah i dont know do i or dont i want to know :rolleyes:. I know the OH really wants the surprise and id hate to ruin it for him and let something slip which i prob would wouldnt i? He said i can find out if i want to... Maybe id be so conscious of calling baby "It" that i wouldnt let it slip...
    Hmmm. What ye think ladies?

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Thumby wrote: »
    OMG!!! I love my oh completely but i want to kill him soooo much right now!!! I finally manage to fall asleep 15 and a half hours after wakin and he texts me:-( and now i'm wide awake again :-(

    :(:(:(:(:(:(:( Thumby. You poor thing? What about a bath? Any lavender candles in the house?

  • Registered Users Posts: 81 ✭✭SaucySue

    Thumby poor you, I hope you'll manage sleep ok tonight. Hopefully you'll be able to sort out about the dates too with scan, I was disappointed about my dates being put back a week at our scan, and I don't even have a medical reason like you do.

    Plahc that was lovely having a surprise scan, must have been so nice to see baby again especially without having to countdown the days and weeks beforehand! I know what you mean about your hubby being a tiny bit disappointed about it being another boy, I think mine was a tiny bit disappointed that ours isn't a boy. Well not disappointed, just he's afriad that theres a lot more to worry about with a girl and watching out for them that big bad men don't take advantage of his precious little princess :D

    Princesa, since the scan I've been very conscious of not letting slip the sex to anyone (apart from on here obviously!). It's different I know because hubby knows so I can talk to him, but with our families I'm just very careful not to say she or her and so far so good. Maybe wait and see how you feel on the day about it, ours wouldn't have said anything if we hadn't specifically asked, I don't think she would have even have asked us if we wanted to know only that we brought it up ourselves.

    Quiet weekend here, spent day yesterday scrubbing house top to bottom - mainly cos I slept very badly Friday and hoped I would tire myself out with all cleaning and then sleep better last night. It worked anyway so just relaxed reading papers today. I had got that Guess How Much I Love You book last week too so I read that to baby today as well :o My bump is all off to one side today too, not sure if its how I slept or just that she's curled up on that side but it's all to the right today!

    Anyway hope ye all sleep well today and had good weekends.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    I've no bath :'( lol. I'm gonna have a nice long hot shower before i go to bed though after "one born every minute" it's on at ten. The poor man didn't get the nicest of texts' in reply so he wisely hasn't text me back :$. I'll get one in the mornin apologising though lol. How are you feeling now? Has the pain eased off anymore?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Jaysus saucysue i'd love to know where you got the energy from with little to no sleep to scrub the house. Lol. Although i am blessed with my two eldest they give me a great hand around the house when i'm this wrecked.

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Ah ladies, there is some load of ye having trouble sleeping already... :(

    I washed the bedsheets there today in new washing powder (I can never smell the washing powder off the clothes by the end of the box so i end up changing back and forth so i can smell a different washing powder - yes im odd ;)).
    Im going to put them on the bed in a minute. Hopefully that will help me have a sound nights sleep like last night - the sleep really made me feel much better :D. Im procrastinating atm. Nothing better than getting into bed in clean sheets. OH wont be finished work till the a.m so i will have the clean bed to myself for a few hours. I feel so old, but it really is the little things in life.

    SaucySue and Plahc, your OH's will be ok in a few days about the gender of the babies. I think its just a shock at the start for them. Maybe its easier for us mummies to just be "Ah its a boy - Oh its a girl", we have a stronger bond and connection to the babies during the pregnancy stage as they are inside us :D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    There's nothing nicer than freshly cleaned sheets on the bed princessa :-) i'm using lavander liquid cleaner atm in the hopes it'll help me sleep. Actually funnily enough now that you mention it the only nights i seem to get sleep is when he's in the bed with me, but even then it's no more than 3 hours solid :-( ah well it'll disappear eventually lol

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Fingers crossed for you Thumby, i hope i dont see a random post from you at 3 am.

    Im the same as you, i will go asleep now when the OH isnt in bed with me but i find that i only really go into a deep sleep when he jumps in the bed beside me. He has a habit of falling asleep down stairs so i think i worry that he will get a sore neck so im only ever in a light sleep when hes not there.

    Although i must say last night i was so sore, i didnt even feel him get into bed when her came home from work. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    If i'm still awake at 3 i think i'll be takin the frying pan to myself and knocking myself out lol.
    I don't live with my oh so it's not waiting for him to come to bed that stops me from getting into a deep sleep, although it def sounds like thats what is going on with you. It's funny the habits we develop with realising it when it comes to our other halves isn't it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Well ladies, did ye all get to sleep last night?

    I find myself wishing the week away... Thursday is my 21 week scan.

    21 weeks tomorrow ladies... this time 18 weeks it will be christmas eve and we will all have very big bumps :D. Dont kill me, im due exactly 1 week afer christmas so i find myslef always knowing when it is. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Chance would have been a fine thing princessa lol. I done a fair bit of walking earlier with madam in the buggy so hopefully i'll pass out soon enough :-)
    Ok christmas just got alot closer than it was lol.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    I don't blame you for counting down the days to your scan. Have you decided if you're going to find out the sex or not?

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Arrrgh i dont know, i said it to the OH yesterday morning that i wanted to find out and he got a bit cross with me :(. Said i kept flipping and changing my mind, which i do to be fair but im allowed be confused.

    I was thinking i will ask her to write the sex on a pamphlet and hand me the pamphlet on breastfeeding or something at the end of the scan before the others come in (obv il tell the OH im finding out). Nanny wouldnt be any of the wiser then, if she hands me a sheet of folded paper it might get a bit suspicious but a breastfeeding pamphlet is less suspicious ;).

    Il say it to him again tomorrow that i would like to know but i dont want others to know i know. Maybe i wont mention it in the morning, he can be grumpy then :p. I Do think i really want to find out though and theres nothing wrong with that.... I wont be telling anybody else il be just saying i dont know what were having... Hmmmm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Sing hallaujia (sp?) i could never spell that but i'm singing it anyway cause i got 8 hours uninterrupted sleep last night woohoo.
    Princessa just tell your oh you want to know but if he doesn't want to know ya won't tell him. I'd say ya can't wait to see babs again :-D

  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Woooohoooo, thrilled for you Thumby, the walk obviously helped wreck you. I cant wait to go for a really long walk, oh oh oh and physio said i can hopefully start swimming in a few weeks. I feel like a big lazy Maisie :D at the moment. Ha i am staying clear of the weighing scales. I have my apetite back that i lost in the first trimester and i have a limited range of movements... :eek:

    Yeah and i obv wont tell anybody else either, il just keep it to myself. Im sooooo excited for Thursday, i cant wait to see the little one move about. Its great piece of mind. Please God now they tell me that babs is perfect and healthy etc.

    PLAHC: You have another scan tomorrow do you? Best of luck with it... Think you said yours was the day before mine :D.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19 Sleeping Beauty

    Thanks for all your welcomes ladies, realy appreciated. I'm not too bad, can't wait for the scan next week. Are you all being good and limiting your tea intake to one cup a day (my GP told me to) but it's soooooo hard

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  • Registered Users Posts: 581 ✭✭✭Princessa

    Thanks for all your welcomes ladies, realy appreciated. I'm not too bad, can't wait for the scan next week. Are you all being good and limiting your tea intake to one cup a day (my GP told me to) but it's soooooo hard

    You just need to get a bigger cup sleeping beauty is all... one of those mugs that hold about a pint of tea :D. My GP never mentioned anything about having only one cuppa, and a do's and dont's i got from the hospital said dont drink too much caffeine (soft drinks, tea, coffee) max 5 cups a day... I wouldnt drink 5 cups anyways but im sure theres more in soft drinks than tea...

    Decaffeinated tea maybe?

    New studies have shown that green tea can reduce your folic acid levels.
