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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 178 ✭✭boxoff

    kildareash wrote: »
    Hi Monife,
    It's only natural that you feel disappointed when you don't do aswell as you wanted to, even tho you've put in all the effort.

    It does sound strange that you were having bigger weight losses on the old plan. Everyone seems to be loosing loads on propoints.

    Have you talked to your leader about it? I think the new plan kinda promotes a slower, steadier weight loss, so that could be one reason.

    Stick with it - after all even losing 1lb per week is 3 and a half stone in a year!

    Ash x

    Monife, I know exactly how ya feel! I had a good loss my first week on new plan (5lb) and then the following week continued to follow it very strictly - wasn't out, did use weekly or excerise points and didnt eat any junk what so ever. I walked every evening 3miles at a fast pace and was very disheartened when I discovered at WI I had actually put up 1.5 lbs - was really pure P***ed off - but hey think it just took a while for me to even out on the new plan - lost 6.5lbs this week doing exactly the same thing - keep it up girl! Chin up! buy yourself a new pair of shoes or a bag to reward your efforts!

  • Registered Users Posts: 47 SAexpat

    Finally did it and joined weightwatchers tonight. Must study the book and make sure I understand it, the lady there was so quick with us newbies, that wheel thing is nuts, much harder than the old one!
    This is a great forum, will be on here more often, you girls are great inspiration!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 hillyrob

    Haven't posted since last Saturday, and have spent the morning reading all the posts. Just wanted to say well done to everyone on loosing and staying focused:D:D:D


    Could I use something else instead of 'wheat bran' in the muffins? I can't buy that in Korea:( Thanks x

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭Monife

    Rubiee wrote: »
    Only getting a chance to update now. WI was yesterday lost 2 lbs so that got me my first silver 7. Took 4 weeks. Am really happy with that as had a mid-week hotel break in the middle of it.
    Am really liking this new plan now that I've got my head around it. For those that were a bit disheartened with it this week - keep at it, it does work.
    Monife if I were you I would try using up the bonus points. In our class the better losses seemed to be mostly with people who had eaten all or most of the weekly points as well. Personally I use all my daily ones and almost all of the weekly ones but I don't touch any activity points earned.

    Hi Rubiee, yeah I dont touch the activity points either. I am a bit anxious to eat all the bonus points because our leader said if you eat all the weeklies and bonus it's nearly like maintenance...

    Friends birthday this weekend, so will be drinking all my weeklies lol :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 283 ✭✭Kay_80

    Congratulations on the losses everyone well done!!

    To those who were unhappy with their WI I hope today & this week is better for you, it does seem in this plan that it really takes a month or so to kick into gear & sometimes the additional exercise takes until the following week to kick in. Have faith it will happen & okay the scale may not be moving as fast as we'd like but you are definitely healthier now than before you started the plan & I'm sure you're losing inches off your body too but you may not realise it yet maybe start measuring yourself each week on WI day too?

    Well my WI day is Friday & I don't want to cheat & check beforehand because I'll drive myself around the bend!

    I survived my first real test last night, some friends decided we 'had' to go out for dinner last minute to an Italian restaurant & I had to go, I was stressed (silly I know) because I'd already made my lunch for the day & it was a lovely tuna salad with pitta & well between that, breakfast & a snack I had used 11 of my points, I'd intended on any 'dinner out or at someones house where I would fill up on salad & WW free point soup to ensure I wouldn't go over my points so this being last minute threw me & I was not prepared hence the stress!!

    But I faired really well they had an oven baked fillet of salmon in lemon & thyme on the menu with oven roasted veg, yes there was olive oil but I managed to avoid all pasta, cheese & the points overloaded salads of olives & sundried toms! I had two small glasses of wine as well I know I overpointed but I'd rather budget over than under so I reckon I came in at about 36 points which is 7 over my daily but I had 29 weeklies left :D

    I'm a total carbaholic so being able to avoid bread, pasta & risotto is huge for me & I'm really happy I made a good food choice, pointed & most importantly socialised with the girls had loads of fun & didn't feel I was on a diet or looked like I did either! :) I wanna keep quiet as long as I can about WW to my nearest & dearest until I have the first stone gone I've over 3 to lose but if I was a third of the way there it'd be a great help so 5lb down 9 to go & hopefully that 9 will be a smaller number come WI on Friday!

    Jwacqui I loved your YT vid you are an amazing inspiration going to find your channel later & watch the others :) thanks for sharing them & PS you look amazing so well done on your fantastic weightloss! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 758 ✭✭✭bubbaloo

    Well done everyone on the losses - lovely to read all the success stories.
    Moniffe - I was disappointed this week too but thinking about it over the last two days I have decided that my weight loss is going to be a long process (at least 4.5 stone to lose) and in that time I will have good and bad weeks. I don't want the bad weeks to prevent the good weeks from coming so I'm going to try to accept a bad week and move on. I hope that helps!

    As for a sweet treat - I discovered this last night........

    Aldi meringue shells - 2 for 1pp
    WW yoghurt - 1pp
    Therefore - 3 shells plus half a WW yoghurt is 2pp
    Add a load of berries or other fruit and it's absolutely delicious!! :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 172 ✭✭jackmax

    yummy just made the muffins and they are gorgeous :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    hillyrob wrote: »
    Haven't posted since last Saturday, and have spent the morning reading all the posts. Just wanted to say well done to everyone on loosing and staying focused:D:D:D


    Could I use something else instead of 'wheat bran' in the muffins? I can't buy that in Korea:( Thanks x

    I dont really know. I just followed the recipe from a magazine. I'm sure there probably is a local substitute. Just wouldn't have a clue what

  • Registered Users Posts: 210 ✭✭amira

    WI yesterday, my first week, 6lb down!! i'm delighted!! :D
    I hope i didnt ruined then tho coz i went out for dinner, it was the OH's b'day so we always go for a meal.. tried to be healthy but not sure.. had a pointless salad for lunch so I had all the points for dinner, well, except the breakky, then i had steak that came with a lil bowl of salad and a lil bowl of rice and had garlic mushrooms for starter.. I couldnt have dessert i was so full.. but all in all i dont think it was too bad.. just have no clue on how to point it.. gonna take it as i did all my points for the day, i dont think the dinner had more than 24 points that it was what i had left as I only spent 5 for breakfast..

    Today is back to normal tho.. would really love a 2lb loss for next week, i know ppol dont seem to lose loads on week 2 so i wont be disappointed and wont undo my good work!

    C'mon! we can do it! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 113 ✭✭Garden_Gurl

    eok56 wrote: »

    got this link, not sure of the points in them but some of the recipes look interesting, must try them!!

    Its actually got the points in the recipes old and new!! :)
    I discovered this site yesterday on my lunch....i wrote out a recipe for the cordon bleu which looked lovely and also the grilled chicken (think it was in BBQ sauce or something)!

    I haven't been on here much the last week and I feel the worse for it...have really had a crap week. Have WI tonight, i'm expecting a gain but I went shopping this morning and stocked up on all my healthy foods again and am back on track...OH is finding it hard this week too, he STS so we both need to give each other a good kick up the arse and get back in the right frame of mind.

    Going to get exercise in this week...think my FBIL has a treadmill in his house that he doesn't use, so going to look into getting that off him if he does!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Okay good and bad news,

    turns i lost 2 1/2 stone...i've corrected my thyroid issues enough that wont be going on any medication. So my really tough journey is going to stay REALLy tough. Maximum 110% effort to see minimal - moderate results!

    But I guess I should be weight loss IS making me healthier!

    I had lost 2 and half stone....but a stone of that crept back on with college & illness! But Nearly back to being 2 stone down.

    and i think i'm losing inches again! put on a hoody today i hadnt worn in ages....and it kinda felt a lil baggy! :D Either i've lost inches or my hoody got stretched in the way :P

    cant exercise till tooth is gotta be extra extra good with my eating and water.

    Dinner tonight:
    450g boiled new potatos 9pp
    2 fillets of Yellowfin Sole 8pp
    Total 17

    used Quorn mince last night in a spag bol....couldnt even finish my dinner it was REALLY filling.....normally with the turkey mince i'd eat my dinner and i'd kinda be....well i could have eaten a bit more if i was given it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 210 ✭✭amira

    That's good news lainy..
    if you dont mind me asking? why is it gonna be tougher now? did the medication helped u lose weight? sorry.. not too sure what u meant..

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 154 ✭✭lil kc

    So week 4 weigh in and I am down 3.5 lbs. I am delighted although that is for 2 weeks as I was away last week. So that is a total of 9 lbs now since January.

    I have to say my leader is excellent and very motivational but having this thread to refer to is really helping. Its great to read about everybodys success and struggles and really keeps me going throughout the week.

    I have only used 12 pro points today so think ill treat myself to a chicken chow mein tonight! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 297 ✭✭Slaygal

    Monife Well done that's brilliant. My understanding is that if you're on Maintenance you get 90 Weekly Propoints.

    Amira, What a brilliant loss.

    Lady Lainey, You're fantastic ! With an underactive Thryoid you've lost 2 stone, that's a huge achievement. You should extremely proud of yourself. :)

    I gained 2 pounds this week, I reckon it's a combination of Last week's wedding and eating rubbish the following day and a big meal out on Sunday with a couple of BIG glasses of wine.

    TOTM is here too which means the last 2 days I have eaten badly.

    Need to get back on track

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    my weight loss IS making me healthier!

    Hey Lady,
    That is the main point. rather than relying on meds to correct a problem...your body is doing the work itself now, without mechanical aid. Which is fantastic.
    My OH has a long term illness and has been on steriods for over a year now...result: he has osteopenia. So now docs are trying to get him off the steriods so they can't do anymore damage.

    This week's RTE guide has a WW supplement in it again. Some nice recipes like this chicken bake, a marbled chocolate cheesecake (6pp per slice) or a strawberry trifle loaf (2pp)
    Definately going to try some of them over the next few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    kildareash wrote: »
    Hey Lady,
    That is the main point. rather than relying on meds to correct a problem...your body is doing the work itself now, without mechanical aid. Which is fantastic.
    My OH has a long term illness and has been on steriods for over a year now...result: he has osteopenia. So now docs are trying to get him off the steriods so they can't do anymore damage.

    This week's RTE guide has a WW supplement in it again. Some nice recipes like this chicken bake, a marbled chocolate cheesecake (6pp per slice) or a strawberry trifle loaf (2pp)
    Definately going to try some of them over the next few weeks.

    Chicken bake sounds nice! my mum uses the oven alot...could just slot it in with her stuff. Must pick that up tomorrow!

    Just with my body would freaking respond a lil faster to my efforts...i just have to sniff food and i'll gain 1/2 st! but could take a weeks just to lose it!

    But feck it! Just gotta keep going and tipping away at it. I have the summer to seriously work my as i don't envisage any summer jobs coming on stream anytime soon. cos i will be back in college in september again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Slaygal wrote: »
    Lady Lainey, You're fantastic ! With an underactive Thryoid you've lost 2 stone, that's a huge achievement. You should extremely proud of yourself. :)

    Ah thanks very much! It just took everything i had to lose that 2.5st to begin with. Took nearly a whole year! And it took over my whole life!
    Really slow going...(that was on the old system)

    and i've a fair bit to go....just feels like i'll never get there sometimes...

    But trying to look at it in a new way....trying to think of it that i'm only doing it to lose 7lbs! Eventually the 7s gotta add up LOL.

    I'm not feeling down...more bewildered that my thryoid results came back "within range". He says i have all the symthoms...but results are fine!

    Ah well! COME ON 1lb this week! GIMME 1lb saturday morning and i'll be thrilled cos i cant do any excercise this week cos of the tooth!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 Jojo81

    Hi everyone,
    I have been doing ww for about five years, lost the weight, felt great etc. Some slips back on, especially over xmas ! And i feel now i need a boost, i was thinking of changing to the pro-points but i want to know what you think. i am so used to the old way of doing it that i know the points in everything nearly off by heart, its become a way of life and something i find really effortless. Im thinking the new system might just be a pain in the neck and will i loose anything with it or even put on weight???
    Should i stick with what i know or try the new pro-points?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 154 ✭✭lil kc

    Jojo81 wrote: »
    Hi everyone,
    I have been doing ww for about five years, lost the weight, felt great etc. Some slips back on, especially over xmas ! And i feel now i need a boost, i was thinking of changing to the pro-points but i want to know what you think. i am so used to the old way of doing it that i know the points in everything nearly off by heart, its become a way of life and something i find really effortless. Im thinking the new system might just be a pain in the neck and will i loose anything with it or even put on weight???
    Should i stick with what i know or try the new pro-points?

    I think definitely go with the new one but you have to be ready for change. You have to go in with an open mind as if you were brand new to WW altogether. All it takes is a bit of time, you will get your starter pack, your new pro points calculator and all you have to do is go through your kitchen with a fine tooth comb and point everything again. Dont ever compare it to the old system cos you will drive yourself nuts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    lil kc wrote: »
    I think definitely go with the new one but you have to be ready for change. You have to go in with an open mind as if you were brand new to WW altogether. All it takes is a bit of time, you will get your starter pack, your new pro points calculator and all you have to do is go through your kitchen with a fine tooth comb and point everything again. Dont ever compare it to the old system cos you will drive yourself nuts.

    That is the perfect advice! approach it as tho you've never been in ww!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22 Jojo81

    Do you find that its better for loosing weight? i like the aspect of fruit and veg being free, as its either usually a banana or a small choc bar, and who in their right mind chooses the banana !!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 154 ✭✭lil kc

    Jojo81 wrote: »
    Do you find that its better for loosing weight? i like the aspect of fruit and veg being free, as its either usually a banana or a small choc bar, and who in their right mind chooses the banana !!

    I have had success with it, have lost 9 lbs since beginning of January. I am so strict with the food side of things because I haven't been exercising much. I think it is more realistic than the old system. Some people in our group have found it really difficult because they spend too much time comparing it to the old one. Almost obsessing over it! It will take you a couple of weeks to get used to but worth it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Jojo81 wrote: »
    Do you find that its better for loosing weight? i like the aspect of fruit and veg being free, as its either usually a banana or a small choc bar, and who in their right mind chooses the banana !!

    I think the new plan is ALOT healthier! in the new system...people are going to choose the banana as its 0pp! Its based on the entire nutritional value of the food not just the saturated fats. tho I still look at foods to see how much is saturated fat. but thats just outa interest cos saturated fats are the unhealthy ones...

    Its made me a bit braver in the kitchen and i've started cooking and baking. I never considered eating/making bran muffins before....or using Quorn mince.

    And i think its easier to get over a band day on the new plan. you dont save and borrow points from other days. So if you have a bad day...well so be it...the next day you start fresh with your daily you dont end up suffering the whole week for one bad day. or you dont "write off the week" and blow the entire week just cos of one bad day either! the new system is lifestyle friendly....but only if you embrace it completely. Best thing is to point your current foods and eating habits, to convert them over. then introduce ore remove foods as you please.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 863 ✭✭✭Eabhabear

    Jojo81 wrote: »
    Do you find that its better for loosing weight? i like the aspect of fruit and veg being free, as its either usually a banana or a small choc bar, and who in their right mind chooses the banana !!

    This was the first week I lost on the the new system because I had resistance to it. I used all my treat points as well as my daily points and I loss 3lbs. Before I felt it was too much food to be eating so I didn't use my treat points. But I sts when I did this. I have heard people with massive weekly losses on the new system. I don't think it's better for loosing weight, it's the same. But it's a better life change and a direction towards healthy eating while also living your life.

    Regarding fruit & veg, they are free but you should still only be having the recommended 5 portions a day as there are fruits that are sugar and won't help the weight loss if you have too much of them.

    Eabha x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,427 ✭✭✭Lady Lainy

    Going shopping tomorrow, Dunnes & Lidl.

    Anyone have any tips and suggestions I just have to have?

    :D:D:D:D I do my shop on the house is full of ww friendly foods and meals to keep my in line for the weekend. I weight in saturday mornings....its so easy to go off the walls on the weekend and say i have a whole week to undo it!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 863 ✭✭✭Eabhabear

    Lady Lainy wrote: »
    And i think its easier to get over a band day on the new plan. you dont save and borrow points from other days. So if you have a bad day...well so be it...the next day you start fresh with your daily you dont end up suffering the whole week for one bad day. or you dont "write off the week" and blow the entire week just cos of one bad day either! the new system is lifestyle friendly....but only if you embrace it completely. Best thing is to point your current foods and eating habits, to convert them over. then introduce ore remove foods as you please.

    This is very true. It's one of my favourite part of the new plan. If you go a few points over your daily points, you can take them out of the treat points. Also I love how you can keep the treat points for the weekend if you know you're going to have a big night. I hated before having to cut my daily points to save and still never had enough to cover it.

    The pull-out in the RTE guide has daily plans which could be a good place to find ideas for your shopping trip!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,590 ✭✭✭Pigwidgeon

    Down 4lbs this week and also got my first silver 7. Im delighted, really wasn't expecting it. Im converted to tracking now, the week before I didn't do it much, just with the calculator and I was up 1.5lbs. I tracked everything this week including fruit and water and success. So happy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭Monife

    :o Had a bit of a binge today. Had roast beef dinner (roasties and mash) in the onsite restaurant at work and then came home and ate 2 packets of skips and a curly wurly.

    Just annoyed with myself now. But even more annoyed that I was sooo good all week and only down 1lb, I think it tipped me over the edge. Zumba tonight so back on track tomorrow!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,468 ✭✭✭Ectoplasm

    Another 3lbs down this week. I'm going to try for a really good week ahead now, so that I can hit the stone mark for sure next week.

    Delighted really, as the week was hectic! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 62 ✭✭sosyourface

    Hi all,

    I usually eat my full 29 pts each day and would feel a but peckish afterwards, but so far today I've only eaten 21 pts!

    Medium portion of porridge, 3pts
    Low fat milk, 2pts
    Total 5 pts

    2 slices low cal toast plus butter, 4pts
    Scrambled egg (2 whites, 1 yolk), 3pts
    15g bag of popcorn, 2pts
    Total 9 pts

    120g chicken, 4pts
    Cajuin spice, 0pts
    Various veg, 0pts
    50g chunky chips, 3pts
    Total 7pts

    I find that if I don't eat my 29 every day I don't lose as much at weigh-in. But I don't know how I'll reach 29 today!

    I have my eye on a Curly Wurly (3pts) but that's still only 24. If I eat anything else I'll just feel guilty!!

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