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Renouncing Irish Citizenship



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,724 ✭✭✭tallaghtmick

    I was forced abroad to the UK in 2001, after the LC, for 4 years, then in Ireland for 3 years (the most miserable 3 years of my life), and then to Spain for 3 years, where I am now.

    The government agencies I work for here in Spain sped up my application for Spanish citizenship a few months ago, as I have provided them with solid, constant work for the past 3 years.

    I now hold a Spanish passport and have no reason to renew my Irish one (expired 2010).

    I seriously want to denouce my Irish Citizenship.

    I do not want my children to know that their father is from Ireland, and have to deal with all the negative conotations that go with it.

    I know the process, but I'm asking for advice on this. Has anyone done this before, and are other Irish emmigrants doing this?

    I want to go right ahead and do it, but my parents, siblings and friends are going nuts over my decision.

    I hate what Ireland has become and I don't want to be part of it. I want out. I don't want to be Irish. Why is that bad? :confused:

    i read 3 lines thats enough for me go fcuk yourself that is all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,769 ✭✭✭✭The Hill Billy

    My children will never visit Ireland.

    On a positive note - at least we'll have a few less annoying exchange students to put up with.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭smk89

    Do you honestly think that your citizenship defines who you are?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,739 ✭✭✭johnmcdnl

    what's so bad about ireland compared to spain :confused:

    was their anything wrong with being irish until the IMF showed up - I didn't see half as many people claiming to hate being Irish until lately..

    isn't spain also in a serious finanical crisis too, and I was watching some program that was showing how corrupt a lot of politican officials were in spain and some mayors are even doing hard time in jail now and all it was that bad...

    unless your going with the negative connotations of irish being drunken paddys - well Spanish people are inhuman pricks who do kill bulls after hours of torturing them for entertainment..

    what are the negative connotations associated with being irish :confused: I used think that everyone loved us being we were a generally happy people who never did anyone any real harm??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 132 ✭✭hsi

    johnmcdnl wrote: »

    what are the negative connotations associated with being irish :confused: I used think that everyone loved us being we were a generally happy people who never did anyone any real harm??

    The guy who started the thread lives in cloud-cocu-land. Take it from me ho has more experience of spain that the poster (20 years experience). Being Irish is very well received in Spain. Any many other countries.

    We are a neutral country and our passport opens a lot of doors.

    Had to travel to Afica last year and some countries ask my British friends to pay a $100 visa charge, but Irish passport was free as we give aid to them.

    I think the Guy never really understood Ireland in the 1st place and now in Spain as hyped up vision we are worse than spain... LOL./. He needs to open his eyes.

    If Ireland were so bad.. why do thousands of spanards come to Ireland each year to learn English.

    His facts are so off the way they should close this thread.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 105 ✭✭james098

    I think OP you really want to rethink your decision your not only making a decision that will affect yourself but also as you said hurt your friends and family and also deny your kids there roots I am born a Scot my kids are Irish I am pround of this as I hope my children 1 day will be proud to be Irish...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,230 ✭✭✭Solair

    So what happens when Spain's economic crisis requires EU-IMF intervention sometime in 2011. The 40 odd cajas / caxias (savings / loans banks) are as over exposed to property as Anglo or AIB, unemployment is 20% and rising, youth unemployment is close to 70% and exports are floundering.

    Are you going to throw away your spanish passport and ID card as soon as that comes to a head and announce on that you're sick of being Spanish too!!??

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 355 ✭✭GizAGoOfYerGee

    hsi wrote: »
    Being Irish is very well received in Spain (far more that being british)

    Eh, you have to be kidding me? Have you lived in Spain? The Spanish look down on the Irish more than any other EU State. In Spain, the Irish are seen as lazy, drunk, stupid people. (which we are) but the Spanish really push it.

    "Being Irish is very well received" - it is certainly not!

    The British are worshiped in Spain, hence 'El Corte Ingles' and the various gobsh!tes wearing Union Jacks on clothing.

    I think you need to live in Spain in order to understand what I'm on about.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,230 ✭✭✭Solair

    Eh, you have to be kidding me? Have you lived in Spain? The Spanish look down on the Irish more than any other EU State. In Spain, the Irish are seen as lazy, drunk, stupid people. (which we are) but the Spanish really push it.

    "Being Irish is very well received" - it is certainly not!

    The British are worshiped in Spain, hence 'El Corte Ingles' and the various gobsh!tes wearing Union Jacks on clothing.

    I think you need to live in Spain in order to understand what I'm on about.

    I have lived in Spain, in fact as recently as 4 weeks ago and I can honestly say that I have absolutely never encountered anything like the attitudes you are describing.

    Are you sure you're not living on Gibraltar???

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,769 ✭✭✭✭The Hill Billy

    The Spanish look down on the Irish more than any other EU State. In Spain, the Irish are seen as lazy, drunk, stupid people.
    Maybe they are looking down on just you?

    Are you lazy & drunk? (We are clear on the last bit from previous posts.)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 132 ✭✭hsi

    Eh, you have to be kidding me? Have you lived in Spain? The Spanish look down on the Irish more than any other EU State. In Spain, the Irish are seen as lazy, drunk, stupid people. (which we are) but the Spanish really push it.

    "Being Irish is very well received" - it is certainly not!

    The British are worshiped in Spain, hence 'El Corte Ingles' and the various gobsh!tes wearing Union Jacks on clothing.

    I think you need to live in Spain in order to understand what I'm on about.

    Si, Vivi y trabaje 20 anos en espana!. Joder tio no sabes nada de nuestra pais ni nuestra cultura. (el de irlanda)

    So my experience, real experience of spain trumps yours. And over 20 years I have never ever had a bad experience of being Irish.

    El Corte Ingles.. is not a british store, just the name, the food is spanish.

    and the spanish do not look down on the Ireland, Each year I bring thousands to Ireland to learn English, because in Spain its seem that the english in Ireland is of a better international standard that elsewhere in europe.

    What are your credentials? From what I can see you are what.. 3 years in Spain. I went in 1991. I opened my own Irish School of English in Salamanca.

    I think you need to separate the Irish Costa del Sol tourist vision of some Irish who go on Holidays. Outside the Marbella/Torremolinos/costa del sol areas being Irish is very very well received.

    And from a Man who travels between spain and Ireland, Ireland is in a far better state at the moment than Spain is. 14% unemployement v 20% in spain, a growing export economy. And unemployment here is falling (not rising like in spain).

    Also if Ireland is so bad, why did 5000 spainards come to Dublin last year for work?

    Tio, de verdad no sabes nada de nada de Irlanda. Vives en tu "utopia", no en la realidad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,284 ✭✭✭wyndham

    Can't you maintain dual nationality? Be both mick and spick? Could be handy in the future. For you or your offspring. You don't know what will happen with the European experiment.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,897 ✭✭✭MagicSean

    Don't be silly. Trolls can't become citizens. They are mythical creatures.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 132 ✭✭hsi

    wyndham wrote: »
    Can't you maintain dual nationality? Be both mick and spick? Could be handy in the future. For you or your offspring. You don't know what will happen with the European experiment.

    Yes, as an Irish Citizen you are allowed to have dual citizenship. But spain may not. An Irish Passport very good thing to have. Being a small neutral country has its advantages.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 355 ✭✭GizAGoOfYerGee

    wyndham wrote: »
    Can't you maintain dual nationality? Be both mick and spick?


    I'm really sorry for not replying to you all. So many replies, I'll deal will all of them soon. Bear with me. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭Jet Black

    If your serious about this you'd get a better response on the leagal discussion forum and by contacting<br />
    Posting that here in after hours is just looking for trouble and borderline trolling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,284 ✭✭✭wyndham

    Pity your children. Never to taste Hickory rashers, Superquinn sausages, Hunky Dorys, Brown Bread, etc. How can you renounce bacon and cabbage? I ask you! The humanity of it!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 355 ✭✭GizAGoOfYerGee

    Jet Black wrote: »
    Posting that here in after hours is just looking for trouble and borderline trolling.

    I am not trolling. I want to renounce my citizenship and sever all ties with Ireland.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,018 ✭✭✭Mike 1972

    OP by all means dont bother renewing your passport (If only to avoid dealing with the bunch of ignorant dickheads in the passport office) but why deny your offspring the choice that multiple nationality offers them ?
    hsi wrote: »
    Had to travel to Afica last year and some countries ask my british friends.

    Given that you claim theyre youre friends the least you can do for them is to extend them the courtesy of referring to their nationality in the proper manner :mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,597 ✭✭✭WIZE

    Eh, you have to be kidding me? Have you lived in Spain? The Spanish look down on the Irish more than any other EU State. In Spain, the Irish are seen as lazy, drunk, stupid people. (which we are) but the Spanish really push it.

    i for one are happy your gone. i dont like people like you. i would prefer to people liking me for me and not where im from.

    if you say the spanish think we are lazy and drunk which you agree with will your a dick.

    im glad that your family are ashamed of you for doing this as they did there best to bring you up and you turn your back on them with their grand kids

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 132 ✭✭hsi

    WIZE wrote: »
    i for one are happy your gone. i dont like people like you. i would prefer to people like me for me and not where im from.

    if you say the spanish think we are lazy and drunk which you agree with will your a dick.

    im glad that your family are ashamed of you for doing this as they did there best to bring you up and you turn your back on them with their grand kids

    Don't egg him on, he is trolling, Its all "His" opinion, not based on real facts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭The Orb

    OP, if you are going to damn the whole country can you please tell us specifically why you so loathe it? Is blaming the entire country easier for you than taking responsibility yourself for how your life has unfolded. I am genuinely baffled as to how anyone can renounce their nationhood so damningly. Whatever you think and whatever passport you hold or not, you ARE Irish and will never be Spanish.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,430 ✭✭✭testicle

    I do not want my children to know that their father is from Ireland, and have to deal with all the negative conotations that go with it.

    Are you a pikey or something?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 355 ✭✭GizAGoOfYerGee

    wyndham wrote: »
    Pity your children. Never to taste Superquinn sausages!

    Urgh :( I love SQ sausages - best in Europe!

    But no, strictly no British foods for my kids. Only local Spanish stuff. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,230 ✭✭✭Solair

    If you do want to renounce your citizenship, go ahead! It's a free country!

    All you had to do was google it :

    Simple process, that doesn't involve ranting online and making statements on behalf of the population of Spain, who you clearly don't know much about!

    Few questions for you

    What's the capital of your autonomia?
    What is a DNI?
    Name some popular pastries from your region..
    How do you identify a Spanish mobile number?

    I. Don't actually believe that you are in Spain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,104 ✭✭✭Swampy

    Feck off to We don't like your type around here.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,230 ✭✭✭Solair

    Swampy wrote: »
    Feck off to We don't like your type around here.

    They won't be too happy with him/her either. Already making sweeping nasty statements on behalf of all Spanish people based on no facts!

    I've never, ever experienced any attitudes like the OP is describing anywhere in Spain.

    I can only assume he's living in Trollovia...I mean if one is going to write an anti irish rant, at least pick a country that has a remotely believable anti-Irish bias lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 111 ✭✭ericsinjun

    I'd wonder what "forced" you away in 2001, maybe that has you ashamed of yourself and then projecting your shame on the entire population?
    You must have some serious insecurities to tar a country because of what you did or whatever.
    If you want to renounce your citizenship, make up a new back story for yourself, forget your friends and family, there's not a bit stopping you. Just keep running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 121 ✭✭futonic

    I believe he is in Spain alright, but I don't believe he actually wants advice or discussion. He's just here to provoke reaction. Bit sad really. If he did actually want advice he would have gone to "legal discussion", or maybe politics.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,389 ✭✭✭✭Saruman

    I´ve been living in Spain for 3 years.

    I have to say that the majority of people I have met here are under the impression that Irish people are of Anglo or English decent and that both islands are one country. They often say "English people" or "England" to refer to everyone in the Isles.

    It can be annoying at times, but in fairness, we speak the same, look the same and act the same, so one can´t really blame them for assuming these things.

    I often speak Irish with two other friends over here (we all went to Irish school), and the Spaniards are always intriuged and are very open to learning more about the language and Irish culture in general.

    How did you go from this to wanting to sever all ties with Ireland?

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