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Work Problems

Problems that people are facing in work and how to deal with them [Anonymous posting allowed]
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Should I stay quiet or ask to reduce hours?
14-02-20 15:39
0 108
Need advice on unhygienic colleague!
12-02-20 15:03
9 2.1K
Incident with work car 12...78
12-02-20 17:22
223 21.8K
Company Closure and Redundancy Question
07-02-20 4:51
9 1.1K
Offered New Role
10-02-20 13:00
0 253
Advice needed - Pay witheld / constructive dismissal?
06-02-20 23:23
7 1.1K
Stuck on Zero Hours
24-01-20 7:05
2 735
Need advice on a career change
06-02-20 10:35
25 5.5K
Family business - advice?
16-01-20 3:53
18 2.8K
Hate my role, like the company- should I be honest at my probation review?
28-01-20 17:29
12 2.2K
Should training be paid?
04-02-20 20:17
16 2.1K
Contract Help
05-02-20 6:29
4 472
Broken ankle
04-02-20 16:58
8 1.1K
Work place - loan of money 12
01-02-20 23:12
38 7.4K
Indirect bullying 12
29-01-20 2:55
39 6.2K
Issue with colleague...
26-01-20 22:54
10 3.9K
Getting paid salary by cheque 12...56
06-01-20 22:44
161 18.7K
Query about deductions from wages
01-02-20 16:43
0 64
Do I have to work a Saturday external event after handing in notice? 12
31-01-20 10:14
38 4.8K
CCTV at work.
28-12-19 19:01
13 2.9K
gdpr breach at work
22-01-20 12:48
29 7.2K
Given false generic interview feedback
27-01-20 21:31
13 1.7K
Moving from UK to Ireland with my partner but only one of us has a job
22-01-20 10:16
16 2.2K
Taxed so heavily on Xmas OT/public holiday pay, is it worth it? 12
13-01-20 12:34
31 5.3K
Jury duty and work payment
17-01-20 21:36
3 878
Take promotion or not ???
22-01-20 21:52
16 2K
Employer withholding pay 1234
17-01-20 13:26
111 8.3K
Arrested after Work Christmas Party? 12...89
16-12-19 23:55
256 165.5K
New job - red flags
11-01-20 0:29
4 1.6K
Annual leave notice period 12
15-01-20 11:17
42 3.8K