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Dublin Marathon 31/10/2011



  • Registered Users Posts: 221 ✭✭run44

    4 stars (good)
    Sub 2:35
    Tunguska - 4th marathon
    emerald007 - 10th marathon

    Sub 2:45
    2:44.59 - Pablo T
    2.36.00 devotional1993
    2:44:59 - n-dawg - 3rd marathon

    Sub 3:00
    2:49:xx - Gringo78 - 3rd Marathon
    2:51.xx - Racman - 10th Marathon (30th anniversary of first one)
    2:54:59 - brownian - 5th Marathon
    2:55.30 - RunForestRun - 12th Marathon
    2:56:00- Dr. Quirky
    2:59.59 - Lex Luther - 9th Marathon
    2:59:30 - Fazz - 1st Marathon (aiming high!)
    2:59:30 - haggis_mccloud - 1st Marathon (also aiming high)
    2:59:30 - TheRoadRunner - sub 3hr Pacer & looking forward to it
    2:59.29 - 7mile- 7th Marathon
    2:59.59 - Earlyevening 6th marathon
    2:59.59 - Slogger Jogger Twenty somethingth marathon. 8th Dublin.
    2:59.59 - NeedsTraining - 7th marathon (aiming high, legs feel now) *
    2:59.59 - Wideball - 6th marathon

    Sub 3:15
    3:05:59 - Art of Noise - 5th Marathon (Last three - 3:20, 3:15, 3:10)!
    3:09:59 - Diggy78 - 5th Marathon
    3:09:59 - Corkrunner71 - 12th Marathon
    3:14:30 - Krusty_Clown - Sub 3:15 pacer - lots of marathons
    3:14:xx - condo131 - 21st Marathon (but running sh*te at the mo')
    3:14:59 - Potsy11 - 6th Marathon
    3:14:xx - EC1000 - 3rd Marathon (1st one in 5 years and 50/50 if I'll make the start line - piriformis/sacroiliac joint issues)
    3:14:xx - Kone - 4th Marathon
    3:14:xx - jahaco - 36th Marathon (looking forward to meeting Krusty_Clown and trying to qualify for London 2013)

    Sub 3:30
    3:19:59 - Floyd333 - 1st Marathon
    3:20:00 - Aficionado - 2nd Marathon
    3:20:00 - L&P - 3rd Marathon
    3:22:00 - wfdrun - 4th Marathon
    3:24:00 - Bigdreams - 5th Marathon
    3:25:00 - EMPM - 1st Marathon
    3:25:59 - BrokenMan - 3rd Marathon
    3:26:42 - Der Nipper 3rd Marathon (exact time closer to date)
    3:28:00 - Mr Slow - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:00 - ItsAllTrue - 2nd Marathon
    3:29:30 - snailsong - 1st marathon
    3:29:30 - TFBubendorfer - (pacer) 22nd marathon
    3.29.30 - Liamo123 - ( pacer ) 9th marathon ( presuming I get 2 Berlin in one piece )
    3:29:30 - neilc - will be 4th marathon
    3:29:59 - RayCun - 3.29.12:D
    3:29:59 - Tipp man running - 5th marathon
    3:29:59 - AverageRunner - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:59 - Ray von - 1st Marathon
    3:29:59 - paulb79 - 2nd marathon
    3.29.59 - marathonm@n - 6th marathon
    3.29.59 - Dundalk - 2nd marathon
    3:29:59 - Spanx - 1st marathon
    3:29:59 - Mr Marenghi - 4th marathon (2nd marathon with proper, full, injury free training)
    3:29:58 - James Howlett - 2nd Marathon

    Sub 3:45
    3:37:59 - marthastew- 7th Marathon
    3:39:59 - MaxPower131 - 2nd Marathon
    3:40:00 - guysmiley - 2nd Marathon (1st was last May in Stockholm at 3:49)
    3:42:00 - Sharktale
    3:43:07 - BobbyB - 1st Marathon
    3.43.59 -aigster -10th marathon
    3:44:59 - steviecakes - 2nd Marathon
    3:44:30 - Macanri - (Pacer) not as many marathons as the other pacers!
    3:44:30 - Brianderunner (Pacer)
    3:44:30 - shotgunmcos (Pacer) - 10th Marathon, 3rd time pacing DCM
    3:45:00 suseoh 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - antomagoo 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - Concerned2 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - 28064212 - 1st Marathon
    3:45:00 - Kinbe 1st Marathon
    3:44:59 - digger, 3rd Marathon
    3:44:59 - Shell to Run, 3rd Marathon

    Sub 4:00
    3.49.59 - Dullahan2 1st marathon
    3.50.00 - Van.Bosch - 2nd Marathon
    3.50.00 - Digijem - 2nd Marathon
    3.50:00 - Vagga 1st marathon - Changed this ages ago but it got reset. Post 4 week layoff, dropping goal a bit to be realisitc
    3.55.59 - i008787 - 9th Marathon
    3.57.30 - dazed+confused 1st Marathon
    3:57:59 - Conseng - 1st marathon
    3:58:29 - hawkwing - 4th marathon (4th DCM)
    3:59:30 - menoscemo - (pacer) 11th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Oisin11178 - (pacer) 35th marathon
    3:59:30 - christeb - (pacer) 5th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Jackyback - (pacer) 6th Marathon (1 IM mara)
    3:59:30 - Jim0 - 2nd Marathon (narrowly missed 4:00 in Berlin 2011; seeking revenge)
    3:59:30 - Neverhappy, 1st Marathon, sprint to finish if i can walk !!!
    3.59.59 - PDCAT - 1st Marathon
    3.59.59 - lahaine, first marathon, eye of the tiger baby!
    3.59.59 - iMac Hunt 3rd marathon
    3.59.59 - mfdc 2nd marathon
    3.59.59 - BobMac104 1st Marathon ( 4.15 is prob more realistic but sub 4 is the goal)
    3.59.59 - Cabaal 2nd marathon (Same target but ran into issues during Cork Marathon in June)
    3:59:59 - Tinydave (hopfully the i get some tailwind)
    3:59:59 - IMKNACKERED 2nd attempted marathon
    3:59:59 - Dev123 2nd marathon
    3:59:59 - liamog - 1st Marathon, going to run with the pacers for the first 20.
    3:59:59 - D Chief, 2nd Marathon
    3:59:59 - Red face Dave, 1st Marathon

    Sub 4:30
    4:14:30 Runningcoach - (pacer) - 46th marathon
    4:14:29 kandikane (pacer)-10th marathon
    4:14:59 Smoochie06 - 1st Marathon
    4:15:00 grasscutter - 4th Marathon
    4.14.02 - tec diver, 2nd marathon, Connemara was my first!
    4:29:30 Izoard - (pacer) 14th standalone + 2 Ironman marathons....
    4;29:59 Younganne 2nd Marathon
    4:29:59 Micilín Muc 2nd marathon (first one I trained properly for!)
    4.29.59 subscriber 1st marathon (was hoping to go sub 4, too much time out on injury means that wont be happening)
    4.29.59 OldieWilson 1st marathon (was also hoping to do sub 4, but too much time out injured)
    4.29.59 Ontheditch2 1st marathon
    4.29.59 run44 - 1st marathon - 4:21:29
    4.29.59 RE*AC*TOR 1st marathon
    4.29.59 Wally Runs (pacer) - some
    4:29:45 (pacer) Ultraman1-a few.
    4:29:59 razor12345 - 1st Marathon

    Sub 5:00
    4:59:30 ger664 - (pacer) 6th Marathon
    4:40:00 CramCycle

    Just Finish
    hoping to finish in 5:15 -diddleyland 3rd marathon
    Just Finish - foxyboxer - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish- Kit3- 1st marathon
    Just Finish- JJJJNR - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish -Pilot1087 - 1st Marathon (decided to go for it)
    Just Finish - Elvis Jones - 1st Marathon and have had problems along the way. No injuries, just messy problems. But i'll finish if i have to craw
    Just Finish- Hunnymonster 51st Marathon
    Just Finish - Mr Abbey - 1st Marathon

  • Registered Users Posts: 304 ✭✭William72

    A huge well done to everyone - and especially some familar names from last years beginners thread.

    Having been completely overwhelmed by the support at my first marathon last year I swore I would pay it back if I didn't run this year. So after practically a whole year out (sick, injured, family stuff, whatever you're having yourself....) I was at the side of the road cheering you all on. Trust me its no hassle to come out in full rain gear and support - fair play to you all for some great performances in those conditions.

    Loved spectating yesterday but realised a few weeks ago as the build up began to the event this year that I really miss participating. So today I start back (2 miles at lunch - nice n easy) - see you all at the start line in 2012!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,599 ✭✭✭James Howlett

    I'm very glad to hear so many other posters here talking of horror stories, I don't feel so bad now to add my own :)

    I took off just ahead of the 3:30 pacers and hoped to maintain that pace for the duration of the event (this year's phoenix park half time for me was 1:34:xx) and was doing okay for a while.

    I got a stitch at around mile 10 which slowed me down. Nevertheless I pushed on and it disappeared by the time I got to the Walkinstown roundabout. Just after that the 3:30 balloons passed me by and I ran beside them, a very leisurely strolling RayCun, until mile 14. After that my pace started to slow a great deal. I never stopped to walk but was at some points dragging my feet along the ground just to keep going.

    I don't know about other racers but I missed A LOT of the mile markers. I think I passed mile 17 and didn't see another marker until 20. Psychologically it was great when I saw the 20mile mark but up until that point I was wrecking my head with thoughts that this "17-18" mile was the longest mile I had ever run :)

    Anyway I got really tired before the end but saw another runner with a canadian flag on his shirt and talked to him about the homeland until the end. The conversation was great distraction and without it I probably would have walked sections of the end.

    By mile 24/26 I decided to just press onward and ran a good pace right the way to the end. It was killing me but I just pushed on and closed the race with 4:03:xx. This is 11minutes slower than last year where I had an injury but what the hell, a better training plan should see me better next year.

    Well done to all, it's a different measure of pain for each to endure but once you do it's worth it to wear that fancy medal that not everyone can have:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,191 ✭✭✭PaulieC

    4 stars (good)
    olaola wrote: »
    Congrats to all! We were in Inchicore at the left turn onto the SCR. Great reaction from the crowd, everyone seemed to be enjoying the music as they made it to the top of the hill there. Great atmosphere, and impressed with everyone out there (I'm too much of a wuss to attempt it!)

    The music was a brilliant idea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭jahaco

    Sub 2:35
    Tunguska - 4th marathon
    emerald007 - 10th marathon

    Sub 2:45
    2:44.59 - Pablo T
    2.36.00 devotional1993
    2:44:59 - n-dawg - 3rd marathon

    Sub 3:00
    2:49:xx - Gringo78 - 3rd Marathon
    2:51.xx - Racman - 10th Marathon (30th anniversary of first one)
    2:54:59 - brownian - 5th Marathon
    2:55.30 - RunForestRun - 12th Marathon
    2:56:00- Dr. Quirky
    2:59.59 - Lex Luther - 9th Marathon
    2:59:30 - Fazz - 1st Marathon (aiming high!)
    2:59:30 - haggis_mccloud - 1st Marathon (also aiming high)
    2:59:30 - TheRoadRunner - sub 3hr Pacer & looking forward to it
    2:59.29 - 7mile- 7th Marathon
    2:59.59 - Earlyevening 6th marathon
    2:59.59 - Slogger Jogger Twenty somethingth marathon. 8th Dublin.
    2:59.59 - NeedsTraining - 7th marathon (aiming high, legs feel now) *
    2:59.59 - Wideball - 6th marathon

    Sub 3:15
    3:05:59 - Art of Noise - 5th Marathon (Last three - 3:20, 3:15, 3:10)!
    3:09:59 - Diggy78 - 5th Marathon
    3:09:59 - Corkrunner71 - 12th Marathon
    3:14:30 - Krusty_Clown - Sub 3:15 pacer - lots of marathons
    3:14:xx - condo131 - 21st Marathon (but running sh*te at the mo')
    3:14:59 - Potsy11 - 6th Marathon
    3:14:xx - EC1000 - 3rd Marathon (1st one in 5 years and 50/50 if I'll make the start line - piriformis/sacroiliac joint issues)
    3:14:xx - Kone - 4th Marathon
    3:14:xx - jahaco - 36th Marathon (looking forward to meeting Krusty_Clown and trying to qualify for London 2013).3.11.49 and qualified!

    Sub 3:30
    3:19:59 - Floyd333 - 1st Marathon
    3:20:00 - Aficionado - 2nd Marathon
    3:20:00 - L&P - 3rd Marathon
    3:22:00 - wfdrun - 4th Marathon
    3:24:00 - Bigdreams - 5th Marathon
    3:25:00 - EMPM - 1st Marathon
    3:25:59 - BrokenMan - 3rd Marathon
    3:26:42 - Der Nipper 3rd Marathon (exact time closer to date)
    3:28:00 - Mr Slow - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:00 - ItsAllTrue - 2nd Marathon
    3:29:30 - snailsong - 1st marathon
    3:29:30 - TFBubendorfer - (pacer) 22nd marathon
    3.29.30 - Liamo123 - ( pacer ) 9th marathon ( presuming I get 2 Berlin in one piece )
    3:29:30 - neilc - will be 4th marathon
    3:29:59 - RayCun - 3.29.12
    3:29:59 - Tipp man running - 5th marathon
    3:29:59 - AverageRunner - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:59 - Ray von - 1st Marathon
    3:29:59 - paulb79 - 2nd marathon
    3.29.59 - marathonm@n - 6th marathon
    3.29.59 - Dundalk - 2nd marathon
    3:29:59 - Spanx - 1st marathon
    3:29:59 - Mr Marenghi - 4th marathon (2nd marathon with proper, full, injury free training)
    3:29:58 - James Howlett - 2nd Marathon

    Sub 3:45
    3:37:59 - marthastew- 7th Marathon
    3:39:59 - MaxPower131 - 2nd Marathon
    3:40:00 - guysmiley - 2nd Marathon (1st was last May in Stockholm at 3:49)
    3:42:00 - Sharktale
    3:43:07 - BobbyB - 1st Marathon
    3.43.59 -aigster -10th marathon
    3:44:59 - steviecakes - 2nd Marathon
    3:44:30 - Macanri - (Pacer) not as many marathons as the other pacers!
    3:44:30 - Brianderunner (Pacer)
    3:44:30 - shotgunmcos (Pacer) - 10th Marathon, 3rd time pacing DCM
    3:45:00 suseoh 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - antomagoo 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - Concerned2 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - 28064212 - 1st Marathon
    3:45:00 - Kinbe 1st Marathon
    3:44:59 - digger, 3rd Marathon
    3:44:59 - Shell to Run, 3rd Marathon

    Sub 4:00
    3.49.59 - Dullahan2 1st marathon
    3.50.00 - Van.Bosch - 2nd Marathon
    3.50.00 - Digijem - 2nd Marathon
    3.50:00 - Vagga 1st marathon - Changed this ages ago but it got reset. Post 4 week layoff, dropping goal a bit to be realisitc
    3.55.59 - i008787 - 9th Marathon
    3.57.30 - dazed+confused 1st Marathon
    3:57:59 - Conseng - 1st marathon
    3:58:29 - hawkwing - 4th marathon (4th DCM)
    3:59:30 - menoscemo - (pacer) 11th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Oisin11178 - (pacer) 35th marathon
    3:59:30 - christeb - (pacer) 5th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Jackyback - (pacer) 6th Marathon (1 IM mara)
    3:59:30 - Jim0 - 2nd Marathon (narrowly missed 4:00 in Berlin 2011; seeking revenge)
    3:59:30 - Neverhappy, 1st Marathon, sprint to finish if i can walk !!!
    3.59.59 - PDCAT - 1st Marathon
    3.59.59 - lahaine, first marathon, eye of the tiger baby!
    3.59.59 - iMac Hunt 3rd marathon
    3.59.59 - mfdc 2nd marathon
    3.59.59 - BobMac104 1st Marathon ( 4.15 is prob more realistic but sub 4 is the goal)
    3.59.59 - Cabaal 2nd marathon (Same target but ran into issues during Cork Marathon in June)
    3:59:59 - Tinydave (hopfully the i get some tailwind)
    3:59:59 - IMKNACKERED 2nd attempted marathon
    3:59:59 - Dev123 2nd marathon
    3:59:59 - liamog - 1st Marathon, going to run with the pacers for the first 20.
    3:59:59 - D Chief, 2nd Marathon
    3:59:59 - Red face Dave, 1st Marathon

    Sub 4:30
    4:14:30 Runningcoach - (pacer) - 46th marathon
    4:14:29 kandikane (pacer)-10th marathon
    4:14:59 Smoochie06 - 1st Marathon
    4:15:00 grasscutter - 4th Marathon
    4.14.02 - tec diver, 2nd marathon, Connemara was my first!
    4:29:30 Izoard - (pacer) 14th standalone + 2 Ironman marathons....
    4;29:59 Younganne 2nd Marathon
    4:29:59 Micilín Muc 2nd marathon (first one I trained properly for!)
    4.29.59 subscriber 1st marathon (was hoping to go sub 4, too much time out on injury means that wont be happening)
    4.29.59 OldieWilson 1st marathon (was also hoping to do sub 4, but too much time out injured)
    4.29.59 Ontheditch2 1st marathon
    4.29.59 run44 - 1st marathon - 4:21:29
    4.29.59 RE*AC*TOR 1st marathon
    4.29.59 Wally Runs (pacer) - some
    4:29:45 (pacer) Ultraman1-a few.
    4:29:59 razor12345 - 1st Marathon

    Sub 5:00
    4:59:30 ger664 - (pacer) 6th Marathon
    4:40:00 CramCycle

    Just Finish
    hoping to finish in 5:15 -diddleyland 3rd marathon
    Just Finish - foxyboxer - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish- Kit3- 1st marathon
    Just Finish- JJJJNR - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish -Pilot1087 - 1st Marathon (decided to go for it)
    Just Finish - Elvis Jones - 1st Marathon and have had problems along the way. No injuries, just messy problems. But i'll finish if i have to craw
    Just Finish- Hunnymonster 51st Marathon
    Just Finish - Mr Abbey - 1st Marathon

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  • Registered Users Posts: 143 ✭✭D Chief

    4 stars (good)
    Sub 2:35
    Tunguska - 4th marathon
    emerald007 - 10th marathon

    Sub 2:45
    2:44.59 - Pablo T
    2.36.00 devotional1993
    2:44:59 - n-dawg - 3rd marathon

    Sub 3:00
    2:49:xx - Gringo78 - 3rd Marathon
    2:51.xx - Racman - 10th Marathon (30th anniversary of first one)
    2:54:59 - brownian - 5th Marathon
    2:55.30 - RunForestRun - 12th Marathon
    2:56:00- Dr. Quirky
    2:59.59 - Lex Luther - 9th Marathon
    2:59:30 - Fazz - 1st Marathon (aiming high!)
    2:59:30 - haggis_mccloud - 1st Marathon (also aiming high)
    2:59:30 - TheRoadRunner - sub 3hr Pacer & looking forward to it
    2:59.29 - 7mile- 7th Marathon
    2:59.59 - Earlyevening 6th marathon
    2:59.59 - Slogger Jogger Twenty somethingth marathon. 8th Dublin.
    2:59.59 - NeedsTraining - 7th marathon (aiming high, legs feel now) *
    2:59.59 - Wideball - 6th marathon

    Sub 3:15
    3:05:59 - Art of Noise - 5th Marathon (Last three - 3:20, 3:15, 3:10)!
    3:09:59 - Diggy78 - 5th Marathon
    3:09:59 - Corkrunner71 - 12th Marathon
    3:14:30 - Krusty_Clown - Sub 3:15 pacer - lots of marathons
    3:14:xx - condo131 - 21st Marathon (but running sh*te at the mo')
    3:14:59 - Potsy11 - 6th Marathon
    3:14:xx - EC1000 - 3rd Marathon (1st one in 5 years and 50/50 if I'll make the start line - piriformis/sacroiliac joint issues)
    3:14:xx - Kone - 4th Marathon
    3:14:xx - jahaco - 36th Marathon (looking forward to meeting Krusty_Clown and trying to qualify for London 2013)

    Sub 3:30
    3:19:59 - Floyd333 - 1st Marathon
    3:20:00 - Aficionado - 2nd Marathon
    3:20:00 - L&P - 3rd Marathon
    3:22:00 - wfdrun - 4th Marathon
    3:24:00 - Bigdreams - 5th Marathon
    3:25:00 - EMPM - 1st Marathon
    3:25:59 - BrokenMan - 3rd Marathon
    3:26:42 - Der Nipper 3rd Marathon (exact time closer to date)
    3:28:00 - Mr Slow - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:00 - ItsAllTrue - 2nd Marathon
    3:29:30 - snailsong - 1st marathon
    3:29:30 - TFBubendorfer - (pacer) 22nd marathon
    3.29.30 - Liamo123 - ( pacer ) 9th marathon ( presuming I get 2 Berlin in one piece )
    3:29:30 - neilc - will be 4th marathon
    3:29:59 - RayCun - 3.29.12:D
    3:29:59 - Tipp man running - 5th marathon
    3:29:59 - AverageRunner - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:59 - Ray von - 1st Marathon
    3:29:59 - paulb79 - 2nd marathon
    3.29.59 - marathonm@n - 6th marathon
    3.29.59 - Dundalk - 2nd marathon
    3:29:59 - Spanx - 1st marathon
    3:29:59 - Mr Marenghi - 4th marathon (2nd marathon with proper, full, injury free training)
    3:29:58 - James Howlett - 2nd Marathon

    Sub 3:45
    3:37:59 - marthastew- 7th Marathon
    3:39:59 - MaxPower131 - 2nd Marathon
    3:40:00 - guysmiley - 2nd Marathon (1st was last May in Stockholm at 3:49)
    3:42:00 - Sharktale
    3:43:07 - BobbyB - 1st Marathon
    3.43.59 -aigster -10th marathon
    3:44:59 - steviecakes - 2nd Marathon
    3:44:30 - Macanri - (Pacer) not as many marathons as the other pacers!
    3:44:30 - Brianderunner (Pacer)
    3:44:30 - shotgunmcos (Pacer) - 10th Marathon, 3rd time pacing DCM
    3:45:00 suseoh 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - antomagoo 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - Concerned2 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - 28064212 - 1st Marathon
    3:45:00 - Kinbe 1st Marathon
    3:44:59 - digger, 3rd Marathon
    3:44:59 - Shell to Run, 3rd Marathon

    Sub 4:00
    3.49.59 - Dullahan2 1st marathon
    3.50.00 - Van.Bosch - 2nd Marathon
    3.50.00 - Digijem - 2nd Marathon
    3.50:00 - Vagga 1st marathon - Changed this ages ago but it got reset. Post 4 week layoff, dropping goal a bit to be realisitc
    3.55.59 - i008787 - 9th Marathon
    3.57.30 - dazed+confused 1st Marathon
    3:57:59 - Conseng - 1st marathon
    3:58:29 - hawkwing - 4th marathon (4th DCM)
    3:59:30 - menoscemo - (pacer) 11th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Oisin11178 - (pacer) 35th marathon
    3:59:30 - christeb - (pacer) 5th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Jackyback - (pacer) 6th Marathon (1 IM mara)
    3:59:30 - Jim0 - 2nd Marathon (narrowly missed 4:00 in Berlin 2011; seeking revenge)
    3:59:30 - Neverhappy, 1st Marathon, sprint to finish if i can walk !!!
    3.59.59 - PDCAT - 1st Marathon
    3.59.59 - lahaine, first marathon, eye of the tiger baby!
    3.59.59 - iMac Hunt 3rd marathon
    3.59.59 - mfdc 2nd marathon
    3.59.59 - BobMac104 1st Marathon ( 4.15 is prob more realistic but sub 4 is the goal)
    3.59.59 - Cabaal 2nd marathon (Same target but ran into issues during Cork Marathon in June)
    3:59:59 - Tinydave (hopfully the i get some tailwind)
    3:59:59 - IMKNACKERED 2nd attempted marathon
    3:59:59 - Dev123 2nd marathon
    3:59:59 - liamog - 1st Marathon, going to run with the pacers for the first 20.
    3:59:59 - D Chief - 4:15:16 (Beidh lá eile)
    3:59:59 - Red face Dave, 1st Marathon

    Sub 4:30
    4:14:30 Runningcoach - (pacer) - 46th marathon
    4:14:29 kandikane (pacer)-10th marathon
    4:14:59 Smoochie06 - 1st Marathon
    4:15:00 grasscutter - 4th Marathon
    4.14.02 - tec diver, 2nd marathon, Connemara was my first!
    4:29:30 Izoard - (pacer) 14th standalone + 2 Ironman marathons....
    4;29:59 Younganne 2nd Marathon
    4:29:59 Micilín Muc 2nd marathon (first one I trained properly for!)
    4.29.59 subscriber 1st marathon (was hoping to go sub 4, too much time out on injury means that wont be happening)
    4.29.59 OldieWilson 1st marathon (was also hoping to do sub 4, but too much time out injured)
    4.29.59 Ontheditch2 1st marathon
    4.29.59 run44 - 1st marathon
    4.29.59 RE*AC*TOR 1st marathon
    4.29.59 Wally Runs (pacer) - some
    4:29:45 (pacer) Ultraman1-a few.
    4:29:59 razor12345 - 1st Marathon

    Sub 5:00
    4:59:30 ger664 - (pacer) 6th Marathon
    4:40:00 CramCycle

    Just Finish
    hoping to finish in 5:15 -diddleyland 3rd marathon
    Just Finish - foxyboxer - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish- Kit3- 1st marathon
    Just Finish- JJJJNR - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish -Pilot1087 - 1st Marathon (decided to go for it)
    Just Finish - Elvis Jones - 1st Marathon and have had problems along the way. No injuries, just messy problems. But i'll finish if i have to craw
    Just Finish- Hunnymonster 51st Marathon
    Just Finish - Mr Abbey - 1st Marathon

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,070 ✭✭✭neilc

    4 stars (good)
    Woddle wrote: »
    763 pics here
    I ran out of memory. I finished up just before the 3:45 pacers went by 25km so hopefully you're in there.

    Thanks Woddle.
    That's me just behind the lad with the blue and yellow vest. And thats Alberto to my left (jester suit). We swapped places for nearly the whole race. Finally took him out at mile 26 :D

    Edit - Not sure why image not showing link -

  • Registered Users Posts: 221 ✭✭run44

    4 stars (good)
    Sub 2:35
    Tunguska - 4th marathon
    emerald007 - 10th marathon

    Sub 2:45
    2:44.59 - Pablo T
    2.36.00 devotional1993
    2:44:59 - n-dawg - 3rd marathon

    Sub 3:00
    2:49:xx - Gringo78 - 3rd Marathon
    2:51.xx - Racman - 10th Marathon (30th anniversary of first one)
    2:54:59 - brownian - 5th Marathon
    2:55.30 - RunForestRun - 12th Marathon
    2:56:00- Dr. Quirky
    2:59.59 - Lex Luther - 9th Marathon
    2:59:30 - Fazz - 1st Marathon (aiming high!)
    2:59:30 - haggis_mccloud - 1st Marathon (also aiming high)
    2:59:30 - TheRoadRunner - sub 3hr Pacer & looking forward to it
    2:59.29 - 7mile- 7th Marathon
    2:59.59 - Earlyevening 6th marathon
    2:59.59 - Slogger Jogger Twenty somethingth marathon. 8th Dublin.
    2:59.59 - NeedsTraining - 7th marathon (aiming high, legs feel now) *
    2:59.59 - Wideball - 6th marathon

    Sub 3:15
    3:05:59 - Art of Noise - 5th Marathon (Last three - 3:20, 3:15, 3:10)!
    3:09:59 - Diggy78 - 5th Marathon
    3:09:59 - Corkrunner71 - 12th Marathon
    3:14:30 - Krusty_Clown - Sub 3:15 pacer - lots of marathons
    3:14:xx - condo131 - 21st Marathon (but running sh*te at the mo')
    3:14:59 - Potsy11 - 6th Marathon
    3:14:xx - EC1000 - 3rd Marathon (1st one in 5 years and 50/50 if I'll make the start line - piriformis/sacroiliac joint issues)
    3:14:xx - Kone - 4th Marathon
    3:14:xx - jahaco - 36th Marathon (looking forward to meeting Krusty_Clown and trying to qualify for London 2013)

    Sub 3:30
    3:19:59 - Floyd333 - 1st Marathon
    3:20:00 - Aficionado - 2nd Marathon
    3:20:00 - L&P - 3rd Marathon
    3:22:00 - wfdrun - 4th Marathon
    3:24:00 - Bigdreams - 5th Marathon
    3:25:00 - EMPM - 1st Marathon
    3:25:59 - BrokenMan - 3rd Marathon
    3:26:42 - Der Nipper 3rd Marathon (exact time closer to date)
    3:28:00 - Mr Slow - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:00 - ItsAllTrue - 2nd Marathon
    3:29:30 - snailsong - 1st marathon
    3:29:30 - TFBubendorfer - (pacer) 22nd marathon
    3.29.30 - Liamo123 - ( pacer ) 9th marathon ( presuming I get 2 Berlin in one piece )
    3:29:30 - neilc - will be 4th marathon
    3:29:59 - RayCun - 3.29.12:D
    3:29:59 - Tipp man running - 5th marathon
    3:29:59 - AverageRunner - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:59 - Ray von - 1st Marathon
    3:29:59 - paulb79 - 2nd marathon
    3.29.59 - marathonm@n - 6th marathon
    3.29.59 - Dundalk - 2nd marathon
    3:29:59 - Spanx - 1st marathon
    3:29:59 - Mr Marenghi - 4th marathon (2nd marathon with proper, full, injury free training)
    3:29:58 - James Howlett - 2nd Marathon

    Sub 3:45
    3:37:59 - marthastew- 7th Marathon
    3:39:59 - MaxPower131 - 2nd Marathon
    3:40:00 - guysmiley - 2nd Marathon (1st was last May in Stockholm at 3:49)
    3:42:00 - Sharktale
    3:43:07 - BobbyB - 1st Marathon
    3.43.59 -aigster -10th marathon
    3:44:59 - steviecakes - 2nd Marathon
    3:44:30 - Macanri - (Pacer) not as many marathons as the other pacers!
    3:44:30 - Brianderunner (Pacer)
    3:44:30 - shotgunmcos (Pacer) - 10th Marathon, 3rd time pacing DCM
    3:45:00 suseoh 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - antomagoo 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - Concerned2 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - 28064212 - 1st Marathon
    3:45:00 - Kinbe 1st Marathon
    3:44:59 - digger, 3rd Marathon
    3:44:59 - Shell to Run, 3rd Marathon

    Sub 4:00
    3.49.59 - Dullahan2 1st marathon
    3.50.00 - Van.Bosch - 2nd Marathon
    3.50.00 - Digijem - 2nd Marathon
    3.50:00 - Vagga 1st marathon - Changed this ages ago but it got reset. Post 4 week layoff, dropping goal a bit to be realisitc
    3.55.59 - i008787 - 9th Marathon
    3.57.30 - dazed+confused 1st Marathon
    3:57:59 - Conseng - 1st marathon
    3:58:29 - hawkwing - 4th marathon (4th DCM)
    3:59:30 - menoscemo - (pacer) 11th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Oisin11178 - (pacer) 35th marathon
    3:59:30 - christeb - (pacer) 5th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Jackyback - (pacer) 6th Marathon (1 IM mara)
    3:59:30 - Jim0 - 2nd Marathon (narrowly missed 4:00 in Berlin 2011; seeking revenge)
    3:59:30 - Neverhappy, 1st Marathon, sprint to finish if i can walk !!!
    3.59.59 - PDCAT - 1st Marathon
    3.59.59 - lahaine, first marathon, eye of the tiger baby!
    3.59.59 - iMac Hunt 3rd marathon
    3.59.59 - mfdc 2nd marathon
    3.59.59 - BobMac104 1st Marathon ( 4.15 is prob more realistic but sub 4 is the goal)
    3.59.59 - Cabaal 2nd marathon (Same target but ran into issues during Cork Marathon in June)
    3:59:59 - Tinydave (hopfully the i get some tailwind)
    3:59:59 - IMKNACKERED 2nd attempted marathon
    3:59:59 - Dev123 2nd marathon
    3:59:59 - liamog - 1st Marathon, going to run with the pacers for the first 20.
    3:59:59 - D Chief - 4:15:16 (Beidh lá eile)
    3:59:59 - Red face Dave, 1st Marathon

    Sub 4:30
    4:14:30 Runningcoach - (pacer) - 46th marathon
    4:14:29 kandikane (pacer)-10th marathon
    4:14:59 Smoochie06 - 1st Marathon
    4:15:00 grasscutter - 4th Marathon
    4.14.02 - tec diver, 2nd marathon, Connemara was my first!
    4:29:30 Izoard - (pacer) 14th standalone + 2 Ironman marathons....
    4;29:59 Younganne 2nd Marathon
    4:29:59 Micilín Muc 2nd marathon (first one I trained properly for!)
    4.29.59 subscriber 1st marathon (was hoping to go sub 4, too much time out on injury means that wont be happening)
    4.29.59 OldieWilson 1st marathon (was also hoping to do sub 4, but too much time out injured)
    4.29.59 Ontheditch2 1st marathon
    4.29.59 run44 - 1st marathon - 4:21:29
    4.29.59 RE*AC*TOR 1st marathon
    4.29.59 Wally Runs (pacer) - some
    4:29:45 (pacer) Ultraman1-a few.
    4:29:59 razor12345 - 1st Marathon

    Sub 5:00
    4:59:30 ger664 - (pacer) 6th Marathon
    4:40:00 CramCycle

    Just Finish
    hoping to finish in 5:15 -diddleyland 3rd marathon
    Just Finish - foxyboxer - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish- Kit3- 1st marathon
    Just Finish- JJJJNR - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish -Pilot1087 - 1st Marathon (decided to go for it)
    Just Finish - Elvis Jones - 1st Marathon and have had problems along the way. No injuries, just messy problems. But i'll finish if i have to craw
    Just Finish- Hunnymonster 51st Marathon
    Just Finish - Mr Abbey - 1st Marathon

    My time got deleted, just putting it back in!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    First marathon. There will be more.

    3.59.22, delighted to break the 4 hours. Loved it. Would love to go back and savour the crowd a bit more. Does anyone go around and tell these neighbourhoods how much it is appreciated by the runners? Remember one guy in Terenure running beside me so I wouldn't have to break stride while I took all his jellies, kids high fiving, parents handing out homemade flapjacks, all the banners and screamed encouragement, the crowd willing you up Heartbreak Hill. It's a wonderful wonderful side of Dublin that you just don't get to hear about. I don't want to get too ott, but for a country whose image has taken a bit if a battering recently, when I think of all the runners from overseas yesterday, how they would have seen a side of this country that we had almost forgotten, our welcome, it really does make me proud. To those who lined the route, take a bow, it's deserved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 48 spanx

    4 stars (good)
    Sub 2:35
    Tunguska - 4th marathon
    emerald007 - 10th marathon

    Sub 2:45
    2:44.59 - Pablo T
    2.36.00 devotional1993
    2:44:59 - n-dawg - 3rd marathon

    Sub 3:00
    2:49:xx - Gringo78 - 3rd Marathon
    2:51.xx - Racman - 10th Marathon (30th anniversary of first one)
    2:54:59 - brownian - 5th Marathon
    2:55.30 - RunForestRun - 12th Marathon
    2:56:00- Dr. Quirky
    2:59.59 - Lex Luther - 9th Marathon
    2:59:30 - Fazz - 1st Marathon (aiming high!)
    2:59:30 - haggis_mccloud - 1st Marathon (also aiming high)
    2:59:30 - TheRoadRunner - sub 3hr Pacer & looking forward to it
    2:59.29 - 7mile- 7th Marathon
    2:59.59 - Earlyevening 6th marathon
    2:59.59 - Slogger Jogger Twenty somethingth marathon. 8th Dublin.
    2:59.59 - NeedsTraining - 7th marathon (aiming high, legs feel now) *
    2:59.59 - Wideball - 6th marathon

    Sub 3:15
    3:05:59 - Art of Noise - 5th Marathon (Last three - 3:20, 3:15, 3:10)!
    3:09:59 - Diggy78 - 5th Marathon
    3:09:59 - Corkrunner71 - 12th Marathon
    3:14:30 - Krusty_Clown - Sub 3:15 pacer - lots of marathons
    3:14:xx - condo131 - 21st Marathon (but running sh*te at the mo')
    3:14:59 - Potsy11 - 6th Marathon
    3:14:xx - EC1000 - 3rd Marathon (1st one in 5 years and 50/50 if I'll make the start line - piriformis/sacroiliac joint issues)
    3:14:xx - Kone - 4th Marathon
    3:14:xx - jahaco - 36th Marathon (looking forward to meeting Krusty_Clown and trying to qualify for London 2013)

    Sub 3:30
    3:19:59 - Floyd333 - 1st Marathon
    3:20:00 - Aficionado - 2nd Marathon
    3:20:00 - L&P - 3rd Marathon
    3:22:00 - wfdrun - 4th Marathon
    3:24:00 - Bigdreams - 5th Marathon
    3:25:00 - EMPM - 1st Marathon
    3:25:59 - BrokenMan - 3rd Marathon
    3:26:42 - Der Nipper 3rd Marathon (exact time closer to date)
    3:28:00 - Mr Slow - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:00 - ItsAllTrue - 2nd Marathon
    3:29:30 - snailsong - 1st marathon
    3:29:30 - TFBubendorfer - (pacer) 22nd marathon
    3.29.30 - Liamo123 - ( pacer ) 9th marathon ( presuming I get 2 Berlin in one piece )
    3:29:30 - neilc - will be 4th marathon
    3:29:59 - RayCun - 3.29.12:D
    3:29:59 - Tipp man running - 5th marathon
    3:29:59 - AverageRunner - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:59 - Ray von - 1st Marathon
    3:29:59 - paulb79 - 2nd marathon
    3.29.59 - marathonm@n - 6th marathon
    3.29.59 - Dundalk - 2nd marathon
    3:29:59 - Spanx - 1st marathon 3.28.58:D
    3:29:59 - Mr Marenghi - 4th marathon (2nd marathon with proper, full, injury free training)
    3:29:58 - James Howlett - 2nd Marathon

    Sub 3:45
    3:37:59 - marthastew- 7th Marathon
    3:39:59 - MaxPower131 - 2nd Marathon
    3:40:00 - guysmiley - 2nd Marathon (1st was last May in Stockholm at 3:49)
    3:42:00 - Sharktale
    3:43:07 - BobbyB - 1st Marathon
    3.43.59 -aigster -10th marathon
    3:44:59 - steviecakes - 2nd Marathon
    3:44:30 - Macanri - (Pacer) not as many marathons as the other pacers!
    3:44:30 - Brianderunner (Pacer)
    3:44:30 - shotgunmcos (Pacer) - 10th Marathon, 3rd time pacing DCM
    3:45:00 suseoh 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - antomagoo 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - Concerned2 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - 28064212 - 1st Marathon
    3:45:00 - Kinbe 1st Marathon
    3:44:59 - digger, 3rd Marathon
    3:44:59 - Shell to Run, 3rd Marathon

    Sub 4:00
    3.49.59 - Dullahan2 1st marathon
    3.50.00 - Van.Bosch - 2nd Marathon
    3.50.00 - Digijem - 2nd Marathon
    3.50:00 - Vagga 1st marathon - Changed this ages ago but it got reset. Post 4 week layoff, dropping goal a bit to be realisitc
    3.55.59 - i008787 - 9th Marathon
    3.57.30 - dazed+confused 1st Marathon
    3:57:59 - Conseng - 1st marathon
    3:58:29 - hawkwing - 4th marathon (4th DCM)
    3:59:30 - menoscemo - (pacer) 11th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Oisin11178 - (pacer) 35th marathon
    3:59:30 - christeb - (pacer) 5th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Jackyback - (pacer) 6th Marathon (1 IM mara)
    3:59:30 - Jim0 - 2nd Marathon (narrowly missed 4:00 in Berlin 2011; seeking revenge)
    3:59:30 - Neverhappy, 1st Marathon, sprint to finish if i can walk !!!
    3.59.59 - PDCAT - 1st Marathon
    3.59.59 - lahaine, first marathon, eye of the tiger baby!
    3.59.59 - iMac Hunt 3rd marathon
    3.59.59 - mfdc 2nd marathon
    3.59.59 - BobMac104 1st Marathon ( 4.15 is prob more realistic but sub 4 is the goal)
    3.59.59 - Cabaal 2nd marathon (Same target but ran into issues during Cork Marathon in June)
    3:59:59 - Tinydave (hopfully the i get some tailwind)
    3:59:59 - IMKNACKERED 2nd attempted marathon
    3:59:59 - Dev123 2nd marathon
    3:59:59 - liamog - 1st Marathon, going to run with the pacers for the first 20.
    3:59:59 - D Chief - 4:15:16 (Beidh lá eile)
    3:59:59 - Red face Dave, 1st Marathon

    Sub 4:30
    4:14:30 Runningcoach - (pacer) - 46th marathon
    4:14:29 kandikane (pacer)-10th marathon
    4:14:59 Smoochie06 - 1st Marathon
    4:15:00 grasscutter - 4th Marathon
    4.14.02 - tec diver, 2nd marathon, Connemara was my first!
    4:29:30 Izoard - (pacer) 14th standalone + 2 Ironman marathons....
    4;29:59 Younganne 2nd Marathon
    4:29:59 Micilín Muc 2nd marathon (first one I trained properly for!)
    4.29.59 subscriber 1st marathon (was hoping to go sub 4, too much time out on injury means that wont be happening)
    4.29.59 OldieWilson 1st marathon (was also hoping to do sub 4, but too much time out injured)
    4.29.59 Ontheditch2 1st marathon
    4.29.59 run44 - 1st marathon - 4:21:29
    4.29.59 RE*AC*TOR 1st marathon
    4.29.59 Wally Runs (pacer) - some
    4:29:45 (pacer) Ultraman1-a few.
    4:29:59 razor12345 - 1st Marathon

    Sub 5:00
    4:59:30 ger664 - (pacer) 6th Marathon
    4:40:00 CramCycle

    Just Finish
    hoping to finish in 5:15 -diddleyland 3rd marathon
    Just Finish - foxyboxer - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish- Kit3- 1st marathon
    Just Finish- JJJJNR - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish -Pilot1087 - 1st Marathon (decided to go for it)
    Just Finish - Elvis Jones - 1st Marathon and have had problems along the way. No injuries, just messy problems. But i'll finish if i have to craw
    Just Finish- Hunnymonster 51st Marathon
    Just Finish - Mr Abbey - 1st Marathon

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  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭marathonm@n

    You did all the running entirely yourself; congratulations, I'm delighted for you. The help we provided was only a small part, the rest was up to you. Well Done!

    Thanks again. I don't think you have any idea how much it helped. You guys and the balloons became my focus. Distracted me that tiny bit from all my tiredness. I needed something to block out the pain. It was incredible. All I could think about was keeping focused on the balloons. I had absolutely nothing left until you guys gave me a renewed focus.
    I would love to buy you all a pint some day because the feeling I have since it is something that will stay with me forever. I beat my target time by 11 secs so thank you for getting me there. I tried to go and thank you all but I couldn't go any further when I finished and you were gone when I started moving again. I barely remember the finish as I thought I was going to pass out.

    The help you provided was MASSIVE. THANK YOU

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,608 ✭✭✭donothoponpop

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,842 ✭✭✭Micilin Muc

    3 stars (average)
    Sub 2:35
    Tunguska - 4th marathon
    emerald007 - 10th marathon

    Sub 2:45
    2:44.59 - Pablo T
    2.36.00 devotional1993
    2:44:59 - n-dawg - 3rd marathon

    Sub 3:00
    2:49:xx - Gringo78 - 3rd Marathon
    2:51.xx - Racman - 10th Marathon (30th anniversary of first one)
    2:54:59 - brownian - 5th Marathon
    2:55.30 - RunForestRun - 12th Marathon
    2:56:00- Dr. Quirky
    2:59.59 - Lex Luther - 9th Marathon
    2:59:30 - Fazz - 1st Marathon (aiming high!)
    2:59:30 - haggis_mccloud - 1st Marathon (also aiming high)
    2:59:30 - TheRoadRunner - sub 3hr Pacer & looking forward to it
    2:59.29 - 7mile- 7th Marathon
    2:59.59 - Earlyevening 6th marathon
    2:59.59 - Slogger Jogger Twenty somethingth marathon. 8th Dublin.
    2:59.59 - NeedsTraining - 7th marathon (aiming high, legs feel now) *
    2:59.59 - Wideball - 6th marathon

    Sub 3:15
    3:05:59 - Art of Noise - 5th Marathon (Last three - 3:20, 3:15, 3:10)!
    3:09:59 - Diggy78 - 5th Marathon
    3:09:59 - Corkrunner71 - 12th Marathon
    3:14:30 - Krusty_Clown - Sub 3:15 pacer - lots of marathons
    3:14:xx - condo131 - 21st Marathon (but running sh*te at the mo')
    3:14:59 - Potsy11 - 6th Marathon
    3:14:xx - EC1000 - 3rd Marathon (1st one in 5 years and 50/50 if I'll make the start line - piriformis/sacroiliac joint issues)
    3:14:xx - Kone - 4th Marathon
    3:14:xx - jahaco - 36th Marathon (looking forward to meeting Krusty_Clown and trying to qualify for London 2013)

    Sub 3:30
    3:19:59 - Floyd333 - 1st Marathon
    3:20:00 - Aficionado - 2nd Marathon
    3:20:00 - L&P - 3rd Marathon
    3:22:00 - wfdrun - 4th Marathon
    3:24:00 - Bigdreams - 5th Marathon
    3:25:00 - EMPM - 1st Marathon
    3:25:59 - BrokenMan - 3rd Marathon
    3:26:42 - Der Nipper 3rd Marathon (exact time closer to date)
    3:28:00 - Mr Slow - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:00 - ItsAllTrue - 2nd Marathon
    3:29:30 - snailsong - 1st marathon
    3:29:30 - TFBubendorfer - (pacer) 22nd marathon
    3.29.30 - Liamo123 - ( pacer ) 9th marathon ( presuming I get 2 Berlin in one piece )
    3:29:30 - neilc - will be 4th marathon
    3:29:59 - RayCun - 3.29.12:D
    3:29:59 - Tipp man running - 5th marathon
    3:29:59 - AverageRunner - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:59 - Ray von - 1st Marathon
    3:29:59 - paulb79 - 2nd marathon
    3.29.59 - marathonm@n - 6th marathon
    3.29.59 - Dundalk - 2nd marathon
    3:29:59 - Spanx - 1st marathon 3.28.58:D
    3:29:59 - Mr Marenghi - 4th marathon (2nd marathon with proper, full, injury free training)
    3:29:58 - James Howlett - 2nd Marathon

    Sub 3:45
    3:37:59 - marthastew- 7th Marathon
    3:39:59 - MaxPower131 - 2nd Marathon
    3:40:00 - guysmiley - 2nd Marathon (1st was last May in Stockholm at 3:49)
    3:42:00 - Sharktale
    3:43:07 - BobbyB - 1st Marathon
    3.43.59 -aigster -10th marathon
    3:44:59 - steviecakes - 2nd Marathon
    3:44:30 - Macanri - (Pacer) not as many marathons as the other pacers!
    3:44:30 - Brianderunner (Pacer)
    3:44:30 - shotgunmcos (Pacer) - 10th Marathon, 3rd time pacing DCM
    3:45:00 suseoh 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - antomagoo 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - Concerned2 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - 28064212 - 1st Marathon
    3:45:00 - Kinbe 1st Marathon
    3:44:59 - digger, 3rd Marathon
    3:44:59 - Shell to Run, 3rd Marathon

    Sub 4:00
    3.49.59 - Dullahan2 1st marathon
    3.50.00 - Van.Bosch - 2nd Marathon
    3.50.00 - Digijem - 2nd Marathon
    3.50:00 - Vagga 1st marathon - Changed this ages ago but it got reset. Post 4 week layoff, dropping goal a bit to be realisitc
    3.55.59 - i008787 - 9th Marathon
    3.57.30 - dazed+confused 1st Marathon
    3:57:59 - Conseng - 1st marathon
    3:58:29 - hawkwing - 4th marathon (4th DCM)
    3:59:30 - menoscemo - (pacer) 11th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Oisin11178 - (pacer) 35th marathon
    3:59:30 - christeb - (pacer) 5th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Jackyback - (pacer) 6th Marathon (1 IM mara)
    3:59:30 - Jim0 - 2nd Marathon (narrowly missed 4:00 in Berlin 2011; seeking revenge)
    3:59:30 - Neverhappy, 1st Marathon, sprint to finish if i can walk !!!
    3.59.59 - PDCAT - 1st Marathon
    3.59.59 - lahaine, first marathon, eye of the tiger baby!
    3.59.59 - iMac Hunt 3rd marathon
    3.59.59 - mfdc 2nd marathon
    3.59.59 - BobMac104 1st Marathon ( 4.15 is prob more realistic but sub 4 is the goal)
    3.59.59 - Cabaal 2nd marathon (Same target but ran into issues during Cork Marathon in June)
    3:59:59 - Tinydave (hopfully the i get some tailwind)
    3:59:59 - IMKNACKERED 2nd attempted marathon
    3:59:59 - Dev123 2nd marathon
    3:59:59 - liamog - 1st Marathon, going to run with the pacers for the first 20.
    3:59:59 - D Chief - 4:15:16 (Beidh lá eile)
    3:59:59 - Red face Dave, 1st Marathon

    Sub 4:30
    4:14:30 Runningcoach - (pacer) - 46th marathon
    4:14:29 kandikane (pacer)-10th marathon
    4:14:59 Smoochie06 - 1st Marathon
    4:15:00 grasscutter - 4th Marathon
    4.14.02 - tec diver, 2nd marathon, Connemara was my first!
    4:29:30 Izoard - (pacer) 14th standalone + 2 Ironman marathons....
    4;29:59 Younganne 2nd Marathon
    4:29:59 Micilín Muc 2nd marathon (first one I trained properly for!) - 4:42:04
    4.29.59 subscriber 1st marathon (was hoping to go sub 4, too much time out on injury means that wont be happening)
    4.29.59 OldieWilson 1st marathon (was also hoping to do sub 4, but too much time out injured)
    4.29.59 Ontheditch2 1st marathon
    4.29.59 run44 - 1st marathon - 4:21:29
    4.29.59 RE*AC*TOR 1st marathon
    4.29.59 Wally Runs (pacer) - some
    4:29:45 (pacer) Ultraman1-a few.
    4:29:59 razor12345 - 1st Marathon

    Sub 5:00
    4:59:30 ger664 - (pacer) 6th Marathon
    4:40:00 CramCycle

    Just Finish
    hoping to finish in 5:15 -diddleyland 3rd marathon
    Just Finish - foxyboxer - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish- Kit3- 1st marathon
    Just Finish- JJJJNR - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish -Pilot1087 - 1st Marathon (decided to go for it)
    Just Finish - Elvis Jones - 1st Marathon and have had problems along the way. No injuries, just messy problems. But i'll finish if i have to craw
    Just Finish- Hunnymonster 51st Marathon
    Just Finish - Mr Abbey - 1st Marathon

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,330 ✭✭✭earlyevening

    Sub 2:35
    Tunguska - 4th marathon
    emerald007 - 10th marathon

    Sub 2:45
    2:44.59 - Pablo T
    2.36.00 devotional1993
    2:44:59 - n-dawg - 3rd marathon

    Sub 3:00
    2:49:xx - Gringo78 - 3rd Marathon
    2:51.xx - Racman - 10th Marathon (30th anniversary of first one)
    2:54:59 - brownian - 5th Marathon
    2:55.30 - RunForestRun - 12th Marathon
    2:56:00- Dr. Quirky
    2:59.59 - Lex Luther - 9th Marathon
    2:59:30 - Fazz - 1st Marathon (aiming high!)
    2:59:30 - haggis_mccloud - 1st Marathon (also aiming high)
    2:59:30 - TheRoadRunner - sub 3hr Pacer & looking forward to it
    2:59.29 - 7mile- 7th Marathon
    2:59.59 - Earlyevening 6th marathon 2:58,13:D
    2:59.59 - Slogger Jogger Twenty somethingth marathon. 8th Dublin.
    2:59.59 - NeedsTraining - 7th marathon (aiming high, legs feel now) *
    2:59.59 - Wideball - 6th marathon

    Sub 3:15
    3:05:59 - Art of Noise - 5th Marathon (Last three - 3:20, 3:15, 3:10)!
    3:09:59 - Diggy78 - 5th Marathon
    3:09:59 - Corkrunner71 - 12th Marathon
    3:14:30 - Krusty_Clown - Sub 3:15 pacer - lots of marathons
    3:14:xx - condo131 - 21st Marathon (but running sh*te at the mo')
    3:14:59 - Potsy11 - 6th Marathon
    3:14:xx - EC1000 - 3rd Marathon (1st one in 5 years and 50/50 if I'll make the start line - piriformis/sacroiliac joint issues)
    3:14:xx - Kone - 4th Marathon
    3:14:xx - jahaco - 36th Marathon (looking forward to meeting Krusty_Clown and trying to qualify for London 2013)

    Sub 3:30
    3:19:59 - Floyd333 - 1st Marathon
    3:20:00 - Aficionado - 2nd Marathon
    3:20:00 - L&P - 3rd Marathon
    3:22:00 - wfdrun - 4th Marathon
    3:24:00 - Bigdreams - 5th Marathon
    3:25:00 - EMPM - 1st Marathon
    3:25:59 - BrokenMan - 3rd Marathon
    3:26:42 - Der Nipper 3rd Marathon (exact time closer to date)
    3:28:00 - Mr Slow - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:00 - ItsAllTrue - 2nd Marathon
    3:29:30 - snailsong - 1st marathon
    3:29:30 - TFBubendorfer - (pacer) 22nd marathon
    3.29.30 - Liamo123 - ( pacer ) 9th marathon ( presuming I get 2 Berlin in one piece )
    3:29:30 - neilc - will be 4th marathon
    3:29:59 - RayCun - 3.29.12:D
    3:29:59 - Tipp man running - 5th marathon
    3:29:59 - AverageRunner - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:59 - Ray von - 1st Marathon
    3:29:59 - paulb79 - 2nd marathon
    3.29.59 - marathonm@n - 6th marathon
    3.29.59 - Dundalk - 2nd marathon
    3:29:59 - Spanx - 1st marathon 3.28.58:D
    3:29:59 - Mr Marenghi - 4th marathon (2nd marathon with proper, full, injury free training)
    3:29:58 - James Howlett - 2nd Marathon

    Sub 3:45
    3:37:59 - marthastew- 7th Marathon
    3:39:59 - MaxPower131 - 2nd Marathon
    3:40:00 - guysmiley - 2nd Marathon (1st was last May in Stockholm at 3:49)
    3:42:00 - Sharktale
    3:43:07 - BobbyB - 1st Marathon
    3.43.59 -aigster -10th marathon
    3:44:59 - steviecakes - 2nd Marathon
    3:44:30 - Macanri - (Pacer) not as many marathons as the other pacers!
    3:44:30 - Brianderunner (Pacer)
    3:44:30 - shotgunmcos (Pacer) - 10th Marathon, 3rd time pacing DCM
    3:45:00 suseoh 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - antomagoo 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - Concerned2 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - 28064212 - 1st Marathon
    3:45:00 - Kinbe 1st Marathon
    3:44:59 - digger, 3rd Marathon
    3:44:59 - Shell to Run, 3rd Marathon

    Sub 4:00
    3.49.59 - Dullahan2 1st marathon
    3.50.00 - Van.Bosch - 2nd Marathon
    3.50.00 - Digijem - 2nd Marathon
    3.50:00 - Vagga 1st marathon - Changed this ages ago but it got reset. Post 4 week layoff, dropping goal a bit to be realisitc
    3.55.59 - i008787 - 9th Marathon
    3.57.30 - dazed+confused 1st Marathon
    3:57:59 - Conseng - 1st marathon
    3:58:29 - hawkwing - 4th marathon (4th DCM)
    3:59:30 - menoscemo - (pacer) 11th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Oisin11178 - (pacer) 35th marathon
    3:59:30 - christeb - (pacer) 5th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Jackyback - (pacer) 6th Marathon (1 IM mara)
    3:59:30 - Jim0 - 2nd Marathon (narrowly missed 4:00 in Berlin 2011; seeking revenge)
    3:59:30 - Neverhappy, 1st Marathon, sprint to finish if i can walk !!!
    3.59.59 - PDCAT - 1st Marathon
    3.59.59 - lahaine, first marathon, eye of the tiger baby!
    3.59.59 - iMac Hunt 3rd marathon
    3.59.59 - mfdc 2nd marathon
    3.59.59 - BobMac104 1st Marathon ( 4.15 is prob more realistic but sub 4 is the goal)
    3.59.59 - Cabaal 2nd marathon (Same target but ran into issues during Cork Marathon in June)
    3:59:59 - Tinydave (hopfully the i get some tailwind)
    3:59:59 - IMKNACKERED 2nd attempted marathon
    3:59:59 - Dev123 2nd marathon
    3:59:59 - liamog - 1st Marathon, going to run with the pacers for the first 20.
    3:59:59 - D Chief - 4:15:16 (Beidh lá eile)
    3:59:59 - Red face Dave, 1st Marathon

    Sub 4:30
    4:14:30 Runningcoach - (pacer) - 46th marathon
    4:14:29 kandikane (pacer)-10th marathon
    4:14:59 Smoochie06 - 1st Marathon
    4:15:00 grasscutter - 4th Marathon
    4.14.02 - tec diver, 2nd marathon, Connemara was my first!
    4:29:30 Izoard - (pacer) 14th standalone + 2 Ironman marathons....
    4;29:59 Younganne 2nd Marathon
    4:29:59 Micilín Muc 2nd marathon (first one I trained properly for!)
    4.29.59 subscriber 1st marathon (was hoping to go sub 4, too much time out on injury means that wont be happening)
    4.29.59 OldieWilson 1st marathon (was also hoping to do sub 4, but too much time out injured)
    4.29.59 Ontheditch2 1st marathon
    4.29.59 run44 - 1st marathon - 4:21:29
    4.29.59 RE*AC*TOR 1st marathon
    4.29.59 Wally Runs (pacer) - some
    4:29:45 (pacer) Ultraman1-a few.
    4:29:59 razor12345 - 1st Marathon

    Sub 5:00
    4:59:30 ger664 - (pacer) 6th Marathon
    4:40:00 CramCycle

    Just Finish
    hoping to finish in 5:15 -diddleyland 3rd marathon
    Just Finish - foxyboxer - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish- Kit3- 1st marathon
    Just Finish- JJJJNR - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish -Pilot1087 - 1st Marathon (decided to go for it)
    Just Finish - Elvis Jones - 1st Marathon and have had problems along the way. No injuries, just messy problems. But i'll finish if i have to craw
    Just Finish- Hunnymonster 51st Marathon
    Just Finish - Mr Abbey - 1st Marathon

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 28 suseoh

    run44 wrote: »
    Sub 2:35
    Tunguska - 4th marathon
    emerald007 - 10th marathon

    Sub 2:45
    2:44.59 - Pablo T
    2.36.00 devotional1993
    2:44:59 - n-dawg - 3rd marathon

    Sub 3:00
    2:49:xx - Gringo78 - 3rd Marathon
    2:51.xx - Racman - 10th Marathon (30th anniversary of first one)
    2:54:59 - brownian - 5th Marathon
    2:55.30 - RunForestRun - 12th Marathon
    2:56:00- Dr. Quirky
    2:59.59 - Lex Luther - 9th Marathon
    2:59:30 - Fazz - 1st Marathon (aiming high!)
    2:59:30 - haggis_mccloud - 1st Marathon (also aiming high)
    2:59:30 - TheRoadRunner - sub 3hr Pacer & looking forward to it
    2:59.29 - 7mile- 7th Marathon
    2:59.59 - Earlyevening 6th marathon
    2:59.59 - Slogger Jogger Twenty somethingth marathon. 8th Dublin.
    2:59.59 - NeedsTraining - 7th marathon (aiming high, legs feel now) *
    2:59.59 - Wideball - 6th marathon

    Sub 3:15
    3:05:59 - Art of Noise - 5th Marathon (Last three - 3:20, 3:15, 3:10)!
    3:09:59 - Diggy78 - 5th Marathon
    3:09:59 - Corkrunner71 - 12th Marathon
    3:14:30 - Krusty_Clown - Sub 3:15 pacer - lots of marathons
    3:14:xx - condo131 - 21st Marathon (but running sh*te at the mo')
    3:14:59 - Potsy11 - 6th Marathon
    3:14:xx - EC1000 - 3rd Marathon (1st one in 5 years and 50/50 if I'll make the start line - piriformis/sacroiliac joint issues)
    3:14:xx - Kone - 4th Marathon
    3:14:xx - jahaco - 36th Marathon (looking forward to meeting Krusty_Clown and trying to qualify for London 2013)

    Sub 3:30
    3:19:59 - Floyd333 - 1st Marathon
    3:20:00 - Aficionado - 2nd Marathon
    3:20:00 - L&P - 3rd Marathon
    3:22:00 - wfdrun - 4th Marathon
    3:24:00 - Bigdreams - 5th Marathon
    3:25:00 - EMPM - 1st Marathon
    3:25:59 - BrokenMan - 3rd Marathon
    3:26:42 - Der Nipper 3rd Marathon (exact time closer to date)
    3:28:00 - Mr Slow - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:00 - ItsAllTrue - 2nd Marathon
    3:29:30 - snailsong - 1st marathon
    3:29:30 - TFBubendorfer - (pacer) 22nd marathon
    3.29.30 - Liamo123 - ( pacer ) 9th marathon ( presuming I get 2 Berlin in one piece )
    3:29:30 - neilc - will be 4th marathon
    3:29:59 - RayCun - 3.29.12:D
    3:29:59 - Tipp man running - 5th marathon
    3:29:59 - AverageRunner - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:59 - Ray von - 1st Marathon
    3:29:59 - paulb79 - 2nd marathon
    3.29.59 - marathonm@n - 6th marathon
    3.29.59 - Dundalk - 2nd marathon
    3:29:59 - Spanx - 1st marathon
    3:29:59 - Mr Marenghi - 4th marathon (2nd marathon with proper, full, injury free training)
    3:29:58 - James Howlett - 2nd Marathon

    Sub 3:45
    3:37:59 - marthastew- 7th Marathon
    3:39:59 - MaxPower131 - 2nd Marathon
    3:40:00 - guysmiley - 2nd Marathon (1st was last May in Stockholm at 3:49)
    3:42:00 - Sharktale
    3:43:07 - BobbyB - 1st Marathon
    3.43.59 -aigster -10th marathon
    3:44:59 - steviecakes - 2nd Marathon
    3:44:30 - Macanri - (Pacer) not as many marathons as the other pacers!
    3:44:30 - Brianderunner (Pacer)
    3:44:30 - shotgunmcos (Pacer) - 10th Marathon, 3rd time pacing DCM
    3:45:00 suseoh 1st marathon 3:42:39 ;) so happy!
    3:45:00 - antomagoo 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - Concerned2 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - 28064212 - 1st Marathon
    3:45:00 - Kinbe 1st Marathon
    3:44:59 - digger, 3rd Marathon
    3:44:59 - Shell to Run, 3rd Marathon

    Sub 4:00
    3.49.59 - Dullahan2 1st marathon
    3.50.00 - Van.Bosch - 2nd Marathon
    3.50.00 - Digijem - 2nd Marathon
    3.50:00 - Vagga 1st marathon - Changed this ages ago but it got reset. Post 4 week layoff, dropping goal a bit to be realisitc
    3.55.59 - i008787 - 9th Marathon
    3.57.30 - dazed+confused 1st Marathon
    3:57:59 - Conseng - 1st marathon
    3:58:29 - hawkwing - 4th marathon (4th DCM)
    3:59:30 - menoscemo - (pacer) 11th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Oisin11178 - (pacer) 35th marathon
    3:59:30 - christeb - (pacer) 5th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Jackyback - (pacer) 6th Marathon (1 IM mara)
    3:59:30 - Jim0 - 2nd Marathon (narrowly missed 4:00 in Berlin 2011; seeking revenge)
    3:59:30 - Neverhappy, 1st Marathon, sprint to finish if i can walk !!!
    3.59.59 - PDCAT - 1st Marathon
    3.59.59 - lahaine, first marathon, eye of the tiger baby!
    3.59.59 - iMac Hunt 3rd marathon
    3.59.59 - mfdc 2nd marathon
    3.59.59 - BobMac104 1st Marathon ( 4.15 is prob more realistic but sub 4 is the goal)
    3.59.59 - Cabaal 2nd marathon (Same target but ran into issues during Cork Marathon in June)
    3:59:59 - Tinydave (hopfully the i get some tailwind)
    3:59:59 - IMKNACKERED 2nd attempted marathon
    3:59:59 - Dev123 2nd marathon
    3:59:59 - liamog - 1st Marathon, going to run with the pacers for the first 20.
    3:59:59 - D Chief, 2nd Marathon
    3:59:59 - Red face Dave, 1st Marathon

    Sub 4:30
    4:14:30 Runningcoach - (pacer) - 46th marathon
    4:14:29 kandikane (pacer)-10th marathon
    4:14:59 Smoochie06 - 1st Marathon
    4:15:00 grasscutter - 4th Marathon
    4.14.02 - tec diver, 2nd marathon, Connemara was my first!
    4:29:30 Izoard - (pacer) 14th standalone + 2 Ironman marathons....
    4;29:59 Younganne 2nd Marathon
    4:29:59 Micilín Muc 2nd marathon (first one I trained properly for!)
    4.29.59 subscriber 1st marathon (was hoping to go sub 4, too much time out on injury means that wont be happening)
    4.29.59 OldieWilson 1st marathon (was also hoping to do sub 4, but too much time out injured)
    4.29.59 Ontheditch2 1st marathon
    4.29.59 run44 - 1st marathon - 4:21:29
    4.29.59 RE*AC*TOR 1st marathon
    4.29.59 Wally Runs (pacer) - some
    4:29:45 (pacer) Ultraman1-a few.
    4:29:59 razor12345 - 1st Marathon

    Sub 5:00
    4:59:30 ger664 - (pacer) 6th Marathon
    4:40:00 CramCycle

    Just Finish
    hoping to finish in 5:15 -diddleyland 3rd marathon
    Just Finish - foxyboxer - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish- Kit3- 1st marathon
    Just Finish- JJJJNR - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish -Pilot1087 - 1st Marathon (decided to go for it)
    Just Finish - Elvis Jones - 1st Marathon and have had problems along the way. No injuries, just messy problems. But i'll finish if i have to craw
    Just Finish- Hunnymonster 51st Marathon
    Just Finish - Mr Abbey - 1st Marathon
    Great day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 270 ✭✭Lex Luther

    Sub 2:35
    Tunguska - 4th marathon
    emerald007 - 10th marathon

    Sub 2:45
    2:44.59 - Pablo T
    2.36.00 devotional1993
    2:44:59 - n-dawg - 3rd marathon

    Sub 3:00
    2:49:xx - Gringo78 - 3rd Marathon
    2:51.xx - Racman - 10th Marathon (30th anniversary of first one)
    2:54:59 - brownian - 5th Marathon
    2:55.30 - RunForestRun - 12th Marathon
    2:56:00- Dr. Quirky
    2:59.59 - Lex Luther - 2.59.38 ( first time under 3):D:D:D:D9th Marathon
    2:59:30 - Fazz - 1st Marathon (aiming high!)
    2:59:30 - haggis_mccloud - 1st Marathon (also aiming high)
    2:59:30 - TheRoadRunner - sub 3hr Pacer & looking forward to it
    2:59.29 - 7mile- 7th Marathon
    2:59.59 - Earlyevening 6th marathon 2:58,13:D
    2:59.59 - Slogger Jogger Twenty somethingth marathon. 8th Dublin.
    2:59.59 - NeedsTraining - 7th marathon (aiming high, legs feel now) *
    2:59.59 - Wideball - 6th marathon

    Sub 3:15
    3:05:59 - Art of Noise - 5th Marathon (Last three - 3:20, 3:15, 3:10)!
    3:09:59 - Diggy78 - 5th Marathon
    3:09:59 - Corkrunner71 - 12th Marathon
    3:14:30 - Krusty_Clown - Sub 3:15 pacer - lots of marathons
    3:14:xx - condo131 - 21st Marathon (but running sh*te at the mo')
    3:14:59 - Potsy11 - 6th Marathon
    3:14:xx - EC1000 - 3rd Marathon (1st one in 5 years and 50/50 if I'll make the start line - piriformis/sacroiliac joint issues)
    3:14:xx - Kone - 4th Marathon
    3:14:xx - jahaco - 36th Marathon (looking forward to meeting Krusty_Clown and trying to qualify for London 2013)

    Sub 3:30
    3:19:59 - Floyd333 - 1st Marathon
    3:20:00 - Aficionado - 2nd Marathon
    3:20:00 - L&P - 3rd Marathon
    3:22:00 - wfdrun - 4th Marathon
    3:24:00 - Bigdreams - 5th Marathon
    3:25:00 - EMPM - 1st Marathon
    3:25:59 - BrokenMan - 3rd Marathon
    3:26:42 - Der Nipper 3rd Marathon (exact time closer to date)
    3:28:00 - Mr Slow - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:00 - ItsAllTrue - 2nd Marathon
    3:29:30 - snailsong - 1st marathon
    3:29:30 - TFBubendorfer - (pacer) 22nd marathon
    3.29.30 - Liamo123 - ( pacer ) 9th marathon ( presuming I get 2 Berlin in one piece )
    3:29:30 - neilc - will be 4th marathon
    3:29:59 - RayCun - 3.29.12:D
    3:29:59 - Tipp man running - 5th marathon
    3:29:59 - AverageRunner - 3rd Marathon
    3:29:59 - Ray von - 1st Marathon
    3:29:59 - paulb79 - 2nd marathon
    3.29.59 - marathonm@n - 6th marathon
    3.29.59 - Dundalk - 2nd marathon
    3:29:59 - Spanx - 1st marathon 3.28.58:D
    3:29:59 - Mr Marenghi - 4th marathon (2nd marathon with proper, full, injury free training)
    3:29:58 - James Howlett - 2nd Marathon

    Sub 3:45
    3:37:59 - marthastew- 7th Marathon
    3:39:59 - MaxPower131 - 2nd Marathon
    3:40:00 - guysmiley - 2nd Marathon (1st was last May in Stockholm at 3:49)
    3:42:00 - Sharktale
    3:43:07 - BobbyB - 1st Marathon
    3.43.59 -aigster -10th marathon
    3:44:59 - steviecakes - 2nd Marathon
    3:44:30 - Macanri - (Pacer) not as many marathons as the other pacers!
    3:44:30 - Brianderunner (Pacer)
    3:44:30 - shotgunmcos (Pacer) - 10th Marathon, 3rd time pacing DCM
    3:45:00 suseoh 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - antomagoo 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - Concerned2 1st marathon
    3:45:00 - 28064212 - 1st Marathon
    3:45:00 - Kinbe 1st Marathon
    3:44:59 - digger, 3rd Marathon
    3:44:59 - Shell to Run, 3rd Marathon

    Sub 4:00
    3.49.59 - Dullahan2 1st marathon
    3.50.00 - Van.Bosch - 2nd Marathon
    3.50.00 - Digijem - 2nd Marathon
    3.50:00 - Vagga 1st marathon - Changed this ages ago but it got reset. Post 4 week layoff, dropping goal a bit to be realisitc
    3.55.59 - i008787 - 9th Marathon
    3.57.30 - dazed+confused 1st Marathon
    3:57:59 - Conseng - 1st marathon
    3:58:29 - hawkwing - 4th marathon (4th DCM)
    3:59:30 - menoscemo - (pacer) 11th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Oisin11178 - (pacer) 35th marathon
    3:59:30 - christeb - (pacer) 5th Marathon
    3:59:30 - Jackyback - (pacer) 6th Marathon (1 IM mara)
    3:59:30 - Jim0 - 2nd Marathon (narrowly missed 4:00 in Berlin 2011; seeking revenge)
    3:59:30 - Neverhappy, 1st Marathon, sprint to finish if i can walk !!!
    3.59.59 - PDCAT - 1st Marathon
    3.59.59 - lahaine, first marathon, eye of the tiger baby!
    3.59.59 - iMac Hunt 3rd marathon
    3.59.59 - mfdc 2nd marathon
    3.59.59 - BobMac104 1st Marathon ( 4.15 is prob more realistic but sub 4 is the goal)
    3.59.59 - Cabaal 2nd marathon (Same target but ran into issues during Cork Marathon in June)
    3:59:59 - Tinydave (hopfully the i get some tailwind)
    3:59:59 - IMKNACKERED 2nd attempted marathon
    3:59:59 - Dev123 2nd marathon
    3:59:59 - liamog - 1st Marathon, going to run with the pacers for the first 20.
    3:59:59 - D Chief - 4:15:16 (Beidh lá eile)
    3:59:59 - Red face Dave, 1st Marathon

    Sub 4:30
    4:14:30 Runningcoach - (pacer) - 46th marathon
    4:14:29 kandikane (pacer)-10th marathon
    4:14:59 Smoochie06 - 1st Marathon
    4:15:00 grasscutter - 4th Marathon
    4.14.02 - tec diver, 2nd marathon, Connemara was my first!
    4:29:30 Izoard - (pacer) 14th standalone + 2 Ironman marathons....
    4;29:59 Younganne 2nd Marathon
    4:29:59 Micilín Muc 2nd marathon (first one I trained properly for!)
    4.29.59 subscriber 1st marathon (was hoping to go sub 4, too much time out on injury means that wont be happening)
    4.29.59 OldieWilson 1st marathon (was also hoping to do sub 4, but too much time out injured)
    4.29.59 Ontheditch2 1st marathon
    4.29.59 run44 - 1st marathon - 4:21:29
    4.29.59 RE*AC*TOR 1st marathon
    4.29.59 Wally Runs (pacer) - some
    4:29:45 (pacer) Ultraman1-a few.
    4:29:59 razor12345 - 1st Marathon

    Sub 5:00
    4:59:30 ger664 - (pacer) 6th Marathon
    4:40:00 CramCycle

    Just Finish
    hoping to finish in 5:15 -diddleyland 3rd marathon
    Just Finish - foxyboxer - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish- Kit3- 1st marathon
    Just Finish- JJJJNR - 1st Marathon
    Just Finish -Pilot1087 - 1st Marathon (decided to go for it)
    Just Finish - Elvis Jones - 1st Marathon and have had problems along the way. No injuries, just messy problems. But i'll finish if i have to craw
    Just Finish- Hunnymonster 51st Marathon
    Just Finish - Mr Abbey - 1st Marathon

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,983 ✭✭✭TheRoadRunner

    3 stars (average)
    Well done Lex Luther. There's a great pic of you on the DCM facebook page. You are on the finishing straight and look in pain :)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    4 stars (good)
    Well done Lex - missed you after. Delighted to see you nail it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 62 ✭✭DAVID AKA MACKY

    Well done to all that took part.Would dearly to love to see how i would do at the marathon distance,just need more strength.Did my first half marathon this year in 72mins which was ok so would be interesting to see how i would do.That dublin marathon course is no way as difficult as what my mum did years ago when they had to go out near the sugarloaf mountains.
    Disappointed for sean connelly,hopefully he can get the 2.15 time in his next marathon,he deserves it.The training he does is fantastic.For my clubmate brian maher he will be up there next time,a fantastic athlete that is going to do really really well at the distance.Top sportsman.

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭marathonm@n

    Does anybody know how to get your positon by chip time not finish time?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 341 ✭✭Diggy78

    3 stars (average)
    Well done to everyone who ran yesterday, seemed to be a tough race with the wind and rain. Managed to follow a few people from my club around and thought the crowds everywhere were fantastic, was more than a little jealous to have missed out.

    Have a quick question about the wave start though which hopefully someone can fill me in on, (not sure if it's been covered already so apologies if it has been). From what I can gather, anyone who started in an earlier wave than they should have, ie people with green numbers starting in the orange pen, seem to have the exact same chip and gun times and have been given chip times that are 5 minutes less than they should have been. This is the case with a few guys from the club who had improved a lot since they registered and I suppose were chancing their arm a bit in moving into a better pen.

    Has anyone else noticed this issues, or have the marathon mentioned it anywhere? Cheers

  • Registered Users Posts: 570 ✭✭✭slowsteady

    Does anybody know how to get your positon by chip time not finish time?
    As far as I know from last year the website only positions you by gun time.

    If it is still the same buy the Indo and do it manually, they have the chip times. Bit of a pain but it can be done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    4 stars (good)
    Does anybody know how to get your positon by chip time not finish time?

    Finish time is your official time, so they don't sort the results by chip time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,677 ✭✭✭kit3

    4 stars (good)
    Had a fantasic day yesterday. The support out there was amazing. A huge thank you to the 5 hour pacers. Was really aiming to just finish but started with them to stop myself getting excited and rushing off (my race would have been over in the park !). Managed to stay with them till mile 21 when despite the best efforts of Ger664 I had to let them drift. Put the head down and kept going. Felt better and got a bit faster from mile 24. Could still see the balloons in the distance and went for it. Rounding the corner to Merrion Square I could see Ger664 looking around for stragglers. He spotted me and literally shouted me over the line counting down the seconds to 5 hours. Managed to get over the line in 4:59:43 :D Huge thank you to Ger664 for this.

    No issues at the water stations when I came along - must have been lucky or others were unlucky ?

    Will definately be back next year, all going well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    4 stars (good)
    Bloody hell, talking about positions - the TDS site has my position at each timing mat

    5 miles - 5298
    1/2 - 3455
    20 - 2321
    End - 1859

    (I started at the beginning of wave 2 so must have passed a lot of wave 1 along the way)

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭marathonm@n

    RayCun wrote: »
    Finish time is your official time, so they don't sort the results by chip time.

    RayCun wrote: »
    Bloody hell, talking about positions - the TDS site has my position at each timing mat

    5 miles - 5298
    1/2 - 3455
    20 - 2321
    End - 1859

    (I started at the beginning of wave 2 so must have passed a lot of wave 1 along the way)

    should be sorted by chip time and finish the same but this explains why we passed thousands of runners. they started in the first wave to counteract this. I know I will do the same next year. having to weave in and out to pass thousands of runners is not the ideal race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    4 stars (good)
    should be sorted by chip time and finish the same but this explains why we passed thousands of runners. they started in the first wave to counteract this. I know I will do the same next year. having to weave in and out to pass thousands of runners is not the ideal race.

    If you start in the first wave and can't run under 3.30, then you are part of the problem. You are one of the runners that everyone else has to weave around.

    And for what? So you can see if you're the 3000th runner home or the 4000th? :confused: Who cares?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,340 ✭✭✭TFBubendorfer

    Thanks again. I don't think you have any idea how much it helped. You guys and the balloons became my focus. Distracted me that tiny bit from all my tiredness. I needed something to block out the pain. It was incredible. All I could think about was keeping focused on the balloons. I had absolutely nothing left until you guys gave me a renewed focus.
    I would love to buy you all a pint some day because the feeling I have since it is something that will stay with me forever. I beat my target time by 11 secs so thank you for getting me there. I tried to go and thank you all but I couldn't go any further when I finished and you were gone when I started moving again. I barely remember the finish as I thought I was going to pass out.

    The help you provided was MASSIVE. THANK YOU

    Thanks for posting that, that really makes me feel good now. When I crossed the line with only a handful of guys around me, I wasn't sure if I had provided any real help to anyone.

    Thank you, very much appreciated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 118 ✭✭marathonm@n

    RayCun wrote: »
    If you start in the first wave and can't run under 3.30, then you are part of the problem. You are one of the runners that everyone else has to weave around.

    And for what? So you can see if you're the 3000th runner home or the 4000th? :confused: Who cares?
    don't understand this post?

    i ran under 3.30 but started in the 2nd wave but had to pass out thousands who had obviously started in the first wave. i started in the wave that i thought best suited my predicted time so as not to get in the faster runners path.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,365 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    4 stars (good)
    RayCun wrote: »
    Bloody hell, talking about positions - the TDS site has my position at each timing mat

    5 miles - 5298
    1/2 - 3455
    20 - 2321
    End - 1859

    (I started at the beginning of wave 2 so must have passed a lot of wave 1 along the way)

    Yeah mine is similar. I started overtaking people in hordes around mile 11 I guess. My position jumped by over 1700 between 5 miles and half way :eek: Given about 5000 people probably started in wave one and I finished 2729, I must of overtaken about half of the first wave? :confused:
